Smartclip Adapter - AS
Na zalihi

Smartclip Adapter - AS

As low as: 168,00 EUR
Vrijeme otpreme
Slanje - 1 do 3 dana
Mogućnost povrata
15 dana

Proizvodi na zalihama

56 mm
168,00 EUR
62 mm
168,00 EUR
65 mm
168,00 EUR
48 mm
168,00 EUR
58 mm
168,00 EUR
49 mm
168,00 EUR
50 mm
168,00 EUR
52 mm
168,00 EUR
53 mm
168,00 EUR
54 mm
168,00 EUR
59 mm
168,00 EUR
63 mm
168,00 EUR
68 mm
168,00 EUR
61 mm
168,00 EUR
63.5 mm
168,00 EUR
56 mm Ultra Slim
168,00 EUR
58 mm Ultra Slim
168,00 EUR
58.3 mm
168,00 EUR
30 mm L
168,00 EUR
65 mm Ultra Slim
168,00 EUR
57 mm Ultra Slim
168,00 EUR
1 2 3 4 6

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Smartclip Adapter - AS Opis proizvoda

About Smartclip

Smartclip is a Slovenian company known for its manufacture of adapters for clip-on devices, noted for their robust construction and superior finish. The adapters feature a distinctive lever that closes inward toward the adapter body, unlike many competitors' adapters where the lever shifts from the rear (loose) to the front (fixed). Hunters often detach the clip-on from the scope to swiftly scan the area. In the dark, particularly when excited by the sounds of nearby wildlife, there's a risk of quickly bringing the device close to the face, potentially poking the eye or surrounding skin with the lever in the loose position. Ludwig Dvojmoč, the company’s founder, developed the unique lever design in response to several injuries caused by traditional lever mechanisms, effectively eliminating the risk of such mishaps.

Ludwig Dvojmoč has experience working with well-known companies in the sports optics industry, such as Zeiss and Aimpoint. He played a pivotal role in establishing the Slovenian chapter of the International Practical Shooting Confederation (IPSC) and contributed to the amendment of several rules in the competition overall.

About the Smartclip AS adapter

The AS adapter is designed for the front-scope mounted clip-on devices. It features the M52x0.75 mounting thread which is often referred to as the Dedal mounting standard. Dedal was the pioneer in producing clip-ons for civilian use, and adapters with this standard were initially tailored for their devices. Nowadays, these adapters are frequently paired with reducing rings or converters to accommodate various mounting standards. When used with devices featuring the M52x0.75 mounting standard, no reducing ring is necessary, making this adapter function as a single unit. However, for devices with different mounting standards, a reducing ring is required, resulting in a two-piece adapter setup. Unlike one-piece adapter solutions, which typically offer limited size options for outer objective diameter, AS adapters provide a comprehensive range, with approximately 99% of all sizes available.

What is a reducing ring/converter?

Adapters that serve as a basis for clip-on mounting feature a M52x0.75 thread on one side and a riflescope objective attachment mechanism on the other. If you wish to mount a clip-on with any other thread/bayonet on your riflescope, you have two options. You can either purchase a one-piece solution, which has limited size options, or a two-piece adapter. The two-piece adapter consists of a M52x0.75 thread adapter combined with a suitable reducing ring or converter.

Smartclip adapters – size guide

With Smartclip adapters, the number in the adapter’s name indicates the outer objective diameter of the riflescope that it is designed to fit onto (in millimeters). To ensure you choose the correct adapter, measure the diameter of your riflescope’s objective using calipers (see the image below).

Figure 1: Measure the outer objective diameter of your riflescope with calipers.

You can refer to our extensive riflescope outer objective diameter chart for more information.

If you need assistance or are unsure about the measurements, feel free to contact our sales team at for help.

Devices that share the Dedal mounting standard

Mounting instructions

Note: The counter nut either goes between the adapter and the reducing ring, or between the reducing ring and the clip-on, depending on the adapter.

Mounting a device with the Dedal mounting standard on the adapter

Align the AS adapter with the thread on the device that features the Dedal mounting standard (M52x0.75). Gently screw the adapter onto the clip-on, stopping just short of fully threading it. Prior to fully tightening the device onto the thread, utilize the counter-nut on the clip-on (if there is one) to adjust the adapter's positioning, ensuring the lever remains easily accessible. If lock screws are present on the counter-nut, remember to loosen them before making adjustments, and securely tighten them once adjustments are complete. For further guidance, consult the instruction manual provided with the clip-on.

Mounting a reducing ring/converter on the adapter

Align the AS adapter with the M52x0.75 thread on the reducing ring/converter. Gently screw the adapter onto the reducing ring/converter, stopping just short of fully threading it. Prior to fully tightening the device onto the thread, utilize the counter-nut (if there is one) to adjust the adapter's positioning, ensuring the lever remains easily accessible when the device is mounted on the clip-on.

Mounting the adapter on a riflescope

Start by placing the lever in the open position. Push it away from the adapter body to do this. Next, verify if the adapter fits onto the riflescope's objective. If it doesn't fit properly, you will need to make some adjustments:

  1. Unscrew the lock screw, which is positioned perpendicularly to the adjustment screw.
  2. Turn the adjustment screw. Rotate it clockwise to tighten or counter-clockwise to loosen, depending on the fit needed.
  3. Continuously check if the adapter can be placed on the objective while you make slight adjustments to the screw. When the adapter is placed on the objective, try closing the lever slowly – the resistance should be just right, not too loose and not overly tight. Keep adjusting the screw until the lever secures into position with just enough resistance. Be cautious: attempting to close the lever on an overtightened adapter may break the lens of the riflescope! Check the fit by firmly moving the adapter to ensure it is securely attached.
  4. Once you achieve the desired fit, secure the adjustments by screwing the lock screw back into place.

Opća svojstva

Proizvođač Smartclip
Serija opreme Smartclip Accessories
Izrađeno u Slovenija
Jamstvo 2 godini

Fizička svojstva

Težina 100.00 g
Materijal Aluminij
Dodaci za Termički dodaci
Boja Crna


Suitable for Rear Compatibility
Suitable for Front Compatibility Dedal Mounting Standard (M52x0.75)

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Trebate li pomoć? Jeste li sigurni da je ovo pravi proizvod za vas? Ne oklijevajte - postavite pitanje našoj ekipi, koja je tu da vam pomogne oko pitanja o proizvodu.

Koje su razlike između Smartclip AS30, AS30L i AS30SM? Naručujem pričvršćivanje Luhs2 na Swaro Z8I 1-8 Hvala

What are the differences between Smartclip AS30, AS30L and AS30SM? I’m ordering to attach Luhs2 to Swaro Z8I 1-8 Thanks

od David

Dragi Davide,

hvala na vašoj poruci.

AS30 je standardni adapter. AS30L je proširena inačica koja nudi veću pokrivenost na površini nišana. AS30 SR dizajniran je posebno za LPVO nišane sa SR šinom.

Zahvaljujemo na razumijevanju i slobodno nam se obratite na ako vam možemo pomoći na bilo koji drugi način.

Lijepi pozdrav

Dear David,

thank you for your message.

The AS30 is the standard adapter. The AS30L is an extended version, offering more coverage on the riflescope surface. The AS30 SR is designed specifically for LPVO riflescopes with the SR rail.

