Schmidt & Bender 5-25x56 PM II/LP/MTC/LT

Schmidt & Bender 5-25x56 PM II/LP/MTC/LT

(1 ocene)
Tako nizko, kot: 4.259,00 €
Čas odpreme
Spletna zaloga: 3-9 dni
Možnost vračila
15 dni

Izdelki na zalogi

Pozicija križa
Korak nastavitve križa
Tip kupole
Smer vrtenja kupole
1. goriščna ravnina
10mm/100m - 0.10MIL
V urni smeri
5.739,00 €
1. goriščna ravnina
10mm/100m - 0.10MIL
Proti urni smeri
4.919,00 €
1 2 3 4 6

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Schmidt & Bender 5-25x56 PM II/LP/MTC/LT Opis izdelka

Schmidt & Bender 5-25x56 PM II/LP/MTC/LT Tactical Rifle Scope in Black color

  • PM II - Police Marksman II series
  • LP - illuminated reticle and Parallax adjustment
  • MTC - More Tactile Clicks (every 10th click is stronger)
  • LT - Locking Turrets
  • DT - Double Turn Turret for Elevation
  • ST - Single Turn Turrets for Windage
  • ZS - Zero Stop
  • Waterproof up to 25 meters
  • Black color


Schmidt & Bender Police Marksman II 5-25x56 PMII/LP/MTC/LT riflescope is a milestone to which all others are compared. It proved its value on many different crisis areas and it still holds the world record with the shot made on 2475m. When it gets serious you can always rely on this riflescope, no matter if you need it for close range at its 5x magnification or for extreme distances with 25x magnification. Meant and build for professionals who seek only the best. Schmidt & Bender Police Marksman II riflescopes are the second edition of the Police Marksman series and offer higher magnifications and are primarily intended for long range shooting.

S&B 5-25x56 PM II/LP/MTC/LT has been designed for professional use by police and military and meet all the harshest police and military standards. All S&B 5-25x56 PM II scopes can be safely used on powerful calibers, such as the .50 BMG and are intended for long range shooting well over 1000 meters. Elevation turret offers 26 mrad of travel in DT - Double Turn fashion, can be locked in position LT - Locking turrets and features MTC - More Tactile Clicks system where every 10th click is stronger. These turrets also offer ZS - Zero Stop and both elevation and windage.

The MIL-STD-810 G Method 512 testing standard of the American army showed that no damage has been sustained to the riflescope even if it has been submerged 25 meters under water in the sea for 10 hours. These scopes are as tough as it gets.

Schmidt & Bender 5-25x56 PM II/LP/MTC/LT (Black) is available in 56 different combinations of reticles, turret clicks and turret rotation direction. We usually stock these scopes in most popular configurations. However if you order a scope with a specific configuration that is not in stock in our store or at the S&B Factory it can take up to 14 weeks for it to be made. Please email us on and we will inform you about the availability of specific models and about the exact delivery time.

Available reticles:


Available click values:

  • - 1 cm/100m - 01. mrad
  • - 7 mm/100m - 1/4 MOA


Available Turret Rotation Direction:

  • - CCW - Counter Clock Wise
  • - CW - Clock Wise


Instruction Manuals for Schmidt & Bender 5-25x56 PM II/LP/MTC/LT (Black)


Mounting of S&B 5-25x56PM II/LP/MTC/LT:

  • - Mounting of these riflescopes is possible with 30 mm mounting elements.


