Fujinon 7x50 WP-XL

Fujinon 7x50 WP-XL

Čas odpreme
Več kot 1 mesec
Možnost vračila
15 dni
Obročno odplačevanje Že od 11,83 € na mesec
1 2 3 4 6

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Fujinon 7x50 WP-XL Opis izdelka

Incorporating a lightweight and fully waterproof chassis as well as a high grip rubber exterior and an included floatation neck strap, these Fujinon binoculars have been optimized for use in the demanding marine environment.
Other important features include the use of a moderate 7x magnification which enables you to more easily maintain a steady view, something that is critical when using a binocular on rough or even choppy waters.
The large 50mm objectives are able to capture a good amount of light, which in combination with the fully multi-coated optical pathway makes sure as much of the captured light gets through to your eyes for brighter, higher quality views. This is impressive, but when you also consider the large 7mm exit pupil generated by the 7x50 configuration, it means that even in extremely low light situations when the pupils in your eyes are at maximum dilation, the shaft of light supplied by the binocular will be large enough for it not to be an added limitation in demanding conditions.
A large eye relief ensures that you have enough space to play with to position your eyes at the correct distance behind the ocular lenses and thus achieve the full image without black rings forming on the edges. The 18mm that these provide is excellent and will also be enough for eyeglass users.

Description of Fujinon WP Binoculars

Fujinon offers entry-level Mariner WP series of binoculars that are primarily suitable for boating and sailing, but are also perfect for other nature observations. These binoculars made in China are incredibly well protected and durable so they won’t yield even in the most extreme temperatures, from deserts to subarctic areas. These Porro binoculars are surprisingly lightweight and functional with the help of great optics implemented in them. You can choose between two 7x50 models, where one of them has integrated magnetic and illuminated Suunto compass that helps you with navigation, especially when sailing on the open sea.

Basic Features

Mariner series by Fujinon offers binoculars that are incredibly durable. Hard build materials and rugged rubber armouring protect them against impacts and abrasions in a long run. The construction of these binoculars is also tightly sealed which makes them impervious to moisture, dust and other particles from the outside. They are not only watertight and able to be submersed into water, but are also fog-free so they will never show any signs of internal condensation when quickly switched between different temperatures. Able to withstand severe temperatures in the nature, these WP binoculars will never let you down. The chassis of these binoculars is made out of polycarbonate materials which makes them incredibly lightweight. This means they are definitely one of the less fatiguing Porro prism binoculars on the market and will help you with comfortable portability in the nature.

Optical Properties

WP series is perfect for observations in the challenging light-conditions. Porro prism system makes them incredibly bright with the help of fully multi-coated glass surfaces that enhances light transmission rate. This also provides extremely razor-sharp and crystal clear images with great resolution and color fidelity. When it comes to focusing, these binoculars are able to make proper adjustments even with the differences in person’s eyesight with two focusing rings on eyepieces. This setting also protects them against ingress of water, since central focusing is less watertight. One of the WP model integrates special Suunto Compas that is readable even at night since it’s equipped with illuminated LED display. This setting will help you with navigation even during the nighttime. Compass and its electrical supply are integrated on opposite objectives to eliminate electrical interface.  Eyecups also offer great eye-relief and are foldable for those wearing eye glasses.  


Fujinon WP series includes eyepiece and objective lens covers for more protection and protective case for storage and carrying. The WP series also includes floatable neckstrap for carrying around the neck and to make these Mariner binoculars floatable if they by any chance fall in the water.

Features of Fujinon WP Binoculars

  • Porro Prism
  • Multi-coated
  • Compass (only WPC-XL)
  • Polycarbonate Body
  • Phase Correction
  • Bak4 Prisms
  • Individual Focusing
  • Foldable Eyecups
  • Waterproof
  • Fog-proof (Nitrogen filling)
  • Tripod Adaptable

Accessories of Fujinon WP Binoculars

  • Floatable Neckstrap
  • Case for Storage
  • Objective Lens Covers
  • Rainguards
  • Lens Cleaning Cloth

Available models of Fujinon WP Binoculars 

7x50 WP-XL

Short range, nighttime binoculars

7x50 WPC-XL

Short range, nighttime binoculars – rubber coated with compass


Warranty Terms and Conditions

Fujinon gives 10 years of Warranty for WP-SX and WPC-SX binoculars. The company repairs or replaces damaged products without charge but only with the invoice as a proof of warranty. The warranty doesn’t cover the replacement of the wear parts such as rubber coatings, straps and lens covers. It also doesn’t cover already repaired binoculars that wasn’t approved by the manufacturer or in case of drops, fire, water, earthquakes and other natural catastrophes.