Thank you for your understanding and please do not hesitate to contact us at if we can assist you in any other way.

Kind regards

od Optics Trade team

Možete li mi savjetovati ispravnu veličinu adaptera pametne kopče za Hawke Frontier 5-30x50. Vanjski promjer je 57,6 mm, ovo se očito nalazi između jedinice od 57 i 58 mm. Kojim putem trebam ići, gore ili dolje da osiguram čvrsto pričvršćivanje? Je li stezaljka podesiva, poput sustava pulsar jezgra/kripton? Vjerujem da je stezaljka vrlo "ponovljiva" za povratak na nulu. To sasvim sigurno NIJE bio slučaj s postavom pulsara. Veselim se vašem odgovoru. hvala, B.R. Andy.

Can you advise me of the correct size of smart clip adapter to suit a Hawke Frontier 5-30x50. The outside diameter is 57.6mm, This obviously sits between a 57 and a 58 mm unit. Which way should I go, up or down to ensure a solid attachment? Is the clamp adjustable, like the pulsar core/krypton system? I believe the clamp is very "repeatable" for return to zero. This was most certainly NOT the case with the pulsar setup. I look forward to hearing from you. thanks, B.R. Andy.

od Andy

Dragi Andy,

hvala što ste nas kontaktirali.

Preporučamo veličinu 58 mm.

Za dodatnu pomoć obratite nam se na

Lijepi pozdrav,

Dear Andy,

thank you for contacting us.

We would recommend the size 58 mm.

For additional assistance, please contact us at

Kind Regards,

od Optics Trade team

Je li Smart Clip Adapter 57 ima navoj 52-0.75' Za Hikmico Thunder TQ35C 2.0.

od Zupa


Zahvaljujemo na vašem pitanju.

Tako je, navoj je 52x0,75.

U slučaju dodatnih pitanja slobodno nas kontaktirajte na



hvala Vam na pitanju.

Tako je, navoj je 52x0.75.

U slučaju bilokojih dodatnih pitanja, slobodno možete, da se nam javite na

Lep Pozdrav,

od Optics Trade team

Koji bi mi pretvarač trebao za montažu pulsar kripton fxg50 na moj meopta meostar r1 3.12.56

What converter would I need for a pulsar krypton fxg50 too mount on my meopta meostar r1 3.12.56

od Mark

Dragi Mark,

hvala na vašoj poruci.

Trebat će vam Smartclip AS veličine 62 mm i redukcijski prsten za uređaj Krypton:

Zahvaljujemo na razumijevanju i slobodno nam se obratite na ako vam možemo pomoći na bilo koji drugi način.

Lijepi pozdrav

Dear Mark,

thank you for your message.

You will need a size 62 mm Smartclip AS and a reducing ring for the Krypton device:

Thank you for your understanding and please do not hesitate to contact us at if we can assist you in any other way.

Kind regards

od Optics Trade team

Je li ovo još uvijek dostupno

Is this still available

od Gavin

Dragi Gavine,

hvala što ste nas kontaktirali.

Da, imamo ovaj adapter na skladištu.

Ako trebate dodatnu pomoć, slobodno nas ponovno kontaktirajte.

Lijepi pozdrav.

Dear Gavin,

thank you for contacting us.

Yes, we do have this adapter in stock.

Should you require any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us again.

Kind regards.

od Optics Trade team

Pozdrav, tražim adapter za pametnu spojku od 65 mm, vidim da ih imate šaljete li u Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo, hvala Gavin

Hi there I am looking for a smartclip adapter in 65mm I see you have them do you ship to UK Thanks gavin

od Gavin

Dragi Gavine,

hvala što ste nas kontaktirali.

Da, isporučujemo ovaj adapter u UK.

Ako trebate bilo kakvu daljnju pomoć, nemojte se ustručavati ponovno nas kontaktirati.

Lijepi pozdrav.

Dear Gavin,

thank you for contacting us.

Yes, we do ship this adapter to the UK.

Should you require any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us again.

Kind regards.

od Optics Trade team

Želio bih naručiti dva adapterska prstena za Burris termalnu kopču na V2. Iz vašeg bloga, čini se da su mi potrebne sljedeće dvije veličine: Burris XTR 5-25x50 (58 mm adapterski prsten) Burris RT-6 1-6x24 (30 mm adapterski prsten) Primijetio sam da postoji više verzija u smartclip liniji. Možete li potvrditi koje trebam naručiti? Otvoren sam za bilo koju marku. Želio bih nešto što se može koristiti bez potrebe za alatima. Hvala, Josh United States

I would like to order two adapter rings for a Burris thermal clip on V2. From your blog, it looks like I need the following two sizes: Burris XTR 5-25x50 (58 mm adapter ring) Burris RT-6 1-6x24 (30 mm adapter ring) I noticed there are multiple versions in the smartclip line. Can you confirm the ones I need to order? I am open to any brand. I would like something that can be used without the need for tools. Thank you, Josh United States

od Josh

Dragi Josh,

hvala na vašoj poruci.

Za montažu ovog uređaja na vaše nišane trebat će vam kombinacija Smartclip adaptera - AS ( veličine 58 mm i 30 mm, plus Smartclip redukcijski prsten za vodilicu GM 52/33.5 (

Zahvaljujemo na razumijevanju i slobodno nam se obratite na ako vam možemo pomoći na bilo koji drugi način.

Lijepi pozdrav

Dear Josh,

thank you for your message.

For mounting this device on your riflescopes, you will need a combination of the Smartclip Adapter - AS ( in sizes 58 mm and 30 mm, plus the Smartclip Reduction Ring for Guide GM 52/33.5 (

Thank you for your understanding and please do not hesitate to contact us at if we can assist you in any other way.

Kind regards

od Optics Trade team

Bok, tražim smartclip koji bi odgovarao mom swarovski Z6 2.5-15x44, znate li koju veličinu trebam ili je trebam izmjeriti? Pulsar Krypton fxg 50. Srdačan pozdrav Garry

Hi I'm looking for a smartclip to fit my swarovski Z6 2.5-15x44 would you know the size I need or do I need to measure it. Pulsar Krypton fxg 50. Kind regards Garry

od Garry

Dragi Garry,

hvala što ste nas kontaktirali.

Veličina adaptera Smartclip AS koji će vam trebati je 50 mm.

Trebat će vam i redukcijski prsten:


Ako vam je potrebna dodatna pomoć, nemojte se ustručavati ponovno nas kontaktirati.

Lijepi pozdrav.

Dear Garry,

thank you for contacting us.

The size of the Smartclip AS adapter you will need is 50mm.

You will also need a reduction ring:


Should you require any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us again.

Kind regards.

od Optics Trade team

dobar dan, trebao bih adapter za pametnu kopču za nišan Zeiss 2.5-10x50. Unutarnji promjer 50 mm i vanjski promjer 56 mm. Trebam adapter za Dedal 542 night vision. Hoće li ispravna veličina adaptera smartclip biti 56 mm? A koja je razlika između klasične verzije i ultra tanke verzije? Hvala vam

good day I would need a smartclip adapter for a Zeiss 2.5-10x50 rifle scope. Inner diameter 50mm and Outer diameter 56mm. I need an adapter for the Dedal 542 night vision. Will the correct size of the smartclip adapter be 56mm? And what is the difference between the classic version and the ultra slim version? Thank you

od Milan

Dragi Milane,

hvala što ste nas kontaktirali.

