Pulsar Merger Duo NXP50
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Pulsar Merger Duo NXP50

Čas odpreme
Pošiljanje v 1-3 dneh
Možnost vračila
15 dni
1 2 3 4 6

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Pulsar Merger Duo NXP50 Opis izdelka

  • Advanced Multispectral Imaging: The Merger Duo NXP50 combines thermal and digital night vision imaging to deliver high-quality images across various wavelength spectrums (visible, near infrared, and long-wave infrared), ensuring versatile and reliable observation in all weather conditions, day or night.
  • Enhanced Detection and Identification: This innovative unit leverages the strengths of both thermal imaging and digital night vision, making it easier to locate objects, assess terrain, and clearly identify the smallest features and details with combined viewing modes.
  • Ergonomic Design: The Duo NXP50 features a classic binocular shape, consistent with other Merger models, ensuring a highly ergonomic and comfortable user experience.
  • Distinctive Design Feature: While the Duo NXP50 maintains the classic ergonomic look of other models in the Merger line, it differs by not including the laser rangefinder (LRF) feature present in the other three models.

About the Merger Series

The Merger series was introduced in early 2022 when Pulsar unveiled the Merger LRF XP50, marking the transition from the Accolade series. Pulsar has since expanded the series, adding models with various sensors and lenses. Although the Duo NXP50 does not include the laser rangefinder (LRF) found in other Merger models, this does not diminish its value. The Merger line is not restricted by fixed parameters or uniform features. Instead, its primary goal is to "merge" various technologies, offering a broader range of functionalities and applications.

About the Model (Merger Duo NXP50)

The Merger Duo offers multiple observation modes to enhance user experience. The thermal imaging mode excels in animal detection and observation under all weather conditions, ensuring visibility regardless of environmental factors. Meanwhile, the digital imaging mode delivers superior target identification in Full-HD resolution, providing clear and detailed visuals. Additionally, the “Picture-in-Picture” function allows users to view images from both optical channels simultaneously, with the flexibility to prioritize either the thermal or digital image for optimal viewing.

Duo NXP50 integrates a dual battery system, with an internal battery and APS3 external battery, allowing for seamless battery swaps. It offers advanced features such as eight color modes, an AMOLED HD display, and three calibration modes. Connectivity options include Wi-Fi, a type C USB port, and compatibility with the Stream Vision 2 app.

Thermal Imaging Mode

The Pulsar Merger Duo NXP50 features a thermal sensor with a 640x480-pixel resolution and a 17-micron pixel pitch. NXP50’s thermal sensor has an NETD value of <25 mK, allowing it to detect even the smallest temperature variations. This capability is especially useful in challenging conditions such as fog or rain. This model has a detection range of 1800 meters.

Digital Imaging Mode

With the full-HD CMOS sensor, with the resolution of 1920x1200 pixels, the Merger Duo NXP50 digital night channel produces high-definition images with exceptional detail processing. This advanced technology captures clear silhouettes, anatomical differences, and behavioral peculiarities, enabling hunters to assess the trophy qualities of an animal accurately. The HD-resolution electronics provide crucial information, allowing hunters to make well-informed decisions on when to take a shot.

It includes an attachable invisible 940 nm IR illuminator with adjustable spot positioning. This feature significantly enhances image detail in the digital channel, even in pitch-black conditions, ensuring clear and precise visuals for improved observation and decision-making.

Optical Properties

The Merger Duo's F50/1.0 fast lens and highly sensitive thermal sensor deliver superior detection efficiency, capturing detailed, high-contrast images even in adverse weather conditions like rain or fog. The thermal channel offers a field of view of 21.8m/100m with a base magnification of 3x. The digital channel provides a base magnification of 2x and a field of view of 30.7m/100m.

Main Features

  • Aperture F50/1.0 (thermal channel)
  • Aperture F50/1.4 (digital channel)
  • Thermal, digital and combined viewing modes
  • IR illuminator
  • Advanced Pulsar Image boost technology
  • Dual Wi-Fi waveband support 2.4 / 5 GHz
  • High-contrast HD AMOLED display with a 1280x960 resolution
  • 640x480 thermal sensor resolution
  • 1920x1200 digital sensor resolution
  • Fully waterproof, IPX7
  • 8 thermal color patterns (White Hot, Black Hot, Red Hot, Rainbow, Ultramarine, Red Monochrome, Sepia, Violet)
  • 17 μm pixel pitch
  • 50 Hz frame rate
  • Rugged magnesium alloy housing
  • Stream Vision 2 compatibility
  • <25mK NETD (thermal channel)
  • Built-in video recorder
  • 64GB of internal memory
  • Combined dual battery system


Pulsar offers 3 years of warranty for this product.

In the Box

Pulsar Merger Duo NXP50 comes with:

  • IR-Illuminator
  • АPS3 Battery Pack
  • APS battery charger
  • Power adapter
  • USB Type-C cable with USB Type-A adapter
  • Carrying case with straps
  • Neck strap
  • Quick-Start guide
  • Lens cloth
  • Warranty card
  • Tripod adapter

Splošne lastnosti

Proizvajalec Pulsar
Serija termovizijskih daljnogledov Pulsar Merger
Poreklo -
V proizvodnji od 2024
Garancija 3 leta
SKU 77455

Optične lastnosti

Variabilna povečava Da
Povečava. 24.00 x
Najmanjša povečava. 3.00 x
Največja povečava 24.00 x
Nastavitev dioptrije -4/+3 dpt
Premer leče 50.00 mm
Vidno polje 218.00 m/1000m
Zorni kot (v stop.) 12.40 °
Max. vidno polje 218.00 m/1000m
Oddaljenost očesa od leče 12.00 mm
Zaslonka objektiva F 1.0
Doseg detekcije 1,800.00 m

Lastnosti termovizijskega senzorja

Toplotni senzor Microbolometer
Resolucija toplotnega senzorja 640x480
Št. pikslov na tipalu 0.31 MP
Razdalja med piksli 17.00 μm
NETD. 25.00 mK
Osveževanje slike 50.00 Hz
Kalibracija Avtomatska, Polavtomatska, Ročna

Lastnosti senzorja DNV

Tip senzorja CMOS
Resolucija DNV senzorja 1920x1200
Št. pikslov na Dnv senzorju 2.30 MP

Lastnosti zaslona

Tip zaslona AMOLED HD
Ločljivost zaslona 1280x960
Št. pikslov na zaslonu 1.23 MP

Lastnosti osvetljevalca

Vgrajeni IR osvetljevalec da
Tip osvetljevalca LED
IR valovna dolžina 940.00 nm

Snemalne lastnosti

Zajem slike Da
Ločljivost slike 1280х960
Zajem videa Da
Ločljivost videa 1280х960
Video izhod Da

Fizične lastnosti

Dolžina 207.00 mm
Širina 140.00 mm
Višina 73.00 mm
Teža 1,200.00 g
Material Magnezij
Območje delovne temperature -25°C to +50°C
Tip baterije APS 3 Battery Pack
Čas delovanja 7.50 h
Nastavitev dioptrije Na obeh okularjih
Min. medzenična razdalja 63.00 mm
Max. medzenična razdalja 74.00 mm
Barva Črna

Posebne funkcije

Odpornost na vodo Da
Odpornost na rosenje Da
Posebne lastnosti Odporen na rosenje, Odporen na udarce, Vodoodporen
Povezljivost aplikacij Bluetooth, Združljivo z Wifi
Navoj za stojalo Ne
Kompas Ne
Vgrajen daljinomer Ne
Stabilizacija slike Ne

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