Swarovski EL 10x50

Swarovski EL 10x50

(1 ocjene)
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Swarovski EL 10x50 Opis proizvoda

This very powerful high-end Swarovision model made in Austria using the best materials and production techniques impresses with incredibly high-quality images. 10x magnification and 50 mm lenses that draws in plenty of light provide bright images, suitable for observations in daytime, twilight and the night sky. When scanning large areas for the big game, these binoculars will amaze you. The unique flat field design produced by Swarovski Optik reduces curvature of the field and provides very surreal but incredible crystal clarity from edge to edge. Fully-multi coatings Swarodur, Swartop and Swarobright enhance not only light transmission but also provide high contrast transfer and excellent crisp resolution. Razor-sharp images have a stunning close focus very convenient for macro observations and wider field of view captures image exactly as you see it, helping you to follow moving objects. Grippy central focus wheel and central diopter that locks have a long focus throw. Together with proper eye-relief with soft multi-position removable eyecups provides indeed very important features.


Short description of Swarovski EL Binoculars

Swarovski Optik offers one of the best binoculars we’ve seen yet. EL series  provides the best optical performance, due to revolutionary optical innovations. Fluoride containing HD lens and fully anti-reflective multi-coatings (Swarobright, Swarotop and Swarodur) on all lenses and prisms gives these high-end binoculars with very bright and colorful images without flare, aberrations and inner reflection. Stunning images with surreal clarity have wide field of view to easily track moving objects and stunning close focus ideal for macro observations. EL binoculars have central focus wheel and diopter for adjusting the focus and soft removable eyecups provides proper eye-relief for glass wearers. The lightweight aluminum body is well balanced and provides a secure grip with the help of open-bridge. When it comes to protection sealed nitrogen gas purging makes them impervious to water and internal fogging and resistant to corrosion. With Swaroclean coatings on external lenses, wiping away the moisture and other solid particles was never easier. 3rd generation of EL series is not only tripod adaptable but also includes snap shot camera adapter and new rotating strap connector adapting to every movement when enjoying the great outdoors.


Features of Swarovski EL Binoculars

  • Fluoride HD lens
  • Extra-low Dispersion (ED) glass
  • Fully multi-coated lenses (Swarodur and Swarotop)
  • Phase Correction (Swarobright)
  • Dielectric Prism coatings
  • BaK-4 Prisms
  • Flat Field Design
  • Magnesium Body
  • Rugged Rubber Armoring
  • Multi-position Eyecups (Three click-stops)
  • Central Focus Wheel
  • Central Diopter that locks
  • Tripod adaptable
  • Wider FOV
  • Waterproof and Fog-proof (nitrogen gas purged)
  • Watertight (4 meters/13 feet)


Accessories of Swarovski EL Binoculars

  • Snap shot camera adapter
  • Rotating strap connector
  • Quick catch button
  • Rainguards
  • Securely connected objective lens covers
  • Padded protective case for storage
  • Neck strap
  • Lens cleaning cloth

Opća svojstva

Proizvođač Swarovski
Serija dvogleda Swarovski EL
Izrađeno u Austrija
Jamstvo 10 godina
SKU EL-1Q4L20-01

Optička svojstva

Vrsta prizme Roof - Schmidt/Pechan
Varijabilno povećanje Ne
Povećanje. 10.00 x
Prilagođavanje dioptrije +4 / -4 dpt
Promjer leće 50.00 mm
Izlazna zjenica 5.00 mm
Vidno polje 115.00 m/1000m
Vidno polje (u stupnjevima) 6.59 °
Prividno vidno polje 62.00 °
Udaljenost oka 20.00 mm
Najmanja udaljenost izoštrenja 3.30 m
Faktor zamračenja 22.36
Relativna svjetlost 25

Fizička svojstva

Premazi leća Više slojeva - sve leće
Dužina 174.00 mm
Širina 134.00 mm
Visina 67.00 mm
Težina 998.00 g
Područje temperature -25° / +50°C
Punjen sa Dušikom
Sustav izoštrenja Centralno
Podešavanje dioptera Centralno
Min. razmak između zjenica 56.00 mm
Max. razmak između zjenica 74.00 mm
Vrsta konstrukcije Otvoreni most
Boja Zelena

