Zeiss Victory V8 2.8-20x56 T*
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Zeiss Victory V8 2.8-20x56 T*

(4 ocjene)
As low as: 3.109,00 EUR
Vrijeme otpreme
Slanje - 1 do 3 dana
Mogućnost povrata
15 dana

Proizvodi na zalihama

Vrsta montažne šinje
Tip kupole
ASV LongRange
3.379,00 EUR
3.109,00 EUR
1 2 3 4 6

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Zeiss Victory V8 2.8-20x56 T* Opis proizvoda

  • The Zeiss Victory V8 2.8-20x56 is an impressive riflescope that offers superior performance and optical clarity thanks to its 92% light transmission rate and sharpness from edge to edge.

  • It also has excellent mounting solutions, with either a Zeiss ZM/VM rail mount or 30mm scope rings being available depending on the version chosen.

  • Additional features such as the Zeiss LotuTec coatings and T* coatings help protect against water droplets, dirt, and debris, making it ideal for low-light and long-range situations.

  • The only downsides are that the scope is somewhat heavy and pricey when compared to similar models on the market but these factors do not detract from its quality overall.

  • This rifle scope is best suited for low light and long-range hunting.

Zeiss Victory V8 series

Zeiss Victory V8 rifle scopes are perfect for hunting, offering 8 times zoom range, LotuTec protective coating, enhanced T* lens coatings with great light transmission, and a wide field of view which makes targeting easier. The 30mm main tube gives the scope a big internal elevation range which makes it one of the best all-round rifle scopes currently on the market.

There are 5 models in the Z8i series: Zeiss Victory V8 1.1-8x24, Zeiss Victory V8 1.8-14x50 T*, Zeiss Victory V8 2.8-20x56 T*, Zeiss Victory V8 2.8-20x56 T* and Zeiss Victory V8 4.8-35x60.

Physical properties of Zeiss Victory V8 2.8-20x56

The Victory V8 2.8-20x56 is Zeiss' top-of-the-line riflescope with a magnification that ranges from 2.8 to 20 and an objective lens of 56 millimeters. It is 35 centimeters long, weighs 830 grams, and features a 30mm main tube diameter rare in hunting scopes; it offers 3.1 meters of internal elevation per hundred meters, has a fast focus diopter setting, and offers a great eye box and forgiving position behind the scope.

The Victory V8 2.8-20x56 rifle has two reticle options, Reticle 43 and Reticle 60. The reticles are illuminated and thin at high magnifications, with the dot spanning no more than four millimeters.

The V8 2.8-20x56 has an adjustable dot-illumination system that is the smallest on the market and covers a four-millimeter area at a distance of 100 meters. The illumination can be turned on and off using a button and is equipped with a motion sensor to turn it off when not in use. The intensity of the illuminated dot can be set to any desired level, making it ideal for bright days or low-light conditions and easy to use when wearing gloves.

Zeiss Victory V8 2.8-20x56 scopes can be outfitted with either standard hunting or ASV long-range turrets. The ASV turret is superior due to its 100 clicks per turn, which allows for longer-range shooting than other ballistic hunting turrets.

Zeiss provides nine different ballistic rings with their scope. These rings can be used to set a direct dial system from 100-600 meters and can come with either an elevation ASV long-range turret or both elevation and windage turrets with a locking mechanism. No additional rings are included for the windage turret if ordering both turrets.

The V8 2.8-20x56 has a parallax adjustment that can be adjusted from 50 meters to infinity, with 100-meter increments for each click.

Optical performance

The Victory V8 2.8-20x56 riflescope offers outstanding optics, with a light transmission rate of 92% and an impressive field of view. It's the second biggest model in the Z8i series and provides almost 16 meters of view at 100 meters. The smaller 1.8-14x50 model offers even more, with 23 meters of view.

The Victory V8 2.8-20x56 scope by Zeiss has HD and FL glass elements, which are covered with the LotuTec and T* coatings to protect the lens from water droplets, dirt, fogging, and condensation while giving users extraordinary optical clarity, performance, resolution, and sharpness.

Mounting solutions

The Zeiss ZM/VM rail mount must be purchased separately to attach the scope to a mounting solution. Otherwise, 30-millimeter scope mount rings will be necessary.

