Delta Optical Forest II 8x42
Na zalogi

Delta Optical Forest II 8x42

(8 ocene)
Čas odpreme
Več kot 1 mesec
Možnost vračila
15 dni
Obročno odplačevanje Že od 15,40 € na mesec
1 2 3 4 6

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Vaša izbrana lokacija bo shranjena, tudi ko boste brskali po drugih izdelkih. Ob zaključku nakupa boste lahko izbirali med več vrstami plačila.

Pomoč uporabnikom

Naša izkušena ekipa vam je pripravljena pomagati skozi celoten proces od nakupa do uporabe izdelka. Če imate vprašanja, nas prosimo kontaktirajte.
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Delta Optical Forest II 8x42 Opis izdelka

Forest II 8x42 made by Delta Optical is incredibly affordable binocular that provides you with the best high-quality optical and build features. This model received many recognitions as Product of the Year in 2011, received Good Purchase title and was nominated for the Good Design award in 2013. 8x42 configuration puts this model among allrounders for everyday use of hunters, bird watchers and other wildlife observers. Very compact and lightweight construction eases your portability and rugged rubber armoring takes care for a non-slip grip and also protects the construction against impacts and corrosion. This model is also filled with nitrogen gas that eliminates internal fogging and tight seals makes it impervious to water and other particles. Eyecups on this model are multi-positioned and ideal for eye glass wearers. You can adjust the focusing with very big and grippy central focus knob and right-eye diopter. Optically, this Forest II model also surprise us with fully multi-coatings on all glass surfaces and prism correction makes the look through incredibly bright and colorful. You can also mount these binoculars on the tripod mountable screw to eliminate any shakiness that comes with it. These binoculars are definitely worth every penny!


Short Description of Delta Optical Forest II Binoculars

Forest II Binoculars made by Delta Optical is one of the most affordable entry level binoculars that can satisfy every beginner. With great price/performance rate these binoculars can pride themselves with amazing protective features, ergonomics and provides great optical solutions and wider field of view. You can choose between 5 models suitable for different applications, from hunting, bird watching or just traveling, hiking and safari. They have nitrogen filled construction that is also tightly sealed. This makes them fog-proof and watertight so you can easily take them with you even during rainy weather and submerse them into water depth of 1 meter for max 30 minutes. Binocular construction is protected with rugged rubber armor against impacts and provides you with a non-slip grip. Eyecups are multi-positioned and ideal for setting proper eye relief for eye glass wearers. To set accurate focus you can use very grippy central focus knob and right-eye diopter. We can’t get pass wider field of view that helps you to follow fast moving targets really easily.


Features of Delta Optical Forest II Binoculars

  • Fully multi-coated
  • Schmidt-Pechan Prism Type
  • Phase Correction
  • Prism Coatings
  • Bak4 Prisms
  • Rugged Rubber Armoring
  • Multi-positioned Eyecups
  • Central Focus Wheel
  • Right-eye Diopter
  • Waterproof and Fog-proof (Nitrogen filling)
  • Submersible (1 meter/30 minutes)
  • Tripod Adaptable
  • Wider FOV


Accessories of Delta Optical Forest II Binoculars

  • Neck Strap
  • Protective Case
  • Objective Lens Covers
  • Lens Cleaning Cloth

Splošne lastnosti

Proizvajalec Delta Optical
Serija daljnogledov Delta Optical Forest II
Poreklo Kitajska
Garancija 5 let
SKU DO-1304

Optične lastnosti

Vrsta prizme Roof - Schmidt/Pechan
Variabilna povečava Ne
Povečava. 8.00 x
Nastavitev dioptrije +4 / -4 dpt
Premer leče 42.00 mm
Izhodna zenica 5.25 mm
Vidno polje 149.00 m/1000m
Zorni kot (v stop.) 8.54 °
Oddaljenost očesa od leče 17.00 mm
Najmanjša razdalja ostrenja 2.00 m
Mračni faktor 18.33
Relativna svetlost 27,6

Fizične lastnosti

Premazi leč Več slojev - povsod
Dolžina 147.00 mm
Širina 127.00 mm
Višina 56.00 mm
Teža 710.00 g
Polnilo Dušik
Sistem ostrenja Centralno
Nastavitev dioptrije Na desnem okularju
Tip zgradbe Enojni spoj
Barva Zelena

Posebne funkcije

Odpornost na vodo Da
Odpornost na rosenje Da
Navoj za stojalo Da
Kompas Ne
Vgrajen daljinomer Ne
Stabilizacija slike Ne
Plovnost Ne

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Ocene in priporočila

8 ocene
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How do you rate this product?

Prilagodljiv stativ Tripod adaptable

Specifikacije so napačne glede prilagodljivosti stativa. Ta daljnogled je vsekakor prilagodljiv na stativ. Imel sem ga dolgo časa in ga uporabljal na stativu, z 1/4" adapterjem.<br>Vendar pa je glede na ceno zelo priporočljiv. DO mi je poslal nov daljnogled, potem ko sem prijavil nekaj, kar štrli pod gumijastim oklepom (vijak za polnjenje z dušikom?). Brez vprašanj.
The specs are wrong about the tripod adatability. This binocular is definitely tripod adaptable. I had it for a long time and used it on the tripod, with 1/4" adapter.<br>Other than that, highly recommended, considering the price. DO sent me the new binocular after I reported something protruding under the rubber armour (Nitrogen filling screw?). No questions asked.