U ovom slučaju, ispravna veličina za vašu konfiguraciju je 56 mm.

Ako trebate dodatnu pomoć, slobodno nas kontaktirajte izravno na

Lijepi pozdrav,

Dear Milan,

thank you for contacting us.

In this case, the correct size for your configuration is 56 mm.

Should you require any further assistance, please don't hesitate to contact us directly at

Kind Regards,

od Optics Trade team

Pozdrav s adapterom za pametnu kopču, naručujete li veličinu objektiva ili mjerite vanjsku stranu. Također, rade li na leuopoldovim opsezima s izvanzaobljenim krajem?

Hi with the smart clip adapter do you order the objective size or measure the outside .also do they work on the leuopold scopes with out of round end please ?

od Dave

Dragi Dave,

hvala što ste nas kontaktirali.

Kraj objektiva na opsegu mora biti bez objektiva paralakse. Smartclip u osnovi može isporučiti gotovo sve dimenzije. Za dodatne informacije obratite nam se izravno na

Lijepi pozdrav,

Dear Dave,

thank you for contacting us.

The objective end on the scope needs to be parallax objective-free. Smartclip can basically supply almost any dimension. For additional information, please contact us directly at

Kind Regards,

od Optics Trade team

Pozdrav, koji promjer smartclip adapter trebam koristiti sa swarovski z8 2,3x18x56 s liemke merlin 13. Hvala.

Hello, What diameter smartclip adapter I need to use with swarovski z8 2,3x18x56 with liemke merlin 13. Thank you.

od Giedrius

Poštovani gospodine,

hvala što ste nas kontaktirali.

Trebat će vam veličina od 62 mm za vaš Swarovski nišan.

Molimo da nas kontaktirate izravno na za daljnju pomoć u ovom pitanju.

Lijepi pozdrav,

Dear Sir,

thank you for contacting us.

You will require the 62 mm size for your Swarovski scope.

Please contact us directly at for further assistance in this matter.

Kind Regards,

od Optics Trade team

Dobro jutro, kupio sam Leica Amplus 2.5-15x56, a sada bih trebao od vas kupiti Smartclip Adapter - AS, a zatim instalirati termoviziju. Možete li mi reći pravu veličinu za kupnju? Hvala i ugodan dan, Roberto

Buongiorno ho acquistato un Leica Amplus 2.5-15x56, e ora dovrei acquistare da voi il Smartclip Adapter - AS, per poi installare il visore termico. Potete indicarmi la corretta misura da acquistare? Grazie e buona giornata Roberto

od Roberto

Dragi Roberto,

hvala na vašoj poruci.

Ispravna veličina koju biste trebali odabrati je 65 mm.

Zahvaljujemo na razumijevanju.

Lijepi pozdrav

Dear Roberto,

thank you for your message.

The correct size that you should choose is 65 mm.

Thank you for your understanding.

Kind regards

od Optics Trade team

Imam Pulsar Krypton 2 XG50 i želio bih ga postaviti na nišan vanjskog promjera 62 mm i na nišan vanjskog promjera 58 mm. S pametnom kopčom pretpostavljam da mogu koristiti monokular, zatim odvojiti monokular i brzo ga pričvrstiti na opseg za koji imam spojnicu bez ikakvih drugih smetnji, a zatim odvojiti monokular i ponovno ga lako koristiti. Jesam li u pravu i ako jesam, koliko bi koštalo nabaviti sve što trebam za nišan od 62 mm, a zatim i za nišan od 58 mm? Usput, imam i Krypton verziju 1. Bi li bilo moguće pristajati na oba? Srdačan pozdrav Duncan

I have a Pulsar Krypton 2 XG50 and would like to be able to fit it to a 62mm outside diameter scope and also to a 58mm outside diameter scope. With a smart clip I presume I am able to use the monocular then detach the monocular and swiftly attach to the scope for which I have the fitting attached without any other interference then detach and use the monocular again easily. Am I correct and if so what would it cost to obtain all I need for the 62mm sight firstly and secondly for both it and the 58mm sight? Incidentally I have a Krypton version 1 as well. Would it be possible to fit to both? Kind regards Duncan

od Duncan

Dear Sir,

thank you for contacting us.

According to the provided information we would like to recommend the following products:

 - Smartclip Adapter - AS 1x size 62mm and 1x size 58mm

 - Smartclip Reduction Ring for Pulsar Krypton

 - Smartclip Monocular Ring for Pulsar Monocular 1x size 58mm and 1x size 62mm

Thank you for your understanding.

Should you require any further information please do not hesitate to contact us again.

Have a nice day ahead.

od Optics Trade team

Imate li pametnu kopču od 65 mm za Infiray mate mah 50

Do you have a 65mm smart clip for Infiray mate mah 50

od Campbell

Poštovani gospodine,

hvala na vašoj poruci.

Smartclip AS adapter odgovara izravno Infiray Mate MAH50 i potvrđujemo da imamo veličinu od 65 mm na zalihi.

Ako imate još pitanja, obratite nam se na

Zahvaljujemo na razumijevanju.

Lijepi pozdrav

Dear Sir,

thank you for your message.

The Smartclip AS adapter will fit the Infiray Mate MAH50 directly and we confirm that we have the 65mm size is in stock.

If you have any more questions, please contact us at

Thank you for your understanding.

Kind regards

od Optics Trade team

Možete li objasniti različite veličine od 30 mm koje imate. Nisam siguran u čemu je razlika ili koji mi treba. Imam nightforce nx8 1-8x s cijevi od 30 mm. Potreban je adapter za pulsar kripton na opseg

Can you explain the different 30mm sizes you have. Not sure what the difference is or which one i need I have a nightforce nx8 1-8x with the 30mm tube. Need the pulsar krypton to scope adapter

od Alfonso

Dragi Alfonso,

hvala što ste nas kontaktirali.

Trebat će vam normalni adapter od 30 mm bez slova na kraju.

Slova predstavljaju samo različite standarde za montažu na tračnicu koje ima nekoliko nišana.

Ako vam je potrebna dodatna pomoć, nemojte se ustručavati ponovno nas kontaktirati.

Lijepi pozdrav.

Dear Alfonso,

thank you for contacting us.

You will need the normal 30mm adapter without any letter at the end.

The letters only represent the different rail mounting standards that a few riflescopes have.

Should you require any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us again.

Kind regards.

od Optics Trade team

Hoće li smartclip ultra tanki adapter odgovarati opsegu od 64,5 mm? Hvala vam

Will the smartclip ultra slim adaptor fit a scope 64.5mm? Thankyou

od Kenny

Dragi Kenny,

hvala što ste nas kontaktirali.

Adapter ne odgovara cilju.

Adapter od 64,5 mm možete pronaći ovdje:


Nažalost, nemaju ultratanku verziju.

Ako vam je potrebna dodatna pomoć, nemojte se ustručavati ponovno nas kontaktirati.

Lijepi pozdrav.

Dear Kenny,

thank you for contacting us.

The adapter won't fit the objective.

You can find the 64,5mm adapter here:


Unfortunately, they don't have the ultra-slim version.

Should you require any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us again.