What's in the box?

  1. bikini lens covers

  2. safety and regulation information

  3. instruction manual

  4. CR2032 battery

  5. cleaning cloth

  6. 9 ballistic rings (with the model with ASV turret)


All Victory V8 riflescopes are manufactured in Germany and come with a 10-year warranty.

Opća svojstva

Proizvođač Zeiss
Serija optičkih ciljnika Zeiss Victory V8
Izrađeno u Njemačka
Proizvodi se od 2021
Jamstvo 10 godina
SKU 522131-9960-040c

Optička svojstva

Varijabilno povećanje Da
Min. povećanje 2.80 x
Max. povećanje 20.00 x
Prilagođavanje dioptrije -3.5 / +2 dpt
Promjer leće 56.00 mm
Min. promjer izlazne zjenice 2.80 mm
Max. promjer izlazne zjenice 9.90 mm
Min. vidno polje 2.10 m/100m
Max. vidno polje 15.50 m/100m
Min. udaljenost oka 95.00 mm
Max. udaljenost oka 95.00 mm
Faktor zamračenja 7.9 - 33
Propusnost svjetlosti >92%
Brzi fokus Da

Djelovanje kupola

Podešavanje končanice na klik 10mm/100m - 0.10MIL
Tip kupole BDC - sa zaključavanjem
Zero Stop Ne
Broj okretaja kupole Jedan okretaj
Smjer okretaja kupole Smjer kazaljke na satu
Podešavanje končanice po visini 21.00 mrad
Podešavanje končanice po visini (MOA) 73.00 MOA
Podešavanje končanice po smijeri 13.50 mrad
Podešavanje končanice po smijeri (MOA) 45.00 MOA
Pomak po okretaju kupole 10 mrad - 100cm/100m

Obilježja končanice

Pozicija končanice 2. žarišna ravnina
Osvjetljenje končanice Da
Boja osvjetljenja Crvena
Osvjetljenje za dnevnu uporabu Da
Automatsko isključivanje Da


Postavka paralakse -
Korekcija paralakse Da - s bočnim fokusom
Područje korekcije paralakse 50m - inf.

Fizička svojstva

Dužina 350.00 mm
Težina 830.00 g
Područje temperature -25° / +50° C
Punjen sa Dušikom
Premazi leća Više slojeva - sve leće
Promjer cijevi 30 mm
Šinja za montažu Da
Tip šinje Zeiss ZM/VM
Promjer objektiva 62 mm
Promjer okulara 46 mm

Posebne značajke

Otpornost na vodu Da
Otpornost na vlaženje Da
Otporno na udarce Da
Posebna obilježja Brzi fokus, Korekcija paralakse, Osvijetljena končanica, Otpornost na rošenje, Otpornost na udarce, Otpornost na vodu, Varijabilno povećanje, Više premaza - sve leće
Ugrađen daljinomjer Ne


Suitable for Compatibility Above 30 mm, 30 mm with Rail
Suitable for Compatibility Below 30 mm, Zeiss ZM/VM Rail

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Recenzije & Preporuke

4 ocjene
Imate več iskustvo sa tim proizvodom?
Drago bi nam bilo da ocijenite ovaj proizvod:
Ocijenite proizvod

How do you rate this product?

Najbolji The Best

Nikada prije nisam vidio niti koristio nešto ovakvo, nišan proizveden s apsolutnom preciznošću, savršenom optikom, apsolutno jasnim vidom čak iu zoru. Raspon zuma savršen je za lov u istočnoj Europi, a nišan je stvarno lijepo podesiv i ne pokriva metu. Općenito, cijena made in Germany, kvaliteta i upotrebljivost čine savršen opseg.<br><br>Alexandr<br>
I have never seen or used something like this before a riflescope manufactured with absolute precision, perfect optics absolutely clear vision even at dawn. Zoom range is perfect for Eastern European hunting purposes and the aimdot is really nicely adjustable and does not cover the target. Overall the price made in Germany quality and usability make for a perfect scope.<br><br>Alexandr<br>

Review by

Posted on

Lov na velike udaljenosti Long range hunting

Bojao sam se težine i veličine ovog nišana na svom Sako 85, no budući da volim pucati na veće udaljenosti, želio sam Zeiss ASV i najsvjetliju sliku koju mogu dobiti. Čak i na 20x, nišan je i dalje upotrebljiv zahvaljujući visokokvalitetnoj optici.<br><br>Montaža na šinu također je neophodna na ovom nišanu.
I was scared about the weight and the size of this scope on my Sako 85, howerver since I like to shot at longer distances I wanted the Zeiss ASV and the brightest picture I can get. Even on 20x the scope is still usable due to high quality optics.<br><br>Rail mounting is also a must have on this scope.

