Athlon Argos G2 12x50 HD

Athlon Argos G2 12x50 HD

Čas odpreme
Več kot 1 mesec
Možnost vračila
15 dni
Obročno odplačevanje Že od 10,85 € na mesec
1 2 3 4 6

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Athlon Argos G2 12x50 HD Opis izdelka

The powerful 12x magnification is ideal for long-distance observation and will suit hunters and general wildlife enthusiasts operating in wide open areas, like the mountains, a lakeside or at the coast. Whilst they will excel during the day, the large 50mm objective lenses and good quality optics with high transmission levels ensure that despite the high power, the Athlon Argos G2 12x50 will hold their own in low light and will even make a good choice for binocular astronomy. Tripod adaptable, these are easily mounted onto a tripod for a completely shake-free image, however, with steady hands, you should not have a problem achieving a good view.

Athlon Argos G2 Binoculars

Consisting of six different roof prism models, spread between three different size categories, the Athlon Argos G2 series can be summarized as a diverse, affordable mid-level range of binoculars with an excellent performance to cost ratio.
Particularly notable at this price point is the high level of optical coatings that are used and which directly contributes to their class leading views.

Important Features

All Argos binoculars are based around an open-bridge body shape which has become popular on modern roof prism binoculars for a number of reasons. For starters, the gap between barrels provides a more secure grip when glassing but also when carrying the instrument in one hand. As well as secure it makes for a well balanced, comfortable instrument to use. The lightweight magnesium housing is an economical option commonly found at this price point because it is relatively robust, lightweight and completely resistant to corrosion. It is completely sealed and filled with Argon gas ensuring that the Argos is not only fog and waterproof, but also impervious to dust and other small particles. All models also have a large, easy to reach central focus wheel, comfortable twist-up eyecups with intermediate click stops and a right eye diopter adjustment to calibrate the binocular to match your particular eyesight.

Optical Properties

The of quality of optics incorporated into the Argos is very impressive at this price range: The whole system is fully multi-coated with anti-reflective coatings that reduce undesired reflections as well as increase light transmission resulting in brighter, more defined images. 
Roof prisms are fashioned from quality BaK-4 glass and are phase corrected. But what is really extraordinary is that these prisms have Dielectric mirror coatings applied to them, wheres most of their direct competitors will use silver. The difference in the amount of light that gets reflected is not trivial and certainly contributes to a brighter, better quality view.
On top of this, the Argos also uses Athlon’s Xtra protective outer lens coatings as found on the top end models.


Athlon Argos binoculars come bundled with a good assortment of accessories. This includes a well padded, comfortable neck strap. A protective carry case, with its own adjustable strap and a Velcro closure. Tethered soft rubber/plastic objective lens covers, a well-fitting rain guard and a good quality lens cleaning cloth.

Features of Athlon Argos G2 Binoculars

  • Fully Multi-Coated Optics
  • Extra Protective Lens Coatings
  • BaK-4 Roof Prisms
  • Dielectric Mirror Prism Coatings
  • Phase-Corrected 
  • Polymer Composite Chassis
  • Twist-Up Eyecups with intermediate stops
  • Fully Waterproof 
  • Fog proof - Argon Filled

Accessories of Athlon Argos G2 Binoculars

  • Carry Case
  • Neck Strap
  • Objective Lens Covers
  • Rainguard
  • Lens Cleaning Cloth

Warranty Terms and Conditions

lifetime warranty comes as standard with this and indeed all other high-grade Athlon binoculars and shows the high degree of confidence the company has in their products.

Splošne lastnosti

Proizvajalec Athlon
Serija daljnogledov Athlon Argos G2
Poreklo Kitajska
V proizvodnji od 2020
Garancija 10 let
SKU ATH114007

Optične lastnosti

Vrsta prizme Roof - Schmidt/Pechan
Variabilna povečava Ne
Povečava. 12.00 x
Nastavitev dioptrije -
Premer leče 50.00 mm
Izhodna zenica 4.17 mm
Vidno polje 85.75 m/1000m
Zorni kot (v stop.) 4.90 °
Oddaljenost očesa od leče 16.00 mm
Najmanjša razdalja ostrenja 4.00 m
Mračni faktor 24.49
Prepustnost svetlobe -
Relativna svetlost 17.4

Fizične lastnosti

Premazi leč Več slojev - povsod
Dolžina 172.00 mm
Širina 142.00 mm
Teža 836.00 g
Material Magnezij
Območje delovne temperature -
Polnilo Argon
Sistem ostrenja Centralno
Nastavitev dioptrije Na desnem okularju
Min. medzenična razdalja 56.00 mm
Max. medzenična razdalja 76.00 mm
Tip zgradbe Enojni spoj
Barva Siva

Posebne funkcije

Odpornost na vodo Da
Odpornost na rosenje Da
Kompas Ne
Vgrajen daljinomer Ne
Stabilizacija slike Ne
Plovnost Ne

Zakaj izbrati Optics Trade?

  • Široka izbira izdelkov na zalogi
  • Podpora izkušenih strokovnjakov
  • Vaše zadovoljstvo je na prvem mestu

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