You can learn more about our own warranty policy on the following link:


No matter what happens to your binoculars, we will be here to help you.

Splošne lastnosti

Proizvajalec Fujinon
Serija daljnogledov Fujinon WPC
Poreklo Kitajska
Garancija 10 let
SKU 70100034405

Optične lastnosti

Vrsta prizme Porro
Variabilna povečava Ne
Povečava. 7.00 x
Premer leče 50.00 mm
Izhodna zenica 7.10 mm
Vidno polje 122.00 m/1000m
Zorni kot (v stop.) 6.99 °
Oddaljenost očesa od leče 18.00 mm
Mračni faktor 18.71
Relativna svetlost 51

Fizične lastnosti

Premazi leč Več slojev - povsod
Dolžina 178.00 mm
Širina 200.00 mm
Višina 68.00 mm
Teža 810.00 g
Polnilo Dušik
Sistem ostrenja Ločeno za vsako oko
Min. medzenična razdalja 56.00 mm
Max. medzenična razdalja 74.00 mm
Tip zgradbe Enojni spoj
Barva Črna

Posebne funkcije

Odpornost na vodo Da
Odpornost na rosenje Da
Kompas Ne
Vgrajen daljinomer Ne
Stabilizacija slike Ne
Plovnost Ne

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Spoštovani, Ali daljnogled Fujion 7x50 WP-XL izpolnjuje vse spodaj navedene zahteve? o odporen na vlago, mehanske udarce in padce v skladu s standardom MIL-STD-810 o gumirano ohišje, ki preprečuje zdrs med držanjem o minimalna povečava 7x o minimalni premer leče objektiva 50 mm o samodejno ostrenje od minimalno 20m do neskončnosti (brez nastavljanja in ostrenja pri menjavi opazovanja objekta) o individualno ostrenje okularjev o velikost vidnega polja: minimalno 100 m na razdalji 1000 m o notranjost daljnogleda je napolnjena z nitro-plinom proti rosenju leč in popolna neprepustnost prizme v daljnogledu: sistem PORRO PRISM o daljnogled ima trak/vrvico nastavljive dolžine za nošenje okoli vratc, ki lebdijo Hvala in LP, Ivana Morosavljević

Poštovani, Da li dvogled Fujion 7x50 WP-XL udovoljava svim dolje navedenim zahtjevima? o otporan na vlagu, mehaničke udarce i padove sukladno MIL-STD-810 standardu o kućište obloženo gumom koja sprječava klizanje tijekom držanja o minimalno povećanja 7x o minimalni promjer leće objektiva 50mm o autofokus od minimalno 20m do beskonačnosti (bez namještanja i fokusiranja pri promjeni objekta promatranja) o individualno fokusiranje okulara o veličina vidnog polja: minimalno 100 m pri udaljenosti od 1000 m o unutrašnjost dvogleda je ispunjena nitro-plinom protiv zamagljivanja leća i potpune nepropusnost prizme u dvogledu: PORRO PRISM sistem o dvogled ima remen/vezicu prilagodljive duljine za nošenje oko vrata koja je plutajuća Hvala i LP, Ivana Morosavljević

od Ivana


zahvaljujemo se vam za vaše sporočilo.

Lahko potrdimo, da vsi navedeni podatki izdelka Fujinon 7x50 WP-XL držijo.

Hvala za vaše razumevanje.

V primeru kakršnihkoli dodatnih vprašanj smo vam kadarkoli na voljo.

Lep Pozdrav,

od Optics Trade team

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