Steiner Observer 8x42
Na zalogi

Steiner Observer 8x42

(1 ocene)
Čas odpreme
Pošiljanje v 1-3 dneh
Možnost vračila
15 dni
Obročno odplačevanje Že od 10,85 € na mesec
1 2 3 4 6

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Steiner Observer 8x42 Opis izdelka

Made in Germany, these mid-to-high end roof prism binoculars are designed to be the perfect all-around companion according to Steiner and thus a binocular that you can simply use in your garden or take on just about any adventure and be sure that it won’t let you down.

The 8x42 configuration is ideal for a wide range of uses for a number of reasons, but to start with it produces a relatively large 5.3 mm exit pupil, which in combination with Steiner’s fully multi-coated, high contrast optical system they are able to provide you with bright, brilliant views with an accurate colour reproduction even in bad light conditions.

With a reasonably wide field of view (116m @ 1000m), these binoculars once again show their versatility as they make a good choice for those who need to scan wide open areas, but more importantly, at closer ranges, a wide view really helps to make it easier to quickly get  your subject in view and then follow it.

As for very close range observation of things like flowers, butterflies or other insects, this instrument has a good minimum close focus distance of around 2 meters and thus also makes them a good choice for this type of use.

100% waterproof, the housing on these Steiner Observer binoculars is made from the same extremely durable Makrolon polycarbonate material as used on their flagship ranges which is able to withstand huge forces and gives the instrument an operational temperature range of between -15°C to +55°C!

The outer surface is covered in a non-slip NBR-Longlife rubber which adds a further layer of protection to the optics and is more resistant to oil and acid than most rubber armours making it less likely to deteriorate over time.

These binoculars also feature what Steiner calls “cylindric rotation eyecups”, what this essentially means is that they have twist-up eyecups that enable you to accurately adjust the distance that your eyes sit behind the ocular lenses. This is especially important for those who want or need to use glasses as it helps to ensure that you are still able to maintain the full field of view when wearing them.

Splošne lastnosti

Proizvajalec Steiner
Serija daljnogledov Steiner Observer
Poreklo -
V proizvodnji od -
Garancija 10 let
SKU 23130900

Optične lastnosti

Vrsta prizme Roof - Schmidt/Pechan
Variabilna povečava Ne
Povečava. 8.00 x
Nastavitev dioptrije -
Premer leče 42.00 mm
Izhodna zenica 5.25 mm
Vidno polje 116.38 m/1000m
Zorni kot (v stop.) 6.65 °
Oddaljenost očesa od leče 17.00 mm
Najmanjša razdalja ostrenja 2.00 m
Mračni faktor 18.33
Prepustnost svetlobe -
Relativna svetlost 27,6

Fizične lastnosti

Premazi leč Več slojev - povsod
Dolžina 148.00 mm
Širina 128.00 mm
Višina 65.00 mm
Teža 696.00 g
Območje delovne temperature -15 / + 55 °C
Polnilo -
Sistem ostrenja Centralno
Nastavitev dioptrije Na levem okularju
Tip zgradbe Enojni spoj
Barva Črna

Posebne funkcije

Odpornost na vodo Da
Odpornost na rosenje Ne
Kompas Ne
Vgrajen daljinomer Ne
Stabilizacija slike Ne
Plovnost Ne

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Potrebujete pomoč? Niste prepričani, če je izdelek pravi za vas? Ne oklevajte - vprašajte našo skupnost, ki je tukaj, da vam pomaga pri vprašanjih o izdelku.

Spoštovani, nosim očala in iščem daljnogled, ki to podpira. Za Steiner Observer 8*42 v opisu piše, da se ga da gledati z očali, za 10*42, ki bi ga rad, pa ne, to drži? Hvala LP.

Poštovani ,nosim naočale i tražim dvogled koji to podržava Steiner Observer 8*42 piše u opisu da se može gledati sa naočalama ,a 10*42 koji bi htio ne može je li to točno hvala LP.

od Željko

Steiner model Observer 8x42 ima nastavljive okularje, kar pomeni, da je brez težav primeren tudi za ljudi, ki uporabljajo očala. 

od Optics Trade team

prosim za pomoč pri nakupu daljnogleda izbiram med meopta hd 8×42 steiner observer 8×42 dd optics kolibri 8×42 kowa sv ll 8×42 hvala za nasvet

od drago

Za bolj podrobno in objektivno primerjavno med podanimi daljnogledi vas vljudno prosimo da nas kontaktirate na ali na telefonsko številko 031-770-520

od Optics Trade team


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