Delta Optical Stryker HD 4.5-30x56 FFP

Delta Optical Stryker HD 4.5-30x56 FFP

(6 reviews)
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Delta Optical Stryker HD 4.5-30x56 FFP Product description

  • The Delta Stryker HD 4.5-30x56 is a high-quality riflescope that is well-made and exquisitely constructed.
  • It features a side focus parallax that goes down to 23 meters and up to infinity, as well as improved turrets with a locking mechanism and 10 MIL of travel per revolution.
  • The scope also has a zero stop, making it easier to return to zero after making adjustments.
  • The optics are decent for the price range, and the field of view is 8.3 meters per 100 meters wide.
  • Overall, the Delta Stryker HD 4.5-30x56 is an excellent riflescope that would be a great addition to any collection.

About the Delta Stryker HD 4.5-30x56

Delta Optical's Stryker HD is a MIL/MIL fully tactical scope made in Japan.

Delta Stryker HD 4.5-30x56 is well-made and exquisitely constructed, and you can tell it's a high-quality item. It weighs approximately one kilogram, and the battery that powers the illumination is the normal CR 2032. The riflescope has a side focus parallax, which goes all the way down to 23 meters, and up to infinity.

Stryker HD parallax was previously its weakest feature, but it has been improved on this model. Parallax with an extremely long travel allows you to fine-tune the precise settings at any distance.

The reticle subtensions are always in MIL, meaning they matched the click value of the turrets. The click is always one centimeter. There are three different variations of the reticle available with Stryker HD 4.5-30x56 scope: LRD-1T (Christmas tree type of reticle), L RD-1P (tactical reticle) and DLR-1 (tactical reticle). All the reticles are illuminated.

Illumination system has 11 settings and it's meant for low light use only. This is not a wide-angle CQB scope, it's a long-range riflescope. The only thing that is lighted with the DLR-1 reticle is the center dot, which is ideal.

Delta Optical Stryker HD 4.5-30×56 scope has improved turrets that feature a locking mechanism and have 10 MIL of travel per one revolution, 100 clicks in one turn. The first generation's turrets lacked a locking mechanism and had no zero-stop. The zero stop is one of the features that make this scope so appealing. It's a mechanical hard stop that stops exactly at zero. The total elevation range is 30 MRAD or 30 MIL, which is a significant amount.

The Delta Stryker HD 4.5-30x56 features a 56mm objective lens, a 6.6x zoom, and decent optics for this price range, especially considering its low cost in the category of MIL/MIL tactical scopes. The field of view is 8.3 meters per 100 meters wide, which could have been better, but it's not a major problem. It also features a fast focus with a diopter range of -3 to +3, which is great.

What’s in the Box?

With the Delta Optical Stryker HD 4.5-30×56 riflescope you get:

  1. a sunshade,
  2. battery,
  3. the lens covers, and
  4. a small throw lever


It's produced in Japan and comes with a 10-year warranty. Delta Optical is situated in Poland, so warranty claims and servicing can be completed within Europe quickly and locally.

General properties

Manufacturer Delta Optical
Riflescopes series Delta Optical Stryker HD
Made in Japan
In production since -
Warranty 10 years
SKU do-2500c

Optical properties

Variable magnification Yes
Minimal magnification. 4.50 x
Maximum magnification. 30.00 x
Diopter range - 2.0/ + 3.0
Lens diameter. 56.00 mm
Min. exit pupil. 1.90 mm
Max. exit pupil. 8.80 mm
Min. field of view. 1.20 m/100m
Max. field of view. 8.30 m/100m
Min. eye relief. 80.00 mm
Max. eye relief. 98.00 mm
Twilight Factor -
Light transmission -
Fast focus eyepiece -

Turret properties

Adjustment per click 10mm/100m - 0.10MIL
Turret Type Tactical
Zero Stop Yes
Elevation (mrad). 29.07 mrad
Elevation (MOA). 100.00 MOA
Windage (mrad). 14.54 mrad
Windage (MOA). 50.00 MOA

Reticle properties

Reticle position 1. focal plane - FFP
Reticle illumination Yes
Illumination color Red
Daytime-usable illumination No
Auto Turn-Off -

Parallax properties

Parallax setting -
Parallax adjustment Yes - side focus
Parallax adj. range 23 m to inf.

