Swarovski Z8i 0.75-6x20

Swarovski Z8i 0.75-6x20

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Swarovski Z8i 0.75-6x20 Opis proizvoda

  • The Swarovski Z8i 0.75-6x20 riflescope is an excellent choice for those looking for a high-quality scope that can be used for close-range shooting.

  • It offers a wide field of view and stunning optics, perfect for driven hunts.

  • The Z8i 0.75-6x20 scope is best suited for close-range use, e.g. 20 meters away or closer. It is becoming popular in driven hunts and CQB applications, and with IPSC shooters as well.

  • There are only two minor drawbacks to this scope: its turrets are made of plastic, and the BTF turret could have been made of a sturdier material. However, these don’t detract from its overall performance or quality in any significant way.

  • Its optics and field of view are superb and its price is reasonable when compared to other scopes on the market.

Swarovski Z8i series

The Swarovski Z8i rifle scopes are top-of-the-line and perfect for hunters, offering an 8x zoom range, a high light transmission rate, and a second focal plane reticle. Additionally, the illumination system can be adjusted to any need, and the Swarolight function automatically turns off the scope when not in use. These scopes also have a wide view angle at any magnification.

The Z8i series includes the following models: Swarovski Z8i 1-8x24, Swarovski Z8i 0.75-6x20, Swarovski Z8i 1.7-13.3x42, Swarovski Z8i 2-16x50, Swarovski Z8i 2.3-18x56 and Swarovski Z8i 3.5-28x50.

Optical performance

The Swarovski Z8i 0.75-6x20 riflescope is impressive for its wide field of view of 56 meters at 100 magnification, compared to the 40 or 43 meters offered by other scopes. It has an eye relief of 90 millimeters and offers up to 6x magnification. The optical quality is good, with edge and central sharpness even better than that offered by the 1-8 model before it.

Physical properties of Z8i 0.75-6x20

The Z8i 0.75-6x20 riflescope is shorter and lighter than its 1-8x24 model, measuring 28 cm in length and weighing 500 grams. It is waterproof and shockproof for any caliber and filled with nitrogen for fog-proofness, so it will not get fogged in cold conditions. The Z8i riflescope has a fixed parallax which is set at 100 meters.

The Z8i 0.75-6x20 riflescope has a second focal plane reticle which remains the same size regardless of magnification. It is available with two different reticles; 4A-IF, featuring an illuminated dot in the center, and D-I, consisting of a single red dot in the middle. Both are brightly illuminated for use in broad daylight.

The Swarovski Z8i 0.75-6x20 has an updated illumination system compared to its predecessor, featuring two positions - low light and daytime - and plus/minus buttons to fine-tune the brightness. It also includes an automatic turn-off feature that detects the scope's position to conserve battery power. The illumination system can be adjusted to any level of light so it can be used in both dim and bright conditions.

The Swarovski Z8i and Z6i 0.75-6x20 have improved, elegant plastic turrets with a better feel and sound when clicked than the previous top-of-the-line Z6i. The windage turrets of the Z8i come with an extra battery in case the illumination system runs out of power. Each click on the turrets equals 1 centimeter at 100 meters and they are resettable.

The Swarovski Z8i 0.75-6x20 scope is designed with an optional ballistic elevation and/or windage turret, allowing for up to 70 clicks in one revolution which adjusts the point of impact by 1 centimeter at 100 meters away. The BTF turret can be placed on either the top elevation or side windage turret.

You can order the Swarovski Z8i 0.75-6x20 with a Swarovski SR rail or with the 30-millimeter tube.

What's in the box?

  1. bikini covers

  2. instruction manuals

  3. lens cloth


The Swarovski Z8i 0.75-6x20 scope comes with a 10-year warranty and is made in Austria.

