Schmidt & Bender Tenebraex Eyepiece Cover - No Mounting Ring
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Schmidt & Bender Tenebraex Eyepiece Cover - No Mounting Ring

As low as: 69,00 EUR
Vrijeme otpreme
Slanje - 1 do 3 dana
Mogućnost povrata
15 dana

Proizvodi na zalihama

50 mm
79,00 EUR
43 mm
69,00 EUR
1 2 3 4 6
Schmidt & Bender Tenebraex Eyepiece Cover - No Mounting Ring Schmidt & Bender Tenebraex Eyepiece Cover - No Mounting Ring

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Schmidt & Bender Tenebraex Eyepiece Cover - No Mounting Ring Opis proizvoda

Schmidt & Bender Tenebraex Eyepiece Cover

This product requires a corresponding S&B mounting ring with a thread to work

Opća svojstva

Proizvođač Schmidt & Bender
Serija opreme S&B Accessories
Izrađeno u Njemačka
Jamstvo 2 godini
SKU 971-6250c

Fizička svojstva

Težina 50.00 g
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Najčešća pitanja (Q&A)

Trebate li pomoć? Jeste li sigurni da je ovo pravi proizvod za vas? Ne oklijevajte - postavite pitanje našoj ekipi, koja je tu da vam pomogne oko pitanja o proizvodu.

Upravo sam kupio S&B Zenith 2.5-10x56 i tražim preklopne štitnike za oči i objektive. Čini se da postoje razne mogućnosti, prstenovi za pričvršćivanje itd. Možete li mi savjetovati što točno trebam kupiti? Hvala :)

I’ve just bought a S&B Zenith 2.5-10x56 and looking for flip up protectors for both ocular and objective ends. Seem to be various options, mounting rings etc. please can you advise exactly what I need to buy? Thanks :)

od Rob

Dragi Robe,

hvala što ste nas kontaktirali.

Morat ćete naručiti sljedeće proizvode za svoj Zenith nišan. - Molimo odaberite veličinu 43 mm - Odaberite veličinu 43 mm - Molimo odaberite veličinu 56 mm - Molimo odaberite veličinu 56 mm

Ako imate dodatnih pitanja ili nedoumica, ne ustručavajte se kontaktirati nas izravno na Ovdje smo da pomognemo.

Lijepi pozdrav,

Dear Rob,

thank you for contacting us.

You will need to order the following products for your Zenith scope. - Please choose the size 43 mm - Please choose the size 43 mm - Please choose the size 56 mm - Please choose the size 56 mm

If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us directly at We are here to help.

Kind Regards,

od Optics Trade team

Bok, imam pitanje u vezi Schmidt&Bender Tenebraex poklopca okulara s jednom veličinom koju bih trebao izabrati jer imate 3 različite veličine za Schmidt&Bender nišan Schmidt & Bender 4-16x56 Polar T96 FFP

Hi I have a question about Schmidt&Bender Tenebraex eyepiece cover witch one size I should choice because you have 3 different sizes for Schmidt&Bender scope Schmidt & Bender 4-16x56 Polar T96 FFP

od Lukasz

Dragi Lukasz,

hvala što ste nas kontaktirali.

Za Polar T96 4-16x56 morat ćete odabrati verziju od 45,8 mm.

Ako imate dodatnih pitanja ili nedoumica, ne ustručavajte se kontaktirati nas izravno na Ovdje smo da pomognemo.

Lijepi pozdrav,

Dear Lukasz,

thank you for contacting us.

For the Polar T96 4-16x56, you will have to choose the 45.8 mm version.

If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us directly at We are here to help.

Kind Regards,

od Optics Trade team

Trebam preklopne navlake za Schmidt&Bender Klassik 3-12 x50 Black. I straga i naprijed. Što trebam?

I need flip covers to a Schmidt&Bender Klassik 3-12 x50 Black. Both back and front. What do I need?

od Matias

Dragi Matias,

hvala što ste nas kontaktirali.

Nažalost, Tenebarex ne odgovara modelima Klassik. Ako ste zainteresirani za alternativu, kontaktirajte nas izravno na

Lijepi pozdrav,

Dear Matias,

thank you for contacting us.

Unfortunately, the Tenebarex don't fit the Klassik models. If you are interested in an alternative, please contact us directly at

Kind Regards,

od Optics Trade team

Pozdrav, želio bih kupiti Tenebraex preklopni poklopac okulara za svoj Schmidt Bender PMII, biste li mi pomogli u odabiru pravih proizvoda? Hvala vam

Hello, I’d like to buy Tenebraex eyepiece flip up cover for my Schmidt Bender PMII, would you assist me in choosing correct products ? Thank you

od Jan

Dragi Jan,

hvala što ste nas kontaktirali.

Molimo vas da navedete model vašeg PMII opsega. Ako je moguće, kontaktirajte nas izravno na kako bismo vam mogli dodatno pomoći u ovom pitanju.

Lijepi pozdrav,

Dear Jan,

thank you for contacting us.

We would kindly ask you to specify the model of your PMII scope. If possible please contact us directly at so we can assist you further in this matter.

Kind Regards,

od Optics Trade team

Pozdrav! Želim kupiti odgovarajući Tenebraex poklopac objektiva i okulara, ali nisam siguran trebam li prsten za montiranje za svoj Schmidt & Bender Zenith 3-12 50. Hoćete li, molim vas, biti ljubazni i navesti stavke koje trebam u potpunosti pokriti moj opseg? Srdačan pozdrav, Matthias Leindl

Hello! I want to buy the correspoding Tenebraex Objective and Eyepiece Cover, but i am not sure if i need the Mounting ring for my Schmidt & Bender Zenith 3-12 50. Would you please be so kind as to list the items i need to fully cover my scope? Kind regards, Matthias Leindl

od Matthias

Dragi Matija,

hvala što ste nas kontaktirali.

Ovdje su svi proizvodi koji će vam trebati:  (50 mm)  (50 mm)   (43 mm)  (43 mm)

Ako trebate dodatne informacije, možete nas kontaktirati na

Lijepi pozdrav,

Dear Matthias,

thank you for contacting us.

Here are all the products you will need:  (50mm)  (50mm)   (43mm)  (43mm)

If you will need any additional information you can contact us at

Kind regards,

od Optics Trade team


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