Physical properties

Length. 358.00 mm
Weight. 1,002.00 g
Working temperature range -20 / +70 °C
Filled with Nitrogen
Lens coating Fully Multicoated
Tube diameter 34 mm
Mount rail type No
Objective diameter 65 mm
Eyepiece diameter 44.8 mm
Color Black

Special features

Waterproof Yes
Fogproof Yes
Shockproof Yes
Special features Fogproof, Fully multicoated, Illuminated reticle, Parallax adjustment, Shockproof, Tactical Turrets, Variable, Waterproof
Built-in rangefinder No

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Reviews & Testimonials

6 reviews
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Follow up

So far so good, turrets seem to track ok, they can still be moved without resistance in cold weather, no problem on the lenses with a wet and cold environment. Illumination is a bit on the weak side, but works in dusk or overcast situations. All in all, I like it. I would also like to the test the new Stryker HD 3.5-21x44.

Review by

Posted on

First look, good job Delta Optical

I only have it for a short time, but on the first look its an amazing optic, specially for the price. Tests in the mountains will follow and time will tell. I think this one is a winner! If something changes or I tested it enough, a follow up review or comment is likely. Thanks for the excellent service from the optics-trade team. Cheers from Switzerland

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poor signage on the domes šibek napis na kupolah

The domes should be exactly the same as on the Stryker 5-50; i.e. with large numbers for easy visibility, and the L/D split with numbers to the left and right.
Kupole bi morale biti čisto enake kot na Stryker 5-50; torej z velikimi številkami za lažjo vidljivost, ter L/D razdeljen s številkami v levo in desno stran.

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4 4

The optics are very good, there is a lot of talk about it on the internet, so no need to discover America about it, the parallax has been corrected to rotate by 7/8 turns and it rivals the best optics in this segment. How much the mechanics are precise and cross-hatched is not yet tested. Depth of field is satisfactory so far, the distance of the eye from the eyepiece does not change much when changing magnification.<br><br>The worst solved issues are around the centre of the cross, where you have to think which line shows how much and it is not intuitively solved as in other crosses that strictly stick to 0.2 MIL divisions. The cross is on the thinner side, as in 95% of binoculars, so those who like low magnification and precise crosshairing will be at a disadvantage; it is only above 8× magnification that the crosshairs are normally and quickly noticeable.<br>The disaster is the instructions, which are completely useless for beginners. It is also necessary to search the internet to find out how they have solved the dome screwing system and the Zero Stop setting on this model. The domes are difficult to unscrew, especially for the horizontal, where you burn your fingers before unscrewing the dome. The parallax and magnification knobs are quite hard to turn and should be lighter as they will not necessarily soften over time. The 'locking' mechanism may be redundant, but that is a matter of taste.
Optika je zelo dobra, na internetih je veliko povedanega glede tega, tako da okoli tega ni potrebno odkrivati ameriko, paralaxa je popravljena tako da se zavrti za 7/8 obrata in se v tem segmentu kosa s najboljšimi optikami. Koliko je mehanika natančna in križ postrani še ni stestirano. Globinska ostrina zaenkrat zadovoljiva, oddaljenost očesa od okularja pri spreminjanju povečave se ne spreminja veliko.<br><br>Slabše rešene zadeve so okoli centra križa, kjer je potrebno pomisliti, katera črtica koliko kaže in ni intuitivno rešeno kot pri drugih križih, ki se striktno držijo 0,2 MIL razdelkov. Križ je na tanjši strani, tako kot pri 95% daljnogledih, tako da bodo ljubitelji nizkih povečav in natančnega merjenja po križu prikrajšan; šele nad 8× povečavo naprej so razdelki na križu normalno in hitro opazni.<br>Katastrofa pa so navodila, ki so popolnoma neuporabna za začetnike. Prav tako je potrebno po internetih poiskati, kako imajo pri tem modelu rešen sistem vijačenja kupol in nastavitev Zero Stopa. Kupole je težavno odvijačiti, še posebno za horizontalo, kjer si oguliš prste preden odvijačiš kupolo. Gumba za paralaxo in povečavo sta dokaj trda za vrtenje in bi morala biti lažja, ker ni nujno da se bosta s časom zmehčala. 'Locking' mehanizem je morda odveč, ampak to je stvar okusa.