Opća svojstva

Proizvođač Swarovski
Serija optičkih ciljnika Swarovski Z8i
Izrađeno u Austrija
Proizvodi se od 2018
Jamstvo 10 godina
SKU z8i0,75-6x20ld-ic

Optička svojstva

Varijabilno povećanje Da
Min. povećanje 0.75 x
Max. povećanje 6.00 x
Prilagođavanje dioptrije -3.5 / +2 Dpt
Promjer leće 20.00 mm
Min. promjer izlazne zjenice 3.20 mm
Max. promjer izlazne zjenice 8.10 mm
Min. vidno polje 7.00 m/100m
Max. vidno polje 56.00 m/100m
Min. udaljenost oka 95.00 mm
Max. udaljenost oka 95.00 mm
Faktor zamračenja 2.2 - 11
Propusnost svjetlosti 93%
Brzi fokus Da

Djelovanje kupola

Podešavanje končanice na klik 10mm/100m - 0.10MIL
Tip kupole Pokrivene
Zero Stop Ne
Broj okretaja kupole Dva okretaja
Smjer okretaja kupole Smjer kazaljke na satu
Podešavanje končanice po visini 20.00 mrad
Podešavanje končanice po visini (MOA) 68.00 MOA
Podešavanje končanice po smijeri 20.00 mrad
Podešavanje končanice po smijeri (MOA) 68.00 MOA
Pomak po okretaju kupole 8 Mrad

Obilježja končanice

Pozicija končanice 2. žarišna ravnina
Osvjetljenje končanice Da
Boja osvjetljenja Crvena
Osvjetljenje za dnevnu uporabu Da
Automatsko isključivanje Da


Postavka paralakse Fixed
Korekcija paralakse Ne
Područje korekcije paralakse 100 m

Fizička svojstva

Dužina 277.00 mm
Težina 499.00 g
Područje temperature -30° / +70° C
Punjen sa Dušikom
Premazi leća Više slojeva - sve leće
Promjer cijevi 30 mm
Šinja za montažu Da
Tip šinje Swarovski SR
Promjer objektiva -
Promjer okulara -
Boja Crna

Posebne značajke

Otpornost na vodu Da
Otpornost na vlaženje Da
Otporno na udarce Da
Posebna obilježja Brzi fokus, Osvijetljena končanica, Otpornost na rošenje, Otpornost na udarce, Otpornost na vodu, Varijabilno povećanje, Više premaza - sve leće
Ugrađen daljinomjer Ne


Suitable for Compatibility Above 30 mm, 30 mm with Rail
Suitable for Compatibility Below 30 mm, Swarovski SR Rail

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Najčešća pitanja (Q&A)

Trebate li pomoć? Jeste li sigurni da je ovo pravi proizvod za vas? Ne oklijevajte - postavite pitanje našoj ekipi, koja je tu da vam pomogne oko pitanja o proizvodu.

 Tražim nišan za pušku Swarovski Z8i 0.75-6x20 SR 4A-IF SFP 68503 - kada ćete ga imati na zalihama? Također - koja je cijena?

 I am looking for a Swarovski Z8i 0.75-6x20 SR 4A-IF SFP Riflescope 68503 - when will you have it in stock ? Also - what is the cost?

od Tommy

Imajte na umu da ovaj proizvod naručujemo prema zahtjevu. Vrijeme isporuke je vrlo brzo - potrebno je otprilike 10 dana da proizvod stigne u naše skladište. Trenutno na skladištu imamo proizvod bez SR šine. Cijena SR rail verzije je 2529€ s PDV-om.

Please note that we order this product by demand. The delivery time is very fast - it should take approximately 10 days for the product to arrive at our warehouse. Currently, we have the product without the SR rail in stock. The price of the SR rail version is 2529€ with the VAT included.

od Optics Trade team

Možete li poslati ovaj model? Znači li BT 2x nadogradnju balističke kupole za vjetar, osim elevacije? ili nešto drugo?

Can you ship this model? Does BT 2x mean the ballistic turret upgrade for the windage, in addition to elevation? or something else?

od Eric

Razlika između opcija BT1x i BT2x je u tome što su s BT2x obje kupole balističke. Za više informacija u vezi dostave, ljubazno bismo vas pitali odakle ste zbog nekih ograničenja. Možete nas kontaktirati na info@optics-trade.eu

The difference between the BT1x and BT2x option is that with BT2x both of the turrets are ballistic. For more information regarding the shipping, we would kindly ask where are you from due to some restrictions. You can contact us at info@optics-trade.eu

od Optics Trade team