Posebne značajke

Otpornost na vodu Da
Otpornost na vlaženje Da
Kompas Ne
Ugrađen daljinomjer Ne
Stabilizacija slike Ne
Plovnost Ne

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1 ocjene
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Savršen svestrani uređaj sada po nevjerojatnoj vrijednosti za novac - samo malo težak Perfect All-rounder Now at Incredibe Value for Money - Just a Little Heavy

Posjedovati i koristiti ovaj dalekozor znači voljeti ga. Zašto je to tako i je li cijelim putem sve ruže i sunce? Dio razloga zašto mi je ovaj određeni model iz Swarovski asortimana toliko drag je taj što je to nešto čemu se stalno vraćam i uživam u staklu unatoč nekim njegovim karakterističnim posebnostima.<br><br>Prije nego što nastavim da bih veličao vrline i komparativna ograničenja ovog dalekozora, važno je postaviti malo konteksta oko toga kako sam ih kupio. Došao sam do trenutka u kojem sam promatrao prirodu i promatrao ptice što me navelo da potražim i otkrijem što bi, barem za mene, bio optimalan dalekozor. Htio sam nešto što će ponuditi najbolje u smislu uzbudljivog iskustva gledanja i gledanja profesionalne kvalitete. Moglo bi se reći da sam proučavao svoje mogućnosti o tome što bi postalo ne samo pouzdani dvogled, već nešto što bi doista bilo vrijedno tražene cijene (ili što je moguće bliže njoj) kako zapovijeda elitna trojica u ovom natjecateljskom i žestoko osporavan segment tržišta između Swarovskog, Zeissa i Leice. <br><br>Morao sam držati svoja očekivanja pod kontrolom, jer sam bio svjestan da niti jedan dvogled ne može savršeno pokriti sve 'baze'. U tu svrhu postavio sam svoje težnje oko pokrivanja svojih zahtjeva za gledanjem i super laganim i kompaktnim dvogledom s povećanjem od 8x i 10. Moj način razmišljanja u to vrijeme jednostavno je išao otprilike ovako: "Ako ću kupiti par dalekozora da najjasnije vidim što je u daljini, onda sigurno želim najveće moguće povećanje uz minimalan broj kompromisa. Priznajem da mi treba dalekozor od 8x za maksimiziranje mog vidnog polja, pa ću morati kupiti neke osmice za 'pogađanje' ciljanih ptica dobrim vidom, posebno kada pratim lastavice i martine u ljetnim mjesecima, a ne spomenuti držanje koraka s vretencima, leptirima ili zapravo bilo čime što se brzo kreće poput jata golubova. Dakle, što će najmanje ugroziti moje vidno polje, a dati mi najzahvalniju detaljnu sliku onoga što želim promatrati?” Naposljetku, promatranje prirode za mene predstavlja upravo to – biti u mogućnosti provoditi vrijeme promatrajući subjekt što je više moguće bez jurnjave i traganja za kratkotrajnim sekundama pukih bljeskova. <br><br>Nemojte me krivo shvatiti, neki pogledi mogu oduzimati dah i doista su nezaboravni, ali kako bih prirodu doslovce približio domu, nisam želio pristati na kompromis s povećanjem. <br><br>S ovim na umu odlučio sam se za kupnju dalekozora 10x snage s izvrsnim vidnim poljem. U tu svrhu prvo sam kupio par Zeiss SF 10x42 i iz razloga koje ću objasniti u drugoj recenziji, odlučio sam ih promijeniti za ove Swarovski EL 10x50 SV. Kad sam posjetio jednog od najbližih lokalnih specijaliziranih prodavača optike, objasnio sam što želim (i što već posjedujem u svom arsenalu dalekozora) - beskompromisno iskustvo gledanja s nevjerojatnom rezolucijom. Bez oklijevanja prodavač u trgovini, i sam zreo i iskusan ptičar, odmah je predložio Swarovski 10x50 EL. Želio sam dobiti informacije koje inače nije bilo lako dobiti, kao na primjer što je najbolje što Swarovski proizvodi za rezoluciju i oštre slike? <br><br>Njegov je odgovor bio da je konfiguracija 10x50 nešto uistinu posebno od Swarovskog. Kombinacija povećanja, veličine leće objektiva i izravnavanja polja učinila ih je da se zaista istaknu u korisničkom iskustvu čak i više od povećanja od 12x i manjeg 10x42. <br>Kako sam ih našao u upotrebi? Bio sam ošamućen i doslovno prenesen u maniri tipa Zvjezdanih staza do objekta promatranja. U početku sam gledao toranj sa satom s peregrinom na predvečerjima. Izuzimajući fizičku temu iz wow faktora, dio doživljaja koji uživljava u to je ono što me iskreno oduševilo. Kako je moguće da me ista snaga povećanja kao moj Zeiss SF 10x42 može odvesti dublje u sliku? Kako je ovaj učinak bio moguć? Dok sam razmišljao o tome, bio sam dodatno zadivljen koliko sam više uživao u običnom pješačkom iskustvu gledanja jata golubova, čak i mahovine na dimnjacima.