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good optics, bad parallax

Scope has good image but the parallax knob should have been better.

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Posted on

Decent scope, poor parallax knob

Afordable MIL/MIL scope with most of the features I need. I miss the better turn indicator but for this price, this is not really a problem. I do think that side turret for the parallax should have been made better. It has way too little of travel and it is hard to set it correctly.

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Good afternoon. Are you sending them to Russia? Thanks.

by Andrey

Dear Andrey,

thank you for contacting us.

Unfortunately, we are unable to ship to Russia.

Should you require any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us again at

Kind Regards,

by Optics Trade team

Hello, The Delta Stryker 4.5-30x56 FFP scope you have in stock, is it the 2022 version ? What mounts would you recommend for this scope on a tikka t3x super varmint 6.5 creedmoor ? Best regards Elmar

by Elmar

Dear Sir,

thank you for contacting us. 

Yes, it is the newest version of this model and is also currently in stock meaning it can be shipped immediately.

You can see our offer of scope mounts with 34mm rings that are suitable for Tikka T3x here: 

Scope mounts for Tikka T3x ( 

We hope this was helpful. 

Should you require any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us again.

Kind regards 

by Optics Trade team

I will like to ask about the warranty and a phone number that I call from the US MY phone number is 717-398-6122 thanks


Dear Franklin,

thank you for contacting us.

Please contact us about warrant at where we can help you further.

If you will need any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us again.

Kind regards,

by Optics Trade team

Hello, do you know when the model with the LRD-1T reticle will be back in stock? Thanks and have a nice day

by Kilian

Dear Sir,

thank you for contacting us.

Unfortunately, this reticle is currently not in stock, the delivery time is approximately 6-8 weeks once ordered.

Kind regards

by Optics Trade team

Hi, I’m interested in the Delta 4.5-30 scope as it is a good price. As I live in the UK would I have to pay VAT or import duty tax if I purchased one. I am a private customer not business. Thanks

by Charles

Dear Sir,

thank you for contacting us.

Since the United Kingdom is no longer part of the EU due to Brexit, all of our prices are now tax-free, meaning all tax fees will have to be settled once the product arrives at the customs border in your country.

We kindly advise you to contact the customs office to get the exact quote for these costs.

Please note, if you choose the shipping method with all Customs fees included your order will arrive directly at your address and we will take care of all Customs and Tax procedures.  

Kind regards

209,00 €

by Optics Trade team

Hi could you tell me what generation of Delta Stryker HD these are? from my understanding there are at least 3 with 3rd being the much improved version over the previous..

by Graham

Dear Sir, 

thank you for your inquiry. 

We offer the 2020 model with the redesigned logo and the upgraded parallax knob which goes from 23m to 1500m and then infinity. 

Should you require any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us again. 

Kind regards 

by Optics Trade team

Hi was looking at buying the delta stryker 4.5-30 x 56. It is on your website for £1215.63 is this the total price including vat and any import tax etc? Cheers Steve

by Steven

Dear Sir,

thank you for contacting us.

The price for Delta Optical Stryker HD 4.5-30x56 FFP is £1,222.35 without VAT included.

We advise you to contact the customs office to get the exact quote for tax and customs duties.

Thank you for your understanding and please do not hesitate to contact us again if we can assist you in any other way.

Kind Regards

by Optics Trade team

Dear Sirs, I would like to buy Deta FFP rifle scope, please help me, what is the different between Stryker HD4.5-30x56 and Javelin 4.5-30x56? I want to buy for hunting short range and long range, I will use the ballistic tower every time. I had before Meopta optika6 (5-30x56), but the ballistic tower doesn't tolerate the lot of use. What do you think, the Delta optics tolerates this use? Thank for Your reply, Regards.

by Szilard

Dear Sir,

thank you for contacting us.

