Leica Noctivid 8x42 - Olive Green
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Leica Noctivid 8x42 - Olive Green

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Spletna zaloga: 3-9 dni
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15 dni
Obročno odplačevanje Že od 69,52 € na mesec
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Leica Noctivid 8x42 - Olive Green Opis izdelka

The large exit pupil created by the 8x power and 42mm lenses generally makes this combination a good choice in low light situations. However when you combine this potential with the extremely high-grade optics and the resulting superior light transmission, then you have an 8x42 binocular that is a seriously great low light performer.
This makes the Leica Noctivid 8x42 a great choice for users like birders, wildlife observers or hunters who are out before dawn, after sunset or who operate in thick forests where light is far from ideal.
The extremely wide viewing angle and you are sure to be able to quickly locate and then follow fast moving wildlife and birds even from really close range.
At less than 2 meters, the close focus distance is also excellent for this class of instrument making them even more versatile and a good option for those who like to observe birds, flowers, butterflies or other insects from close range.
At 19mm, the eye-relief on this binocular should be more than enough for most users, with or without glasses on.

About Leica Noctivid Binoculars

Available in the most popular 8x42 and 10x42 setups, Leica Noctivid binoculars are Made in Germany using the ultimate level of craftsmanship and the finest components and coatings
Noctivid binoculars are not only suitable for most outdoor activities, adventures, and sporting events, but will deliver a performance to match or beat just about any other binocular currently on the market. 
Perfect for bird watching, wildlife observation, hunting and general use, they can also be taken along to sporting events or on a safari. The open bridge designmagnesium chassis, and non-slip rubber armour offer superb ergonomics and a great degree of protection to the elite level optics contained within. Here Leica has opted to use the very best SCHOTT optical glass and their premier level coatings on both the prisms and lenses to ensure the maximum possible amount of light gathering and transmission to deliver an image brightness and quality that is unsurpassed.

Important Features 

The magnesium chassis used on the Noctivid is both lightweight and very robust. It is fully sealed and thus not only prevents dust from entering but is fully waterproof and indeed even submersible depth of 5 meters. 
The nitrogen filled interior ensures a completely moistureless environment, which in turn prevents internal glass surfaces from misting or fogging-up which often occurs on unprotected instruments, especially when you get rapid temperature fluctuations. 
Leica has used twist-up eyecups on these which have 4 click-stop positions, which in combination with the 19mm of eye-relief ensure you can get the full view, with or without wearing glasses. A diopter ensures they can be calibrated to your specific vision and the centrally positioned focus wheel is both easy to reach and has a silky smooth action to make even tiny focal adjustments as easy as possible.

Optical Properties

These Leica binoculars use an optical system of the highest order. To begin with, each of the lens elements has been made using a special very high transmission glass from the world-renowned SCHOTT company. 
Anti-reflective coatings are applied to all lenses and prisms for a greater amount of light capture and transmission, which directly results in a brighter and better quality view. 
Phase-correcting coatings are also added to the roof prisms along with their own HighLux-System mirror coatings, which Leica says increases light reflectivity to their highest ever levels across all spectrums.
The outer lens surfaces are treated with Leica’s AquaDura coatings that are hydrophobic to repel water and which makes it easier to remove dirt, dust, and fingerprints. Added to this they have an additional High Durable Coating (HDC® Plus) to protect them from marking or scratching.


Also included with your Noctivid package is a soft carry case made from a Cordura material, a shaped neck strap with a padded section made from Neoprene for added comfort and grip, protective lens caps, an eye-piece cover and lens cleaning cloth.

Features of Leica Noctivid Binoculars

  • SCHOTT HT glass 
  • Open Bridge Design
  • Magnesium Chassis with Rubber Armor
  • AquaDura Water & Dirt Repellant Lens Coatings 
  • Tough Anti-scratch HDC® Plus Lens Coatings
  • Extra Large Eyepieces
  • Twist-up Eyecups with 19mm Eye Relief
  • Fully Multi-Coated Optics 
  • Phase Corrected Roof Prisms
  • New Mirror Coatings on the Prisms (HighLux-System HLS) 
  • Waterproof (5 meters)
  • Fogproof (Nitrogen-filled)

Accessories of Leica Noctivid Binoculars

  • Neoprene Neck Strap
  • Protective Eyepiece Cover
  • Objective Lens Caps
  • Carry Case
  • Lens Cleaning Cloth

Warranty Terms and Conditions

10 year warranty is included with all Leica Noctivid series binoculars.

