Leica Noctivid 10x42
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Leica Noctivid 10x42

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Leica Noctivid 10x42 Opis proizvoda

With the 10x version of the Leica Noctivid, you are presented with even more detail on an extremely high-quality image making these the perfect binoculars for those wanting the best possible views at slightly greater distances.
Whilst not having quite the same low light performance as the 8x42 Noctivid, the high level of light transmission produced by the superior optics mean that these will perform better in poor light than most other 10x42’s.
With 19mm of eye-relief is excellent and in combination with the multi-position twist-up eyecups, they can be refined to your particular preferences and are a good option for eyeglass users.
The ±4 dioptric correction enables you to alter the binocular to compensate for any difference in vision between your left and right eyes and by adjusting the central hinges, you can alter the interpupillary distance from a minimum of 56mm up to 74mm which should cover most users requirements.

About Leica Noctivid Binoculars

Available in the most popular 8x42 and 10x42 setups, Leica Noctivid binoculars are Made in Germany using the ultimate level of craftsmanship and the finest components and coatings.
Noctivid binoculars are not only suitable for most outdoor activities, adventures, and sporting events, but will deliver a performance to match or beat just about any other binocular currently on the market. 
Perfect for bird watching, wildlife observation, hunting, and general use, they can also be taken along to sporting events or on a safari. The open bridge designmagnesium chassis, and non-slip rubber armor offer superb ergonomics and a great degree of protection to the elite level optics contained within. Here Leica has opted to use the very best SCHOTT optical glass and their premier level coatings on both the prisms and lenses to ensure the maximum possible amount of light gathering and transmission to deliver an image brightness and quality that is unsurpassed.

Important Features 

The magnesium chassis used on the Noctivid is both lightweight and very robust. It is fully sealed and thus not only prevents dust from entering but is fully waterproof and indeed even submersible depth of 5 meters. 
The nitrogen-filled interior ensures a completely moistureless environment, which in turn prevents internal glass surfaces from misting or fogging up which often occurs on unprotected instruments, especially when you get rapid temperature fluctuations. 
Leica has used twist-up eyecups on these which have 4 click-stop positions, which in combination with the 19mm of eye-relief ensure you can get the full view, with or without wearing glasses. A diopter ensures they can be calibrated to your specific vision and the centrally positioned focus wheel is both easy to reach and has a silky smooth action to make even tiny focal adjustments as easy as possible.

Optical Properties

These Leica binoculars use an optical system of the highest order. To begin with, each of the lens elements has been made using a special very high transmission glass from the world-renowned SCHOTT company. 
Anti-reflective coatings are applied to all lenses and prisms for a greater amount of light capture and transmission, which directly results in a brighter and better quality view. 
Phase-correcting coatings are also added to the roof prisms along with their own HighLux-System mirror coatings, which Leica says increases light reflectivity to their highest ever levels across all spectrums.
The outer lens surfaces are treated with Leica’s AquaDura coatings that are hydrophobic to repel water and make it easier to remove dirt, dust, and fingerprints. Added to this they have an additional High Durable Coating (HDC® Plus) to protect them from marking or scratching.


Also included with your Noctivid package is a soft carry case made from a Cordura material, a shaped neck strap with a padded section made from Neoprene for added comfort and grip, protective lens caps, an eye-piece cover, and a lens cleaning cloth.

Features of Leica Noctivid Binoculars

  • SCHOTT HT glass 
  • Open Bridge Design
  • Magnesium Chassis with Rubber Armor
  • AquaDura Water & Dirt Repellant Lens Coatings 
  • Tough Anti-scratch HDC® Plus Lens Coatings
  • Extra Large Eyepieces
  • Twist-up Eyecups with 19mm Eye Relief
  • Fully Multi-Coated Optics 
  • Phase Corrected Roof Prisms
  • New Mirror Coatings on the Prisms (HighLux-System HLS) 
  • Waterproof (5 meters)
  • Fogproof (Nitrogen-filled)

Accessories of Leica Noctivid Binoculars

  • Neoprene Neck Strap
  • Protective Eyepiece Cover
  • Objective Lens Caps
  • Carry Case
  • Lens Cleaning Cloth

Warranty Terms and Conditions

10-year warranty is included with all Leica Noctivid series binoculars.

