Zeiss Victory SF 10x42

Zeiss Victory SF 10x42

(2 ocjene)
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Zeiss Victory SF 10x42 Opis proizvoda

Victory SF 10x42 made by Zeiss is a model that provides the finest details with 10x magnification and wide field of view (120 m) and it's perfect for bird watching. Due to its power the company provided these binoculars with incredible build technology. The ErgoBalance concept helps you to hold this Victory SF in your hands and still provide enough steady images. The weight distribution leans binoculars more towards the eye with soft tapered and removable eyecups, and thus helps to relieve your arms. Very durable and lightweight construction (780 g) provides very balanced feel with open-bridge wrap-around design and triple-bridge link for comfortable and quick focus adjustments. Optically, this Vicory SF never cease to amaze. Fully multi-coatings on prisms and lenses of this high-quality fluoride SCHOTT glass are just remarkably bright, colorful and rich in contrast, with exceedingly reduced amount of flare and chromatic abberation. Resolution is also out of this world, with field flatteners that reduces the curvature of the field, making razor-sharp overview from edge to edge.

Short description of Zeiss Victory SF Binoculars

The 165 years of experience build the new Victory SF binoculars. Zeiss company implemented new innovations such as ErgoBalance setting, SMART FOCUS concept, LotuTec coating and triple-bridge link design. Fully multi-coated system on Fluoride SCHOTT glass helps to increase light transmission, enhances colors and contrast. Flaring will never be an issue, so you will always have a clear view-through with the help of field flatteners that eliminates curvature of the field, giving razor sharp images from edge to edge. Victory SF binoculars are fully waterproofed and fog-proofed due to nitrogen filling and tight seals and are also submersible. We can’t go past the wider field of view and stunning close focus you can only find in these extremely versatile Victory SF binoculars that can satisfy even the most demanding users. They are available in gray and black colors, with 8x42 and 10x42 concept.

Features of Zeiss Victory SF Binoculars

  • Fully multi-coated Lenses
  • Fluoride SCHOTT Glass
  • Scratch-resistant, Hydrophobic Coatings (LotuTec)
  • Phase Correction
  • Prism Coatings
  • BaK-4 Prisms
  • Open-bridge Design
  • Triple-bridge Link
  • Magnesium Body
  • ErgoBalance
  • Smooth Rubber Armoring
  • Twist-up Eyecup
  • Smart Focus
  • Central Focus Wheel
  • Central Diopter
  • Waterproof and Fog-proof (Nitrogen gas)
  • Submersible

Accessories of Zeiss Victory SF Binoculars

  • Neoprene Neck Strap
  • Rain-guards
  • Objective Lens Covers
  • Cordura Case
  • Lens Cleaning Cloth

Opća svojstva

Proizvođač Zeiss
Serija dvogleda Zeiss Victory SF
Izrađeno u Njemačka
Proizvodi se od 2014
Jamstvo 10 godina
SKU 524224-0000-000

Optička svojstva

Vrsta prizme Roof - Schmidt/Pechan
Varijabilno povećanje Ne
Povećanje. 10.00 x
Prilagođavanje dioptrije -4 / +4 dpt
Promjer leće 42.00 mm
Izlazna zjenica 4.20 mm
Vidno polje 120.00 m/1000m
Vidno polje (u stupnjevima) 6.87 °
Prividno vidno polje 65.00 °
Udaljenost oka 18.00 mm
Najmanja udaljenost izoštrenja 1.50 m
Faktor zamračenja 20.49
Propusnost svjetlosti 92%
Relativna svjetlost 17.6

Fizička svojstva

Premazi leća Više slojeva - sve leće
Dužina 173.00 mm
Širina 125.00 mm
Visina 53.00 mm
Težina 780.00 g
Područje temperature -30° C / +63° C
Punjen sa Dušikom
Sustav izoštrenja Centralno
Podešavanje dioptera Centralno
Vrsta konstrukcije Otvoreni most
Boja Crna

