Swarovski EL Range TA 8x42 WB

Swarovski EL Range TA 8x42 WB

As low as: 3.289,00 EUR
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Swarovski EL Range TA 8x42 WB Opis proizvoda

Swarovski EL Range TA 8x42 WB are binoculars made in Austria that use the finest materials and optic techniques. The model falls into the 3rd generation of Swarovski EL-Range binoculars which came out in 2021 and introduced various changes. Regarding the first and second generation of Swarovski EL Range binoculars, which came out in 2011 and 2015, there were only a few innovations presented in the second version, that is a different eyepiece cover, materials, and a better carrying strap. With the third generation, there are more improvements, as Swarovski EL Range TA 8x42 WB is an entirely fresh device with apparent enhancements.

Features of Swarovski EL Range Binoculars

  • SWAROVISION technology (field-flattening lens system)
  • LED display
  • Fluoride HD lens
  • Extra-low dispersion (ED) glass
  • Fully multi-coated lenses (Swarodur and Swarotop)
  • Phase correction (Swarobright)
  • Dielectric prism coatings
  • BaK-4 Prisms
  • Lightweight magnesium Body
  • Rugged rubber armouring
  • Multi-position eyecups
  • Central focusing wheel
  • Tripod adaptable
  • 10 % wider FOV compared to the previous generation
  • Waterproof and fog-proof (nitrogen gas purged)
  • Watertight (4 meters/13 feet)
  • Advanced ballistic calculator
  • Forehead rest compatibility
  • An additional button on the left barrel
  • Compatibility with a smartphone app (Wi-fi Connectivity)
  • Tracking assistant

Physical Properties

Swarovski EL Range TA 8x42 WB is an exceptionally elegant pair of binoculars dressed in Swarovski's signature green. The unique flat field design omits the curvature of the field, leaving the user with an incredible view free of any edge distortions. The design of the EL-Range is immensely ergonomic, and the binoculars have rubber armouring. The binoculars have a lightweight magnesium body, as well as an open bridge design. This Swarovski EL-Range model has units under both barrels which ensures that the grip of the user is secure in one hand and it lessens the fatigue when carrying the binoculars for a longer period.

The binoculars feature an open-bridge design, which is easy to handle, and comfortable as well. At the moment, Swarovski EL Range TA 8x42 WB can be purchased only in green. Several functions have been added to the 3rd generation of EL-Range binoculars, hence it was only reasonable for Swarovski to add an additional button on the bottom part of the left barrel, on the bulb, making it simple to reach. Ergonomics are great and overall, Swarovski knows how to take care of the aesthetics.

Optical Properties

Swarovski EL Range TA WB is the first generation of EL-Range binoculars that utilize Swarovision technology, which means that the image fills up the entire field of view when viewing through them. Swarovision provides remarkable colour fidelity, an outstanding detail resolution, and edge-to-edge sharpness. When looking through the barrels, the user sees no tint, which is not always the case with LRF-binoculars that have a laser system. EL-Range is one of the exceptions among sport optics that produces an image of the same quality as those in the same price range, due to the laser system. Swarovski EL Range binoculars produce a 90% light transmission rate which is a challenging goal to achieve when it comes to LRF-binoculars.

Swarovski EL Range makes it easy to establish a proper eye-relief because the eyecups can be fixed in four positions. As for the focusing, it works great, and the knob can be turned for two revolutions. The surface is wavy in order to improve the grip when holding the binoculars. The EL-Range features diopter compensation on both oculars, which supply the observer with compatible focus when they have different visual abilities. The rings can be pulled out and turned, and the user can adjust them on each eye. The diopter compensation mode is inside the menu to make the adjusting easier.

EL-Range Configurator

The EL-range Configurator is a smartphone app intended for Android and IOS devices. The app changes some settings on the device, set ballistic profiles, use the tracking assistant function, and transfer all of them on the Swarovski EL Range TA WB. For the device to be paired, the Bluetooth on the smartphone has to be turned on, and both buttons on the binoculars need to be pressed at the same time. The button turning blue indicates that Swarovski EL-Range is in pairing mode, and the user can now transfer the data from the smartphone to the EL-Range binoculars.

Tracking Assistant

Tracking assistant is a highly beneficial feature when it comes to sport optics, and Swarovski was the first to introduce the innovation. The idea of the tracking assistant is to help the observer find the harvested animal.

