GPO Passion HD 10x50
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GPO Passion HD 10x50

As low as: 1.299,00 EUR
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15 dana

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1.299,00 EUR
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GPO Passion HD 10x50 Opis proizvoda

The 10x50 configuration on these GPO binoculars generates a 5mm exit pupil, which is almost as large as that which you get with the 8x42 Passion HD. Thus if adding a little more weight and size is not an issue for you and you need an instrument that can provide you with both a reasonably good low light performance and a little more reach than what an 8x power can give you, then this binocular makes an excellent choice.
At 103 meters wide at a distance of 1000 meters, the field of view on this model is excellent for an instrument with a 10x magnification, which makes finding and then following anything in your view that much quicker and easier to do.
Whilst these binoculars will really excel out on the open fields, in the hills or along the coast in good light and at slightly longer ranges, all the aspects above combined contribute to making an excellent choice of binocular for the wildlife observer, hunter or even bird watcher who operates in a variety of different locations and in a variety of light conditions.
The eye relief on these binoculars is very long and when combined with their high-quality twist-up eyecups it makes certain that you will be able to get your eyes the correct distance behind the ocular lenses to achieve the full image, with or without wearing glasses.

About GPO Passion HD Binoculars

The Passion HD is the flagship series from German Precision Optics and as you would imagine, they truly boast an impressive array of world-class components and features that really do set them apart from the ordinary binocular. 
Incorporating some of the finest components, optical glass and coatings available, GPO’s flagship series is the Passion HD, which is are squarely aimed at the serious sports optics user.
Standout highlights on the body include a sealed magnesium chassis, aluminum eyecups and a central focus wheel with an integrated locking diopter correction mechanism. Whilst optically, the Passion HD series includes double fluorite containing ED lens elements, a Schmidt Pechan roof prism system that is both phase corrected and dielectrically mirror coated.
Available in a selection of magnifications and with either 42mm or 50mm lenses, there is a Passion HD binocular to perfectly suit most outdoor enthusiasts needs.

Important Features

These GPO binoculars sport a modern top-hinge body design and are built around a tough, yet relatively lightweight magnesium chassis. The polished microbridge is also made from magnesium and the multi-texture body armor provides both protection and a good level of grip.
Fully O-ring sealed, the Passion HD series is watertight to a pressure of 500 Mbars and with the interior filled with dry nitrogen gas, the internal glass surfaces are fog resistant
The eyepiece housings and twist-up eyecups are made from aluminum and feature multiple intermediate click stops to ensure you get the full view for use with or without glasses. These binoculars all have a centrally located focus wheel that also incorporates the lockable diopter adjuster within the mechanism.

Optical Properties

As well as their excellent chassis and exterior, the GPO Passion HD binoculars also feature a collection of premium level optical components and coatings:
Both models feature Schmidt Pechan roof prism system. The phase correction coatings prevent phase shift and thus help deliver a higher resolution image, whilst the dielectric mirror coatings are able to reflect more than 99% of the light across the full spectrum and thus boost both the image brightness and overall quality. 
The whole optical pathway is fully multi-coated with anti-reflection coatings and the objective lenses feature double HD lens elements (two fluorite containing lenses which are “cemented” together) that drastically reduces the distortions that cause color fringing. 
Exterior lens surfaces also have GPO’s proprietary "PASSIONdrop” hydrophobic coatings added to them that help keep the lenses free of water, oil, and dirt for easier cleaning and better views in all weather conditions.


Whilst these binoculars come with the usual arrangement of accessories, their quality is anything but ordinary. A semi-rigid carry case provides an excellent level of protection, whilst the neoprene backed neck strap looks great and is very comfortable. Also included is a rain-guard, objective lens covers, cleaning cloth and instruction booklet.

Features of GPO Passion HD Binoculars

  • Double HD Glass Lens Elements
  • Fully Multi-Coated Optics
  • Phase Corrected & Dielectric Coated Schmidt Pechan Roof Prisms
  • Hydrophobic Exterior Lens Coatings
  • Magnesium Chassis 
  • Twist-Up Aluminium Eyecups with intermediate click stops
  • Lockable Diopter located on Central Focus Wheel
  • Waterproof and Fogproof (Nitrogen filling)

Accessories of GPO Passion HD Binoculars

  • Carry Case
  • Neck Strap
  • Objective Lens Covers
  • Rainguard
  • Lens Cleaning Cloth
  • Instruction Booklet

Warranty Terms and Conditions

German Precision Optics provides a comprehensive 10-year warranty on all their Passion HD binoculars which to their discretion will be replaced or repaired at no cost to you.

