Kahles HELIA S 8x42

Kahles HELIA S 8x42

Čas odpreme
Več kot 1 mesec
Možnost vračila
15 dni
Obročno odplačevanje Že od 38,35 € na mesec
1 2 3 4 6

Pomoč pri dostavi

Izberite državo pošiljanja in ponudnika dostave

Vaša izbrana lokacija bo shranjena, tudi ko boste brskali po drugih izdelkih. Ob zaključku nakupa boste lahko izbirali med več vrstami plačila.

Pomoč uporabnikom

Naša izkušena ekipa vam je pripravljena pomagati skozi celoten proces od nakupa do uporabe izdelka. Če imate vprašanja, nas prosimo kontaktirajte.
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Kahles HELIA S 8x42 Opis izdelka

About Kahles

Kahles is an optics manufacturer with a rich tradition, as they have been around since 1898 and are among the oldest riflescope manufacturers. As a subsidiary of Swarovski OPTIK for the past 43 years, Kahles products are popular among tactical and sports shooters.

Kahles decided on a complete makeover of their brand, so the company made some changes to their business tactic. Helia S 8x42 is made in Austria.

About the Product (8x42)

Kahles Helia S 8x42 binoculars are dressed in a combination of orange and brown, which looks both elegant and sporty. The rubber is solid and provides a firm grip. There are indentations for the thumbs at the bottom of the barrels for additional comfort. The housing is made of magnesium.

The 8x42 binoculars sport a single-bridge design, but it is not completely central, so the user can still hold them in one hand. The surface provides a good grip, and the optics have a slow focus. The eyepieces can be adjusted to 3 positions and are comfortable to use, even for those who wear glasses. Kahles Helia S is an ideal pair of binoculars for hunters.

Main Features

  • Magnesium body

  • Rubber armouring (provides a firm grip)

  • Single-bridge design

  • Waterproof (nitrogen gas purged)

  • Dust and water repellent coating on the outer surface of the glass

  • Fog-resistant

  • Can be mounted on a tripod

  • Central focus wheel

  • Wide field of view

Optical Properties

This model of the Kahles Helia S binoculars has a magnification of 8x, which offers a wider field of view compared to the 10x magnification model, but the user does not get to see as many details.

The 8x magnification models are more suitable for beginners, as the handshaking is less noticeable. The field of view of Helia S 8x42 is 136 m at 1000 m. The image is sharp, and the edge sharpness is great. The biggest advantage of these binoculars is certainly their optical quality.

Warranty Terms and Conditions

Kahles Helia S 8x42 comes with a warranty period of 10 years.

Splošne lastnosti

Proizvajalec Kahles
Serija daljnogledov Kahles Helia
Poreklo Avstrija
V proizvodnji od 2021
Garancija 10 let
SKU 20022

Optične lastnosti

Vrsta prizme Roof - Schmidt/Pechan
Variabilna povečava Ne
Povečava. 8.00 x
Nastavitev dioptrije +/-4
Premer leče 42.00 mm
Izhodna zenica 5.30 mm
Vidno polje 136.00 m/1000m
Zorni kot (v stop.) 7.80 °
Navidezni zorni kot (v stop.) 61.00 °
Oddaljenost očesa od leče 18.50 mm
Najmanjša razdalja ostrenja 3.20 m
Mračni faktor 18.33
Relativna svetlost 27.6

Fizične lastnosti

Premazi leč -
Dolžina 150.00 mm
Širina 127.00 mm
Višina 51.00 mm
Teža 815.00 g
Material Magnezij
Območje delovne temperature -25 °C...+55 °C
Polnilo Dušik
Sistem ostrenja Centralno
Min. medzenična razdalja 56.00 mm
Max. medzenična razdalja 74.00 mm
Tip zgradbe Enojni spoj
Barva Črna

Posebne funkcije

Odpornost na vodo Da
Odpornost na rosenje Da
Navoj za stojalo Ne
Kompas Ne
Vgrajen daljinomer Ne
Stabilizacija slike Ne
Plovnost Ne

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Uporabniške datoteke

Osebne izkušnje ostalih uporabnikov so lahko nekomu v veliko pomoč. Z deljenjem svojih posnetkov, fotografij in mnenj o izdelkih pripomorete k lažji odločitvi bodočih kupcev.


Uporabniška vprašanja

Potrebujete pomoč? Niste prepričani, če je izdelek pravi za vas? Ne oklevajte - vprašajte našo skupnost, ki je tukaj, da vam pomaga pri vprašanjih o izdelku.

Nahajam se v ZDA. Ali za daljnogled dejansko veljajo carinske pristojbine ali lahko uporabim možnost pošiljanja za 35 USD?

