Swarovski SLC 10x56 W B

Swarovski SLC 10x56 W B

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Swarovski SLC 10x56 W B Opis proizvoda

Swarovski SLC 10x56 model made in Austria by Swarovski Optik is a very powerful binocular that will open your eyes to scenery you’ve never noticed before. 10x magnification and 56 mm lenses draws in plenty of light together with plenty of modern features these Abbe-Koenig prism binoculars provide. They are suitable for advanced hunters, birdwatchers, sailing and other applications in low light conditions. Low-disperison glass is fully-multi coated with Swarotop, Swarodur and Swarobright coatings on all surfaces that increases light transmission. Prisms have dielectric mirror coatings and phase coatings also helps to balance the colors providing less of a blue hue and better image resolution and contrast. Swaroclean on eternal lenses also repels moisture, oil and other particles off the surface. These SLC binoculars are purged with nitrogen gas and sealed with O-rings making them waterproof and internal foffing due to temperature fluctuations will never be an issue. You can even submerge them to a water depth of 4 meters (13 feet) and use them in extreme weather conditions such as the rain and snow. For adjusting the focus, these binoculars are equipped with grippy central focus knob and diopter and twist-up eyecups for setting a proper eye-relief.


Short Description of SLC 56 Binoculars

Swarovski SLC 56mm binoculars made in Austria are the only Swarovski binoculars with Abbe-Köning prisms, that helps with incredible light gathering. This prism system makes these high-powerful binoculars compact enough for easy carrying for extended period of time with the help of thumb depressions for solid and comfortable grip. These premium binoculars provide incredible resolution and sharp edge to edge image due to fluoride glass and fully multi-coatings. Swarotop and Swarodur layers together with dielectric Swarobright and P prism coatings provide bright and lifelike colors without excess of a blue hue. Three SLC 56mm models are suitable for advanced hunters and birdwatchers that wants to enhance visual experience during low-light conditions and also performs extremely well during astronomy observations. Heavy, long, but still very small and compact Magnesium construction with dark rugged rubber armor is impervious to corrosion, water and internal condensation due to Nitrogen gas purging sealed with O-rings. They are also equipped with central focus wheel and central diopter for quick and smooth adjustment of the focus and twist-up eyecups that provides proper eye-relief. SLC 56mm binoculars include very convenient accessories such as rain-guards, tethered objective lens covers, padded case for storage, neck strap and lens cleaning cloth.


Features of Swarovski SLC 56 Binoculars

  • Fluoride HD lens
  • Fully multi-coated lenses (Swarotop, Swarodur)
  • Dielectric Prism coatings (Swarobright)
  • Hydrophobic external lens coating (Swaroclean)
  • Phase Correction (P Coatings)
  • BaK-4 Prisms
  • Single-bridge design
  • Magnesium Body
  • Rugged Rubber Armoring
  • Removable Multi-Position Eyecups
  • Central Focus Wheel
  • Central Diopter
  • Tripod adaptable
  • Waterproof and Fog-proof (Nitrogen gas purged)
  • Watertight (4 meters/13 feet)


Accessories of Swarovski SLC 56 Binoculars

  • Rain-guards
  • Tethered objective lens covers
  • Protective case for storage
  • Neck strap
  • Lens cleaning cloth


Opća svojstva

Proizvođač Swarovski
Serija dvogleda Swarovski SLC
Izrađeno u Austrija
Proizvodi se od 2013
Jamstvo 10 godina
SKU LC-1K4L20-0

Optička svojstva

Vrsta prizme Roof - Abbe/Koenig
Varijabilno povećanje Ne
Povećanje. 10.00 x
Prilagođavanje dioptrije +4 / -4 dpt
Promjer leće 56.00 mm
Izlazna zjenica 5.60 mm
Vidno polje 110.00 m/1000m
Vidno polje (u stupnjevima) 6.30 °
Prividno vidno polje 60.00 °
Udaljenost oka 19.50 mm
Najmanja udaljenost izoštrenja 3.90 m
Faktor zamračenja 23.66
Propusnost svjetlosti 93 %
Relativna svjetlost 31.4

Fizička svojstva

Premazi leća Više slojeva - sve leće
Dužina 194.00 mm
Širina 141.00 mm
Visina 73.00 mm
Težina 1,195.00 g
Područje temperature -25° / +55°C
Punjen sa Dušikom
Sustav izoštrenja Centralno
Podešavanje dioptera Centralno
Min. razmak između zjenica 59.00 mm
Max. razmak između zjenica 76.00 mm
Vrsta konstrukcije Jednostruki zglob
Boja Zelena

