Zeiss Victory SF 8x42

Zeiss Victory SF 8x42

(2 ocjene)
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Zeiss Victory SF 8x42 Opis proizvoda

This Victory SF made by Zeiss company provides incredible field of view (148 m) with largest overview you can find in binoculars on the market and it's perfect for bird watching. Revolutionary triple-bridge link provides very comfortable handling with less fatigue, very suitable for challenging terrain and helps you with fast SMART FOCUS concept so you can observe for longer time without getting fatigued. You can easily hold them very firmly and adjust the focus even with just one hand due to open-bridge wrap-around design. This incredibly versatile binocular is an ideal companion even during harsh weather conditions due to tightly sealed nitrogen filled construction. They are waterproof, fog-proof and submersible (400 mbar). Together with very durable rubber armoring, LotuTec takes care by providing scratch-resistant, hydrophobic ability. Optically, this Victory SF have also very generous close focus (1.5 m) for stunning macro observations. Fluoride SCHOTT glass with field flatteners provides incredibly razor-sharp and crystal-clear images form edge to edge. Fully multi-coatings on prism and lenses enhances contrast and color rendition. Chromatic aberration and flare are significantly eliminated, giving incredible state-of-art resolution. Victory SF is equipped with removable eyepieces that feels comfortably to the face with the help of ErgoBalance concept that lessens the stress off the arms, making this model a real pleasure to use.


Short description of Zeiss Victory SF Binoculars

The 165 years of experience build the new Victory SF binoculars. Zeiss company implemented new innovations such as ErgoBalance setting, SMART FOCUS concept, LotuTec coating and triple-bridge link design. Fully multi-coated system on Fluoride SCHOTT glass helps to increase light transmission, enhances colors and contrast. Flaring will never be an issue, so you will always have a clear view-through with the help of field flatteners that eliminates curvature of the field, giving razor sharp images from edge to edge. Victory SF binoculars are fully waterproofed and fog-proofed due to nitrogen filling and tight seals and are also submersible. We can’t go past the wider field of view and stunning close focus you can only find in these extremely versatile Victory SF binoculars that can satisfy even the most demanding users. They are available in gray and black colors, with 8x42 and 10x42 concept.


Features of Zeiss Victory SF Binoculars

  • Fully multi-coated Lenses
  • Fluoride SCHOTT Glass
  • Scratch-resistant, Hydrophobic Coatings (LotuTec)
  • Phase Correction
  • Prism Coatings
  • BaK-4 Prisms
  • Open-bridge Design
  • Triple-bridge Link
  • Magnesium Body
  • ErgoBalance
  • Smooth Rubber Armoring
  • Twist-up Eyecup
  • Smart Focus
  • Central Focus Wheel
  • Central Diopter
  • Waterproof and Fog-proof (Nitrogen gas)
  • Submersible


Accessories of Zeiss Victory SF Binoculars

  • Neoprene Neck Strap
  • Rain-guards
  • Objective Lens Covers
  • Cordura Case
  • Lens Cleaning Cloth

Opća svojstva

Proizvođač Zeiss
Serija dvogleda Zeiss Victory SF
Izrađeno u Njemačka
Proizvodi se od 2014
Jamstvo 10 godina
SKU 524223-0000-000

Optička svojstva

Vrsta prizme Roof - Schmidt/Pechan
Varijabilno povećanje Ne
Povećanje. 8.00 x
Prilagođavanje dioptrije -4 / +4 dpt
Promjer leće 42.00 mm
Izlazna zjenica 5.25 mm
Vidno polje 148.00 m/1000m
Vidno polje (u stupnjevima) 8.48 °
Prividno vidno polje 64.00 °
Udaljenost oka 18.00 mm
Najmanja udaljenost izoštrenja 1.50 m
Faktor zamračenja 18.33
Propusnost svjetlosti 92%
Relativna svjetlost 27,6

Fizička svojstva

Premazi leća Više slojeva - sve leće
Dužina 173.00 mm
Širina 125.00 mm
Visina 53.00 mm
Težina 780.00 g
Područje temperature -30° C / +63° C
Punjen sa Dušikom
Sustav izoštrenja Centralno
Podešavanje dioptera Centralno
Vrsta konstrukcije Otvoreni most
Boja Crna

Posebne značajke

Otpornost na vodu Da
Otpornost na vlaženje Da
Kompas Ne
Ugrađen daljinomjer Ne
Stabilizacija slike Ne
Plovnost Ne

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2 ocjene
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Optimalan dalekozor za promatranje ptica - nevjerojatno vidno polje, prirodne boje, brz fokus, svjetlo i uravnoteženo. Optimal Birdwatching Binoculars - Incredible Field of View, Natural Colours, Fast Focus, Light and Balanced.