Posebne značajke

Otpornost na vodu Da
Otpornost na vlaženje Da
Kompas Ne
Ugrađen daljinomjer Ne
Stabilizacija slike Ne
Plovnost Ne

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2 ocjene
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Ubojito oštra i lagana Birderova optika po mjeri sa širokim vidnim poljem - osigurajte da dobijete dobru Bespoke Killer Sharp and Light Birder's Optics with Wide Field of View - Ensure You Get a Good One

Pratio sam razvoj i dugo očekivano izdanje ove nove serije dalekozora Victory SF još 2016. Jedva sam čekao vidjeti što će Zeiss donijeti na stol u smislu vrhunske optike, ali više od toga , nešto što je osmišljeno iz temelja posebno za potrebe tržišta promatranja ptica. <br><br>Posjedovao sam mnogo različitih konfiguracija Zeiss dalekozora tijekom godina i do trenutka kada je novi SF trebao biti pušten u prodaju, koristio sam pomalo glomazan 12x50 BGAT model. Bio je to fantastičan komad opreme, ali težak i sklon degradaciji očnih čašica - kako bi guma starila, tako bi nestala.<br><br>Uz obećanje izvrsne ergonomije, ravnoteže, male težine i istinski širokog vidnog polja Victory SF izgledalo je kao da će dominirati svojim prethodnicima Victory FL i HT linija pa sam se potrudio da ih kupim što je prije moguće. Želio sam konfiguraciju 10x42 jer je vidno polje bilo tako dobro i ne bi predstavljalo preveliki kompromis u usporedbi s modelima s povećanjem od 8x. Htio sam dalekozor da približim sliku, da vidim detalje u svojim promatranjima – bjeloočnice.<br><br>S obzirom da je moj prethodni dalekozor bio težak, zajedno s činjenicom da ću koristiti svoj novi kupnja na duže vrijeme, planinarenje u Škotskoj i Pirinejima s njima značilo je da će relativno mala težina modela s 10 snaga biti izvrsna opcija za uočavanje surih orlova odnosno supova. Ako sam krenuo u planine i stvarno sam želio smanjiti jaz između sebe i ptica (koje bi većinom bile udaljene više od 50 metara), morao sam sa sobom ponijeti model s većim povećanjem. (Savjet: ne nosite isporučenu traku za vrat uz golu kožu dok nosite majicu i planinarite na izravnoj sunčevoj svjetlosti 9 i pol sati – odmah će vam izribati kožu, a da to ne znate. Jao! Naučena lekcija. Ja sam blesav). <br><br>Nakon testiranja snage 8x, jer je to bilo sve što je u početku bilo dostupno, znao sam da će 10 nadmašiti moje ciljeve i težnje. Zapravo, bio sam toliko oduševljen da sam testirao jedan od prvih pari dostupnih u Ujedinjenom Kraljevstvu i prodavao se na Big Brotheru i do tog trenutka bili su to najbolji dalekozori koje sam ikada koristio.<br>Što mi se svidjelo o njima? Ne samo da je ovaj model male težine, već je posebno dobro izbalansiran, stavljajući očni kraj u očnu duplju gdje je uporište vaših ruku lagano oslobođeno dijela težine. Ako imate naviku udobno odmarati okulare u očnoj duplji, to bi vam moglo biti od koristi za dulju upotrebu. Rekavši to, volim držati dalekozor s boljim držanjem dok pratim i krećem se od mete do mete, pa iako je ova značajka korisna za promatranje stacionarnih divljih životinja kada ih koristite u uspravnom položaju, možda neće biti način na koji ih koristite većinu vremena pri pomicanju. Ideja je u principu izvrsna i radi iznimno dobro, ali možda ne za sva vaša zapažanja koja uključuju zamašno kretanje. S većom težinom na očnom dijelu, ravnoteža pri uporabi je ništa manje izvrsna i djeluje umirujuće ispravno bez obzira na to da li ih naslonite na očnu duplju ili ne odlučite. Kad sam dugo promatrao, tada ova značajka dolazi do izražaja.<br><br>Kad sam otkrio da je ovu ponudu modela dalekozora dizajnirao Gerold Dobler, bivši inženjer dizajna optike za Swarovski, a zatim glavni proizvod dizajner za Zeiss, bio sam potpuno oduševljen činjenicom da ih je dizajnirao superiskusan promatrač ptica i stručnjak u svom području. Bilo je to poput osobne misije uvođenja inovacija za ptičare koji bi dugo bili na terenu koristeći svoje dalekozore, možda od zore do sumraka. <br>Koje su neke od drugih prednosti ovih dalekozora za ptičare, a zapravo i lovce? To mora biti njihova jednostavnost korištenja. Ovaj dalekozor možete vrlo lako podići, postaviti pa čak i fokusirati samo jednom rukom. Zašto je to važno? Samo je toliko manje zamoran i naporan za korištenje. Umjesto da počnete odbrojavati u svojoj glavi