Review by

Posted on

Prava Zeiss kvaliteta True Zeiss quality

Koristim ovaj opseg već oko godinu dana i jako mi se sviđa. Samo mogu pomaknuti oko bilo gdje iza okulara i odmah imam sliku bez ikakvih podešavanja svog položaja. Sviđa mi se i fina - ultra mala crvena točkica u končanici, koju uvijek mogu podesiti na ispravan intenzitet. Kvaliteta optike je doista dobra kao što se i očekivalo od Zeissa.<br><br>Support je ipak veći od svih mojih drugih optika, ali nudi povećanje od 20x pa mi ne smeta.
I am using this scope for about a year now and I really like it. I can just move my eye anywhere behind the eyepiece and I immediately have a picture without any adjustments of my position. I also like the fine - ultra small red dot in the reticle, which I can always set to correct intensity. The quality of optics is really good like expected from Zeiss.<br><br>The scope is however bigger than all my other scopes, but it offers 20x magnification so I don't mind.

Review by

Posted on

Impresivan opseg Impressive scope

Postavio sam ovaj nišan na Blaser R8 Professional i radi odlično. Iluminacijska točka je jednostavno savršena i manja od svih drugih koje sam prije koristio. Široko vidno polje u kombinaciji s velikim povećanjem također je veliki plus. Opseg je, međutim, težak i cijena je također visoka, ali i njegova kvaliteta.
I mounted this scope on Blaser R8 Professional and it works great. The illumination dot is just perfect and smaller than all others I have used before. Wide field of view combined with high magnification is also a big plus. The scope is however heavy and the price is also high, but so is its quality.

Review by

Posted on

Datoteke korisnika

Osobna iskustva drugih korisnika mogu nekome puno pomoći. Dijeljenjem svojih snimaka, fotografija i mišljenja o proizvodima pomažete budućim kupcima u lakšoj odluci.


Najčešća pitanja (Q&A)

Trebate li pomoć? Jeste li sigurni da je ovo pravi proizvod za vas? Ne oklijevajte - postavite pitanje našoj ekipi, koja je tu da vam pomogne oko pitanja o proizvodu.

Dobar dan, prodajete li i rezervne dijelove? Slomio sam gumicu koja je kad se upali točka. Mislim da je to broj 13 u vašim uputama..hvala

Dobrý deň, predávate aj náhradné diely? Praskla mi ta guma, ktorá je pri zapínaní bodky. Myslím, že v tom vašom návode je to 13tka..ďakujem

od Zeiss Victory v8

Dragi Peter,

hvala na vašoj poruci.

Molimo da nam pošaljete serijski broj nišana na info@optics-trade.eu.

Lijepi pozdrav

Dear Peter,

thank you for your message.

Please send us the serial number of the riflescope at info@optics-trade.eu.

Kind regards

od Optics Trade team

Bok, kako si? Samo gledam opseg i jako sam zainteresiran za kupnju. Samo se želim uvjeriti da nema dodatnog poreza ili bilo čega dodanog da je ovo konačna cijena

Hi, how are you? Just looking at the scope in a very interested in purchasing one. Just wanna make sure there’s no additional tax or anything added to pay that this is the final price

od Jacob

Poštovani gospodine, 

hvala što ste nas kontaktirali.

Iako je cijena opsega konačna, imajte na umu da ćete možda ipak morati platiti dodatne poreze ili carine na temelju propisa vaše zemlje. Oni nisu uključeni u navedenu cijenu. Prilikom međunarodne kupnje uvijek je dobro provjeriti porezne zakone svoje zemlje. Preporučamo da kontaktirate svoju lokalnu carinarnicu za više informacija o svim dodatnim troškovima.