Opća svojstva

Proizvođač Leica
Serija dvogleda Leica Noctivid
Izrađeno u Portugalska
Proizvodi se od 2016
Jamstvo 10 godina
SKU 40385

Optička svojstva

Vrsta prizme Roof - Schmidt/Pechan
Varijabilno povećanje Ne
Povećanje. 10.00 x
Prilagođavanje dioptrije -
Promjer leće 42.00 mm
Izlazna zjenica 4.20 mm
Vidno polje 112.35 m/1000m
Vidno polje (u stupnjevima) 6.42 °
Udaljenost oka 19.00 mm
Najmanja udaljenost izoštrenja 1.90 m
Faktor zamračenja 20.49
Propusnost svjetlosti 92 %
Relativna svjetlost 17.6

Fizička svojstva

Premazi leća Više slojeva - sve leće
Dužina 150.00 mm
Širina 124.00 mm
Visina 58.00 mm
Težina 860.00 g
Područje temperature -
Punjen sa Dušikom
Sustav izoštrenja Centralno
Podešavanje dioptera Centralno
Vrsta konstrukcije Jednostruki zglob
Boja Crna

Posebne značajke

Otpornost na vodu Da
Otpornost na vlaženje Da
Kompas Ne
Ugrađen daljinomjer Ne
Stabilizacija slike Ne
Plovnost Ne

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How do you rate this product?

Zapanjujuće boje uz vrhunsku kvalitetu izrade i težinu s malo kromatske aberacije Stunning Colours with Premium Build Quality and Heft with Some Chromatic Aberration