do trenutka kada ih više ne možete udobno koristiti, kao da ih na neki način morate koristiti samo u odmjerenim vremenskim pomacima, možete imati produljena promatračka razdoblja bez puno napora. <br><br>Sama ova činjenica čini ih užitkom koristiti, jednostavno s točke gledišta da ih možete koristiti više vremena dok ste vani, a to se zauzvrat prevodi u gledanje i promatranje više prirodnog svijeta koji može inače propustiti. Ovo nije beznačajno ako ste potrošili tisuće funti na safari odmor ili putovanje u džunglu. Najmanje što možete učiniti je vidjeti što više onoga što ste došli vidjeti. Za mene je težina dalekozora postala jedan od najvažnijih kriterija po kojem ih procjenjujem iz tog razloga. <br><br>Ako ih ne možete koristiti dugo, ugrožavate svoje iskustvo promatranja. Iz ove perspektive, vidno polje zauzima gotovo drugo mjesto po važnosti, a opet kod ovog modela ni vidno polje nije ugroženo. Njihovih nevjerojatnih 120 m na 1000 m znači da nećete propustiti akciju na ovoj višoj snazi. Ako sa sobom ne nosite nišan, ponijeti ovih 10x gotovo je "bez razloga". Zašto? Nevjerojatno, iste su težine kao model snage 8x, što je stvarno impresivno. Da, 8x ima nevjerojatno vidno polje od 148 m na 1000 m, što je samo po sebi ugodno iskustvo i teško ga je nadmašiti, a možda i pravi put ako sa sobom ponesete nišan. Pronađite svoju metu i proučite, ali s 10x, pronalaženje vaše mete nikada nije problem i oni nisu ništa teži. Za mene je to situacija u kojoj svi dobivaju. <br><br>Osim toga, ovaj dalekozor koristi prednosti onoga što je sada mnogo usavršenije i nedvojbeno najfinije kontrole fokusiranja koju sam ikada koristio. Užitak ih je koristiti, a slike nisu tako cool kao kod HT linije, već neutralnije bez zagrijavanja kao kod Leica modela. Moglo bi se reći da su njihove boje reprezentativnije za ono što zapravo vidite golim okom. Kontrast boja mogao bi biti dinamičniji, ali nije promašen, nego je opušteniji i prirodniji. Vaš prst za fokusiranje također je opušteniji jer je gumb za fokusiranje u skladu s prirodnim položajem vaše ruke – još jedan veliki ergonomski bonus za dugotrajnu upotrebu.<br><br>Razočarala me siva verzija oznake zbog problema s kontrolom kvalitete s različiti prikaz boja i svjetlina između bačvi, što me stvarno zasmetalo kad sam shvatio da postoji. Želim dosljednost po ovoj cijeni, a ne kombinirani učinak između bačvi koje treba proizvesti i ukupne renderirane slike. Prvi put sam ga primijetio u uvjetima slabijeg osvjetljenja prije zalaska sunca na Dartmooru. To je bilo nakon što sam bio na Bird Fairu i Zeissov tim je nadogradio moje očne čašice na noviju verziju koja se koristi u uskoro sljedećoj crnoj verziji marke 2. Moj fokuser i očne čašice što se toga tiče nikad mi nisu pokazivali nikakve probleme, ali neki korisnici su pretrpjeli žutilo sivog prsluka i plastičnog zvuka rotacije gumba za fokusiranje. Na izložbi su me uvjerili da u novijoj crnoj verziji nisu napravljene nikakve optičke nadogradnje i da su zapravo iznutra potpuno iste...<br><br>Moram reći da sam bio pomalo uznemiren što je novija verzija izašla tako ubrzo nakon ocjene 1 s gore navedenim poboljšanjima. To i pitanje kontrole kvalitete bili su u najmanju ruku uznemirujući. Kad ga kupujete, želite dobrog. Iako se svaki dvogled razlikuje od svake marke, zamjetne razlike bi trebale biti gotovo nulte po ovim cijenama. Utvrdio sam da je Swarovski kontrola kvalitete bolja, ali bio sam impresioniran Zeissovom inicijativom u nadogradnji mojih naočala… na sajmu Bird Fair. <br><br>To je bilo prije nekoliko godina, a ja sam isprobao noviju verziju i otkrio da je jedinica koju sam koristio besprijekorna. Ergonomija je zapanjujuća za moje velike ruke, a slike blistaju velikom definicijom čak i u sumrak zahvaljujući vrhunskim modernim premazima i velikim prizmama. <br><br>Također su iznimno zabavni za korištenje za digi-bining i mogu poboljšati vaše digitalne fotografske slike prekrasnom dubinom polja i bokehom izvan fokusa. <br><br>Ako kupite 10, i dalje ćete uživati u 8 i obrnuto. Obojica su tako dobri u svojim kampovima. To je pomalo kao da pokušavate birati između noža i vilice. 10 je ipak nož koji također može vrlo dobro obaviti posao vilice, dok vilica nikada neće rezati kao nož.<br>