Mnenja po


Odlično za ceno Great for the price

Najprej in ne da bi se spuščal v veliko podrobnosti, naj pohvalim obnašanje trgovine Optics na podporo strankam, način, na katerega rešujejo vprašanje, tako kot nobena vzporedna v kateri koli drugi trgovini, ki jo uporabljam do zdaj. Bil sem presenečen. Čestitam, da ste pridobili še eno stranko.<br>V zvezi s to Delto sem si nekaj časa želel kupiti, želel sem začeti z nizko ceno, da bi napredoval po verigi kakovosti.<br><br>Ti "poceni" daljnogledi so neverjetni, daljnoglede sem nehal uporabljati v 90. letih in razvoj na tej ceni je res neverjeten.<br>Za ljudi, ki jih želijo občasno uporabljati ali kaj začeti, ne da bi plačali preveč, je to to. <br>Ne vem, kako se obnašajo druge blagovne znamke, in prepričan sem, da so tudi te zelo dobre, vendar so zame te res dobre, zato ne bi mogel biti bolj zadovoljen<br><br>Slabosti<br>No, zdaj želim iti po verigi višje, vendar je težava v tem, da bi plačal 10x/20x več in ne bi imel tega 10x/20x povečanja zmogljivosti.<br><br>Optična trgovina, tu potrebujem vašo pomoč!<br><br>Vsega lepega<br>
First and without going into much details let me praise Optics trade behaviour on customer support, the way that they solve an issue just as no parallel in any other store that I use up until now. I was astonished. Congratulations you gain another customer.<br>In relation to this Delta, I wanted to buy some for some time, I wanted to start low cost to move up on the quality chain.<br><br>These "inexpensive" binoculars are amazing, I stopped using binoculars in the ’90s and the evolution on this price is really incredible.<br>For people that want to use them occasionally or what to start without paying too much, this is it. <br>I don’t know how the other brands behave, and I’m sure that they are really pretty good too, but for me this are really good so I could not be more happy<br><br>Cons<br>Well, now I want to go up in the chain, but the problem is that I would pay 10x/20x more and I will not have that 10x/20x performance increase.<br><br>Optic trade, I need your help here!<br><br>All the best<br>

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Odličen daljnogled, več kot primeren za začetnike in entuziaste

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Odličen daljnogled glede na ceno. Priporočam mladim lovcem. Odlična izbira za malo denarja!

Mnenja po


5 5

Odličen daljnogled za to ceno. Čista slika.
Odličan dalekozor,za ovu cijenu.Čista slika.

Mnenja po


Daljnogledi 5+ zvezdic 5+ stars binoculars

Izjemno razmerje med ceno in zmogljivostjo, kot nalašč za opazovanje letal.
An outstanding price/performance, perfect for plane spotting.

Mnenja po



odličen daljnogled, široko vidno polje in čista slika za malo denarja.

Mnenja po


Dober izdelek in hitra storitev in pošiljka Good product and fast service and shipment

Zadovoljen z izdelkom in veliko binoocular za denar!
Satisfied with product and Much binoocular for the money!

Mnenja po


Uporabniške datoteke

Osebne izkušnje ostalih uporabnikov so lahko nekomu v veliko pomoč. Z deljenjem svojih posnetkov, fotografij in mnenj o izdelkih pripomorete k lažji odločitvi bodočih kupcev.


Uporabniška vprašanja

Potrebujete pomoč? Niste prepričani, če je izdelek pravi za vas? Ne oklevajte - vprašajte našo skupnost, ki je tukaj, da vam pomaga pri vprašanjih o izdelku.

Pozdravljeni Zanima me malo vec podrobnosti o dalnogledu delta optical forest II 8x42 In kako je s tem ce ga narocimo in nam ne bi odgovarjal za posiljanje nazaj

od Tjaša

Pozdravljeni G. Tjaša,

hvala za poslano sporočilo.

Tukaj si lahko preberete možnosti vračila izdelka.

Če boste imeli še kakšno vprašanje nas prosim kontaktirajte.

Lep pozdrav.

od Optics Trade team

Zdravljeni, rad bi vas vprašal, kakšen je material telesa daljnogleda. Hvala, Attila

Hello, I would like to ask what is the material of the binoculars body. Thanks Attila

od Attila

Dragi Attila,

zahvaljujemo se vam, da ste nas kontaktirali.

Konstrukcija daljnogleda je zaščitena z robustnim gumijastim oklepom pred udarci in vam zagotavlja nedrseč oprijem.

Če potrebujete dodatne informacije, nas lahko kontaktirate na

S spoštovanjem.

Dear Attila,

thank you for contacting us.

The binocular construction is protected with rugged rubber armor against impacts and provides you with a non-slip grip.

Should you require any additional information you can contact us at

Kind regards.

od Optics Trade team

Spoštovani, kako dolg je dobavni rok za daljnogled Delta Forest 2 8x42, saj je več kot 1 mesec? Hvala!

Poštovani, Koliko je vrijeme dostave za dvogled Delta Forest 2 8x42, posto je navedeno vise od 1 mjesec? Hvala!

od Tomislav

Lepo Pozdravljeni,

zahvaljujemo se Vam za Vaše vprašanje.

Glede dobavnega roka Vas prosimo, da nam pišete neposredno na

Lepo Vas Pozdravljamo,

od Optics Trade team


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