Kind regards.

od Optics Trade team

Zdravo. Zanima me je li adapter smartclip-A prikladan za infiray nv cd35 night vision? Vanjski promjer mog dalekozora je 61 mm. Hvala i srdačan pozdrav! Aljaž

Pozdravljeni. zanima me ali je adapter smartclip-A primeren za nočnogled infiray nv cd35? Zunanji Premer daljnogleda imam 61mm. Hvala in lep pozdrav! Aljaž

od Aljaž


Hvala na poruci.

Odgovarajući adapter za CD35 možete pronaći na sljedećoj poveznici:< /p>



hvala za sporočilo.

Ustrezen adapter za CD35 lahko najdete na naslednji povezavi:

Lep pozdrav

od Optics Trade team

Pozdrav, želim kupiti 57 mm smartclip od vas i nisam siguran imate li ga na zalihama ili ne, nemam ništa protiv da ga čekam čak i ako prođe nekoliko tjedana koliko vas poznajem može ga dostaviti. Hvala Hugh

Hi there , I’m wanting to purchase a 57mm smartclip from you and not sure whether you have it in stock or not , I don’t mind waiting for it even if it’s a couple of weeks as long as I know you can supply it . Thanks Hugh

od Hugh

Dragi Hugh,

hvala što ste nas kontaktirali.

Adaptera trenutno nema na zalihama, ali vrijeme isporuke trebalo bi trajati otprilike 14-20 dana nakon narudžbe.

Ako imate dodatnih pitanja ili nedoumica, ne ustručavajte se kontaktirati nas izravno na Ovdje smo da pomognemo.

Lijepi pozdrav,

Dear Hugh,

thank you for contacting us.

The adapter is currently out of stock, but the delivery time should take approximately 14-20 days once ordered.

If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us directly at We are here to help.

Kind Regards,

od Optics Trade team

Dobar dan, tražim adapter za hikmicro cheetah. Imam adapterski prsten koji se pričvršćuje na noćni nišan, ali želim nosač za brzo otpuštanje koji se pričvršćuje na nišan. Molimo preporučite koji su proizvodi dostupni. Srdačan pozdrav Michael

Good day I am looking for an adapter for a hikmicro cheetah. I have the adapter ring that screws on the night sight but want a quick release mount that attaches to the scope. Please recommend what products are available. Kind regards Michael

od Michael

Dragi Michael,

hvala što ste nas kontaktirali.

Imajte na umu da ako imate verziju s kopčom, ljubazno bismo vas željeli obavijestiti da nije prikladna za instalaciju kao samostalni uređaj. Ako imate kopču za noćno gledanje iz serije Cheetah, trebat će vam i sljedeći redukcijski prsten za kombinaciju s AS adapterom iz Smartclip-a.

Možete pronaći nosač za Cheetah nišan na stranici ispod.

Ako imate dodatnih pitanja ili nedoumica, ne ustručavajte se kontaktirati nas izravno na Ovdje smo da pomognemo.

Lijepi pozdrav,

Dear Michael,

thank you for contacting us.

Please note that if you have a clip-on version we would kindly like to inform you that it is not suitable to be installed as a standalone device. If you have a night vision clip-on from the Cheetah series you will also require the following reduction ring to combine with the AS adapter from Smartclip.

You can find the mount for the Cheetah riflescope on the page below.

If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us directly at We are here to help.

Kind Regards,

od Optics Trade team

Stavio sam ga u jamstveni rad slučajno, nisam ga trebao staviti, mogu li ga izostaviti.

Laitoin sen takuuhomman vahingossa ei pitänyt laittaa voiko sen jättää pois.

od Mika

Poštovani gospodine,

hvala što ste nas kontaktirali.

Ispričavamo se zbog eventualne zabune i željeli bismo vam pomoći na bilo koji način. Kako bismo vam pružili najtočnije i najrelevantnije informacije, ljubazno vas molimo da navedete detaljnije pojedinosti o svom upitu. To će nam omogućiti da bolje razumijemo vaše potrebe i pružimo vam najbolje moguće rješenje. Možete nas kontaktirati na

Ako trebate bilo kakve dodatne informacije, slobodno nas ponovno kontaktirajte.

Želim vam ugodan dan.

Dear Sir,

thank you for contacting us.

We apologize for any confusion and would like to assist you in any way we can. In order to provide you with the most accurate and relevant information, we kindly ask that you please provide more specific details about your inquiry. This will allow us to better understand your needs and provide you with the best possible solution. You can contact us at

Should you require any further information please do not hesitate to contact us again.

Have a nice day ahead.

od Optics Trade team

Naručio sam kopču na adapteru od 30 mm. Račun će stići kad-tad

Tilasin 30mm adapterin clip on .lasku tulee sit vissii jossaa vaihees

od Mika

Poštovani gospodine,

hvala što ste nas kontaktirali.

Sa zadovoljstvom vas obavještavamo da smo uspješno primili vašu narudžbu za gore navedeni artikl. Također je trenutno na zalihi, stoga će biti poslano odmah, što znači da možete očekivati da će stići sljedećih dana. Nakon slanja primit ćete i zasebnu poruku s brojem za praćenje.

Hvala na povjerenju i narudžbi u Optics Trade.

Ako imate dodatnih pitanja ili ako postoji bilo što drugo što možemo učiniti da vam pomognemo, nemojte se ustručavati kontaktirati nas ponovno.

Želim vam ugodan dan.

Dear Sir,

thank you for contacting us.

We are happy to inform you that we have successfully received your order for the above-mentioned item. It is also currently in stock, therefore it will be shipped immediately, meaning you can expect it to arrive in the next following days. Once shipped you will also receive a separate message with a tracking number.

Thank you for your trust and order at Optics Trade.

If you have any further questions or if there is anything else we can do to assist you, please don't hesitate to contact us again.

Have a nice day ahead.

od Optics Trade team

Pokušavam pronaći adapter za opseg za svoj Burris BTC 35 Thermal clip on. Čuo sam da bi smartclip mogao biti kompatibilan s tom optikom, ali želim biti siguran prije nego što kupim predmet. Možete li mi reći je li ovo kompatibilno. BTC ima kraj s navojem za adapter. Ne mogu reći ima li vaš adapter navoje ili ne.

I am trying to find a scope adapter for my Burris BTC 35 Thermal clip on. I have heard that the smartclip may be compatible with that optic, but wan to make sure before I purchase the item. Can you let me know if this is compatible. The BTC has a threaded end for the adapter. I can not tell of your adapter has threads or not.

od Daryl

Poštovani gospodine,

hvala što ste nas kontaktirali.

Prema dostavljenim informacijama, ljubazno vas želimo obavijestiti da su vam potrebni sljedeći proizvodi kako biste instalirali Burris BTC 35 termalnu kopču na svoj nišan:

 - Smartclip Reduction Ring za vodič GM 52/33.5

 - Smartclip adapter - AS

Također, imajte na umu da je kako biste montirali kopču na nišan, važno znati vanjski promjer objektiva nišana, a ne promjer leće objektiva. Stoga trebate odabrati točno istu veličinu spomenutog adaptera kao što je vanjski promjer objektiva vašeg nišana.

Zahvaljujemo na razumijevanju.

Ako trebate bilo kakve dodatne informacije, slobodno nas ponovno kontaktirajte.