    Splošne lastnosti

    Proizvajalec Schmidt & Bender
    Serija strelnih daljnogledov Schmidt & Bender PM II
    Poreklo Nemčija
    V proizvodnji od 2012
    Garancija 2 leti
    SKU 689-911-xxx-xx-xxc

    Optične lastnosti

    Variabilna povečava Da
    Najmanjša povečava. 5.00 x
    Največja povečava 25.00 x
    Nastavitev dioptrije +2 / -3 dpt
    Premer leče 56.00 mm
    Min. izhodna zenica 2.30 mm
    Max. premer izhodne zenice 10.90 mm
    Min. vidno polje 1.50 m/100m
    Max. vidno polje 5.30 m/100m
    Min. oddaljenost očesa 90.00 mm
    Največja oddaljenost očesa 90.00 mm
    Mračni faktor 14.1 - 37.4
    Prepustnost svetlobe >90%
    Hitra nastavitev ostrine Da

    Lastnosti kupol

    Tip kupol Taktične z zaklepanjem
    Zaklepanje kupol Da
    Zero Stop Da
    Št. obratov kupole 2. obrata
    Maks. pomik križa po višini 34.40 mrad
    Maks. pomik križa po višini (MOA) 120.00 MOA
    Pomik križa po smeri 19.00 mrad
    Pomik križa po smeri (MOA) 65.00 MOA
    Pomik na obrat 14 mrad (1.4 m/100 m)

    Lastnosti križa

    Osvetlitev križa Da
    Barva osvetlitve Rdeča
    Dnevna osvetlitev križa Ne
    Avtomatski izklop Da

    Lastnosti paralakse

    Nastavitev paralakse Adjustable
    Nastavljiva paralaksa Da - stranska kupola
    Območje nastavitve paralakse 10 m - inf.

    Fizične lastnosti

    Dolžina 416.00 mm
    Teža 1,080.00 g
    Območje delovne temperature -25° / +55° C
    Polnilo Dušik
    Premazi leč Več slojev - povsod
    Premer cevi 34 mm
    Tip montažne letve Ne
    Dolžina za montažo 128.00 mm
    Premer objektiva 62 mm
    Premer okularja 43 mm

    Posebne funkcije

    Odpornost na vodo Da
    Odpornost na rosenje Da
    Odpornost na udarce Da
    Posebne lastnosti 1. goriščna ravnina, Hitro ostrenje, Nastavljiva paralaksa, Odporen na rosenje, Odporen na udarce, Osvetljen križ, Taktične kupole, Variabilna povečava, Večslojni premaz - povsod, Vodoodporen
    Vgrajen daljinomer Ne

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    1 ocene
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    Ocenite izdelek

    How do you rate this product?

    PM II se dobro drži PM II holds tight

    Svoj PM II uporabljam na puški Steyr HS50 M1, kalibra 12,7 mm/cal .50, zato je ta daljnogled dejansko izpostavljen velikim silam odboja, pri čemer mora delovati izjemno natančno na velikih razdaljah. In zagotavlja zelo natančno sledenje. <To je moj prvi daljnogled S&B, vendar ga bom sčasoma namestil na vse svoje puške.<br> Za obračanje revolverjev je potrebna določena sila, zato je funkcija MTC zelo priporočljiva za boljši občutek z mrzlimi rokami ali v rokavicah za štetje klikov.<br> Dvojni revolverji omogočajo enostavno branje nastavitev dometa, tako taktilno kot vizualno.<br> Optika je v današnjem času verjetno lahko premagljiva, vendar je zasnova preverjena, trdna in uporabniku zelo prijazna.<br>
    I use my PM II on a Steyr HS50 M1, a 12.7mm/cal .50 rifle, so this scope is indeed subjected to high recoil forces whilst required to work with extreme precision at long ranges. And it does deliver very precise tracking. <br>It's my first S&B scope but will over time put these scopes on all my rifles.<br>The turrets need some force to be turned so the MTC function is highly recommended for better feel with cold hands or with gloves to count the clicks.<br>The double turn turrets make for easy reading, tactile and visual, of the range setting.<br>The optics can arguably be beaten these days but the design is proven, solid and very user friendly.<br>

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    Uporabniške datoteke

    Osebne izkušnje ostalih uporabnikov so lahko nekomu v veliko pomoč. Z deljenjem svojih posnetkov, fotografij in mnenj o izdelkih pripomorete k lažji odločitvi bodočih kupcev.