Ikona bez poreza pojavljuje se samo ako kupac proizvod gleda iz trgovine u zemlji koja nije dio jedinstvenog tržišta EU-a. To znači da će kupci plaćati porez na temelju zemlje u koju se proizvod šalje.

Nadamo se da su ove informacije bile korisne.

Ako vam je potrebna dodatna pomoć, nemojte se ustručavati kontaktirati nas ponovno.

Lijepi pozdrav

Dear Sir, 

thank you for contacting us.

While the scope's price is final, please note that you may still have to pay additional taxes or duties based on your country's regulations. These are not included in the listed price. Checking your country's tax laws when making an international purchase is always good. We recommend contacting your local customs office for more information regarding any additional costs. 

The tax-free icon only appears if the customer is looking at the product from the store view of a country that is not a part of the EU single market. This means customers will pay taxes based on the country the product is shipped to.

We hope this information was helpful.

Should you require any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us again. 

Kind regards

od Optics Trade team

Pozdrav - je li ovo najnovija verzija velike cijevi od 36 mm? Hoće li cijena uključivati carinu jer se šalje u UK?

Hello- is this the latest large tube 36mm rail version? Will the price include duty as it’s being shipped to the UK?

od Mk

Poštovani gospodine,

hvala što ste nas kontaktirali.

Imajte na umu da je ovo najnovija verzija proizvoda s promjerom cijevi od 30 mm.

Ako imate dodatnih pitanja ili nedoumica, ne ustručavajte se kontaktirati nas izravno na info@optics-trade.eu. Ovdje smo da pomognemo.

Lijepi pozdrav,

Dear Sir,

thank you for contacting us.

Please note that this is the latest version of the product with a 30 mm tube diameter.

If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us directly at info@optics-trade.eu. We are here to help.

Kind Regards,

od Optics Trade team

Pozdrav, hoću li platiti dodatnu carinu za zeiss V8 nišan poslan u Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo - možete li mi pomoći s ovim srdačnim pozdravom.

Hello, will I pay extra duty on a zeiss V8 scope shipped to the UK-can you help with this kind regards.

od mk

Poštovani gospodine,

hvala što ste nas kontaktirali.

Kada šaljete proizvod izvan Europske unije, provjerite moguće uvozne pristojbe kod svoje lokalne carinarnice.

Ako imate dodatnih pitanja ili nedoumica, ne ustručavajte se kontaktirati nas izravno na info@optics-trade.eu. Ovdje smo da pomognemo.

Lijepi pozdrav,

Dear Sir,

thank you for contacting us.

When shipping the product outside of the European Union, please check possible import fees with your local customs office.

If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us directly at info@optics-trade.eu. We are here to help.

Kind Regards,

od Optics Trade team

Bok, zanima me Zeiss V8 28-20x56 ovaj proizvod, ima li vaša tvrtka Zeiss V8 svjetleću končanicu ovu opciju? Hvala vam

Hi, I am interested in Zeiss V8 28-20x56 this product, does your company have Zeiss V8 illuminate reticle this option? Thank you

od katie

Poštovani gospodine,

hvala što ste nas kontaktirali.

Imajte na umu da končanica 43 nema osvjetljenje, dok je končanica 60 dizajnirana s osvjetljenjem.

Ako vam je potrebna dodatna pomoć, nemojte se ustručavati ponovno nas kontaktirati.

Lijepi pozdrav,

Dear Sir,

thank you for contacting us.

Please note that the 43 reticle has no illumination while the 60 reticle is designed with an illumination.

Should you require any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us again.

Kind Regards,

od Optics Trade team

Mogu li znati što je "Turret Type"?

may i know what is "Turret Type"?

od katie

Poštovani gospodine/gospođo,

hvala na vašem pitanju.

Za ove informacije preusmjerio bih vas na naš članak i video o tome što su kupole i koje vrste kupola postoje: https://www.optics-trade.eu/blog/turret-types/

Ako imate još pitanja ili ako nešto nije dovoljno jasno, ne ustručavajte se ponovno nas kontaktirati.