Što da vam kažem o ovom dalekozoru? Ovaj konkretni model vodio me u puni krug, pomalo poput načina na koji možda cijenite mjesto gdje živite, ali odlučite krenuti putovati svijetom i zatim iznova otkriti razloge zašto volite mjesto svog rođenja. o cemu ja pricam Cijenim ovih 5 godina kasnije još više nego kad je prva verzija objavljena.<br><br>Kada je ovaj model prvi put objavljen, bio sam na njima kao osip! Putovao sam mnogo milja do najbližeg mjesta gdje sam mogao nabaviti par i provjeriti ih. Bilo je to sjajno mjesto da ih isprobate jer je trgovina (koja je sada nažalost zatvorena zbog vandalizma i krađe) bila unutar prilično velikog skrovišta s pogledom na branu, a zapravo su se u blizini gnijezdile ribice. <br><br>Dok sam ležerno lutao po jezeru, vodomar se slučajno našao točno preko mog vidnog polja dok je lovio krećući se s moje desne na lijevu stranu dok sam ja lutao u suprotnom smjeru. Velika stvar, možete misliti. No, osim činjenice da se uvijek oduševim kad vidim vodomare, nije mi bilo na pameti koliko je ovaj dalekozor lako pretvorio jednu inače vrlo lako propuštenu priliku u priliku koje se i danas sjećam. Istina je da sam gledao na pravo mjesto u pravo vrijeme, ali vidio sam ono što sam vidio ne samo zato što sam gledao, već zato što ovaj dalekozor ima tako veličanstveno vidno polje. Ovo se ne može zanemariti. Ove ljepotice nude spektakularnih 148m na 1000m! <br><br>Znate kad gledate uspješnog umjetnika ili sportaša kako izvodi nešto što je vrlo teško i oni to čine bez napora i izvanredno lako, možete početi razmišljati u sebi, "Ja bih to mogao", ili "Ja volio bih to pokušati. Mislim da bih ja to mogao!” Ovi dalekozori čine promatranje ptica gotovo onoliko lakim koliko biste se mogli nadati. Omogućuju vam da iskusite namjeru dizajnera i čine ga dostupnim za uživanje s istom lakoćom koju su pokazali. <br>Kažem ovo jer nakon što sam kupio 10x, model većeg brata zbog njihovog jednako impresivnog širokog vidnog polja od 120 m na 1000 m, i oni su učinili pronalaženje mete lakšim nego što sam ikada iskusio s dvogledom snage 10x. Osjećao sam da nema kompromisa s 10 i bio sam potpuno zadovoljan svojom prvotnom odlukom i tako je ostao dugo vremena. <br><br>Međutim, možda je jedini kompromis s većim bratom taj što vam jednostavno nije dao onaj sveobuhvatni omotač unutar slike koju je pružao 'brat' 8x, što sam uzimao zdravo za gotovo, čak i iako me pogled oduševio. Jednostavno rečeno, s 8 možete vidjeti više okoliša i dulje vrijeme. Iako je to općenito slučaj kada se uspoređuju povećanja unutar određenog raspona proizvođača, ovdje postoji značajno primjetna razlika od dodatnih 28 m. Ovo je više od 23 posto više slike od 10x. Međutim, postavlja se pitanje: "Vrijedi li ovo kompromitirati detalje koje vidite s 10?" Moguće, da...<br><br>Prednosti ovog dalekozora u stvarnom svijetu za mene su sljedeće. Prvo, nude istinsko iskustvo gledanja koje je teško nadmašiti. Oni su bazen čiste vode u koji želite zaroniti i progutati vas...i daju rezultate. Inspiriraju vas da poželite izaći i vidjeti više stvari više vremena, bez obzira na vremenske prilike. (Potpuno su vodootporne.) Kada ih koristite, više se osjećate kao da ste dio okoline koju promatrate iznutra, a ne ispitujete. Oni su gotovo romantični, sanjivi tonik za korištenje dok ostaju visoke razlučivosti i možda nešto oštriji u cijelom rasponu prikaza nego kod 10. <br><br>Međutim, gotovo je nemoguće vidjeti razliku u oštrini koja je ovdje opisana osim ako i sami nemate orlovski vid. Razlog zbog kojeg sam to sve spomenuo je taj što sam pročitao kako ga je ilustrirao sam dizajner Gerold Dobler u jednom intervjuu gdje ga je usporedio sa F stopovima fotoaparata. Pri različitim otvorima blende dobivate različite razine oštrine sve do rubova. (Na primjer, većina kamera ima dobru točku oko F8). Kako leća prolazi kroz svoju zakrivljenost, različita oštrina se isporučuje u skladu s varijacijama F stop. Jesu li ovi dvogledi SF 8x oštri? Smrtonosno tako. Je li dalekozor 10x oštar. Također smrtonosno oštar. Ovo je više tehnička točka nego bilo što što umanjuje 10x korisničko iskustvo. Samo što je 8 još suptilnije dorađen. Kada ste se posljednji put žalili da loptica za golf nije teksturirana po vašem ukusu? Vjerojatno blizu nikada jer je više nego super dovoljan za svrhu. I ovi dalekozori razlučuju onoliko dobro koliko vam može zatrebati osim ako niste na tržištu za spremnike za slabo osvjetljenje. Unatoč tome, ovi se vrlo dobro ponašaju u zoru i sumrak sa svojom izlaznom zjenicom od 5,25 mm (5,3 zaokruženo prema gore).<br><br>Ovih 8x čini da se osjećate kao da ste dio svijeta koji promatrate jer vas stavljaju u kontekstu prirodnog svijeta. Postajete dio okoline s ovim za razliku od svega što sam ikada koristio. Osjećaju se vrlo prirodno u uporabi. Mogu samo zamisliti kako bi to bilo nevjerojatno na otvorenim ravnicama Sahare ili na safariju. Na većim udaljenostima imate tendenciju da budete pod utjecajem toplinske izmaglice s kojom se model veće snage neće nužno dovoljno nositi, ovisno o tome koliko jasno želite vidjeti kako voda isparava!