We kindly apologize for the late reply, which is a result of the increased demand for our services.

In terms of physical attributes, there are not many differences, especially in the eye. You can quickly spot that the Stryker scope is more compact, smaller, and more ergonomic than the Javelin but in regards to all other physical characteristics, they are more or less the same.

The real difference, however, is in the optical performance. Stryker is firstly brighter, but foremost the optical sharpness in the center and edges is better. Additionally, the parallax setting on the Stryker gen II is now very good and extremely nicely adjustable.

Make no mistake that Javelin is extremely good for its price, but if you want top-quality we would recommend the Stryker model.

Stryker is designed for all caliber use and has very good mechanical features.

Should you require any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us again.

Kind Regards,

by Optics Trade team

Who does warranty work on these in USA.? I have a Delta Stryker 5x50x56 HD . That Everytime I touch the fast focus eyepiece the reticle moves either up and down or side to side . I have serious doubts that this is normal.

by John

Dear Sir,

thank you for contacting us.

We kindly apologize for the late reply, which is a result of the increased demand for our services.

In regards to the problem that you are describing it is definitely not okay for the reticle to move, which would indicate that the diopter setting and the parallax setting do not work properly. Unfortunately, we don't have any contact in the USA in regards to Delta Optical.

Should you require any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us again.

Kind Regards,

by Optics Trade team

How much will this item cost delivered to my door including delivery and any import tax i live in kent UK delta stryker optical 4.5 x 30 x 56 ffp with lrd 1p rectical. also need a set of rings as its to go on a tikka t3 tac a1 - separate price for these please.

by Heath

Dear Sir,

thank you for contacting us.

The current price for the Delta Optical Stryker HD 4.5-30x56 FFP with the LRD1 reticle is £1,219.14. Also, you can find all the available shipping methods and their costs here:

Please note that we also, offer shipping methods with all the customs fees included meaning if you choose this option you do not have to worry about additional costs regarding import fees.

Regarding the mount, we would kindly like to ask you to contact us at

Thank you for your understanding.

If you will need any additional information please do not hesitate to contact us again.

Kind Regards

by Optics Trade team

Does Delta make a FFP MOA version of the Stryker?


Dear Sir,

thank you for contacting us.

Unfortunately, the Delta Optical Stryker HD 4.5-30x56 FFP riflescope is only available in MIL/MIL version.

Thank you for your understanding.

If you will need any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us again at

Kind Regards,

by Optics Trade team

Hello Is there a way I can tell the manufacture date on the Delta? If I have a serial number can you tell me the manufacture date?

by Conrad

Dear Sir,

thank you for contacting us.

We would kindly like to ask you to provide us with the serial number of your riflescope and we will contact the manufacturer Delta Optical regarding this matter.

You can contact us at

Thank you for your understanding.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Kind Regards,

by Optics Trade team

Is this the facelifted model of the Delta Stryker HD 4.5-30x56 you have in stock? Regards Tim

by Tim

Dear Sir,

thank you for contacting us.

Yes, it is the newest version of this model and is also currently in stock meaning it can be shipped immediately.

Thank you for your understanding.

If you will need any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us again.

Kind Regards

by Optics Trade team

Hello, I'm ready to place an order for the Delta Stryker HD 4.5-30x56 LRD-1T Reticle. It will be delivered to New York in the United States. What is the lead time? Thank you. Karl

by Karl

The estimated delivery time for Delta Optical Stryker HD 4.5-30x56 FFP with LRD 1T reticle is 2 weeks once ordered. For any additional information, you can contact us at

by Optics Trade team

Good morning, Could you give me an estimate on the import duties into the UK? Many thanks.

by Johannes

Since we are based in Slovenia (European Union) you could face some Customs procedures fees. Please note that when delivering outside the European Union Optics Trade is not responsible for any Customs charges of the customer’s country. Please check the potential fees of your purchase with your local Customs office.