I’m located in the USA. Are there actually customs fees on binoculars or can I use the $35 shipping option?

od Vincent

Dragi gospod,

Ker se nahajate zunaj EU, izključeni davek pomeni, da boste morda še vedno morali plačati vse carinske pristojbine, ki veljajo v vaši državi/državi.

Priporočamo, da se za več informacij o morebitnih dodatnih stroških obrnete na lokalni carinski urad. Če želite preučiti naše možnosti pošiljanja, obiščite naslednjo povezavo:

Metode pošiljanja - Optics-Trade

Če imate kakršnakoli dodatna vprašanja, se obrnite na nas.

S prijaznimi pozdravi

Dear Sir,

As you are located outside the EU, the excluded tax indicates that you may still be responsible for any applicable customs fees in your country/state.

We recommend contacting your local customs office for more information regarding any additional costs you might incur. To explore our shipping options, please visit the following link:

Shipping methods - Optics-Trade

If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Kind regards

od Optics Trade team

Ali je v notranjosti ravno Swarovski SLC (glede lastnosti, učinkovitosti in kakovosti) ali obstajajo kakšne posebnosti?

Is it exactly Swarovski SLC inside (in terms of characteristics, performance and quality) or there are some peculiarities?

od Anatoly

Drage gospod,

zahvaljujemo se vam, da ste nas kontaktirali.

Vljudno se opravičujemo za zapozneli odgovor, ki je posledica povečanega potrebe po naših storitvah.

Kahlesov daljnogled HELIA S 8x42 je v bistvu enak kot ukinjeni daljnogledi Swarovski SLC, le z drugačno barvo gumijastega oklepljenega ohišja.

Če potrebujete podrobnejše informacije o omenjenem izdelku, vam priporočamo, da se obrnete na našo prodajno ekipo na info@optics-trade.eu

Veselim se vašega sporočila.

S prijaznimi pozdravi

Dear Sir, 

thank you for contacting us. 

We kindly apologize for the delayed reply, which is a result of the increased demand for our services.

Kahles HELIA S 8x42 binoculars are essentially the same as the discontinued Swarovski SLC's, with a different colour on the rubber armoured body. 

Should you require any more detailed information about the mentioned product, we recommend contacting our sales team at info@optics-trade.eu 

Looking forward to hearing from you. 

Kind regards 

od Optics Trade team

Ali je temu daljnogledu priložen trak za vrat? Ne vidim slike, vendar mislim, da ga ima. Ali ga je težko poslati v Kanado? Pred kratkim sem pri vas kupil daljnogled Kahles helia Rd , ki je odličen Hvala

Does this binocular come with a neck strap? I don't see a picture but I think it does. Is it difficult to ship to Canada? I recently purchased the Kahles helia Rd from you , it is great Thanks

od Craig

Kahles Helia S 8x42 je res opremljen s pasom za vrat in pokrovi za leče, čeprav niso prikazani na fotografijah. Izdelek je trenutno tudi na zalogi, kar pomeni, da ga je mogoče brez težav poslati v Kanado. Za vse dodatne informacije nas lahko kontaktirate na info@optics-trade.eu

The Kahles Helia S 8x42 does indeed come with the neckstrap and lens covers even tho they are not shown in the photos. The product is also currently in stock meaning it can be shipped to Canada with no problem. For any additional information, you can contact us at info@optics-trade.eu

od Optics Trade team

Ali je ta daljnogled mogoče poslati v Kanado? Hvala!

Can this binocular be shipped to Canada? Thank you!

od Craig

Ta izdelek lahko pošljemo v Kanado.

We can ship this product to Canada. 

od Optics Trade team

Kolikšni so bili davki za Kanado? Predvidevam, da niso bili vključeni v " z vključenimi vsemi carinskimi pristojbinami ." v možnostih pošiljanja

How much were the taxes for Canada? Im assuming they were not included with " with all Customs fees included ." in shipping options

od Jason

Priporočamo, da se za več informacij o uvoznih in davčnih storitvah obrnete na carinski urad. Tam vam bodo lahko pomagali pri vseh vprašanjih ali težavah, ki jih imate.

We recommend that you contact the customs office for more information regarding import and tax services. They will be able to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have.

od Optics Trade team

Naročil sem helia RD za svojo dvojno puško in izbral možnost pošiljanja z vsemi davki in dajatvami ter ga prejel brez drugih stroškov. Tudi zelo hitro, bil sem presenečen, kako hitro je prišel do mojih vrat!

I ordered the helia RD for my double rifle and went with the all taxes and duties shipping option, and it arrived with no other charges. Very quickly too , I was blown away with how fast it got to my door!

od Craig Butler