Leica Noctivid 8x42 - Olive Green
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Leica Noctivid 8x42 - Olive Green

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Leica Noctivid 8x42 - Olive Green Opis proizvoda

The large exit pupil created by the 8x power and 42mm lenses generally makes this combination a good choice in low light situations. However when you combine this potential with the extremely high-grade optics and the resulting superior light transmission, then you have an 8x42 binocular that is a seriously great low light performer.
This makes the Leica Noctivid 8x42 a great choice for users like birders, wildlife observers or hunters who are out before dawn, after sunset or who operate in thick forests where light is far from ideal.
The extremely wide viewing angle and you are sure to be able to quickly locate and then follow fast moving wildlife and birds even from really close range.
At less than 2 meters, the close focus distance is also excellent for this class of instrument making them even more versatile and a good option for those who like to observe birds, flowers, butterflies or other insects from close range.
At 19mm, the eye-relief on this binocular should be more than enough for most users, with or without glasses on.

About Leica Noctivid Binoculars

Available in the most popular 8x42 and 10x42 setups, Leica Noctivid binoculars are Made in Germany using the ultimate level of craftsmanship and the finest components and coatings
Noctivid binoculars are not only suitable for most outdoor activities, adventures, and sporting events, but will deliver a performance to match or beat just about any other binocular currently on the market. 
Perfect for bird watching, wildlife observation, hunting and general use, they can also be taken along to sporting events or on a safari. The open bridge designmagnesium chassis, and non-slip rubber armour offer superb ergonomics and a great degree of protection to the elite level optics contained within. Here Leica has opted to use the very best SCHOTT optical glass and their premier level coatings on both the prisms and lenses to ensure the maximum possible amount of light gathering and transmission to deliver an image brightness and quality that is unsurpassed.

Important Features 

The magnesium chassis used on the Noctivid is both lightweight and very robust. It is fully sealed and thus not only prevents dust from entering but is fully waterproof and indeed even submersible depth of 5 meters. 
The nitrogen filled interior ensures a completely moistureless environment, which in turn prevents internal glass surfaces from misting or fogging-up which often occurs on unprotected instruments, especially when you get rapid temperature fluctuations. 
Leica has used twist-up eyecups on these which have 4 click-stop positions, which in combination with the 19mm of eye-relief ensure you can get the full view, with or without wearing glasses. A diopter ensures they can be calibrated to your specific vision and the centrally positioned focus wheel is both easy to reach and has a silky smooth action to make even tiny focal adjustments as easy as possible.

Optical Properties

These Leica binoculars use an optical system of the highest order. To begin with, each of the lens elements has been made using a special very high transmission glass from the world-renowned SCHOTT company. 
Anti-reflective coatings are applied to all lenses and prisms for a greater amount of light capture and transmission, which directly results in a brighter and better quality view. 
Phase-correcting coatings are also added to the roof prisms along with their own HighLux-System mirror coatings, which Leica says increases light reflectivity to their highest ever levels across all spectrums.
The outer lens surfaces are treated with Leica’s AquaDura coatings that are hydrophobic to repel water and which makes it easier to remove dirt, dust, and fingerprints. Added to this they have an additional High Durable Coating (HDC® Plus) to protect them from marking or scratching.


Also included with your Noctivid package is a soft carry case made from a Cordura material, a shaped neck strap with a padded section made from Neoprene for added comfort and grip, protective lens caps, an eye-piece cover and lens cleaning cloth.

Features of Leica Noctivid Binoculars

  • SCHOTT HT glass 
  • Open Bridge Design
  • Magnesium Chassis with Rubber Armor
  • AquaDura Water & Dirt Repellant Lens Coatings 
  • Tough Anti-scratch HDC® Plus Lens Coatings
  • Extra Large Eyepieces
  • Twist-up Eyecups with 19mm Eye Relief
  • Fully Multi-Coated Optics 
  • Phase Corrected Roof Prisms
  • New Mirror Coatings on the Prisms (HighLux-System HLS) 
  • Waterproof (5 meters)
  • Fogproof (Nitrogen-filled)

Accessories of Leica Noctivid Binoculars

  • Neoprene Neck Strap
  • Protective Eyepiece Cover
  • Objective Lens Caps
  • Carry Case
  • Lens Cleaning Cloth

Warranty Terms and Conditions

10 year warranty is included with all Leica Noctivid series binoculars.