by Optics Trade team

Hi! I'm interested in the Delta Optical Stryker HD 4.5-30x56 FFP. However, everywhere I look, it's basically impossible to see which "generation" I'm looking at. I want to get the 2020 version with the remade logo and upgraded parallax knob that goes to 1500m and then infinity. Are you offering this latest version?

by Daniel

We can confirm that we offer the 2020 model with the remade logo and the upgraded parallax knob which goes from 23m to 1500m and then infinity. We also have the product currently in stock meaning it can be shipped immediately.

by Optics Trade team

Hi Team, I am very keen on the Delta Stryker HD 4.5x30x56 scope with the DLR-1 MRAD reticle. My question is, other than shipping to Australia ($78.18AUD) and the cost of the scope ($2249.94) = Total $2328.12 AUD; Are there any other costs to me importing this scope such as customs, import tax etc please? Do the Eu have export restrictions such as ITAR in the US? I don't want to purchase the scope without this information. Any advice greatly appreciated. Thanks and best regards.

by Craig

Since we are based in Slovenia (European Union) you could face some Customs procedures fees, however. please note that when delivering outside the European Union Optics Trade is not responsible for any Customs charges of the customer’s country. Please check the potential fees of your purchase with your local Customs office. We've shipped Strykers to Australia in the past and they went through customs without any special concerns. 

by Optics Trade team

I am interested in a Delta Stryker HD 4.5-30. I am in the U.S and would like to know the procedure for handling any warranty work that might be needed. Thanks.

by Don

The warranty for this product is 10 years. In case of a warranty claim, all the paperwork and procedures are done by us.

by Optics Trade team

I am interested in this product. What scope rings would I need? I would like to mount on an M4 with a picattiny rail. Also, I have a European VAT number. Will VAT be zeroed in this case? Thank you.

by Oleksandr

You can buy the rings on our web site. For more information please contact us at: 

by Optics Trade team

Is the retical on the delta stryker 4.5-30x56 in milrads or in moa i know the turrets are in milrads

by Emmanuel

Yes, you are correct turrets are in milrads and so is the reticle.

by Optics Trade team

Thanks for your answer

by Emmanuel R Quinones

Hello, i have the Stryker HD 4,5-30x56 FFP LRD-1T. But i Miss a user Manual were i can find the torque in NewtonMeter for the mount rings? Please halb me, Best regards

by Ben

Unfortunately, there is none. We would kindly ask you to take a look at our Optics Trade Blog on torque values with riflescope mounts.

by Optics Trade team

I'm in Canada is there duty fees and if so how much I want delta stryker

by Ron

Since we are based in Slovenia (European Union) you could face some Customs procedures fees, however. please note that when delivering outside the European Union Optics Trade is not responsible for any Customs charges of the customer’s country. Please check the potential fees of your purchase with your local Customs office.

by Optics Trade team

Hello, Re: the Delta Optical Stryker HD 4.5-30x56 FFP, would you be able to tell me the EXTERNAL diameter of the objective: need to know this to order rings. I am looking to purchase this scope from you soon. Len

by Leonard

The outer objective diameter of this riflescope is 65 mm. 

by Optics Trade team

I am interested in the delta Stryker hd 4.5-30-56. Do you have dealers in USA? Can you ship to USA?

by Todd

We can ship this product to the USA without a problem.

by Optics Trade team

Hello. I'm interested in an Delta Optical Stryker HD 4.5-30x56 FFP. This is 1st or 2nd generation on this link. tnx.

by Alex

This is the second generation of the Stryker models.

by Optics Trade team

I have been looking Delta Optical Stryker Hd 4.5-30x56 scope for a while now. According to my understanding there some differences between different yearmodels. Pictures at your website are newest gen(rebranding etc)?. So i need to know is scopes what you are selling the newest gen. The website says NO on locking turrets? Is this true.

Best regards


by Timo

The first generation of Stryker models lacked the locking-turret feature, however, the new generation 2 models are designed with this very useful characteristic.

by Optics Trade team