Želim vam ugodan dan.

Dear Sir,

thank you for contacting us.

According to the provided information, we would kindly like to inform you that you need the following products in order to install your Burris BTC 35 thermal clip-on to your riflescope:

 - Smartclip Reduction Ring for Guide GM 52/33.5

 - Smartclip Adapter - AS

Also, please note that to mount a clip-on on a riflescope, it is important to know the outer objective diameter of the riflescope, not the diameter of the objective lens. Therefore you need to select the exact same size of the mentioned adapter as it is the outer objective diameter of your riflescope.

Thank you for your understanding.

Should you require any further information please do not hesitate to contact us again.

Have a nice day ahead.

od Optics Trade team

Pokušavam pronaći adapter za 56 mm na Steiner c35

I’m trying to find an adaptor for 56mm to a Steiner c35

od Jeremy

Poštovani gospodine,

Zahvaljujemo na vašem upitu. Adapter Smartclip koji ste gledali prikladan je uz točan izbor veličine. Alternativa bi bila Rusan Q-R adapter.

Ako vam je potrebna dodatna pomoć, nemojte se ustručavati ponovno nas kontaktirati.

Lijepi pozdrav

Dear Sir,

Thank you for your inquiry. The Smartclip Adapter that you were looking at is suitable with the correct size choice. An alternative would be the Rusan Q-R adapter.

Should you require any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us again.

Kind regards

od Optics Trade team

Pozdrav svima, još uvijek koristim SmartClip AS zajedno sa svojim nišanom 56 Steiner. Za drugu pušku trebam još jednu za Meoptu 2,5-15x44 promjera 51mm. Zbog situacije s montažom nišana, trebam adapter u verziji za SAD. Možete li mi dati ponudu? Pozdrav Jörg

Hello all, I'm still using a SmartClip AS together with my 56 Steiner rifle scope. For an other rifle I need an additional one for an Meopta 2,5-15x44 with a diameter of 51mm. Due to the moutning situation of the scope, I need the adapter in the U.S.E version. Can you give me an offer? Regards Jörg

od Joerg

Poštovani gospodine,

hvala što ste nas kontaktirali.

Žao nam je što vas moramo obavijestiti da se ne izrađuje veličina USE 51 mm, samo one koje su dostupne na web stranici u opciji konfiguracije.

Lijepi pozdrav

Dear Sir,

thank you for contacting us.

We are sorry to inform you that there is no USE 51mm size being made, only those that are available on the website in the configuration option.

Kind regards

od Optics Trade team

Pozdrav, odgovara li moj okular nišana od 40 mm?

Hallo,past fur meine zielfernrohr okular 40mm?

od Erich

Dragi Erich,

hvala što ste nas kontaktirali.

Morate odabrati istu veličinu kao vanjski promjer objektiva.

Ako trebate dodatne informacije, možete nas kontaktirati na

Lijepi pozdrav.

Dear Erich,

thank you for contacting us.

You have to choose the same size as the outer diameter of the objective.

If you will need any additional information you can contact us at

Kind regards.

od Optics Trade team

Bok, želim montirati Iray ch 50 na prednji dio swarovski ds nišana ...Vanjski promjer nišana je točno 65..12 mm ... koju veličinu adaptera trebam?

Hi there looking to mount an Iray ch 50 onto the front of a swarovski ds scope ...The outside diamater of the scope is exactly 65..12 mm ... which size of adapter do i need ?

od kevin

Poštovani gospodine,

hvala što ste nas kontaktirali.

Prema vašim informacijama, potreban vam je adapter od 65 mm Smartclip AS kako biste svoj Iray CH50 montirali na svoj Swarovski dS nišan.

Zahvaljujemo na razumijevanju.

Ako trebate bilo kakve dodatne informacije, slobodno nas ponovno kontaktirajte.

Želim vam ugodan dan.

Dear Sir,

thank you for contacting us.

According to your information, you need a 65mm Smartclip AS adapter in order to mount your Iray CH50 to your Swarovski dS riflescope.

Thank you for your understanding.

Should you require any further information please do not hesitate to contact us again.

Have a nice day ahead.

od Optics Trade team

Bok. Tražim pametnu kopču za z8i 2,3-18x56. Uređaji su infaray ch 50. Imate li neki gor taj set?

Hi.i looking for smart clip on for z8i 2,3-18x56.the devise are infaray ch you you have some gor that set?

od Andrius

Poštovani gospodine, 

hvala što ste nas kontaktirali.

Ispričavamo se zbog kasnog odgovora koji je rezultat povećane potrašnje za našim uslugama.

Ovo je pravi adapter. Imajte na umu da trebate odabrati konfiguraciju od 62 mm u padajućem izborniku kako bi savršeno odgovarala. Nije potreban redukcijski prsten.

Nadamo se da je ovo bilo od pomoći.

Ako trebate bilo kakvu dodatnu pomoć, nemojte se ustručavati ponovno nas kontaktirati.

Lijepi pozdrav

Dear Sir, 

thank you for contacting us.

We kindly apologize for the late reply which is a result of increased demand for our services.

This is the right adapter. Please note, that you should choose the 62mm configuration in the dropdown menu in order to fit perfectly. No reduction ring is required. 

We hope this was helpful. 

Should you require any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us again.

Kind regards

od Optics Trade team

Pozdrav, imate li ili možete li adapter za smartclip za 70 mm nišan? Lijep pozdrav.

Bonjour, avez vous ou es ce que vous pouvez avoir un adaptateur smartclip pour une lunette de 70 mm. Très cordialement.


Poštovani gospodine Dominique,

hvala što ste nas kontaktirali.

Nema 70 mm Smrtclip adaptera.

Ako trebate dodatnu pomoć, obratite nam se na

Lijepi pozdrav,

Dear Mr. Dominique,

thank you for contacting us.

There are no 70mm Smrtclip adapters.

Should you require any further assistance, please contact us at

Kind regards,

od Optics Trade team

Bok, tražim Pulsar XG50 za korištenje između dvije-tri puške… sa Swarovski X5 3.5-18x50 i Swarovski X5 5-25x56. Vjerujem da mi trebaju 56 mm i 62 mm? . S ultra tankim modelima, koliko mi je prostora potrebno između objektiva i cijevi puške? Koja veličina mi je potrebna za Swarovski Z5 3.5-18x44? Hvala Jeremy

Hi, I am looking at a Pulsar XG50 to use between two-three rifles… with a Swarovski X5 3.5-18x50 and a Swarovski X5 5-25x56. I believe I need a 56mm and 62mm? . With the ultra slim models how much clearance do I need between the scope objective & rifle barrel please? What size would I need for a Swarovski Z5 3.5-18x44? Thanks Jeremy

od Jeremy

Dragi Jeremy,

hvala što ste nas kontaktirali.

Ove adapterske ploče ne odgovaraju Pulsar axion gx50. Trebat će vam Rusan QR adapter, kojeg imamo u verziji od 56 mm i 62 mm na zalihi:

Debljina adaptera gdje stane na objektiv je 3 mm.

Ako trebate dodatne informacije, možete nas kontaktirati na

Lijepi pozdrav,

Dear Jeremy,

thank you for contacting us.