I had been following the development and long anticipated release of this new Victory SF range of binoculars back in 2016. I couldn’t wait to see what Zeiss were going to bring to the table in terms of cutting-edge optics, but more than that, something that had been designed from the ground up specifically to cater for the birdwatching market. <br><br>I have owned many different configurations of Zeiss binoculars over the years and up until the point in time when the new SF was due to be released, I was using the somewhat bulky 12x50 BGAT model. It was a fantastic piece of equipment but heavy and prone to eye cup degradation - as the rubber aged it would perish.<br><br>With the promise of great ergonomics, balance, light weight and genuinely wide field of view the Victory SF looked sure to dominate its predecessors of the Victory FL and HT lines so I made a bee line to purchase them as soon as possible. I wanted the 10x42 configuration because the field of view was so good and wouldn’t be too much of a compromise compared with the 8x magnification models. I wanted binoculars to bring the image closer, to see details in my observations – the whites of the eyes.<br><br>Given that my previous binoculars were on the heavy side, coupled with the fact that I would be using my new purchase for prolonged periods of time, hiking in Scotland and the Pyrenees with them meant that the relatively light weight of the 10-power model would be a great option for spotting golden eagles and vultures respectively. If I was heading out for the mountains and really desired to close down the gap between me and the birds (which for the most part would be more than 50 yards away), I had to take the bigger magnification model with me. (Tip: Don’t wear the supplied neck strap next to bare skin wearing a T shirt hiking in direct sunlight for 9 and a half hours – it will rub your skin right off without you knowing. Owch! Lesson learned. Silly me). <br><br>After testing the 8x power, because that was all that was initially available, I knew the 10 would surpass my goals and aspirations. In fact, I was so keen I tested one of the first pairs available in the UK and was sold on the big brother and up until that point in time, they were the best binoculars I had ever used.<br>What did I like about them? Not only is this model light in weight, but it is specifically well balanced, tipping the ocular end into the eye socket where the fulcrum of your hands is then slightly relieved of some of the weight load. If you are in the habit of resting your eye pieces comfortably in your eye socket then this may be advantageous to you for prolonged use. Having said that, I like to hold the binocular with more grip when tracking and moving from target to target, and so although this feature is beneficial for observing stationary wildlife when you are stood up using them, it may not be the way you use them for the majority of the time when panning. The idea is great in principle and it does work exceptionally well, but perhaps not for all your observations which include sweeping movement. With the greater weight being at the ocular end, the balance in use is none-the-less superb and feels reassuringly correct whether you rest them on your eye socket or choose not to. When stood observing for a long time, this is when this feature comes into its own.<br><br>When I discovered that this model range of binoculars had been designed by Gerold Dobler, formerly optics design engineer for Swarovski and then chief product designer for Zeiss, I was totally enamoured with the fact that these had been designed by a super-experienced bird watcher and expert in his field. It was like a personal mission to innovate for birders that would be out in the field using their binoculars for a long time, perhaps dawn until dusk. <br>What are some of the other advantages about these binoculars for birders and in fact hunters too? It has to be their ease of use. You can lift, place and even focus these binoculars very easily with just one hand. Why is this important? It’s just that much less fatiguing and tiring to use. Instead of starting the countdown in your head as to when you are no longer comfortably able to use them, as if in some way you have to only use them in measured shifts of time, you can