<br><br>Jedan od razloga za ovaj efekt obavijanja je vrhunske izbočene leće koje proizvode vrlo oštre slike sve do ruba vidnog polja. Nisam jedan od onih koji pate od efekta kotrljajuće kuglice kada prate subjekt u pokretu, što može rezultirati osjećajem mučnine od kretanja. Drago mi je da ovo ni na koji način ne utječe negativno na mene, stoga provjerite ovo ako ste zabrinuti da bi vas super ravno vidno polje moglo uznemiriti prilikom praćenja. Općenito sam usredotočen na središte slike. <br><br>Ovi dalekozori također imaju izlaznu zjenicu od 5 mm. U redu, to je isto kao 8x42, ali opet, izjednačavanje polja u kombinaciji s većim povećanjem, toliko svjetla i iznimno vidno polje od 115 m na 1000 m samo stavlja ovaj model na pijedestal. Ova velika izlazna zjenica, stabilnost osjeta u ruci i impresivno vidno polje također dodaju još jedno pero u svoj šešir za praćenje vjetruša, mišara, plamenaca, riđovki, bukovača lakše nego model Big Brother 12x50. 10x50 jednostavno ima neke magije u sebi, a ono što dobivate u jednostavnosti korištenja i iskustvu gledanja nadmašuje gubitke koje model povećanja 12x donosi na stol. S ovim 10 vrlo je jednostavno odmah prijeći na temu. <br><br>Možda malo kontraintuitivno, težina 10x50 čini solidan osjećaj i ruke mi se ne tresu dok ih koristim. Rekavši to, jedina stvarna mana je ta što težina može biti zamorna. Mrzim to priznati, ali boljet će vas ruke ako ste netko tko voli ostati zalijepljen za svoja opažanja kao ja i nažalost, često ću se zateći kako odlazim na planinarenje posežući za svojim 8x dalekozorom umjesto ovim, što me iritira . Ovih 10s savršeni su za skrivanje na poduprtim laktovima ili tronošcu kada skenirate grickalice ili bradate sise (bradate sise), jer je dubina fokusa stvarno prodorna i velikodušna. <br><br>Također mogu ponuditi više prijenosa svjetlosti pri ovoj težini nego što vam je stvarno potrebno. Ako niste lovac, ali radije želite uočiti noćne kolje u sumrak, ovo su fantastični 'svestrani uređaji' velike snage – osobito ako vam se oči ionako više ne šire iznad 5 mm zbog starosti.<br><br>Ovi dalekozori su tako posebne, poznate kao model Explorer, od njih se ne mogu odvojiti iako postoje i druge koje ću češće koristiti. Oni su više od nečega što se može koristiti u posebnim prilikama – oni priliku čine posebnom. Samo možda neće tako dugo trajati zbog težine. Čini li to prigodu posebnijom? Kažem odlučno "Da!"<br><br>Baš zato što su ovi dalekozori toliko izvrsni, moram napomenuti da je njihov fokus na blizinu stvarno praktičan u uporabi, a ovaj raniji model SV fokusira samo malo bliže (2,5 m) nego verzija Field Pro (3,3 m), ima čvrstu zaštitu od oklopa koju više volim u odnosu na Field Pro i vrhunsku torbu za nošenje i dodatke. Došao je čak i s adapterom za kompaktnu kameru koji može biti od ograničene upotrebe ovisno o kameri koju imate.<br>
To own and use these binoculars is to love them. Why is this the case and is it all roses and sunshine all the way? Part of the reason why this particular model of the Swarovski range is so long-endearing for me is that it is something I keep coming back to and enjoying glassing with despite some of its characteristic idiosyncrasies.<br><br>Before I go on to extol the virtues and comparative limitations of this binocular, it’s important to set a little bit of context around how I came to purchase them. I had come to a point in my time of nature observation and birdwatching which led me to hunt down and discover what would be, for me at least, an optimal ‘go-to’ binocular. I wanted something that would offer the best in terms of exhilarating viewing experience and professional quality viewing. You could say that I had been drilling down my options as to what would become not just a reliable binocular but something that would be truly worth the asking price (or as close to it as possible) as commanded by the elite three in this competitive and fiercely contested segment of the market between Swarovski, Zeiss and Leica. <br><br>I had to keep my expectations in check, though, as I was aware that not any one binocular can cover all the ‘bases’ perfectly. To that end I had set my aspirations around covering my viewing demands to both a super lightweight a compact 8x magnification binocular and 10. My way of thinking at the time simply went something like this: “If I’m going to be buying a pair of binoculars so that I can see what is in the distance the most clearly, then surely I want the greatest magnification possible with the minimum number of compromises. I will concede I need an 8x binocular for maximizing my field of view, so I will need to buy some eights for ‘hitting’ my target birds with a good line of sight, especially when tracking swallows and martins in the summer months, not to mention keeping up with dragonflies, butterflies or in fact anything that moves quickly like a flock of pigeons. So, what will compromise my field of view the least, and give me the most rewarding detailed picture of what I want to observe?” After all, nature observation for me conveys the goal of exactly that – being able to spend time observing the subject as much as possible without chasing and tracking about for fleeting seconds of mere glimpses. <br><br>Don’t get me wrong, some glimpses can be breath-taking and truly memorable, but to bring