Splošne lastnosti

Proizvajalec Leica
Serija daljnogledov Leica Noctivid
Poreklo Nemčija
V proizvodnji od 2016
Garancija 10 let
SKU 40386

Optične lastnosti

Vrsta prizme Roof - Schmidt/Pechan
Variabilna povečava Ne
Povečava. 8.00 x
Nastavitev dioptrije -4 / +4 Dpt
Premer leče 42.00 mm
Izhodna zenica 5.30 mm
Vidno polje 135.45 m/1000m
Zorni kot (v stop.) 7.74 °
Oddaljenost očesa od leče 19.00 mm
Najmanjša razdalja ostrenja 1.90 m
Mračni faktor 18.33
Prepustnost svetlobe 92 %
Relativna svetlost 27.6

Fizične lastnosti

Premazi leč Več slojev - povsod
Dolžina 150.00 mm
Širina 124.00 mm
Višina 68.00 mm
Teža 860.00 g
Območje delovne temperature -
Polnilo Dušik
Sistem ostrenja Centralno
Nastavitev dioptrije Centralno
Min. medzenična razdalja 56.00 mm
Max. medzenična razdalja 74.00 mm
Tip zgradbe Odprti most
Barva Zelena

Posebne funkcije

Odpornost na vodo Da
Odpornost na rosenje Da
Kompas Ne
Vgrajen daljinomer Ne
Stabilizacija slike Ne
Plovnost Ne

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Osupljiva optimalna reprodukcija barv - vrhunski očesni pokrovčki - ostri z nekaj kromatske aberacije Stunning Optimal Colour Rendition - Premium Locking Eye Cups - Sharp with Some Chromatic Aberration