Opća svojstva

Proizvođač GPO
Serija dvogleda GPO Passion HD
Izrađeno u -
Proizvodi se od -
Jamstvo 10 godina
SKU B660c

Optička svojstva

Vrsta prizme Roof - Schmidt/Pechan
Varijabilno povećanje Ne
Povećanje. 10.00 x
Prilagođavanje dioptrije -4 / +4 Dpt
Promjer leće 50.00 mm
Izlazna zjenica 5.00 mm
Vidno polje 103.25 m/1000m
Vidno polje (u stupnjevima) 5.90 °
Udaljenost oka 19.50 mm
Najmanja udaljenost izoštrenja 3.00 m
Faktor zamračenja 22.36
Propusnost svjetlosti -
Relativna svjetlost 25

Fizička svojstva

Premazi leća Više slojeva
Dužina 175.00 mm
Širina 135.00 mm
Visina 64.00 mm
Težina 960.00 g
Područje temperature -
Punjen sa -
Sustav izoštrenja Centralno
Podešavanje dioptera Centralno
Min. razmak između zjenica 58.00 mm
Max. razmak između zjenica 76.00 mm
Vrsta konstrukcije Jednostruki zglob

Posebne značajke

Otpornost na vodu Da
Otpornost na vlaženje Da
Kompas Ne
Ugrađen daljinomjer Ne
Stabilizacija slike Ne
Plovnost Ne

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Trebate li pomoć? Jeste li sigurni da je ovo pravi proizvod za vas? Ne oklijevajte - postavite pitanje našoj ekipi, koja je tu da vam pomogne oko pitanja o proizvodu.

Je li moguće kupiti 10x50 HD-ove od vas i poslati ih da pokazuju da su ispod 1000 Aud.

Is it possible to purchase the 10x50 HDs from you and have them shipped showing they were under $1000 Aud.

od Vin

Dragi Vin,

Zahvaljujemo na vašem upitu. Iskreno se ispričavamo zbog kašnjenja odgovora, koje je rezultat povećane potražnje za našim uslugama.

Zbog specifične prirode vašeg zahtjeva, ljubazno vas molimo da nas kontaktirate na u vezi s ovom narudžbom. Jedan od naših vještih prodavača spremno će vam pomoći.

Lijepi pozdrav,

Dear Vin,

Thank you for your inquiry. We sincerely apologize for the delayed reply, which is a result of the increased demand for our services.

Due to the specific nature of your request, we kindly ask you to contact us at regarding this order. One of our skilled salespeople will readily assist you.

Kind regards,

od Optics Trade team

Želim kupiti Passion HD 10x50 od vas jer su preko 500 USD jeftiniji nego ovdje. (CENTRALNA OPTIKA) koliko je plaćeno osiguranje od vrata do vrata i carinske pristojbe za opskrbu mene u Warrandyte Melbourne Victoria Aus? 99 eura? Hvala na pomoći regate Vin

I'm keen to purchase Passion hd 10x50 from you because they are over $500 cheaper than here. (OPTICS CENTRAL) how much for supply to me in Warrandyte Melbourne Victoria Aus door to door insurance and customs fees paid for? 99 Euro? Thanks for your assistance regatds Vin

od Vin

Dragi Vin,

Zahvaljujemo na vašem upitu. Iskreno se ispričavamo zbog kašnjenja odgovora, koje je rezultat povećane potražnje za našim uslugama.

Nažalost, ne možemo vam dati konačnu cijenu dostave ovog proizvoda na vašu adresu jer ona uvelike ovisi o carini u vašoj zemlji prebivališta. Savjetujemo vam da kontaktirate svoj lokalni carinski ured kako biste dobili ove informacije.

Ako trebate dodatnu pomoć, slobodno nas ponovno kontaktirajte.

Lijepi pozdrav

Dear Vin,

Thank you for your inquiry. We sincerely apologize for the delayed reply, which is a result of the increased demand for our services.

We, unfortunately, can't provide you with the final price of shipping this product to your address since it largely depends on the customs duty in your country of residence. We advise you to contact your local customs office to obtain this information.

Should you need any further assistance, pelase do not hesitate to contact us again.

Kind regards

od Optics Trade team

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