Opća svojstva

Proizvođač Leica
Serija dvogleda Leica Noctivid
Izrađeno u Njemačka
Proizvodi se od 2016
Jamstvo 10 godina
SKU 40386

Optička svojstva

Vrsta prizme Roof - Schmidt/Pechan
Varijabilno povećanje Ne
Povećanje. 8.00 x
Prilagođavanje dioptrije -4 / +4 Dpt
Promjer leće 42.00 mm
Izlazna zjenica 5.30 mm
Vidno polje 135.45 m/1000m
Vidno polje (u stupnjevima) 7.74 °
Udaljenost oka 19.00 mm
Najmanja udaljenost izoštrenja 1.90 m
Faktor zamračenja 18.33
Propusnost svjetlosti 92 %
Relativna svjetlost 27.6

Fizička svojstva

Premazi leća Više slojeva - sve leće
Dužina 150.00 mm
Širina 124.00 mm
Visina 68.00 mm
Težina 860.00 g
Područje temperature -
Punjen sa Dušikom
Sustav izoštrenja Centralno
Podešavanje dioptera Centralno
Min. razmak između zjenica 56.00 mm
Max. razmak između zjenica 74.00 mm
Vrsta konstrukcije Otvoreni most
Boja Zelena

Posebne značajke

Otpornost na vodu Da
Otpornost na vlaženje Da
Kompas Ne
Ugrađen daljinomjer Ne
Stabilizacija slike Ne
Plovnost Ne

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Zadivljujući optimalni prikaz boja - Vrhunski zatvarači za oči - Oštri s malo kromatskih aberacija Stunning Optimal Colour Rendition - Premium Locking Eye Cups - Sharp with Some Chromatic Aberration