This adapter plates won't fit Pulsar axion gx50. You will need Rusan QR adapter, which we have the 56mm and 62mm version in stock:

The thicknes of the adapter where it fits on the objective is 3mm.

If you will need any additional information you can contact us at

Kind regards,

od Optics Trade team

Leupold VX-5HD 3-15x44. 53 mm. Imam Pulsar Core FXQ50. Dolazi Smart Coverter. Pozdrav Jeremy

Leupold VX-5HD 3-15x44. 53mm. I have Pulsar Core FXQ50. Does come the Smart Coverter. Regards Jeremy

od Jeremy

Dragi Jeremy,

hvala što ste nas kontaktirali.

Biste li bili ljubazni i kontaktirali nas u vezi s ovim pitanjem na

Zahvaljujemo na razumijevanju.

Lijepi pozdrav,

Dear Jeremy,

thank you for contacting us.

Would you please be so kind and contact us about this matter at

Thank you for your understanding.

Kind regards,

od Optics Trade team

-dobro jutro, želio bih znati ima li Smartclip AS adapter ove mjere navoja: M52 x 0,75 + (xxxxx mjerenje tražila) -bi li služio isto kao Rusan Q-R adapter? - Pišem vam iz Španjolske, hvala vam puno

-buenos días, quisiera saber si el adaptador Smartclip AS tiene ésta medida en la rosca : M52 x 0.75 + (xxxxx medida visor) -serviría igual que el adaptador Rusan Q-R ? - les escribo desde España, muchas gracias

od Dani

Poštovani gospodine,

hvala što ste nas kontaktirali.

U pravu ste, ovaj proizvod ima navoj M52x0.75 i radi potpuno isto kao i Rusan adapter.

Ako vam je potrebna dodatna pomoć, nemojte se ustručavati ponovno nas kontaktirati.

Lijepi pozdrav

Dear Sir,

thank you for contacting us.

You are correct, this product has M52x0.75 thread and works exactly the same as the Rusan adapter.

Should you require any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us again.

Kind regards

od Optics Trade team

Pozdrav, možete li mi savjetovati koji adapter trebam za Zeiss Conquest v6 2-12 x 50 nišan. Hvala

Hi, Could you advise which adapter I need for a Zeiss Conquest v6 2-12 x 50 scope. Thanks

od Trevor

Poštovani gospodine,

hvala što ste nas kontaktirali.

Ispravna veličina adaptera Smartclip AS za Zeiss Conquest V6 2-12x50 je 56 mm.

Zahvaljujemo na razumijevanju.

Ako trebate bilo kakve dodatne informacije, nemojte se ustručavati ponovno nas kontaktirati.

Lijepi pozdrav

Dear Sir,

thank you for contacting us.

The correct size of the Smartclip AS adapter for Zeiss Conquest V6 2-12x50 is 56mm.

Thank you for your understanding.

If you will need any additional information please do not hesitate to contact us again.

Kind Regards

od Optics Trade team

Bok, imam Infiray ctp13 i želim kupiti smartclip adapter za svoj nišan Zeiss Conquest V6 2-12x50. Možete li mi reći koju veličinu adaptera naručiti. Puno hvala

Hi, I have an Infiray ctp13 and want to purchase a smartclip adapter for my scope a Zeiss Conquest V6 2-12x50. Could you tell me what size adapter to order. Many Thanks

od Trevor

Poštovani gospodine,

hvala što ste nas kontaktirali.

Prema dostavljenim informacijama, ispravna veličina adaptera Smartclip AS je 56 mm.

Zahvaljujemo na razumijevanju.

Ako trebate bilo kakve dodatne informacije, nemojte se ustručavati ponovno nas kontaktirati.

Lijepi pozdrav

Dear Sir,

thank you for contacting us.

According to the provided information, the correct size of the Smartclip AS adapter is 56mm.

Thank you for your understanding.

If you will need any additional information please do not hesitate to contact us again.

Kind Regards

od Optics Trade team

Hoće li Smartclip AS raditi na nišanu Leica Calonox?

Will the Smartclip AS work on the Leica Calonox sight?

od Chris

Poštovani gospodine,

hvala što ste nas kontaktirali.

Da, radit će.

Lijepi pozdrav

Dear Sir,

thank you for contacting us.

Yes, it will work.

Kind regards

od Optics Trade team

Imam LIEMKE Merlin-13 koji bih želio prilagoditi nišanu za pušku Leupold VX Freedom 4-12 x 50. LIEMKE adapter koji je isporučen ima dimenziju vanjskog navoja od 51,85 mm. Kraj leće objektiva Leupold ima vanjske dimenzije 58,4 mm. Ima li model SMARTCLIP 58,4 mm odgovarajući navoj za LIEMKE adapter na 51,85 mm vanjske dimenzije navoja. (veličinu gaznoga sloja nije naveo LIEMKE)? Ako ne, koji je adapter potreban? Hvala

I have a LIEMKE Merlin-13 that I would like to adapt to a Leupold VX Freedom 4-12 x 50 riflescope. The LIEMKE adapter that was supplied has an Outside thread dimension of 51.85 mm. The Leupold scope objective lens end measures 58.4 mm outside dimension. Does the SMARTCLIP 58.4 mm model have the matching thread for the LIEMKE adapter at 51.85 mm outside thread dimension. (tread size not given by LIEMKE)? If not, what adapter is needed? Thank You

od Greg

Poštovani gospodine,

hvala što ste nas kontaktirali.

Imajte na umu da ste uz Liemke Merlin - 13 trebali dobiti i redukcijske prstenove kao što je prikazano na fotografijama proizvoda ovdje. Spomenuti redukcijski prsten pristaje izravno na Smartclip AS adapter. Prema vašem modelu nišana za puške, adapter veličine 58,4 mm trebao bi odgovarati vašem nišanu bez problema.

Zahvaljujemo na razumijevanju.

Ako trebate bilo kakve dodatne informacije, nemojte se ustručavati ponovno nas kontaktirati.

Lijepi pozdrav

Dear Sir,

thank you for contacting us.

Please note that with the Liemke Merlin - 13 you should have also received reduction rings such as shown in the product's photos here. The mentioned reduction ring fits directly onto the Smartclip AS adapter. According to your riflescopes model the 58.4mm sized adapter should fit your riflescope with no problem.

Thank you for your understanding.

If you will need any additional information please do not hesitate to contact us again.

Kind Regards

od Optics Trade team

Hoće li odgovarati rusan redukcijskom prstenu za pulsar kripton sa značajkama pozicioniranja zaslona? Hvala.

Will these fit the rusan reduction ring for the pulsar krypton with screen positioning features? Thanks.

od Steve

Poštovani gospodine,

hvala što ste nas kontaktirali.

Želimo potvrditi da će Rusan redukcijski prsten za Pulsar Krypton s pozicioniranjem zaslona bez problema odgovarati adapteru Smartclip AS.

Zahvaljujemo na razumijevanju.

Ako trebate bilo kakve dodatne informacije, nemojte se ustručavati ponovno nas kontaktirati.

Lijepi pozdrav

Dear Sir,

thank you for contacting us.

We would like to confirm that the Rusan reduction ring for Pulsar Krypton with screen positioning will fit the Smartclip AS adapter with no problem.

Thank you for your understanding.

If you will need any additional information please do not hesitate to contact us again.