nature literally closer to home I didn’t want to compromise on magnification. <br><br>With this in mind I settled on the premise of buying 10x power binoculars with an excellent field of view. To that end I initially purchased a pair of Zeiss SF 10x42 and for reasons that I will explain in another review, decided to change them for these Swarovski EL 10x50 SV. When I visited one of the nearest local specialist optics retailers, I explained what I wanted (and what I already owned in my binocular arsenal) - a no compromise viewing experience with amazing resolution. Without hesitation the shop assistant, a mature an experienced birder himself, immediately suggested the Swarovski 10x50 EL. I wanted to gain information that was otherwise not easy to obtain such as what is the very best that Swarovski make for resolution and pin sharp images? <br><br>His reply was that the 10x50 configuration was something truly special from Swarovski. The combination of magnification, objective lense size and field flatteners made them really stand out in the user experience even more so than the 12x magnification and the smaller 10x42. <br>How did I find them in use? I was gob-smacked and literally transported in an almost Star Trek type manner to the object of my observation. Initially I was looking at a clock tower with a peregrine on the eves. Taking the physical subject matter out of the wow factor, the immersive part of the experience is what genuinely blew me away. How could it be possible that he same power magnification as my Zeiss SF 10x42 could take me further into the image? How was this effect made possible? While pondering this, I was then further awestruck by just how much more I enjoyed the usually pedestrian experience of looking at flocks of pigeons, even the mossy growths on chimney pots.<br><br>One of the reasons for this enveloping effect are the superb filed flattener lenses which produce very sharp images right to the edge of the field of view. I’m not one of those individuals who suffers with rolling ball effect when tracking a moving subject that may result in some feeling motion sick. I’m glad that this doesn’t affect me negatively in any way, so check this if you are concerned that a super flat field of view may unsettle you when tracking. I find myself generally focused on the center of the image. <br><br>These binoculars also have a 5mm exit pupil. OK, it’s the same as an 8x42, but again, the field flatteners combined with greater magnification, so much light and an exceptional 115m field of view at 1000m just puts this model on a pedestal. This large exit pupil, stability of feel in the hand and impressive field of view also adds another feather in its hat for tracking kestrels, buzzards, fulmars, redstarts, oystercatchers more easily than the big brother 12x50 model. The 10x50 just has some magic about it, and what you gain in ease of use and viewing experience outweighs the losses that the 12x magnification model brings to the table. Getting on the subject straight off the bat is so easy with this 10. <br><br>Perhaps slightly counter-intuitively, the weight of the 10x50 makes for a solidly planted feel and my hands don’t shake when using them. Having said that, the only real downside is that the weight can be fatiguing. I hate to admit it but your arms will ache if you are someone who likes to remain glued to your observations as I do and sadly, often I will find myself going out on a hike reaching for my 8x binoculars instead of these, which irritates me. These 10s are perfect for the hide on propped elbows or tripod when scanning for bitterns or bearded reedlings (bearded tits), as the depth of focus is really penetrating and generous. <br><br>They may also offer more light transmission at this weight than you really need. If you are not a hunter but rather want to spot nightjars at dusk, these are fantastic high powered ‘all- rounders’ – particularly if your eyes no longer dilate above 5mm anyway due to age.<br><br>These binoculars are so special, known as the Explorer model, I can’t see myself parting with them even though there are others I will use more frequently. They are more than something to use on special occasions – they make the occasion special. It just may not be as long lasting because of the weight. Does that make the occasion more special? I say a resounding “Yes!”<br><br>Just because these binoculars excel so highly, I have to mention that their close focus is really practical in use and this earlier SV model focus just that little bit closer (2.5m) than the Field Pro Version (3.3m), has tough armour protection which I prefer over the feel of the Field Pro and the ultimate in carrying case and accessories. It even came with a compact camera adapter which may be of limited use depending on what camera you have.<br>