Istina je reći da kada kupite dvogled vrhunske klase, dijelom ćete platiti privilegiju vlasništva nad tom markom. To je u velikoj mjeri slučaj s pohvalama koje se dodjeljuju maloj crvenoj točki Leica u cijelom optičkom asortimanu. Pretpostavljam da je pitanje: "Koliko vrijedi ova robna marka u usporedbi s kvalitetom proizvoda?"<br><br>Ovo je pošteno pitanje koje treba postaviti svim robnim markama jer bi vam krajnji rezultat trebao dati jaku indikaciju što se tiče ukupne vrijednosti koju pridajete svojoj teško zarađenoj kupnji. S obzirom na to da je konkurencija između alfa klasa Swarovski, Zeiss i Leica tako jaka, početne cijene drastično su pale u Swarovski EL asortimanu, ali također, iako u manjoj mjeri, unutar linije Noctivid. Pad cijene je možda povećao njihovu vrijednost za novac, ali postoje li druge prednosti kupnje Noctivida 8x42 koje su ili jedinstvene za njega ili bolje od njegovih rivala? <br><br>Nema sumnje da su Noctividi napravljeni od svega osim od najboljih materijala koji pokazuju osjećaj čvrstoće i robusnosti kao što je gornja ladica. Osobno mi se jako sviđaju oklopi na ovim modelima. Nekako je umirujuće čvrst dok izgleda pametno i ulijeva vam povjerenje da ga neće trebati zamijeniti nakon nekoliko godina umjerene ili možda teške uporabe. Dostupni su i u maslinastozelenoj varijanti što je lijep nagovještaj njihove upotrebe u prirodnim okruženjima. <br><br>Dioptrija je jednako čvrsta i lako se postavlja uz sigurnost da se neće slučajno pomaknuti. U uporabi se čini malo čvršćim od Swarovski EL (iako je konstruiran na isti način) i Zeiss SF i još uvijek radi kao dio središnjeg gumba za fokusiranje za razliku od novijeg Swaro NL Pure koji koristi neovisni regulator. Odiše kvalitetom koja se ogleda u onome što bi se moglo opisati kao najbolji okulari u poslu. <br><br>Iako su malo kruti kada su novi i može im trebati malo više sile da se pomaknu, dobra strana je to što su izvrsno poduprti pri svakoj postavci i ne vraćaju se slučajno u niži položaj kada pritisnete protiv njih. Nadalje, ovi okulari imaju dodatnu čvrstu funkciju zaključavanja, koja kada je potpuno izvučena, lagano se udubljuje prema unutra i zaključava se na toj fiksnoj točki izmicanja. Nisam iskusio niti jedan drugi okular unutar dalekozora koji ima ovu izvrsno fiksiranu funkciju. <br><br>Ovo može biti od posebne pomoći kada digiskopirate jer pri izoštravanju pritišćete priključeni uređaj, čak i ako samo lagano. Kad dođete do ove faze u vašoj snimci, zadnje što želite je okular koji se uvlači ili njihanje. Također, ako želite samo malo više oka, možete otpustiti bravu i dobiti možda još milimetar ili dva ako to odgovara vašim preferencijama korištenja za redovito gledanje. <br><br>Još jedna stvar koju moram istaknuti je da je osjećaj okulara uz vašu očnu duplju opet vjerojatno najbolji u industriji ako ne i ravan modelima Swarovski EL i NL. Leica je ugodno debela, ali se glatko sužava u izvrsno organsko pristajanje, dok su Swarovski tanji i možda manje nametljivi, kao i puno lakši za podešavanje. Možda se čini beznačajnim, ali kada uzmete u obzir koliko se Zeiss borio (ili možda nije planirao) da proizvede ekvivalentan optimalni očni dio, to pokazuje Leicinu pozornost na namjerne visokokvalitetne komponente kojima drugi nisu dali prioritet na isti način. <br><br>Što je sa samim optičkim iskustvom? Ako kupite ovaj dalekozor, čeka vas poslastica iz nekoliko razloga. <br><br>pribor koji upotpunjuje paket. Izvrsni poklopci objektiva čvrsto prianjaju na mjesto kao i poklopci okulara. Torbica za nošenje dovoljno je funkcionalna, iako nije tako robusna kao EL pandan ili ojačana "slojevitim" oblikom Zeiss SF torbice. Traka za vrat također je dobre kvalitete.<br>Što je s optičkom kvalitetom? Ovdje ovi dalekozori dolaze na svoje. Slike su preslatke, poticajne, živopisne i značajno. Ovi dalekozori su vrlo posebni, ne samo zato što proizvode tako bogatu sliku, već zato što je njihov prijenos svjetlosti tako visok i dosljedan u cijelom spektru valnih duljina. Nešto viši zapravo od njihovog 10x većeg brata, makar samo za još 2 do 3 posto. S obzirom da su objektivi iste veličine na 42 mm, ovi 8x proizvode izlaznu zjenicu od 5,25 mm koja šalje više svjetla do gledatelja od 4,2 mm na 10x. Dakle, oni su također svjetliji od desetki što će se očitovati u uvjetima slabijeg osvjetljenja. <br><br>Ako pokušavate uočiti sovu ušaru u sumrak, a najvažnije je da želite nastaviti promatrati kako se nalazi oko svog staništa što je dulje moguće, ovaj dalekozor 8x je za vas. Također ćete moći pratiti dulje lakše nego s desetkama jer je vidno polje 135 m na 1000 m, a ne samo 112. Siguran sam da sova ušara ima koristi od pokrivanja što je više moguće tla svojim oštrim sluhom i i vi ćete uživati pokrivajući više terena s ovim povoljnim skenerom.<br><br>Iako su 8x jednako teški kao i 10x, desetke dobivaju prednost jer nisu ništa teže, ali 8x su svjetlije u niskim -svjetlo, ima bolji prijenos svjetla i znatno šire vidno polje što ga za moj novac čini boljim dvogledom. Tome pridonosi bolja stabilnost slike koja je nedvojbeno korisnija u situacijama slabijeg osvjetljenja od izlaska sunca do sumraka.