have prolonged observational stretches without as much effort. <br><br>This fact alone makes them a joy to use, simply from the point of view that you can use them more of the time to you are out and this in turn translates into seeing and observing more of the natural world you may otherwise miss. This is not insignificant if you have spent thousands of pounds on your safari holiday or trip into the jungle. The least you can do is see as much of what you came to see as possible. For me, the weight of the binocular has become one of the most significant criteria by which to assess them by for this reason. <br><br>If you can’t use them for long, you are compromising your observation experience. From this perspective, field of view almost takes second place in importance, and yet with this model, even the field of view is not compromised. Their stunning 120m at 1000m means you don’t miss out on the action at this higher power. If you are not taking a spotting scope with you, taking these 10x is almost a ‘no-brainer’. Why? Amazingly they weight the same as the 8x power model, which is really impressive. Yes, the 8x have an incredible field of view of 148m at 1000m, which of itself is an indulgent experience and very hard to beat and perhaps the way to go if you are also taking your scope with you. Find your target and drill down, but with the 10x, finding your target is never a problem and they are no heavier. For me it’s a win-win situation. <br><br>Additionally, these binoculars benefit from what is now a much refined and is arguably the slickest focusing control I have ever used. They are a joy to use and the images are not as cool as the HT line but more neutral without being warmed up like in the Leica models. You could say their colours are more representative of what you are actually seeing with the unaided eye. Colour contrast could be more dynamic but it isn’t missed, instead it’s more relaxed and natural. You focusing finger also is more relaxed as the focusing knob is in line with your hand’s natural position – another major ergonomic bonus for prolonged use.<br><br>I was disappointed with the grey mark one version due to a quality control issue with differing colour rendition and brightness between barrels, which when I realized was there, really bugged me. I want consistency at this price, not a combinative effect between barrels to produce and overall rendered image. I first noticed it in lower light conditions before sunset on Dartmoor. This was after I had been to Bird Fair and the Zeiss team upgraded my eye cups to a newer version as employed in the soon following black version mark 2. My focuser and eye cups for that matter had never manifest any issues for me, but some users had suffered yellowing of they grey body armour and plasticky sound rotation of the focus knob. I was assured at the show that no optical upgrades had been made in the newer black version and that they were in fact internally exactly the same…<br><br>I have to say I was somewhat perturbed that the newer version came out so soon after the mark 1 with the aforementioned improvements. That and the quality control issue was mildly upsetting to say the least. When you buy one, you want a good one. Although every binocular is different from each brand, the perceptible differences should be virtually zero at these prices. Swarovski’s quality control I have found to be better, but I was impressed with Zeiss’ initiative in upgrading my eye cups…at the Bird Fair show. <br><br>That was a few years ago now and I have tried the newer version and found the unit I used to be flawless. The ergonomics are stunning for my large size hands and the images are scintillating with great definition even at dusk thanks to superb modern coatings and big prisms. <br><br>They are also immense fun to use for digi-binning and can enhance your digital photographic images with beautiful depth of field and bokeh of out of focus highlights. <br><br>If you buy the 10 you will still enjoy the 8 and vice-vesa. They are both so good in their respective camps. It’s a bit like trying to choose between a knife and fork. The 10 though is the knife which can also do the job of the fork very well, whereas the fork will never cut quite like a knife.<br>

