Nitehog Chameleon X-core TIR-M35

Nitehog Chameleon X-core TIR-M35

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Nitehog Chameleon X-core TIR-M35 Opis proizvoda

  • The Nitehog Chameleon Plus x- core TIR M35 Thermal Imaging Clip-on is a robust, well-made device that is produced in Europe.

  • The device has a five-year warranty and is built with great quality.

  • The eyepiece provides a great image and the battery pack that comes with the Nitehog device is very beneficial.

  • The device is expensive compared to other competitors and does not support wifi.

Nitehog Chameleon Thermal imaginig Clip-on series

Nitehog was founded in Bulgaria, but have recently been based in Berlin, Germany. Nitehog’s Caiman and Chameleon devices are nearly identical save for the fact that the lens on Cayman is 50 millimeters rather than 35 millimeters.

Every aspect of the device is well-made, and the focusing ring is both sturdy and easy to use. There is no Wi-Fi capabilities but the device has an external video output.

Even if you are using glasses, you will have no problems using the device as a monocular. The adapter ring is compatible with any standard clip-on attachments that have a 52mm objective thread and must be acquired separately. In the eyepiece, there is no lens inside, it's just a rubber that you're able to press to your face.

Physical Propeties

The Nitehog Chameleon Plus x-core TIR M35 is made from magnesium and weighs 500 grams.

The Chameleon thermal clip-on's advantage is its wide field of view, which measures 31 meters at 100 meters.

The Nitehog Chameleon has an automatic turn-off ability, as well as a position sensor within it that allows it to automatically switch off when you lay the device down.

The battery life is around four hours, which is more than sufficient. The Nitehog Chameleon Plus x- core TIR M35 device has a startup time of around six seconds.

There are three buttons on the top of the device for accessing the menu. The ON/OFF switch allows you to toggle the device on or off with ease. You can set all the normal functions like brightness, color mode, contrast, and so on. Scrolling down the menu you're also able to zero the device.


There is a French-made Lynred Amorphous silicate sensor with 640x480 pixels, which means the distance between two pixels is 17 microns. There is a 35-millimeter objective lens with an aperture of F 1.2 in front of the sensor.

The refresh rate is 50 Hertz. Most thermal devices don't have a sensor like this one - they usually feature Vox sensor.

Nitehog Chameleon boasts three calibration modes - manual, semi-automatic and automatic. For hunting or shooting, it is better to have the device set to semiautomatic. This allows the user more control over when calibration occurs so that it doesn't interfere with taking the shot.


The device features a 640x480 pixels sensor and has an 800x600 AMOLED display, which works down to minus 25 degrees. The image quality is quite decent, especially if you're using scopes with up to 3,5x magnification. There is quite a big screen inside of this device.

What’s in the box?

  • a casing made of high-quality plastic
  • real leather pouch for the device
  • an extensive manual
  • a ring adapter


The Chameleon device comes with a five-year warranty, which is uncommon for thermal products. Given that it's made in the EU and its service is also based there, the extended warranty is a big selling point.

Opća svojstva

Proizvođač Nitehog
Thermal Clip-On Series Nitehog Chameleon
Izrađeno u Njemačka
Proizvodi se od 2021
Jamstvo 5 godina
SKU Nite-Chameleon

Optička svojstva

Varijabilno povećanje Ne
Povećanje. 1.00 x
Min. povećanje 1.00 x
Max. povećanje 4.00 x
Promjer leće 35.00 mm
Vidno polje 536.00 m/1000m
Vidno polje (u stupnjevima) 31.40 °
Max. vidno polje 536.00 m/1000m
Otvor objektiva F 1.2
Domet detekcije 978.00 m

Svojstva termalnog senzora

Thermal sensor resolution 640x480
Broj piksela na senzoru 0.31 MP
Udaljenost piksela 17.00 μm
Osvježavanje slike 50.00 Hz
Kalibracija -

Svojstva zaslona

Tip prikaza AMOLED
Rezolucija prikaza 800x600
Broj piksela na displeju 0.48 MP

Mogućnosti snimanja

Zajam slike Da
Rezolucija slike 600x800
Zajam videa Ne
Video izlaz Ne

Fizička svojstva

Dužina 172.00 mm
Širina 69.00 mm
Visina 71.00 mm
Težina 510.00 g
Materijal Magnezij
Vrijeme rada 4.00 h
Punjen sa Dušikom
Boja Crna

Posebne značajke

Otpornost na vodu Da
Otpornost na vlaženje Ne
Posebna obilježja Otpornost na vodu
Automatsko isključivanje Da
Povezivanje aplikacija WiFi povezava
Prilagođen za stativ Ne
Kompas Ne
Ugrađen daljinomjer Da
Stabilizacija slike Ne
Automatska kontrola svjetlosti Ne

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