<br><br>Slika je oštra kao britva u središtu i iako nije tako oštra na rubovima, to možda neće stvarno ući u jednadžbu ako skenirate i pomičete svoj dalekozor ciljajući prema brzo pokretnim ciljevima gdje će vaš pogled ionako najvjerojatnije biti fokusiraniji na sredinu slike. Ako ste lovac i/ili koristite tronožac, to može blago utjecati na pokret koji vidite ili ne, ali moj osjećaj je da će pokret na rubu odati metu koju možete lako odrediti. Moglo bi se reći da su dovoljno oštre, ali mogle bi biti oštrije.<br><br>Slika Noctivid također prikazuje prekrasnu dubinu terena. Osjećate se kao da je ovaj instrument dizajniran za seciranje kontura krajolika i zahvaljujući svom širokom vidnom polju, čini super zaokretan i privlačan pogled koji vas odvlači u brda. Ako iz zadovoljstva radite bilo što što nalikuje promatranju krajolika ili želite isplanirati sljedeću fazu rute dok nastavljate pješačiti planinama, ovaj će vam dalekozor pružiti bolji osjećaj valovitosti na koje ćete naići. Prava je šteta što ima 860 g (bez remena itd.), ali s obzirom na ovo, Swarovski NL Pure 8x42 samo je 20 g lakši i ide u pravom smjeru.<br><br>Postoje li planovi za kompaktniji x32 verzija? Možda ne jer može previše zadirati u nevjerojatno popularan asortiman Trinovid koji predstavlja izvrsnu vrijednost za novac. Lagani Noctivid? Pa, pretpostavljam da je trag u imenu. Manji objektivi nisu prikladni za noćna promatranja pri slabom osvjetljenju ili za lov, što je primarno tržište ovog dalekozora, iako je također vrhunska optika za promatranje ptica i prirode. Vjerojatno je to razlog zašto ovi također tako dobro podnose zalutalo svjetlo. Možemo samo sanjati...<br><br>Leicini dizajnerski izbori sadrže puno osobnosti unutar svog minimalističkog izgleda i tu osobnost osjećate kada ih stavite u upotrebu. Ovdje nema ničeg šaljivog. Svaki izbor dizajna je za korist korisnika od praktične vrijednosti u stvarnom svijetu. Leica je postigla ono što se čini kao namjerna ravnoteža između njihovog snažnog identiteta, performansi i kompromisa u dopuštanju nekih obruba boja, ali s izvanredno dinamičnim rezultatima. <br>
It’s true to say that when you purchase a premium class binocular you will be paying partly towards the privilege of ownership of that brand. This is very much the case with the kudos that is bestowed on the little red dot of Leica throughout their optics range. I suppose the question is, “How much is this branding worth compared to the quality of the product?”<br><br>This is a fair question to ask of all of the brands as the end result should give you a strong indication as to the overall value you place on your hard-earned purchase. Given that competition between the alpha classes of Swarovski, Zeiss and Leica is so strong, the initial release prices have dropped drastically in the Swarovski EL range but also, albeit to a lesser degree, within the Noctivid line. The price drop may have increased their value for money, but are there other advantages in buying a Noctivid 8x42 that are either unique to it or better than its rivals? <br><br>There is no question that the Noctivids are built with anything but the best of materials exhibiting a feel of solidity and robustness that is top drawer. Personally, I like the armour on these models very much. It’s somehow reassuringly tough while smart looking and inspires you with confidence that it won’t require replacing after a few years of moderate or perhaps hard use. They are also available in an olive-green option which is a nice sympathetic nod to its use in natural environments. <br><br>The diopter is equally tough and easy to set with confidence that it will not be accidentally moved. In use it feels a little more solid than the Swarovski EL (although constructed in the same way) and Zeiss SF and still operates as part of the central focusing knob unlike the newer Swaro NL Pure which use an independent adjuster. It exudes quality which is mirrored in what could be described as the best eyepieces in the business. <br><br>Although they are a little stiff when new and may take a little more force to move, the up side is that they are superbly well supported at each setting and do not accidentally recess back to a lower position when you press against them. Further to this, these eyepieces have an additional solid locking function, which when fully extended out, recess slightly inwards as it then locks off at that fixed excursion point. I have not experienced any other eye pieces within binocular designs which have this superbly fixed function. <br><br>This may be particularly helpful when digiscoping as you press against the attached device when focusing even if only lightly. At getting to this stage in your shot, the last thing you want is a retracting eyepiece or wobble. Also, if you want just that little bit more eye relief, you can release the lock and gain perhaps another millimeter or two if