Kind Regards

od Optics Trade team

Tražim adapter za Pulsar FXG50 na nišan od 30 mm. Imate li ovaj proizvod?

I am looking for an adapter for a Pulsar FXG50 to a 30mm scope. Do you have this product?

od Ryan

Poštovani gospodine,

hvala što ste nas kontaktirali.

Možete odabrati adapter od 30 mm na stranici ispod u tablici "veličina", ali će vam trebati i redukcijski prsten za Krypton jedinicu.

Ako vam je potrebna dodatna pomoć, nemojte se ustručavati ponovno nas kontaktirati.

Lijepi pozdrav,

Dear Sir,

thank you for contacting us.

You can choose the 30 mm adapter on the page below in the "size" chart but you will also require a reduction ring for the Krypton unit.

Should you require any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us again.

Kind Regards,

od Optics Trade team

smartclip adapter kao SKU SMART 56 će odgovarati pulsar kriptonu. Imam smartclip redukcijski prsten, ali trebam adapter od 65 mm. Imao sam problema s narudžbom u siječnju

smartclip adaptor as SKU SMART 56 will this fit pulsar krypton. I have smartclip reduction ring but need a 65mm adaptor. I Had some problems with a order in january

od Roger

Poštovani gospodine,

hvala što ste nas kontaktirali.

Ako već imate Smartclip redukcijski prsten za Pulsar Krypton, tada vam je potreban samo Smartclip AS adapter kako biste Pulsar Krypton montirali na svoj nišan. Veličina adaptera treba odgovarati veličini objektiva (izvan kućišta) nišana.

Zahvaljujemo na razumijevanju.

Ako trebate bilo kakve dodatne informacije, nemojte se ustručavati ponovno nas kontaktirati.

Lijepi pozdrav

Dear Sir,

thank you for contacting us.

If you already have a Smartclip reduction ring for Pulsar Krypton then you only need a Smartclip AS adapter in order to mount Pulsar Krypton to your riflescope. The size of the adapter should match the size of the objective (outside housing) of the riflescope.

Thank you for your understanding.

If you will need any additional information please do not hesitate to contact us again.

Kind Regards

od Optics Trade team

Bok OT, Com.People Koji će adapter veličine adaptera (za pulsar proton) najbolje odgovarati Leica magnus 1.5-10x42 i? I je li najtanji, jer moja cijev i optika imaju minimalan razmak između? Koliko je prostora između cijevi i optike potrebno? Veličine adaptera mjere se unutarnjim ili vanjskim promjerom? Lijepi pozdrav Wim

Hi OT, Com.People What adapter size adapter (for pulsar proton)will fitt a Leica magnus 1.5-10x42 i best? And is the thinnest, because my barrel and optic have minimum space in between? How much space between barrel and optic is required? Adapter sizes are measered inside or outside diameter? Kindcregards Wim

od Wim

Poštovani gospodine,

hvala što ste nas kontaktirali.

Vanjski promjer objektiva vašeg modela Leica Magnus je 48 mm, što je adapter koji će vam trebati. Kako biste montirali Smartclip, trebat će vam prostor od približno 4 mm kako bi dobro radio. Veličine adaptera uvijek se mjere izvana.

Ako vam je potrebna dodatna pomoć, nemojte se ustručavati ponovno nas kontaktirati.

Lijepi pozdrav,

Dear Sir,

thank you for contacting us.

The outer objective diameter of your Leica Magnus model is 48 mm which is the adapter that you will need. In order to mount a Smartclip, you will require a space of approximately 4 mm in order to work fine. Adapter sizes are always measured from the outside.

Should you require any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us again.

Kind Regards,

od Optics Trade team

budite adapter zbogom infracrveni ch-50

este adaptador vale pa infiray ch-50


Poštovani gospodine,

hvala što ste nas kontaktirali.

Ispričavamo se zbog kašnjenja u odgovoru, što je rezultat povećane potražnje za našim uslugama.

Ovaj određeni adapter pristaje izravno na navoj Infiray CH-50 termalne jedinice.

Ako vam je potrebna dodatna pomoć, nemojte se ustručavati ponovno nas kontaktirati.

Lijepi pozdrav,

Dear Sir,

thank you for contacting us.

We kindly apologize for the late reply, which is a result of the increased demand for our services.

This particular adapter fits directly on the thread of the Infiray CH-50 thermal unit.

Should you require any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us again.

Kind Regards,

od Optics Trade team

Koja je razlika između 30 mm i 30 mm SR? Hvala

Whats the difference between 30mm and 30mm SR? Thanks

od William

Verzija od 30 mm prikladna je za klasični vanjski promjer objektiva od 30 mm, dok je verzija od 30 mm SR dostupna za puške s vanjskim promjerom objektiva od 30 mm koji imaju Swarovski SR šinu ispod cijevi ciljnika.

The 30 mm version is suitable for a classic 30 mm outer objective diameter, while the 30 mm SR version is available for riflescopes with 30 mm outer objective diameter that have the Swarovski SR rail underneath the tube of the scope. 

od Optics Trade team

Poštovani gospodine, imam dva nišana s vanjskim objektivom na 50 i 51 mm. Trebam li dva Smartclip adaptera za Pulsar Krypton ili će jedan od 50 ili 51 obaviti posao? Pozdrav.

Dear sir I have two scopes with external objektiv lens on 50 and 51 mm. Do I need two Smartclip adaptors for Pulsar Krypton or will one in 50 or 51 do the job? Regards.

od Casper

Nažalost, imajte na umu da su ovi adapteri podesivi samo za 0,5 mm i neće biti kompatibilni s dva opsega različitih dimenzija.

Unfortunately, please note that these adapters are only adjustable by 0.5 mm and will not be compatible with two scopes of different dimensions.

od Optics Trade team

Pozdrav optičaru.

Razmišljam o Infiray CML25. Isporučujete li pametnu kopču za Leupold 2-7x33 VXR vanjskog promjera 39,55 mm i Leupold 3-9x40 VXR vanjskog promjera 46,55 mm i Leupold 3,5 - 10 X 50 s vanjskim promjerom zvona objektiva od 58,40 mm

Možemo vam ponuditi adapter za vaš CML25 u veličini od 40 mm i veličini od 46,5 mm bez problema. Ljubazno vas molimo da nas kontaktirate na u vezi s ovim pitanjem.

od Optics Trade Tea

Stoga mi trebaju 3

Smartclip adapteri su veličine 40 mm i 46,5 mm i 58,40 mm kako bi odgovarali CML25

Hello Optics trade.

I am considering an Infiray CML25. Do you supply Smart clip for Leupold 2-7x33 VXR external diameter 39.55 mm and Leupold 3-9x40 VXR external diameter 46.55 mm and Leupold 3.5 - 10 X 50 with external objective bell diameter of 58.40mm

We can offer you an adapter for your CML25 in 40mm size and 46.5mm size with no problem. We kindly ask you to contact us at regarding this matter.

by Optics Trade Tea

Therefore I do need 3

Smartclip adapters being size 40mm and 46.5mm and 58.40mm to fit the CML25

od Geoff

Možemo vam isporučiti tri potrebna adaptera, međutim, imajte na umu da Rusan proizvodi dimenzije prema zahtjevu.