Posebne značajke

Otpornost na vodu Da
Otpornost na vlaženje Da
Kompas Ne
Ugrađen daljinomjer Ne
Stabilizacija slike Ne
Plovnost Ne

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Najčešća pitanja (Q&A)

Trebate li pomoć? Jeste li sigurni da je ovo pravi proizvod za vas? Ne oklijevajte - postavite pitanje našoj ekipi, koja je tu da vam pomogne oko pitanja o proizvodu.

Možete li potvrditi da je dalekozor Swarovski SLC 10x56 HD WB na zalihi i dostupan za dostavu (u Australiju) ako naručim i kupim sada. Hvala ti, Paul.

Can you please confirm that the Swarovski SLC 10x56 HD WB binoculars are in stock and available for shipping (to Australia) if I order & purchase now. Thank you, Paul.

od Paul

Dragi Paul,

hvala što ste nas kontaktirali.

Nažalost, dalekozor trenutno nije na zalihi, ali vašu narudžbu možemo poslati u roku od 4-7 dana od narudžbe.

Ako trebate dodatnu pomoć, slobodno nas ponovno kontaktirajte.

Lijepi pozdrav.

Dear Paul,

thank you for contacting us.

Unfortunately, the binoculars are currently not in stock but we can dispatch your order in 4-7 days from your order.

Should you require any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us again.

Kind regards.

od Optics Trade team

Moje pitanje u vezi ovog proizvoda, je li ovo najnoviji? Ima li ovaj model najnovije premaze za leće? U SLC je nadograđen prije nekoliko godina s promjenom stila prizme. Ima li ovo Abbig Koenig prizme i Swarobright premaz leća.

My question concerning this product, is this the most current? Does this model have the latest lense coatings? In the SLC was upgraded several years ago with a change in the style prisms. Does this have the Abbig Koenig prisms and Swarobright lense coating.

od Brody

Poštovani gospodine,

hvala što ste nas kontaktirali.

Da, ovo je najnovija verzija Swarovski SLC 10x56.

Lijepi pozdrav

Dear Sir,

thank you for contacting us.

Yes, this is the latest version of Swarovski SLC 10x56.

Kind regards

od Optics Trade team

Imate li zalihe za brzu dostavu u Kaohsiung, Tajvan

Do you stock for prompt delivery to Kaohsiung, Taiwan

od Luke

Poštovani gospodine, 

hvala što ste nas kontaktirali.

Ovu stavku možemo poslati u Tajvan bez problema. Predviđeno vrijeme čekanja je otprilike 2-4 tjedna od dana predaje narudžbe.

Napominjemo da ako odlučite naručiti do ove nedjelje u ponoć, 27.11.22., imate pravo na besplatnu dostavu.

Slobodno nas kontaktirajte bilo kada u slučaju bilo kakvih dodatnih pitanja.

Srdačan pozdrav

Dear Sir, 

thank you for contacting us. 

We can ship this item to Taiwan without trouble. The estimated waiting time is approximately 2-4 weeks from the day of the order placement. 

Please note that should you decide to place an order until this Sunday midnight, 27/11/22, you are entitled to free shipping.

Please feel free to contact us anytime in case of any further questions you might have. 

Best regards

od Optics Trade team

Zanima me ovaj dalekozor. Želim razgovarati o cijenama i treba mi netko da me kontaktira

I’m interested in these binoculars. I want to discuss the pricing and I need someone to contact me

od David

Poštovani gospodine,

hvala što ste nas kontaktirali.

Žao nam je što vas obavještavamo, ali zbog propisa proizvođača nismo u mogućnosti slati Swarovski proizvode u SAD i CAD.

Zahvaljujemo na razumijevanju u vezi s ovim pitanjem.

Ako vam je potrebna dodatna pomoć, nemojte se ustručavati ponovno nas kontaktirati.

Lijepi pozdrav

Dear Sir,

thank you for contacting us.

We are sorry to inform you, but due to the manufacturer's regulations, we are unable to ship Swarovski products to the USA and CAD.

Thank you for your understanding regarding this matter.

Should you require any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us again.

Kind Regards

od Optics Trade team


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