Res je, da ob nakupu daljnogleda vrhunskega razreda delno plačate za privilegij lastništva te blagovne znamke. To v veliki meri velja za pohvale, ki jih je deležna majhna rdeča pika Leica v vsej svoji ponudbi optike. Predvidevam, da je vprašanje: "Koliko je ta blagovna znamka vredna v primerjavi s kakovostjo izdelka?"<br><br>To je pošteno vprašanje za vse blagovne znamke, saj vam mora končni rezultat jasno pokazati, kakšna je skupna vrednost vašega težko prisluženega nakupa. Glede na to, da je konkurenca med alfa razredi Swarovski, Zeiss in Leica tako močna, so se začetne sprostitvene cene drastično znižale v seriji Swarovski EL, pa tudi, čeprav v manjši meri, v liniji Noctivid. Znižanje cen je morda povečalo njihovo razmerje med ceno in kakovostjo, toda ali obstajajo druge prednosti pri nakupu telefona Noctivid 8x42, ki so zanj edinstvene ali boljše od njegovih tekmecev? <br><br>Ne dvomimo, da so objektivi Noctivid izdelani iz najboljših materialov, saj dajejo občutek trdnosti in robustnosti, ki je vrhunska. Osebno mi je oklep na teh modelih zelo všeč. Je nekako pomirjujoče trpežen, hkrati pa elegantnega videza in vzbuja zaupanje, da ga po nekaj letih zmerne ali morda težke uporabe ne bo treba zamenjati. Na voljo so tudi v olivno zeleni različici, kar je simpatično prikimavanje uporabi v naravnem okolju. <br><br>Diopter je prav tako trpežen in ga je enostavno nastaviti z zaupanjem, da ga ne boste pomotoma premaknili. Pri uporabi se zdi nekoliko bolj trdna kot pri modelih Swarovski EL (čeprav je izdelana na enak način) in Zeiss SF ter še vedno deluje kot del osrednjega gumba za ostrenje, za razliko od novejših modelov Swaro NL Pure, ki uporabljajo samostojen nastavek. Izžareva kakovost, ki se odraža v tem, kar bi lahko opisali kot najboljše okularje v tem poslu. <br><br>Čeprav so okularji po novem nekoliko togi in je za premikanje morda potrebna nekoliko večja sila, je njihova prednost ta, da so pri vsaki nastavitvi odlično podprti in se ob pritisku nanje ne spustijo nazaj v nižji položaj. Poleg tega imajo ti okularji dodatno trdno funkcijo zaklepanja, ki se ob popolnem izvleku rahlo umakne navznoter, saj se nato zaklene na fiksni točki izvleka. Nisem doživel nobenega drugega očesnega elementa v konstrukciji daljnogleda, ki bi imel tako odlično fiksirano funkcijo. <br><br>To je lahko še posebej koristno pri digiskopiji, saj pri ostrenju pritiskate na pritrjeno napravo, čeprav le rahlo. Ko pridete do te faze posnetka, je zadnja stvar, ki si jo želite, umaknjen okular ali nihanje. Če želite le še malo večji razmik med očmi, lahko sprostite zaklep in pridobite morda še milimeter ali dva, če vam to ustreza pri običajnem gledanju. <br><br>Druga stvar, ki jo moram poudariti, je, da je občutek okularja ob vašem očesnem zrklu spet verjetno najboljši v panogi, če ga ne dosegajo modeli Swarovski EL in NL. Leica je udobno debela, vendar se gladko zoži v odlično organsko prileganje, medtem ko so očala Swarovski tanjša in morda manj vsiljiva ter jih je veliko lažje nastaviti. Morda se zdi nepomembno, vendar če upoštevamo, koliko se je Zeiss trudil (ali pa morda ni imel proračuna), da bi izdelal enakovredno optimalno očesno čašo, to kaže na Leicino pozornost do namenske visokokakovostne komponente, ki ji drugi niso dajali enake prednosti. <br><br>A kaj pa sama optična izkušnja? Če boste kupili ta daljnogled, vas čaka užitek iz več razlogov. <br><br>pribor, ki dopolnjuje paket. Odlični pokrovi objektivov se trdno prilegajo na svoje mesto, prav tako pokrovi okularjev. Prenosni kovček je dovolj funkcionalen, čeprav ni tako robusten kot kovček EL ali tako ojačan s "plastovito" obliko kovčka Zeiss SF. Tudi trak za vrat je dobre kakovosti.<br>Kako pa je z optično kakovostjo? Tu se ti daljnogledi še posebej izkažejo. Slike so bujne, spodbudne, živahne in zelo živahne. Ti daljnogledi so zelo posebni, ne le zato, ker ustvarjajo tako bogato sliko, temveč tudi zato, ker je njihova svetlobna prepustnost tako visoka in dosledna v celotnem spektru valovnih dolžin. Pravzaprav nekoliko višja kot pri njihovem 10-krat večjem bratu, čeprav le še za 2 do 3 odstotke. Glede na to, da so objektivi enako veliki, 42 mm, ti 8-kratni objektivi ustvarijo 5,25 mm izhodno zenico, ki do gledalca pošilja več svetlobe kot 4,2 mm pri 10-kratnem modelu. Zato sta tudi svetlejša od desetk, kar se bo pokazalo v slabših svetlobnih razmerah. <br><br>Če poskušate opaziti sovo v mraku in kritično želite čim dlje opazovati njeno četrtinjenje po svojem habitatu, so ti daljnogledi 8x pravi za vas. Prav tako boste lažje kot z desetko spremljali daljše obdobje, saj je vidno polje pri 1000 m 135 m in ne le 112 m. Prepričan sem, da sovi koristi, če s svojim ostrim sluhom pokriva čim več ozemlja, in tudi vi boste s tem ugodnim skenerjem uživali v pokrivanju večjega ozemlja.<br><br>Čeprav so 8x enako težki kot 10x, imajo desetke prednost, ker niso nič težje, vendar so 8x svetlejši pri šibki svetlobi, imajo boljši prenos svetlobe in bistveno širše vidno polje, kar jih po mojem mnenju uvršča med boljše daljnoglede. Temu se pridružuje še boljša stabilnost slike, ki je verjetno bolj koristna pri slabši svetlobi od sončnega vzhoda do mraka.