Swarovski još ne proizvodi kamere, što ne umanjuje njihovu nevjerojatnu sportsku optiku. Zeiss je proizveo poznate objektive za fotoaparate i ponosno posjeduje veliko nasljeđe na ovom polju od početka prošlog stoljeća. Leica također sada proizvodi kamere za ono što će biti 100 godina do 2025. godine. Kada tvrtka iza sebe ima gotovo stoljeće iskustva u optici, osobito s bogatim i sjajnim nasljeđem u svijetu fotografije, očekujete nešto posebno od njihovih dalekozora. Kada razmišljate o tome koliko je važno da senzor kamere i set leća uhvate što je moguće vjerniji predmet, možda ćete se zapitati: "Prenosi li se Leicino tehnološko iskustvo na njihovu sportsku optiku?" Kratak odgovor je, da.<br><br>Zašto mi se sviđa ovaj model dalekozora? Prvenstveno zato što su dizajnirani i izrađeni s iznimnim integritetom za vrhunski prikaz boja. Osim toga, jedna od glavnih posjetnica Leice koja općenito karakterizira njihov brand je njihova iznimna kvaliteta izrade. To je nešto što možete doživjeti iz prve ruke od trenutka kada ih uzmete u ruke, do vašeg prvog gledanja kroz njih. Ovo su teški kupci!<br><br>Prvi put sam se susreo s Noctividom 10x42 kada se demonstrirao na sajmu ptica u Velikoj Britaniji i razgovarao sam s jednim od tamošnjih predstavnika proizvoda. Međutim, prije nego što sam počeo razgovarati s njim, imao sam priliku isprobati ovaj dalekozor koji je pomicao pogled koji ću zauvijek pamtiti. Ja i gomila oko mene gledali smo eju močvaricu kako se obrušava i roni blizu tršćaka jednog sunčanog poslijepodneva. Sada je eja močvarica bila spektakl sama po sebi zbog upečatljivog kontrasta sivih boja unutar njegovog perja, ali ono što mi se još više isticalo bila je trska. Nikad prije nisam vidio takvo zelje ni kroz jedan dalekozor. Zatekao sam sebe kako spuštam dalekozor, gledam golim očima, a zatim ponovno promatram i ponavljam postupak prije nego što sam si dopustio povjerovati koliko ovaj dalekozor poboljšava ono što vidim. <br><br>Bio sam potpuno svjestan da ljudsko oko može uočiti više nijansi zelene od bilo koje druge boje, ali ovi dvoboji samo su učinili da se sve suptilne nijanse između ove trske zaista istaknu u plesu živosti koji je bio jednostavno zadivljujući. Nikad prije nisam toliko uživao u dobro prikazanim bojama dalekozorom. Ali nije to bilo samo zelje. Žute su također bile bogate i jarke, a plavetnilo vode bilo je poput kobalta. Stalno sam provjeravao i ponovno provjeravao ono što sam vidio, a zatim sam nastavio gledati i uspoređivati svaku boju koju sam mogao vidjeti kroz njih. Zašto su ovi dalekozori bili tako šareni, a opet tako dobro izbalansirani? Nisu pokazivali nikakvo nijansiranje koje je favoriziralo tipičnu topliju blagu "narančastu" nijansu koju sam očekivao i koja mi je bila poznatija iz asortimana Ultravid HD Plus. Umjesto toga, oni su imali više jasnoće, bogatstva i očaravajućeg kontrasta boja. Što se događalo? Morao sam pitati asistenta.<br><br>Otkrio mi je da se Leica ponosi tim atributom zbog svoje fenomenalne transmisije svjetlosti koju su postigli, ne samo na jednoj vršnoj valnoj duljini svjetlosti koja favorizira plavi spektar, već da imao je vrlo visok dosljedan prosjek u cijelom spektru svjetla i zato je cjelokupna slika bila tako živa. Objasnio mi je da neki proizvođači mogu malo preuveličati svoje podatke o prijenosu svjetlosti ne otkrivajući sasvim iskreno da je njihov prijenos bio vršni samo na možda jednom dijelu spektra, recimo na plavom kraju do oko 500 nm nakon čega je količina svjetlost bi padala prema suprotnom kraju spektra svjetlosti – crvenom kraju. Morao sam se složiti, bio sam jako impresioniran i zaljubio sam se u ovaj dalekozor tamo i tada. Mogao sam reći da to nije samo prodaja jer sam to već vidio vlastitim očima. Htio sam ih!<br><br>Osjećao sam da su unijeli život u svijet prirode koji od tada nije bio osporavan, osim Zeiss HT asortimana i sada Swarovski NL Pure modela. Na moje iznenađenje, te su boje također bile bogatije i živahnije od vrlo prirodnog prikaza Zeiss SF modela, ali moram naglasiti da je ta živost bila ravnomjerna i uravnotežena održavajući realističnu sliku – samo bogatiju, ali još uvijek uvjerljivu i reprezentativnu. Bijele su bile malo toplije, pomalo blijedo crvenkaste, ali na potpuno privlačan i karakterističan način da zadovolje ljubitelje Leice. Boje proizvode nešto veće od zbroja njihovih prikupljenih valnih duljina i izmamile su mi pravi osmijeh na lice jer ih je bilo istinsko zadovoljstvo koristiti. <br><br>Ponašaju se gotovo poput porro-prizme zbog svog 3-D efekta slojevitosti i uočljive dubine unutar obrisa krajolika. Samo ovaj atribut mogao bi biti dovoljan da ih poželite posjedovati.