InfiRay CML25 Thermal Imaging

InfiRay CML25 Thermal Imaging

Čas odpreme
Več kot 1 mesec
Možnost vračila
15 dni
Obročno odplačevanje Že od 60,76 € na mesec
1 2 3 4 6

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InfiRay CML25 Thermal Imaging Opis izdelka

  • The Infiray CML25 is an excellent thermal imaging device for its compact size and user-friendly interface.

  • It has a simple button press system that makes it easy to adjust and customize settings, ensuring a great user experience.

  • The image quality is exceptional considering its small size, while the eyepiece concept allows you to use it as either a monocular or as a thermal imager.

  • The battery life is decent, providing a few hours of usage before needing to be recharged. It does require a reducing ring for proper operation though, which means it can no longer serve as a monocular.

  • Infiray CML25 offers great value for money considering the features and performance it provides. For hunters looking for an affordable yet powerful thermal imaging solution that won't break their budget, this device is worth considering.

Infiray thermal imaging devices

Infiray is a Chinese manufacturer of thermal optics and one of the biggest in the world. They are particularly strong in Europe, where they compete with Pulsar and Nitehog. Recently, Steiner, Leica, and Zeiss have joined the market as well, but need more time to improve their products.

Physical Properties of Infiray CML25

The Infiray CML25 is a small thermal device constructed of magnesium housing weighing almost 290 grams. It is 13 centimeters long, 7 millimeters high and 4.5 centimeters wide with features such as a sleep mode and an automatic calibration mode to provide environmental protection against water (not suitable for submerging). It is much lighter than the Nitehog Viper in size, with the latter having a bigger objective lens.

The Infiray CML25 can be powered by either CR123A or 16650 batteries, which will both last around two hours.

Vanadium oxide sensors have a resolution of 384x288 and a pixel pitch of 17 microns, with a 50 Hz refresh rate. The NETD is 40 milliKelvin, which reflects the device's ability to detect fine temperature differences.

The CML25 thermal device has an OLED screen with a resolution of 1024x768, and it works in low temperatures. It is made to be used as a clip-on device and its size is smaller than traditional monoculars.

The CML25 device has only one button to control all its functions, similar to Pulsar Quantum devices. This button is of excellent quality, providing crisp clicks and enabling the user to turn the device on or off and toggle between choices with a short or long press.

The CML25 has Bluetooth connectivity which is claimed by Infrays, however, it has no internal memory and we cannot find a way to connect it to the phone.

To use the CML25, a reducing ring is needed to change its mounting thread from M30 to 55-millimeter. The ring comes with the package, and additional adaptors can be purchased from Smartclip or Rusan.

Using CML25 as a monocular or clip-on

The CML25 device can be used as either a monocular or a clip-on and has a mounting point for attaching to helmets. Its mode must be chosen in the menu.

Optical Properties

The CML25 is a 25-millimeter objective lens with 1x magnification and F1 fast aperture, allowing for a field of view of 260 meters on 1000 meters. It offers detection at distances of up to 900 meters and five color modes with adjustable focus, making it suitable for those who wear glasses.

What's in the box?

  1. carrying back, which it's nicely made,

  2. the charging cable, and

  3. the reducing ring.


The CML25 is a Chinese-made device that comes with a three-year warranty.

Splošne lastnosti

Proizvajalec IRay
Serija termovizijskih nastavkov InfiRay Clip M
Poreklo Kitajska
Garancija 2 leti

Optične lastnosti

Variabilna povečava Ne
Povečava. 1.00 x
Najmanjša povečava. 1.00 x
Največja povečava 1.00 x
Premer leče 25.00 mm
Vidno polje 259.00 m/1000m
Zorni kot (v stop.) 14.90 °
Doseg detekcije 916.00 m

Lastnosti termovizijskega senzorja

Resolucija toplotnega senzorja 384x288
Št. pikslov na tipalu 0.11 MP
Razdalja med piksli 17.00 μm
NETD. 40.00 mK
Osveževanje slike 50.00 Hz
Kalibracija -