<br><br>Slika je na sredini ostra kot britev in čeprav na robovih ni tako ostra, to morda res ne pride v poštev, če z daljnogledom pregledujete in premikate hitro premikajoče se cilje, kjer bo vaš pogled najverjetneje tako ali tako bolj osredotočen na sredino slike. Če ste lovec in/ali uporabljate stativ, lahko to rahlo vpliva na gibanje, ki ga vidite ali ne, vendar imam občutek, da bo gibanje na robu razkrilo cilj, ki ga boste nato zlahka določili. Lahko bi rekli, da so dovolj ostre, vendar bi lahko bile ostrejše.<br><br>Slika Noctivid tudi čudovito upodablja globino terena. Občutek imate, kot da je bil ta instrument zasnovan za razkosavanje obrisov pokrajine, zaradi širokega vidnega polja pa omogoča izjemno vpleten in zanimiv pogled, ki vas potegne v hribe. Če se ukvarjate z raziskovanjem pokrajine za užitek ali če želite načrtovati naslednjo etapo poti med nadaljevanjem pohoda v hribe, vam bo ta daljnogled omogočil boljši občutek za valovitost, na katero boste naleteli. Škoda le, da je težak 860 g (brez traku itd.), vendar je Swarovski NL Pure 8x42 le 20 g lažji in gre v pravo smer.<br><br>Ali je v načrtu tudi kompaktnejša različica x32? Morda ne, saj bi lahko preveč posegli v izjemno priljubljeno serijo Trinovid, ki predstavlja odlično razmerje med kakovostjo in ceno. Lahki Noctivid? No, mislim, da je namig v imenu. Manjši objektivi niso primerni za nočna opazovanja pri šibki svetlobi ali lov, kar je primarni trg tega daljnogleda, čeprav je tudi vrhunski optični pripomoček za opazovanje ptic in narave. Verjetno je to razlog, zakaj se tako dobro spoprijemajo tudi z razpršeno svetlobo. <br><br>Leicine oblikovalske odločitve vsebujejo veliko osebnosti v svojem minimalističnem videzu in to osebnost občutimo, ko jih uporabljamo. Tu ni ničesar, kar bi bilo prikupno. Vsaka oblikovalska izbira je namenjena uporabniku in ima praktično vrednost v resničnem svetu. Leica je dosegla ravnovesje med svojo močno identiteto, zmogljivostjo in kompromisi, saj je dovolila nekaj barvnega obrobljanja, vendar je dosegla izjemno dinamične rezultate. <br>
It’s true to say that when you purchase a premium class binocular you will be paying partly towards the privilege of ownership of that brand. This is very much the case with the kudos that is bestowed on the little red dot of Leica throughout their optics range. I suppose the question is, “How much is this branding worth compared to the quality of the product?”<br><br>This is a fair question to ask of all of the brands as the end result should give you a strong indication as to the overall value you place on your hard-earned purchase. Given that competition between the alpha classes of Swarovski, Zeiss and Leica is so strong, the initial release prices have dropped drastically in the Swarovski EL range but also, albeit to a lesser degree, within the Noctivid line. The price drop may have increased their value for money, but are there other advantages in buying a Noctivid 8x42 that are either unique to it or better than its rivals? <br><br>There is no question that the Noctivids are built with anything but the best of materials exhibiting a feel of solidity and robustness that is top drawer. Personally, I like the armour on these models very much. It’s somehow reassuringly tough while smart looking and inspires you with confidence that it won’t require replacing after a few years of moderate or perhaps hard use. They are also available in an olive-green option which is a nice sympathetic nod to its use in natural environments. <br><br>The diopter is equally tough and easy to set with confidence that it will not be accidentally moved. In use it feels a little more solid than the Swarovski EL (although constructed in the same way) and Zeiss SF and still operates as part of the central focusing knob unlike the newer Swaro NL Pure which use an independent adjuster. It exudes quality which is mirrored in what could be described as the best eyepieces in the business. <br><br>Although they are a little stiff when new and may take a little more force to move, the up side is that they are superbly well supported at each setting and do not accidentally recess back to a lower position when you press against them. Further to this, these eyepieces have an additional solid locking function, which when fully extended out, recess slightly inwards as it then locks off at that fixed excursion point. I have not experienced any other eye pieces within binocular designs which have this superbly fixed function. <br><br>This may be particularly helpful when digiscoping as you press against the attached device when focusing even if only lightly. At getting to this stage in your shot, the last thing you want is a retracting eyepiece or wobble. Also, if you want just that little bit more eye relief, you can release the lock and gain perhaps another millimeter or two if this