    Uporabniška vprašanja

    Potrebujete pomoč? Niste prepričani, če je izdelek pravi za vas? Ne oklevajte - vprašajte našo skupnost, ki je tukaj, da vam pomaga pri vprašanjih o izdelku.

    Zdravljeni. Ta izdelek bom kupil za svojega prijatelja v Nemčiji. Ali pošiljate v Köln (Koln)? Ali je na zalogi. moj prijatelj mi ga bo prinesel v Turčijo. Ali obstaja težava s carino?

    Hello there. I will buy this product for my friend in Germany. Do you ship to Cologne(koln)? Is it in stock. my friend will bring him to Turkey for me. Is there a problem with the customs?

    od Fatih

    Dragi Fatih,

    zahvaljujemo se vam, da ste nas kontaktirali.

    Ta izdelek lahko brez težav pošljemo v Nemčijo, vendar vas glede carinskih postopkov in omejitev prosimo, da se obrnete na lokalni carinski urad.

    Če imate kakršnakoli dodatna vprašanja ali pomisleke, se obrnite neposredno na nas na naslov Tu smo, da vam pomagamo.

    S spoštovanjem,

    Dear Fatih,

    thank you for contacting us.

    We can ship this product to Germany without a problem, however, regarding the customs procedures and restrictions we would kindly ask you to contact your local customs office.

    If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us directly at We are here to help.

    Kind Regards,

    od Optics Trade team

    Zdravljeni! Pustil sem se zmesti ob gledanju videoposnetka na you tube in moja višinska vežica zdaj ni nastavljena. Poskušal sem jo nastaviti tako, da bi imela popolno nastavitev višine, pri čemer sem v ta namen zamenjal tirnico. Zdaj je v oknu prikazana polovica črne in polovica rumene barve in se ne spreminja z vrtenjem. Prosim, kaj naj storim?

    Hello! I let myself get confused watching a you tube video, and my elevation turret is out of adjustment now. I was attempting to set it so as to have full elevation adjustment, in that I replaced the rail to that benefit. Now, the window shows half black and half yellow and will not change with rotation. Please, what should I do?

    od John

    Drage gospod,

    zahvaljujemo se vam, da ste nas kontaktirali.

    Če prav razumemo, poskušate izničiti puškogled, vendar vam to ne uspeva zaradi pomanjkanja nastavitve višine? Morali bi vedeti, na kateri razdalji natančno poskušate izničiti daljnogled.

    Za nadaljnjo pomoč v zvezi s tem vas prosimo, da nas ponovno neposredno kontaktirate na

    Če boste potrebovali nadaljnjo pomoč, vas prosimo, da se ponovno obrnete na nas.

    S spoštovanjem,

    Dear Sir,

    thank you for contacting us.

    If we understand correctly, you are trying to zero your riflescope but you are unable to due to lack of elevation adjustment? We would need to know as to exactly which distance are you trying to zero the scope.

    For further assistance in this regard, we would kindly ask you to contact us again directly at

    Should you require any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us again.

    Kind Regards,

    od Optics Trade team

    Katera je cena

    What is the price

    od Niresh

    Za ta puškogled je osnovna cena 3.320 € z vključenim DDV. Upoštevajte, da lahko puškoglede serije PM podjetja Schmidt & Bender pošljemo samo znotraj EU.

    The base price for this riflescope is 3.320€ with VAT included. Please note that we can ship Schmidt & Bender's PM series riflescopes only within the EU.

    od Optics Trade team

    Pravkar me zanima cena, da lahko ocenim svojo novo puško

    Just wondering the price so I can price out my new rifle build

    od Julian

    Pomnite, da se cena tega izdelka razlikuje glede na želeno konfiguracijo. Cena osnovne konfiguracije daljnogleda je 3320 EUR z vključenim DDV.

    Please note that the price of this product varies based on the desired configuration. The price of the scope's basic configuration is 3320€ with the VAT included.

    od Optics Trade team