<br><br>Drugo, prirodnost ovih dalekozora u upotreba je poboljšana jer je reprodukcija boja jednako prirodna - nije previše hladna ili zagrijana. Ne smatram ga previše plavim ili narančastim. Boje nisu nimalo isprane, vrlo su reprezentativne i nisu pojačane za ‘umjetnu’ prodornost. Omogućuje opušteni osjećaj. Nisu toliko zasićene kao Noctividov nevjerojatan prikaz zelenih, crvenih i plavih, ali manja težina ionako može biti značajniji faktor za vas. <br>Treće, brzina i točnost kojom možete prilagoditi fokus također čini osjećaj vrlo opuštenim, osjetljivim i korisnim. Vaš prst fokusiranja leži prirodno u skladu s prilagodbom i vrlo ih je jednostavno koristiti jednom rukom uz minimalno kolebanje slike i izvrsnu stabilnost.<br><br>Četvrto, njihova ravnoteža je nagnuta natrag prema vašoj očnoj šupljini koja preuzima težinu kada stajao mirno možda učinkovitije nego kad se pomerao. U svakom slučaju, jer su 'bez klimanja', to znači da možete koristiti svoje pojedinačne ruke u smjenama, naizmjenično mijenjati lijevu i desnu i dobiti dvostruko više vremena za staklo ili barem onoliko koliko vam omogućuje jedinica od 780 g prije nego što na kraju potučen nakupljanjem mliječne kiseline. Vjerojatno više vremena od konkurencije, ali koliko ovisi o vama. (Zapanjujuće, 10x teži jednako kao i ovi i nije ništa teži.)<br><br>Nećete imati mučninu zbog učinaka izravnavanja polja koji su ovdje suptilni i opet doprinose prirodnom iskustvu gledanja s prividnim poljem pogled na 64 stupnja. Ergonomija dodatno doprinosi ovom prirodnom osjećaju. <br><br>Dodaci su izvrsni, uključujući pristojnu torbicu i trake. Imam poklopce objektiva spojene na donji most na isporučenoj uzici za brzo otpuštanje koja mi dobro funkcionira. Možete se izvući s ovim planinarenjem. Ako stvarno želite biti lakši, razmislite o novijem 8x32 u istom SF rasponu.<br>Ako ste ljubitelj ptica, morate ozbiljno razmisliti o kupnji ovih. Nakon korištenja mnogih vrhunskih 8x42, uključujući NL Pure od Swarovski, smatram da su ove slike opuštenije, istinitije i manje intenzivne. <br><br>Sve u svemu, ovo su vjerojatno jedni od, ako ne, najprirodniji dalekozori 8x42 za korištenje i pogled na svijet, s razumnom težinom za dugotrajnu upotrebu, dok se i dalje osjećate kao da posjedujete nešto značajno tvoje ruke.<br>
What can I tell you about these binoculars? This particular model has led me in a full circle a bit like the way that you may appreciate where you live but decide to go travelling the world and then rediscover the reasons why you love the place of your birth all over again. What am I talking about? I’m appreciating these 5 years later even more than when the first version was released.<br><br>When this model was initially released, I was all over them like a rash! I travelled many miles to the nearest place I could get my hands on a pair and check them out. It was a great place to test them out because the shop (which is now closed sadly due to vandalism and theft) was inside a rather large hide overlooking a dam and in fact there were ospreys nesting nearby. <br><br>As I was casually panning across the lake, a kingfisher just so happened to track right across my field of view as it was hunting heading from my right to the left as I was panning in the opposite direction. Big deal you may think. But, apart from the fact that I always get excited when I see kingfishers, it hadn’t really registered to my mind how easy these binoculars made an otherwise very easily missed opportunity into one that I still remember today. It’s true I was looking at the right place at the right time but, I saw what I saw not just because I was looking, but because these binoculars have such a magnificent field of view. This can’t be ignored. These beauties offer a spectacular 148m at 1000m! <br><br>You know when you watch an accomplished artist or athlete perform something that is very difficult and they make it look effortless and superbly easy, you may start to think to yourself, “I could do that”, or “I fancy having a try at that. I think I could do it!” These binoculars make birdwatching almost as effortless as you could hope for. They enable you to experience the designer’s intention and make it accessible for you to enjoy with the same ease they demonstrated. <br>I say this because after I had purchased the 10x, the bigger brother model due to their equally impressive wide field of view of 120m at 1000m, they too made finding the target easier than I had ever experienced with a 10x power binocular. I felt that there were no compromises with the 10 and I was completely satisfied with my initial decision, and remained so for a long time. <br><br>However, perhaps the only compromise with the bigger brother was that it just simply didn’t give you that all-encompassing envelopment within the image that the ‘sibling’ 8x provided, which I had taken for granted, even though I was blown away by the view. Simply put, you can see more of the environment with the 8 and for more of the time. Although this is generally