suits your use preference for regular viewing. <br><br>Another thing I have to point out is that the feel of the eyepiece against your eye socket is again probably the best in the industry if not equalled by Swarovski EL and NL models. The Leica is comfortably thick but smoothly tapered into an excellent organic fit whereas the Swarovski’s are thinner feeling and perhaps less intrusive as well as being much easier to adjust. It may seem inconsequential, but when you consider how much Zeiss have struggled (or perhaps budgeted not) to produce an equivalent optimal eye cup, it shows Leica’s attention to intentional high-quality componentry that others have not prioritized in the same way. <br><br>What about the optical experience itself? If you purchase these binoculars, you are in for a treat for several reasons. <br><br>accessories which complete the package. The excellent objective lens covers fit firmly in place as do the ocular covers. The carry case is sufficiently functional although not quite as rugged as the EL counterpart or as reinforced by the ‘layered’ shape of the Zeiss SF case. The neck strap is also of good quality.<br>What about the optical quality? This is where these binoculars come into their own. Images are luscious, stimulating, vibrant and significantly so. These binoculars are very special, not just because they produce such a rich image but because their light transmission is so high and consistent across the wavelength spectrum. Slightly higher in fact than their 10x bigger brother model if only by another 2 to 3 percent. Given that the objectives are the same size at 42mm, these 8x produce a 5.25mm exit pupil sending more light through to the viewer than the 4.2mm of the 10x. So, they are also brighter than the tens which will manifest itself on lower light conditions. <br><br>If you are trying to spot the barn owl at dusk, and critically you want to continue to watch its quartering around its habitat for as long as possible, these 8x are the binoculars for you. You will also be able to follow for longer more easily than with the tens as the field of view is 135m at 1000m rather than just 112. I’m sure the barn owl benefits from covering as much ground as possible with its acute hearing, and you too will enjoy covering more ground with this advantageous scanner.<br><br>Although the 8x are as heavy as the 10x, the tens get the feather in the cap for not being any heavier, but, the 8x are brighter in low-light, have better light transmission and significantly wider field of view which for my money makes it a better binocular. This is compounded by better image stability which is arguably more rewarding in lower light situations from sunrise to dusk.<br><br>The image is razor sharp at the centre and although the it’s not quite as sharp at the edges, this may not really enter into the equation if you are scanning and moving your binoculars aiming for fast moving targets where your sight will most likely be more focused on the middle of the image anyway. If you are a hunter and/or use a tripod it may mildly affect what movement you see or not but my feeling is that movement at the edge will give the target away which you can then easily pinpoint. You could say they are sufficiently sharp, but could be sharper.<br><br>The Noctivid image also renders a wonderful depth in the terrain. You feel like this instrument has been design to dissect the contours of the landscape and thanks to its wide field of view, makes for a super involving and engaging view that draws you into the hills. If you are doing anything that resembles surveying landscape for pleasure or you want to plan the next stage of a route as you continue a hike in the mountains, this binocular will give you more of a sense of the undulations you will encounter. It’s just such as shame that it’s 860g (excluding strap etc.) but having said this, the Swarovski NL Pure 8x42 is only 20g lighter and heading in the right direction.<br><br>Are there any plans for a more compact x32 version? Maybe not as it may encroach too much on the incredibly popular Trinovid range which represents superb value for money. A lightweight Noctivid? Well, I guess the clue is in the name. Smaller objectives are not suitable for nocturnal observations in low light or hunting which is where this binocular’s primary market lies although it is also a premium birding and nature observation optic. Likely this is why these also handle stray light so exceptionally well. We can but dream…<br><br>Leica’s design choices contain a lot of personality within their minimalistic look and you feel this personality when putting them to use. There is nothing gimmicky here. Every design choice is for a user benefit of practical real-world value. Leica have struck what feels like an intentional balance between their strong identity, performance and compromises in permitting some colour fringing yet with outstandingly dynamic results. <br>

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