Swarovski ATS 20-60x80 HD

Swarovski ATS 20-60x80 HD

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Swarovski ATS 20-60x80 HD Product description

We do not ship Swarovski products to USA.

General properties

Manufacturer Swarovski
Spotting Scope Series Swarovski 80 mm HD
Made in Austria
Warranty 10 years
SKU 02130501+02132002

Optical properties

Variable magnification Yes
Min. magnification. 22.27 x
Max. magnification. 66.81 x
Lens size diameter. 80.00 mm
Minimal exit pupil. 1.30 mm
Maximal exit pupil. 4.00 mm
Minimal field of view... 20.00 m/1000m
Maximal field of view... 36.00 m/1000m
Min. field of view (angular) 1.1°
Max. field of view (angular) 2.1°
Minimal eye relief. 17.00 mm
Maximal eye relief. 18.75 mm
Closest focusing distance. 5.52 m
Twilight Factor 40 - 69

Physical properties

Length. 355.00 mm
Width. 110.42 mm
Weight. 1,700.52 g
Working temperature range -25° / +55°C
Filled with Nitrogen
Lens coatings Fully Multicoated
Objective size diameter cca. 100 mm
Eyepiece angle 45°
Objective tread Yes
Type of Body Fixed
Color Green

Special features

Water proof Yes
Fogproof Yes
Special features Fogproof, Fully multicoated, Waterproof
Tripod compliant Yes
Photo adapter Yes

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Dear Sir, I had a Praktica 10x50 binocular and it has failed 2 times already. I have now decided to spend a little more money on a pair of high magnification binoculars, on a tripod if necessary. I am disabled with a diagnosis of multiple sclerosis and I find it very difficult to move around and observing nature, birds, animals would mean a lot to me as I have a house on the very edge of a forest. Then I came across the spectives on your website and they became very interesting to me. I am not a big expert so the technical data do not tell me much. Could you perhaps advise me on the purchase? What should I buy? I'm thinking of a bit better brands like Swarovski, Zeiss, Leica, Meopta.......but still for a reasonable price. For any help I would be very grateful. lp Emil Urbanc, Cerknica

Spoštovani, imel sem daljnogled Praktica 10x50 pa mi je odpovedal že 2x. Sedaj sem se odločil, da bom dal nekaj več denarja za daljnogled z veliko povečavo, če je potrebno na stativu. Sem invalid z diagnozo multiple skleroze in se zelo težko gibljem in bi mi opazovanje narave, ptic, živali mnogo pomenilo saj imam hišo na samem robu gozda. Nato sem na vaši strani naletel na spektive in postali so mi zelo zanimivi. Nisem velik strokovnjak zato mi tehnični podatki premalo povedo. Bi mi morda vi lahko svetovali pri nakupu? Kaj naj kupim? Razmišljam pa o malo boljših znamkah kot so Swarovski, zeiss, Leica, Meopta.......pa vendarle še zmeraj za neko zmerno ceno. Za vsako pomoč bom zelo hvaležen. lp Emil Urbanc, Cerknica


Emil, welcome,

Thank you for your question.

From your description, we would definitely recommend you to use a 45° angle spectrograph, which allows you to comfortably observe elements in nature even from a stationary position. There is no doubt that the Swarovski, Leica and Zeiss scopes are among the very top, but Swarovski stands out a little for its overall quality. If you would like a little more information, please call us on 031 770 520 or email us at info@optik-trade.si

We warmly welcome you,

Emil lepo pozdravljeni,

zahvaljujemo se Vam za Vaše vprašanje.

Glede na Vaš opis bi Vam nedvomno bolj priporočili spektive in sicer pod kotom 45°, ki omogočajo, da lahko tudi iz nekega stacionarnega položaja udobno spremljate in opazujete elemente v naravi. Nedvomno spektivi znamk Swarovski, Leica in Zeiss spadajo v sam vrh, vendar pa kljub vsemu zaradi vsesplošne kvalitete nekoliko izstopa Swarovski. V kolikor bi želeli nekoliko več informacij Vas prosimo, da nas pokličete na telefonsko številko 031 770 520 ali nam pišite na info@optik-trade.si

Lepo Vas Pozdravljamo,

by Optics Trade team

Dear Sir, I would like to buy Swarovski ATS 20-60x80 HD from you (https://www.lovakkatgovina.hr/hrv/swarovski-ats-20-60x80-hd.html). I see that the head office is in Slovenia, but I'm wondering if you have a branch in Croatia because it's easier for me with accounts?

Poštovani, kod vas bih kupila Swarovski ATS 20-60x80 HD (https://www.lovackatrgovina.hr/hrv/swarovski-ats-20-60x80-hd.html). Vidim da je sjedište u Sloveniji, no, zanima me imate li podružnicu u Hrvatskoj jer mi je tako lakše s računima?

by iva

Iva greetings,

Thank you for your question.

Unfortunately, we do not have branches in Croatia. Our headquarters are in Slovenska Bistrica (Slovenia).

In case of any questions, feel free to contact us at info@optik-trade.si


Iva pozdrav,

hvala Vam na pitanju.

Nažalost, nemamo poslovnica u Hrvatskoj. Naše sjedište je u Slovenski Bistrici (Slovenija).

U slučaju bilokojih pitanja, slobodno možete, da se nam javite na info@optik-trade.si

Lep Pozdrav,

by Optics Trade team

Dear Sir, I am asking for an offer for Swarovski 20-60x80 ats hd. Last year I bought Swarovski optics for a rifle, Swarovski ELR binoculars from you.. this year, a pulsar Merge. I think you can give a better price :-) Lp

Poštovani, Molim ponudu za Swarovski 20-60x80 ats hd. Kod vas sam prošle godine kupio Swarovski optik za pusku, swarovski dalekozor ELR.. ove godine pulsar Merge. Mislim da možete dati neku bolju cijenu :-) Lp

by Anto


Thank you for the message.

Please contact us about this at info@optics-trade.eu.



hvala za sporočilo.

Prosimo, da nas glede tega kontaktirate na info@optics-trade.eu.

Lep Pozdrav

by Optics Trade team