<br><br>Neke od manje povoljnih karakteristika ovog predmeta proizlaze iz činjenice da je izgrađen poput tenka što je vjerojatno velika snaga, a ipak djelomična slabost. Teži 860g što je 60g teže od Swarovski EL 10x42 sa 800g i 80g više od Zeiss SF 10x42 koji je najlakši sa 780g. Iako to nije velika razlika u kratkim vremenskim razdobljima, ako pazite na svaki gram za svoju torbu za let, planinarenje, ekspediciju ili čak dan u rezervatu, možda biste to trebali uzeti u obzir. <br><br>To mogli bi imati koristi od nekih (iako suptilnih) podešavanja ergonomije. Dioptriju je lako postaviti i zaboraviti, a fokusiranje je osjetljivo i dovoljno brzo za brzo mijenjanje kroz vašu dubinsku oštrinu. Samo što kotačić fokusa viri iz kućišta i smješten je više unatrag nego što bi bilo idealno za postavljanje kažiprsta, ali to je mala zamjerka. Ono što je također blago iritantno je to što vam ušice za remen sjede ispod ruke kada fokusirate kažiprstom u liniji s fokuserom. <br><br>Mora se priznati da je i težina značajna s 860g, ali pohvalno je što ovo nije teže od 8x povećanja. Također, postoji neka primjetna kromatska aberacija koja zapravo ne bi trebala biti prisutna u tolikoj mjeri po ovoj cijeni, ali možda vam to neće biti važno s obzirom na kontekst cjelokupne prezentacije slike. Ako mislite da će vas to iritirati i da je neoprostivo, potražite još bolju korekciju negdje drugdje u asortimanu Swarovski EL, NL i Zeiss SF.<br><br>Sve u svemu, ovaj dalekozor je super oštar u središtu, 'ubija' svako zalutalo svjetlo izvrsno dobro i dobro se ponaša na malim udaljenostima. Naturalist i zagovornik Leice Iolo Williams tvrdi da ima dobru kvalitetu slike na udaljenosti od čak 1,5 m i izvrsno prikupljanje svjetla u večernji sumrak, čime opravdava svoje ime Noctivid. Noctivids imaju osobnost koja vam daje nešto više od većine stvari: vrhunske očne čašice s zaključavanjem, boju, integritet poštenih podataka o specifikacijama, bliski fokus i performanse pri slabom osvjetljenju, ali ne bez cijene veće težine i kromatske aberacije od svojih alfa konkurenata. <br><br>Ne dopustite da vas ovo obeshrabri. Nakon što ih pregledate i upotrijebite, vjerojatno ćete ih uvijek željeti bez obzira što još posjedujete. Toliko su oštri, bogati i točni doživljaj gledanja da vam 'sitnice' jednostavno neće biti važne.<br><br>Iako će se budući modeli sada svi proizvoditi u njihovoj tvornici u Portugalu, trebali biste shvatiti da je vaša kupnja pouzdano će vam trajati mnoge ugodne godine korištenja. <br>
Swarovski don’t make cameras yet this does not detract from their incredible sporting optics. Zeiss has made famous camera lenses and proudly own a great heritage in this field since the turn of the previous century. Leica too has now been making cameras for what will be 100 years by the time 2025 rolls around. When a company has almost a century of optics experience behind them, particularly with a rich and lustrous heritage in the photography world, you expect something special from their binoculars. When you think about how important it is for a camera sensor and set of lenses to capture as much fidelity of their subject target as possible, you may wonder, “Does Leica’s technological experience translate into their sporting optics?” The short answer is, yes.<br><br>Why do I like this model of binoculars? Primarily it’s because they have been designed and built with an exceptional integrity to superb colour rendition. Additionally, one of the chief calling cards of Leica which generally typifies their brand is their exceptional build quality. It is something you can experience first-hand from the moment you pick them up, to your first viewing through them. These are tough customers!<br><br>I first encountered the Noctivid 10x42 when it was being demonstrated at the UK Bird Fair and I got talking to one of the product representatives there. However, before I had started to talk to him, I had the opportunity to try out these binoculars panning across a view that I will always remember. Myself and the crowd around me were watching a hunting Marsh Harrier as it swooped and dived close to the reedbeds one sunny afternoon. Now the Marsh Harrier was a spectacle in his own right because of the striking contrast of greys within his plumage but what stood out to me even more so was the reedbed. I had never seen greens like it through any pair of binoculars before. I found myself lowering the binoculars, looking with my unaided eyes and then glassing again and repeating the process before I would permit myself to believe just how much these binoculars were enhancing what I was seeing. <br><br>I was fully aware that the human eye can perceive more shades of green than any other colour, but these binos just made all the subtle hues between this reedbed really stand out in a dance of vibrancy that was simply stunning. I had never taken as much pleasure in well rendered colours with binoculars before. But it wasn’t just the greens. The yellows were also rich and vibrant and the blue of the water was like cobalt. I kept checking and rechecking what I was seeing and then went on to look and compare every colour I could see through them. Why were these binoculars so colourful and yet so well balanced? They didn’t exhibit any tinting favouring a typical warmer slight ‘orangey’ hue that I was expectant of and more familiar with from the Ultravid HD Plus range. Rather, these had more clarity, richness and mesmerising colour contrast. What was going on? I had to ask the assistant.