the case when comparing magnifications within a given manufacturers range, here there is a significantly noticeable difference of an extra 28m. This is more than 23 per cent more image than the 10x. The question is though, “Is this worth compromising the details you see with the 10?” Possibly, yes…<br><br>The real-world pros for these binoculars for me are the following. Firstly, they offer a genuine viewing experience that is hard to beat. They are the swimming pool of clear water you want to dive into and be swallowed up by…and they deliver on the results. They inspire you to want to get out and see more things more of the time, no matter what the weather is doing. (They’re fully waterproof.) When you use these, you feel more like you are part of the environment that you are observing from within rather than interrogating. They are almost a romantic, dreamy-like tonic to use while remaining highly resolving and possibly slightly sharper across the whole range of the view than with the 10. <br><br>It is however almost impossible to see the sharpness difference here described unless you have eagle vision yourself. The reason I mention it all was because I had read it illustrated by the designer Gerold Dobler himself in an interview where he likened it to camera F stops. At different apertures, you get different levels of sharpness right to the edges. (Most cameras have a sweet spot at around F8 for example). As the lens goes through its curvature, varying sharpness is delivered accordingly similar to the F stop variations. Are these SF 8x binoculars sharp? Deadly so. Are the 10x binoculars sharp. Deadly sharp also. This is more of a technical point than anything that detracts from the 10x user experience. It’s just that the 8 is even more subtly refined. When was the last time you complained that a golf ball wasn’t textured to your liking? Probably close to never because it is more than super sufficient for purpose. These binoculars both resolve as well as you may ever need unless you’re in the market for low-light bins. Even so, these perform very well at dawn and dusk with their 5.25mm (5.3 rounded up), exit pupil.<br><br>These 8x make you feel like you are part of the world you are observing because they put you in context of the natural world. You become part of the environment with these unlike anything else I have ever used. They feel very natural in use. I can only imagine how incredible these would be in the open plains of the Sahara or on safari. At greater distances you tend to be affected by heat haze which a higher power model will not necessarily deal with adequately enough, depending on how clearly you want to see the water evaporate!<br><br>Secondly, the naturalness of these binoculars in use is enhanced because the colour rendition is equally natural – not too cool or warmed up. I don’t find it too blue or orangey. The colours are not at all washed out, they are very representative and not boosted for ‘artificial’ punchiness. It makes for a relaxed feel. They are not as saturated as the Noctivid’s amazing rendering of greens, reds and blues but the lighter weight may be a more significant factor for you anyway. <br>Thirdly, the speed and accuracy with which you can adjust focus also makes the feel very relaxed, responsive and rewarding. You focus finger lies naturally in line with the adjustment and these are very easy to use single-handedly with minimum image wobble and excellent stability.<br><br>Fourthly, their balance is tipped back toward your eye socket which takes the weight when stood still perhaps more effectively so than when panning. Either way, because they are ‘wobble-free’, this means you may use your individual arms in shifts, alternate left and right and get twice as much glassing time or at least as much as the 780g unit will allow you before you are eventually beaten by the lactic acid build up. Arguably more time than the competition but how much will depend on you. (Amazingly the 10x weigh the same as these and are no heavier.)<br><br>You’ll get no motion sickness due to field flattening effects which are subtle here and again contribute to a natural viewing experience with the apparent field of view at 64 degrees. Ergonomics add to this natural feel further still. <br><br>Accessories are great including a decent case and straps. I have the objective lens covers connected to the lower bridge on the supplied quick release lanyard which works well for me. You can get away with taking these hiking. If you really want to go lighter, perhaps consider the newer 8x32 in the same SF range.<br>If you are a birdwatcher, you must seriously consider buying these. After using many high end 8x42s including the NL Pure by Swarovski, I find these images more relaxed, true and less intense. <br><br>Overall, these are probably one of, if not, the most natural 8x42 binoculars to use and take in the world view with and, at a reasonable weight for prolonged use while still feeling like you own something of substance in your hands.<br>