The user can decide whether to use the tracking assistant with or without a smartphone. When using it with a smartphone, the last 3 measurements are transferred to the app, where you are confronted with 2 options. The first one is to see the initial point of measurement and the goal of the measurement on the map. The second one is for the cursor to show where the user needs to go, and the estimated distance to the calculated location. This benefits when in search of a location, particularly in regions where it is challenging to navigate, for example on mountain ranges.

When using the tracking assistant without a smartphone, Swarovski EL Range TA WB binoculars still assemble the last 3 measurements. The user then goes into the menu and picks 1 of the 3 measurements to enable tracking. When this is done, the user moves to the intended measured location, and if the tracking assistant is still needed, take the binoculars and measure the distance to the first location, so the display shows where to go – the direction and the distance.

It is optimal to calibrate the electronic compass in the LRF binoculars before using the tracking assistant, particularly if one is at a different location than before.

Advanced Ballistics Calculator

The user of Swarovski EL Range TA 10x42 WB has the option of creating three ballistic profiles. The user chooses their ammunition, specifies the outside temperature and the altitude, chooses their riflescope, etc. Once a ballistic profile is created, the data are ready to transfer.

The app also enables the user to decide whether the bullet drop correction will be shown in MOA or MIL. With Swarovski riflescopes, the user even has the option of the bullet drop correction being displayed in the number of clicks needed in the elevation turret. The correction is shown on the display of the LRF binoculars under the measured distance.

Forehead Rest Compatibility

Swarovski first presented the forehead rest accessory in the middle of 2020. The forehead rest accessory was a completely new product, and Swarovski was the first to introduce it to the public. The purpose of this forehead rest is for the user to get an additional point of contact with their face, as instead of 2 points of contact, now you get 3. This results in a better-stabilized image, as well as extra comfort. The forehead rest can be set to numerous positions, so it can be optimally adjusted to the appropriate face shape.

The attachment method: a part of it replaces the battery cover (which should be removed beforehand). The other part is a pin, which is to be inserted into a socket on the left barrel.

Note: Forehead rest for Swarovski EL Range TA 8x42 WB is not interchangeable with the forehead rest for Swarovski NL Pure. The forehead rest is not included, but it can be purchased as an accessory for 129 €.

Model Range:

Swarovski EL Range TA WB comes in two configurations, namely the 8x42 model and the 10x42 model.

8x42: one of the most popular configurations, which is excellent also for beginners. In comparison to higher magnifications, the 8x42 has the widest field of view, and it is best for image stabilization.

10x42: extremely popular when it comes to LRF binoculars. In comparison to the 8x magnification, 10x has a narrower field of view. When it comes to image stabilization it is more difficult, but it shows more details. 

Opća svojstva

Proizvođač Swarovski
Serija dvogleda Swarovski EL Range
Izrađeno u Austrija
Proizvodi se od 2021
Jamstvo 10 godina
SKU RF-1R3LB0-0c

Optička svojstva

Vrsta prizme Roof - Schmidt/Pechan
Varijabilno povećanje Ne
Povećanje. 8.00 x
Prilagođavanje dioptrije - 7.0 / + 5.0 dpt
Promjer leće 42.00 mm
Izlazna zjenica 5.30 mm
Vidno polje 140.00 m/1000m
Vidno polje (u stupnjevima) 8.00 °
Prividno vidno polje 61.00 °
Udaljenost oka 19.20 mm
Najmanja udaljenost izoštrenja 5.00 m
Faktor zamračenja 5.00
Propusnost svjetlosti 90%

Svojstva daljinomjera

Domet mjerenja 1,500.00 m
Minimalni domet mjerenja 10.00 m
Jedinica mjerenja Jard, Metar
Mogućnosti prikaza Unutarnji zaslon
Vrijeme mjerenja 1 s
Preciznost +/- 1 m
Mjerenje nagiba Da
Kontinuirano mjerenje Da
Ciljnji način Da
Balistički softver Da

Obilježja končanice

Boja osvjetljenja -

Fizička svojstva

Premazi leća Više slojeva - sve leće
Dužina 172.00 mm
Širina 136.00 mm
Visina 79.00 mm
Težina 930.00 g
Područje temperature - 10°C / + 55°C
Battery size CR2
Punjen sa Dušikom
Sustav izoštrenja Centralno
Min. razmak između zjenica 56.00 mm
Max. razmak između zjenica 74.00 mm
Vrsta konstrukcije Otvoreni most

Posebne značajke

Otpornost na vodu Da
Otpornost na vlaženje Da
Prilagođen za stativ Ne
Kompas Ne
Ugrađen daljinomjer Da
Stabilizacija slike Ne
Plovnost Ne

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