Pulsar Telos XG50

Pulsar Telos XG50

  2.590,00 € 2.890,00 EUR
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15 dana
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Pulsar Telos XG50 Opis proizvoda

  • Modular Design: Customizable components allow for upgrades to the sensor, a larger lens, and the addition of a laser rangefinder for non-LRF models, ensuring the device evolves with user needs.
  • Advanced Thermal Imaging: Features a French Lynred sensor with a 640x480 resolution and a 12-micron pixel pitch.
  • Long Battery Life: Equipped with a Li-ion LPS 7i battery offering up to eight hours of operational time, with convenient USB Type-C charging. The LPS 7i battery also supports wireless charging.
  • Durable and Reliable: Designed to perform in extreme conditions ranging from -25 to +40 °C, fully waterproof, and housed in a robust polymer casing with a non-slip rubberized grip.

About the Telos Series

The Telos series from Pulsar, following the successful Helion series, marks a significant advancement in thermal imaging technology with its first-of-its-kind modular design. This approach allows users to upgrade specific components without buying an entirely new device, supporting Pulsar's commitment to sustainability and encouraging eco-friendly practices among its users. The series, including models like the XG50, sets new standards for flexibility, performance, and user experience, meeting the diverse needs of outdoor enthusiasts and professionals.

About the Model (Telos XG50)

The XG50 is strategically placed as the mid-range option in the Telos series, nestled between the more economical XQ35 and the high-end XP50. Like all models in the series, the XG50 exemplifies the commitment to customization and the ability to upgrade components.

This model incorporates a compact Lynred sensor manufactured in the EU, boasting a resolution of 640x480 and a 12-micron pixel pitch. It features a 50 mm germanium lens and an NETD (Noise Equivalent Temperature Difference) of less than 40 millikelvins, which indicates how well the device can distinguish between tiny differences in thermal radiation in the image.

The Telos XG50 provides a 3.5x base magnification and the possibility of up to 4x digital zoom. It is fitted with an HD AMOLED display that performs optimally even in temperatures as low as -25°C. Users can choose from eight different color palettes for thermal imaging, with White Hot and Black Hot being the preferred choices for enhanced detection. Additionally, the focus and zoom control rings are strategically positioned around the lens to ensure ease of use and balance.

Optical Properties

The Telos XG50 model has a picture-in-picture (PiP) mode, 4x digital zoom, and 3.5x optical magnification. The maximum detection range is 2300 meters. The angular field of view of the Telos XQ35 model is 8.8° x 6.6°. The device also features a built-in video recorder and can capture images. The XG50 features 64 GB of internal memory for storing images and videos.

Main Features

  • Fast aperture F/1.0 Germanium lens
  • <40mK NETD
  • Built-in video recorder
  • 64GB of internal memory
  • LPS 7i Li-Ion Battery Pack
  • Modular design - allowing users to customize their device
  • Objective ring zoom control
  • Wi-Fi integration with iOS and Android devices
  • HD AMOLED display with a 1024x768 resolution
  • 640x480 thermal sensor resolution
  • Fully waterproof, IPX7
  • 8 thermal color patterns (White Hot, Black Hot, Red Hot, Rainbow, Ultramarine, Red Monochrome, Sepia, Violet)
  • Calibration modes (automatic, semi-automatic, manual)
  • 12 μm pixel pitch
  • 50 Hz frame rate
  • Made from rubber-armored reinforced plastic
  • Stream Vision 2 compatibility


Pulsar offers 3 years of warranty for this product.

In the Box

Pulsar Telos XG50 comes with:

  • Telos thermal imaging monocular
  • LPS7i battery pack with protective cover
  • Spare battery compartment cover
  • Power adapter
  • USB Type-C cable with USB Type-A adapter
  • Case
  • Hand strap
  • Quick start guide
  • Lens cloth
  • Warranty card

Opća svojstva

Proizvođač Pulsar
Termalni jednogled Pulsar Telos
Izrađeno u -
Proizvodi se od 2024
Jamstvo 3 godine
SKU 77513

Optička svojstva

Varijabilno povećanje Da
Povećanje. 14.00 x
Min. povećanje 3.50 x
Max. povećanje 14.00 x
Prilagođavanje dioptrije +4/-5 dpt
Promjer leće 50.00 mm
Vidno polje 153.00 m/1000m
Vidno polje (u stupnjevima) 8.80 °
Max. vidno polje 153.00 m/1000m
Udaljenost oka 14.00 mm
Najmanja udaljenost izoštrenja 5.00 m
Otvor objektiva F 1.0
Domet detekcije 2,300.00 m
Optički zoom Ne

Svojstva termalnog senzora

Tip sensora Uncooled
Thermal sensor resolution 640x480
Broj piksela na senzoru 0.31 MP
Udaljenost piksela 12.00 μm
NETD. 40.00 mK
Osvježavanje slike 50.00 Hz
Kalibracija Automatski, Polaautomatski, Ručno

Svojstva zaslona

Tip prikaza AMOLED
Rezolucija prikaza 1024×768
Broj piksela na displeju 0.79 MP

Mogućnosti snimanja

Zajam slike Da
Rezolucija slike 1024x768
Zajam videa Da
Rezolucija videa 1024x768
Video izlaz Da

Fizička svojstva

Dužina 238.00 mm
Širina 72.00 mm
Visina 62.00 mm
Težina 660.00 g
Područje temperature - 25 / + 40 °C
Tip baterije LPS 7i Li-Ion Battery Pack
Vrijeme rada 8.50 h
Boja Crna

Posebne značajke

Otpornost na vodu Da
Otpornost na vlaženje Da
Posebna obilježja Otpornost na rošenje, Otpornost na udarce, Otpornost na vodu
Povezivanje aplikacija Bluetooth, WiFi povezava
Prilagođen za stativ Da
Kompas Ne
Ugrađen daljinomjer Ne
Stabilizacija slike Ne

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