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Zeiss Victory SF 8x42 Zeiss Victory SF 8x42

Dobio sam ovo i Leica Noctivid 8x42 gotovo u isto vrijeme od Optics trade.. Zeiss se stvarno čini mnogo lakšim od Noctivida i bolje je izbalansiran iako je stvarna razlika manja od 100 grama. Optika je vrlo oštra u oba, ali mislim da je Zeiss SF svjetliji i naravno širi u vidnom polju.. Kvaliteta izrade Ziess-a je vrlo dobra, ali osjećam da Noctivid ima vrlo solidan osjećaj, izgled, pristajanje i završnu obradu. To je pravo natjecanje u optici i kvaliteti izrade pa je vrlo teško odlučiti pobjednika. Kupnja u Optics tradeu bila je zadovoljstvo i cijenim njihovu izvrsnu korisničku uslugu.<br>Vaidy
Got this and the Leica Noctivid 8x42 almost at the same time from Optics trade.. The Zeiss really feels much lighter than the Noctivid and better balanced although the actual difference is less than a 100 grams. The optics is very sharp in both but i think is Zeiss SF is brighter and of course wider in FOV.. The build quality of Ziess is very good but i feel the Noctivid has a very solid feel, look ,fit and finish. Its a real competition of optics and build quality so its very difficult to decide a winner.Purchasing from Optics trade was pleasure and i appreciate their excellent customer service.<br>Vaidy

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Datoteke korisnika

Osobna iskustva drugih korisnika mogu nekome puno pomoći. Dijeljenjem svojih snimaka, fotografija i mišljenja o proizvodima pomažete budućim kupcima u lakšoj odluci.


Najčešća pitanja (Q&A)

Trebate li pomoć? Jeste li sigurni da je ovo pravi proizvod za vas? Ne oklijevajte - postavite pitanje našoj ekipi, koja je tu da vam pomogne oko pitanja o proizvodu.

Moja supruga i ja upravo smo kupili dalekozor Zeiss Victory SF. Pokušavamo pronaći dokumentaciju (priručnike, itd.) na engleskom jeziku. Svi prijedlozi ili pomoć bili bi dobrodošli. Hvala

My wife and I just purchased Zeiss Victory SF binoculars. We are trying to find documentation (manuals, etc.) in English. Any suggestions or help would be appreciated. Thank You

od John

Na donjoj poveznici možete pogledati priručnik s uputama za ovaj dalekozor.


You can take a look at the instruction manual for this binocular on the link below.


od Optics Trade team