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Najbolji par biinoa koje sam vidio The best pair of biinos I have seen

U prošlosti sam koristio mnogo različitih dalekozora i prošle sam se godine odlučio jednom zauvijek kupiti. Provjerio sam Swarovski, Zeiss, Leicu i Nikon. Više volim ove dalekozore Viictory SF od svih ostalih.
I have used many different binoculars in the past and last year I decided to buy once and for all. I checked Swarovski, Zeiss, Leica and Nikon. I prefer these Viictory SF binoculars over all others.

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Datoteke korisnika

Osobna iskustva drugih korisnika mogu nekome puno pomoći. Dijeljenjem svojih snimaka, fotografija i mišljenja o proizvodima pomažete budućim kupcima u lakšoj odluci.


Najčešća pitanja (Q&A)

Trebate li pomoć? Jeste li sigurni da je ovo pravi proizvod za vas? Ne oklijevajte - postavite pitanje našoj ekipi, koja je tu da vam pomogne oko pitanja o proizvodu.

Bok, zainteresiran sam za kupnju dalekozora Zeiss Victory SF 10x42 i potrebna mi je isporuka u Antibes u Francuskoj prije ponedjeljka, 21. Biste li vi to mogli? Srdačan pozdrav.

Hi I am interested in purchasing some Zeiss Victory SF 10x42 binoculars and would need delivery to Antibes in France before Monday the 21st. Would you be able to do this? Kind regards.

od James

Nažalost, imajte na umu da to ne bi bilo moguće jer u to vrijeme nismo imali dalekozor na zalihi.

Unfortunately, please note that this would not be possible as we didn't have the binocular in stock at that time.

od Optics Trade team


molim vas da mi kažete koja je cijena dalekozora Zeiss Victory SF 10x42 koji se isporučuje u Toronto Kanada.



Please let me know what is the price for a Zeiss Victory SF 10x42 binoculars, shipped to Toronto Canada.


od lazu@sympatico.ca

Cijena ovog proizvoda je 2339 € s uključenim PDV-om, međutim, ne možemo ga isporučiti u Kanadu ili SAD zbog politike ograničenja proizvođača.

The price of this product is 2339€ with the VAT included, however, we are unable to ship it to Canada or the USA due to the manufacturer's restriction policy.

od Optics Trade team

molim vas da mi kažete koja je cijena (uključujući dostavu u Toronto, Kanada) za dalekozor Zeiss Victory SF 10x42.

Please let me know what is the price (including shipping to Toronto , Canada) for the Zeiss Victory SF 10x42 binocular.

od Dorin

Nažalost, ne možemo isporučiti ovaj proizvod u Kanadu zbog proizvođačeve politike ograničenja.

Unfortunately, we are unable to ship this product to Canada due to the manufacturer's restriction policy.

od Optics Trade team