Srdačan pozdrav,

Dear Sir/Madam,

thank you for your question.

For this information I would redirect you to our article and video about what turrets are and what turret types there are: https://www.optics-trade.eu/blog/turret-types/

If you have any more question or if something is not clear enough, do not hesitate to contact us again.

Best regards,

od Optics Trade team

Bok, razmišljao sam o kupnji ziessovog nišana. Mislim da sam se odlučio za pobjedu v8, možete li mi reći koja je razlika između ta 2 modela. Puno hvala

Hi I have been looking at buying a ziess scope I think I have decided on the victory v8 could you please advise what the difference is between the 2 models. Many thanks

od Hywel

Poštovani gospodine,

hvala što ste nas kontaktirali.

Molimo vas da navedete na koja točno dva modela mislite. Za dodatnu pomoć obratite nam se izravno na adresu info@optics-trade.eu.

Ako vam je potrebna dodatna pomoć, nemojte se ustručavati ponovno nas kontaktirati.

Lijepi pozdrav,

Dear Sir,

thank you for contacting us.

We would kindly ask you to specify as to exactly which two models you are referring to. For further assistance, please contact us directly at info@optics-trade.eu mail.

Should you require any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us again.

Kind Regards,

od Optics Trade team

Želite li kupiti nišan zeiss 2.8 -20 ×56 u Indiji, molim vas.

Want to buy the zeiss 2.8 -20 ×56 riflescope in india please.

od Brig

Cijena ovog proizvoda bez PDV-a je 2369 € s osnovnom konfiguracijom ili 2659 € s dodatnom ASV (BDC) kupolom.

The price of this product without the VAT is 2369€ with the basic configuration or 2659€ with the additional ASV (BDC) turret. 

od Optics Trade team

Postoji li video s uputama o tome kako montirati V8 2.8 pomoću Sphur nosača na šinu za slike? Ne koristim šinu, uđe li plastični umetak većim dijelom i onda ga odrežem? Čini se čudno da je 2 inča predug.

IS there an instructional video on how to mount the V8 2.8 using a Sphur mount on a pic rail? I'm not using a rail, does the plastic insert go in most of the way and then I cut it off? Seems weird that it's 2 inches too long.

od Jerry

Nažalost, nemamo videozapis montiranja V8 nišana pomoću Spuhr nosača na Picatinnyjevu šinu. Za ugradnju ovog nosača nisu potrebni plastični umetci. Toplo savjetujemo da potražite oružara koji će pravilno instalirati nišan.

Unfortunately, we don't have a video of mounting a V8 scope using the Spuhr mount onto the Picatinny rail. No plastic inserts are required to install this mount. We would strongly advise looking for a gunsmith to install the scope properly.

od Optics Trade team

Zainteresiran sam za nabavu Zeiss Victory V8 2.8-20x56 T za svoj Blaser R8 profesionalni uspjeh. Znate li koje bi mi prstenje trebale? Koristim Blaser pictatinny šinu na Blaser R8. Biste li preporučili neke prstenove i također neke preklopne navlake. Možete li mi također dati vodič o ukupnoj cijeni. Hvala vam.

I am interested in getting a Zeiss Victory V8 2.8-20x56 T for my Blaser R8 professional success. Would you know what height rings I would need. I Use a blaser pictatinny rail on the Blaser R8. Would you recommend some rings and also some flips up covers. Would you be able to give me a guide on overall price also. Thank you.

od Robert

Što se tiče prstena, ljubazno vas molimo da navedete želite li odabrati fiksnu ili brzo odvojivu verziju. Dodatno, molimo Vas da navedete materijal Picatinny tračnice (čelik ili aluminij). Flip-up maske za model V8 možete pogledati na stranici ispod. Za daljnju pomoć u vezi s tim, molimo vas da nas ponovno kontaktirate na info@optics-trade.eu


Regarding the rings, we would kindly ask you to specify if you wish to go for the fixed or quick-detachable version. Additionally, we would kindly ask you to specify the material of the Picatinny rail (steel or aluminum). You can take a look at the flip-up covers for the V8 model on the page below. For further assistance in this regard, we would kindly ask you to contact us again at info@optics-trade.eu


od Optics Trade team