We can supply you with the three required adapters, however, please note that Rusan produces dimensions by demand.

od Optics Trade team

Imam Leica Calonox i pitam se koji smartclip adapter kupiti? Ima vanjski navoj m52x.75. Imam nekoliko pušaka koje bih želio koristiti u rasponu od 56,7 mm do 60 mm. Hoću li trebati više adaptera? Mogu li staviti omot ili dvije električne trake i koristiti samo 60 mm na manjim promjerima?

I have a Leica Calonox and was wondering which smartclip adapter to buy? It has a m52x.75 external thread. I have several guns I’d like to use it on which range in OD 56.7mm to 60mm. Will I need multiple adapters? Could i put a wrap or 2 of electrical tape and just use the 60mm on the smaller diameters?

od Dan

Imajte na umu da su Smartclip i Rusan adapteri dostupni samo za fiksne dimenzije, što znači da ćete trebati dodatne adaptere za druge optičke nišane različitih promjera.

Please note that Smartclip and Rusan adapters are only available for fixed dimensions, which means that you will require additional adapters for other riflescopes with different diameters.

od Optics Trade team

Bok. Odgovara li adapter na Pulsar f455? Izmjerite svoj Smith&bender t96 na 57 mm, hoću li tada koristiti adapter od 57 mm. Srdačan pozdrav.

Hi Adapter fit to Pulsar f455? Messure my Smith&bender t96 to 57mm, shall i use the 57mm adapter then. Best regards.

od Björn

Ovaj adapter odgovara Pulsar Forward F455, međutim, trebat će vam i redukcijski prsten koji možete pronaći na stranici ispod.

This adapter fits Pulsar Forward F455, however, you will also require the reduction ring that you can find on the page below.

od Optics Trade team

Želim à Smartclip ili Rusan adapter za svoj Steiner 50 mm 2,5-10 (57,5 mm). Moj pulsar prsten ne odgovara jer mi je nosač nizak. Treba mi za pulsar f 455

I have want à Smartclip or a Rusan adapter to my Steiner 50 mm 2,5-10 (57,5 mm). My pulsar ring dosent fit because my mount is low. I need it for a pulsar f 455

od Thomas

Željeni adapter od 57,5 mm možete pogledati na stranici ispod.

Trebat će vam i redukcijski prsten za F455 koji možete pronaći na sljedećoj poveznici u nastavku.

You can take a look at the desired 57.5 mm adapter on the page below.

You will also require a reduction ring for the F455 which you can find on the following link below.

od Optics Trade team

Molimo vas, možete li točno navesti koje Smartclip stavke trebam za montiranje svog Pulsar Kryptona na Swarovski Z8i 2-16x50?

Please could you specify exactly which Smartclip items I need to mount my Pulsar Krypton to Swarovski Z8i 2-16x50 ?

od David

Trebat će vam adapter veličine 56 mm za vaš Swarovski nišan. Redukcijski prsten za Krypton nalazi se na donjoj stranici.

You will need an adapter with the size of 56 mm for your Swarovski scope. The reduction ring for Krypton is located on the page below.

od Optics Trade team

Uz Smartclip adapter A, je li uključen dipol redukcijski prsten 52mm/49mm?! Ako ne, dostupno kod vas?! Hvala

With Smartclip Adapter A, is there Dipol Reduction Ring 52mm/49mm included?! If not, available at yours?! Thanks

od Carsten

Redukcijski prsten za Dipol uređaje dostupan je na stranici ispod.

The reduction ring for Dipol devices is available on the page below.

od Optics Trade team

Može li se nabaviti Smartclip adapter - A, za ciljnik vanjskog promjera 46,5 mm?

Is it possible to get a Smartclip Adapter - A, for a scope with an outer diameter of 46.5 mm?

od Magnus

To je moguće, međutim, molimo vas da nas kontaktirate izravno na kako bismo obradili ovu prilagođenu narudžbu.

That is possible, however, we would kindly ask you to contact us directly at to process this custom order.

od Optics Trade team

Poštovani gospodine ili gospođo, možete li mi reći koju vrstu adaptera za pametnu spojku trebam kupiti za svoju Infiray (Iray) CH50 termo kameru? Imam ciljni teleskop Swarovsky 2,3-18x56. Unaprijed hvala na odgovoru. Srdačan pozdrav,

Dear Sir or Madam, Can you please let me know what kind of smartclip adapter need to buy to my Infiray ( Iray ) CH50 thermo camera? I have Swarovsky 2,3-18x56 target telescope. Thank you in advance for your answer. Best regards,

od Tamas

Za Swarovski nišan od 56 mm trebate koristiti adapter od 62 mm.

For a Swarovski 56 mm scope you should use the 62 mm adapter. 

od Optics Trade team

Možete li Ujedinjenom Kraljevstvu dostaviti Smartclip za pulsar kripton koji odgovara Swarovsk 8x56 Habichtu? Može li se adapter promijeniti kako bi se termalni uređaj poravnao s opsegom?

Can you supply to the Uk a Smartclip for the pulsar krypton to fit a Swarovsk 8x56 Habicht? Can the adapter be altered to align the thermal device with the scope?

od Nick

Da, možemo bez problema poslati proizvod u Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo. Adapter Smartclip omogućuje savršenu ugradnju termalnog uređaja Pulsar Krypton na objektiv nišana. Kako biste montirali termalni uređaj na nišan, trebate odabrati ispravnu veličinu adaptera prema promjeru objektiva vašeg nišana (izvan kućišta).

Yes, we can ship the product to the United Kingdom with no problem. The Smartclip adapter enables perfect installation of the Pulsar Krypton thermal device on the objective of the riflescope. In order to mount the thermal device to the riflescope, you need to select the correct size of an adapter according to your riflescopes objective diameter (outside housing).

od Optics Trade team

Pozdrav, je li točno da je Smartclip adapter A također dostupan za 40 mm? Hvala, Oliver

Hi, Is it correct that the Smartclip Adapter A is alos available for 40 mm ? Thanks, Oliver

od Oliver

Nažalost, ne. Savjetujemo vam da pogledate Rusan nosač koji je identičan.

Unfortunately, not. We advise you to take a look at the Rusan mount which is identical.

od Optics Trade team

Tražim ispravan smartclip adapter za pričvršćivanje pulsar kriptona na leću objektiva od 56 mm

I’m looking for the correct smartclip adapter to fix a pulsar krypton to a 56mm objective lens please

od Jeremy

Molimo vas da navedete točno koji ćete optički nišan koristiti ili možete izmjeriti vanjski promjer objektiva na svom nišanu kako bismo vam mogli savjetovati odgovarajuću veličinu adaptera.

We would kindly ask you to either specify exactly as to which riflescope will you be using or you can measure the outer objective diameter on your scope so we can advise you with a suitable adapter size.

od Optics Trade team

koji je clip on adapter za 50mm swarovski?

which is the clip on adapter for 50mm swarovski?

od Giorgio

Swarovski nišani s lećama objektiva od 50 mm obično imaju vanjski promjer objektiva od 56 mm, no za preciznije informacije morali bismo znati o kojem točno Swarovski nišanu govorimo.

Swarovski riflescopes with 50 mm objective lenses usually feature a 56 mm outer objective diameter, however for more specific information we would need to know exactly which Swarovski scope we are talking about.

od Optics Trade team


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