<br><br>He revealed to me that Leica prided themselves on this attribute because of their phenomenal light transmission which they had achieved, not just at one peak wavelength of light favouring the blue spectrum, but that it had a very high consistent average across the whole spectrum of light and this is why the overall image was so alive. He explained to me that some manufacturers may slightly exaggerate their light transmission data by not revealing in all honesty that their transmission was only peaking at perhaps one part of the spectrum, say for example the blue end of up to about 500nm after which the amount of light would drop off toward the opposite end of the light spectrum – the red end. I had to agree, I was very impressed and fell in love with this binocular there and then. I could tell it wasn’t just sales speak because I had already seen it with my own eyes. I wanted these!<br><br>My feeling was that they brought life to the natural world that hasn’t been challenged since then, apart from the Zeiss HT range and now the Swarovski NL Pure models. To my surprise these colours were also richer and more vibrant than the very natural rendering of the Zeiss SF models but I have to emphasise than this vibrancy was even and balanced maintaining a realistic image – just richer but still believable and representative. The whites were slightly warmer, ever so slightly faintly reddish, but in an entirely appealing and characteristically intended way to keep Leica fans happy. The colours produce something greater than the sum of their collected wavelengths and put a real smile on my face because they were a genuine joy to use. <br><br>They behave almost like a porro-prism for their 3-D layering effect and perceivable depth within the landscape’s contours. This attribute alone could be enough to make you want to own them.<br><br>Some of the less favourble characteristics of this item come from the fact that it is built like a tank which is possibly a great strength and yet a partial weakness. It weighs 860g which is 60g heavier than the Swarovski EL 10x42 at 800g and 80g more than the Zeiss SF 10x42 which is the lightest at 780g. Although that’s not much difference for short periods of time, if you are watching every gram for your flight bag, hike, expedition or even your day out around the reserve, then you may want to factor that in. <br><br>It could perhaps benefit from some (albeit subtle) tweaking with the ergonomics. The diopter is easy to set and forget and focusing is responsive and suitable quick enough for quickly changing through your depth of field. It’s just that the focus wheel protrudes from the body and is placed further back than would be ideal for forefinger placement, but this is a minor gripe. What is also mildly irritating is that the strap eyelets sit under your hand when you’re focusing with your index finger in line with the focuser. <br><br>It has to be acknowledged that the weight is significant too at 860g but it is laudable that this is no heavier than the 8x magnification. Also, there is some notable chromatic aberration which shouldn’t really be there to that degree at this price point, but perhaps it won’t matter to you given the context of the overall image presentation. If you think it will annoy you and is unforgivable, then look elsewhere in the Swarovski EL, NL and Zeiss SF ranges for even better correction.<br><br>Overall, these binoculars are super sharp at the centre, ‘kill off’ any stray light superbly well and perform well at close distances. Naturalist and Leica endorsee Iolo Williams claims good image quality as close as 1.5m and excellent light gathering into the evening dusk hence living up to its Noctivid name. Noctivids have a personality of giving you a bit more of most things: premium locking eye cups, colour, integrity to honest specification data, close focus and low light performance but not without the cost of more weight and chromatic aberration than its alpha competitors. <br><br>Don’t let this deter you though. Once you have looked through and used these, you may likely always desire them no matter whatever else you own. They are such a sharp, rich and on point viewing experience that the ‘niggles’ just may not matter to you.<br><br>Even though future models will now all be produced from their Portugal factory, you should find that your purchase will reliably last you for many pleasurable years of use. <br>

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Skupo ali izvrsne kvalitete Expensive but great quality

Godinama koristim različite dalekozore i kada se pojavio Noctivid odlučio sam uložiti ovoliku svotu novca i kupiti ih. Pretpostavljam da su ovo sada najbolji dalekozori koje novac može kupiti i obožavam ih svaki put kad izađem s njima. Kupi jednom, jednom plači, plaćeno za mene.
I have been using different binoculars for years and when Noctivid came out I decided to invest this big amount of money and buy them. I presume these are the best binoculars money can buy now and I am loving them every time I go out with them. Buy once, cry once paid out for me.

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