this suits your use preference for regular viewing. <br><br>Another thing I have to point out is that the feel of the eyepiece against your eye socket is again probably the best in the industry if not equalled by Swarovski EL and NL models. The Leica is comfortably thick but smoothly tapered into an excellent organic fit whereas the Swarovski’s are thinner feeling and perhaps less intrusive as well as being much easier to adjust. It may seem inconsequential, but when you consider how much Zeiss have struggled (or perhaps budgeted not) to produce an equivalent optimal eye cup, it shows Leica’s attention to intentional high-quality componentry that others have not prioritized in the same way. <br><br>What about the optical experience itself? If you purchase these binoculars, you are in for a treat for several reasons. <br><br>accessories which complete the package. The excellent objective lens covers fit firmly in place as do the ocular covers. The carry case is sufficiently functional although not quite as rugged as the EL counterpart or as reinforced by the ‘layered’ shape of the Zeiss SF case. The neck strap is also of good quality.<br>What about the optical quality? This is where these binoculars come into their own. Images are luscious, stimulating, vibrant and significantly so. These binoculars are very special, not just because they produce such a rich image but because their light transmission is so high and consistent across the wavelength spectrum. Slightly higher in fact than their 10x bigger brother model if only by another 2 to 3 percent. Given that the objectives are the same size at 42mm, these 8x produce a 5.25mm exit pupil sending more light through to the viewer than the 4.2mm of the 10x. So, they are also brighter than the tens which will manifest itself on lower light conditions. <br><br>If you are trying to spot the barn owl at dusk, and critically you want to continue to watch its quartering around its habitat for as long as possible, these 8x are the binoculars for you. You will also be able to follow for longer more easily than with the tens as the field of view is 135m at 1000m rather than just 112. I’m sure the barn owl benefits from covering as much ground as possible with its acute hearing, and you too will enjoy covering more ground with this advantageous scanner.<br><br>Although the 8x are as heavy as the 10x, the tens get the feather in the cap for not being any heavier, but, the 8x are brighter in low-light, have better light transmission and significantly wider field of view which for my money makes it a better binocular. This is compounded by better image stability which is arguably more rewarding in lower light situations from sunrise to dusk.<br><br>The image is razor sharp at the centre and although the it’s not quite as sharp at the edges, this may not really enter into the equation if you are scanning and moving your binoculars aiming for fast moving targets where your sight will most likely be more focused on the middle of the image anyway. If you are a hunter and/or use a tripod it may mildly affect what movement you see or not but my feeling is that movement at the edge will give the target away which you can then easily pinpoint. You could say they are sufficiently sharp, but could be sharper.<br><br>The Noctivid image also renders a wonderful depth in the terrain. You feel like this instrument has been design to dissect the contours of the landscape and thanks to its wide field of view, makes for a super involving and engaging view that draws you into the hills. If you are doing anything that resembles surveying landscape for pleasure or you want to plan the next stage of a route as you continue a hike in the mountains, this binocular will give you more of a sense of the undulations you will encounter. It’s just such as shame that it’s 860g (excluding strap etc.) but having said this, the Swarovski NL Pure 8x42 is only 20g lighter and heading in the right direction.<br><br>Are there any plans for a more compact x32 version? Maybe not as it may encroach too much on the incredibly popular Trinovid range which represents superb value for money. A lightweight Noctivid? Well, I guess the clue is in the name. Smaller objectives are not suitable for nocturnal observations in low light or hunting which is where this binocular’s primary market lies although it is also a premium birding and nature observation optic. Likely this is why these also handle stray light so exceptionally well. We can but dream…<br><br>Leica’s design choices contain a lot of personality within their minimalistic look and you feel this personality when putting them to use. There is nothing gimmicky here. Every design choice is for a user benefit of practical real-world value. Leica have struck what feels like an intentional balance between their strong identity, performance and compromises in permitting some colour fringing yet with outstandingly dynamic results. <br>

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