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Osobna iskustva drugih korisnika mogu nekome puno pomoći. Dijeljenjem svojih snimaka, fotografija i mišljenja o proizvodima pomažete budućim kupcima u lakšoj odluci.


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Trebate li pomoć? Jeste li sigurni da je ovo pravi proizvod za vas? Ne oklijevajte - postavite pitanje našoj ekipi, koja je tu da vam pomogne oko pitanja o proizvodu.

Koje se lubrikant može koristiti u Twist očnim čašicama?

What lubricant can be used in the Twist eye cups ?

od Angus

Swarovski okulari obično ne zahtijevaju dodatno podmazivanje kako bi radili glatko. Savjetujemo vam da ne dodajete nikakvo podmazivanje na svoju ruku. Ako su okulari oštećeni i ne rade ispravno, predlažemo da ih zamijenite novima.

Swarovski eyecups usually don't require any additional lubrication in order to work smoothly. We would advise you not to add any lubrication on your own. If the eyecups are damaged and not working properly, we would suggest changing them for the new ones.

od Optics Trade team


Zanima me dalekozor Swarovski EL 10x50.
Kada biste ga mogli isporučiti?



Zanima me daljnogled Swarovski EL 10x50.
Kdaj bi ga lahko dobavili?


od Zmago

Ukoliko proizvođač ima navedeni dalekozor na skladištu, rok isporuke je cca 10-14 dana od dana narudžbe.

V kolikor ima proizvajalec naveden daljnogled na zalogi je dobavni rok približno 10-14 dni od dneva naročila.

od Optics Trade team

Bok Sir/Mad, Imate li swarovski veličine 10x52? I koliko je to? BR. Hamad

Hi Sir/Mad, Do you have swarovski size 10x52 ? And How much is it? BR. Hamad

od Hamad

Molimo vas da ponovno provjerite specifikacije dalekozora na koji mislite. Swarovski proizvodi EL dalekozore u konfiguraciji 10x50, a ne 10x52.

We would kindly ask you to recheck the specifications of the binoculars which you are referring to. Swarovski produces EL binoculars in the 10x50 configuration, not 10x52.

od Optics Trade team


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