Lastnosti zaslona

Tip zaslona OLED
Ločljivost zaslona 1024×768
Št. pikslov na zaslonu 0.79 MP

Snemalne lastnosti

Zajem slike Ne
Zajem videa Ne

Fizične lastnosti

Dolžina 125.00 mm
Širina 70.00 mm
Višina 48.00 mm
Teža 290.00 g
Tip baterije CR123
Čas delovanja 4.00 h
Barva Črna

Posebne funkcije

Odpornost na vodo Da
Odpornost na rosenje Da
Avtomatski izklop Ne
Navoj za stojalo Ne
Kompas Da
Vgrajen daljinomer Ne
Stabilizacija slike Ne

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Potrebujete pomoč? Niste prepričani, če je izdelek pravi za vas? Ne oklevajte - vprašajte našo skupnost, ki je tukaj, da vam pomaga pri vprašanjih o izdelku.

Kateri adapter potrebujem za napravo Infiray CML25

What adapter do I need with the Infiray CML25

od Mark

Drage gospod,

Za vaše povpraševanje se vam zahvaljujem. Ta adapter QR podjetja Rusan uporablja navoj M52x0,75, ki bi moral ustrezati vašemu InfiRay CML25. Prepričajte se, da ste v spustnem meniju izbrali pravilno velikost.

Če boste potrebovali dodatno pomoč, nas ponovno kontaktirajte.

S spoštovanjem

Dear Sir,

Thank you for your inquiry. This QR adapter by Rusan uses the M52x0.75 threading, which should fit your InfiRay CML25. Make sure to pick the correct size in the dropdown menu.

Should you require any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us again.

Kind regards

od Optics Trade team

Drage gospod,

Za vaše povpraševanje se vam zahvaljujem. Ta Rusanov adapter QR ima navoj M52x0,75, ki bi moral ustrezati vašemu InfiRay CML25. Prepričajte se, da ste v spustnem meniju izbrali pravilno velikost.

Če boste potrebovali dodatno pomoč, nas ponovno kontaktirajte.

S spoštovanjem

Dear Sir,

Thank you for your inquiry. This QR adapter by Rusan has M52x0.75 threading, which should fit your InfiRay CML25. Make sure to pick the correct size in the dropdown menu.

Should you require any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us again.

Kind regards

od Optics Trade team

Hi, izgubil sem svoj kabel Infiray cml25, imate samo kabel conection vídeo za prodajo ?

Hi, I lost my Infiray cml25 cable, you have only conection vídeo cable to sell ?

od Wagner

Drage gospod,

zahvaljujemo se vam, da ste nas kontaktirali.

V zvezi s to zadevo nas prosim kontaktirajte na

S spoštovanjem

Dear Sir,

thank you for contacting us.

Please contact us at regarding this matter.

Kind regards

od Optics Trade team

Pozdravljeni, Zanima me rok dobave in kje je možen nakup v Sloveniji. LpJanko

od Janko


hvala za vaše vprašanje.

 Nakup je možen preko spletne trgovine, preko telefona 031 770 520 ali v fizični trgovini (naslov Pirnikova 5, 2310 Slovenska Bistrica). 

Trenutno je izdelek na zalogi.

Lepo vas pozdravljamo,

od Optics Trade team

I ponudba za termovizijski infiRay CML25 in daljnogled vortex fury HD. prosim, Avstralija

i quote for infiRay CML25 thermal imaging and vortex fury HD binoculars. please Australia

od jasmine

Drage gospod,

zahvaljujemo se vam, da ste nas kontaktirali.

Žal vas moramo obvestiti, da zunaj EU ne moremo pošiljati naprav za termalni/nočni vid s frekvenco osveževanja 50 Hz. Prav tako žal nimamo na voljo cen exšrt.

Zahvaljujemo se vam za razumevanje.

Če boste potrebovali dodatne informacije, se lahko ponovno obrnete na nas.

S spoštovanjem

Dear Sir,

thank you for contacting us.

We are sorry to inform you that we are unable to ship thermal/night vision devices with a 50Hz refresh rate outside of the EU. We also, unfortunately, do not have exšrt prices.

Thank you for your understanding.

If you will need any additional information please do not hesitate to contact us again.

Kind Regards

od Optics Trade team

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