Steiner Ranger 4 3-12x56

Steiner Ranger 4 3-12x56

(3 ocene)
Tako nizko, kot: 1.039,00 €
Čas odpreme
Pošiljanje v 1-3 dneh
Možnost vračila
15 dni
Obročno odplačevanje Že od 26,76 € na mesec

Izdelki na zalogi

Letev za montažo
4A Illuminated
1.039,00 €
4A Illuminated
1.129,00 €
1 2 3 4 6

Pomoč pri dostavi

Izberite državo pošiljanja in ponudnika dostave

Vaša izbrana lokacija bo shranjena, tudi ko boste brskali po drugih izdelkih. Ob zaključku nakupa boste lahko izbirali med več vrstami plačila.

Pomoč uporabnikom

Naša izkušena ekipa vam je pripravljena pomagati skozi celoten proces od nakupa do uporabe izdelka. Če imate vprašanja, nas prosimo kontaktirajte.
Kontaktirajte nas

Steiner Ranger 4 3-12x56 Opis izdelka

  • The Steiner Ranger 4 3-12x56 is an excellent rifle scope that offers great value for the price.

  • It has excellent optical quality, color fidelity, and light transmission.

  • It also features a mounting rail, which is a rare feature for this price range.

  • The drawbacks are that some people may not like the reticle design, and the lens covers could be improved.

  • Overall, the Steiner Ranger 4 3-12x56 is an excellent choice for a hunting rifle scope.

Steiner Ranger 4 series

After six years, a renowned Ranger series of five scopes has received a makeover. We can call the Ranger 4 as the second generation of Ranger. The original Ranger rifle scopes were one of the finest hunting rifle scopes available for such a low price, and the second generation continues that reputation.

Models in Ranger 4 series:

Optical Properties

The most noticeable improvement is probably the field of view, which has been made wider. At 3x magnification, the rifle scope now provides 13 meters of the FOV at 100 meters. The difference, when compared to the first generation, is about 5 to 10% in terms of fields of view.

The light transmission rate has been improved and the colors are better. The riflescopes also fares slightly better at night and in low light. The image is very sharp, there is no tunnel effect.

Physical Properties

The Steiner Ranger 4 3-12x56 is a 640-gram rifle scope that measures 35 centimeters in length. For this sort of rifle scope, it's rather standard weight and length. Even in temperatures as low as minus 25 degrees Celsius, you won't have to deal with internal fogging. It comes with a robust aluminum housing and is also waterproof.

With Ranger 4 3-12x56 the parallax is fixed at 100 meters. There are now plus, and minus symbols on the diopter dial for an easier diopter adjustment. The clicks on the turrets are further apart and they produce crisper sounds.

The Ranger 4 3-12x56 comes with a redesigned reticle. In the old series, the lines used to intersect in the middle, and the dot appeared at the intersection when the illumination was turned on. With the new model, the intersection has been replaced with a fine dot and there is a small gap between the lines.

The new Ranger 4 3-12x56 model has eleven illumination settings, and they're split into two sections - the first six of which are for dusk use. Levels from 7 to 11 are more daytime usable, even though they are not strong daytime usable.

The turrets may be reset to zero in a matter of seconds. One revolution has 60 clicks. There are 11.6 MILs of elevation altogether.

Steiner Ranger 4 3-12x56 comes with a 30-millimeter tube for mounting purposes. It's unusual for riflescopes in this price range to come with a mounting rail.

What’s in the Box?

  1. A bikini cover

  2. Lens cloth

  3. Instruction manual


All Steiner Ranger 4 scopes come with a 10-year warranty and are manufactured in the United States.

Splošne lastnosti

Proizvajalec Steiner
Serija strelnih daljnogledov Steiner Ranger
Poreklo -
V proizvodnji od 2021
Garancija 10 let
SKU 8771900204c

Optične lastnosti

Variabilna povečava Da
Najmanjša povečava. 3.00 x
Največja povečava 12.00 x
Nastavitev dioptrije - 3.0 / + 2.0 dpt
Premer leče 56.00 mm
Min. izhodna zenica 4.70 mm
Max. premer izhodne zenice 9.50 mm
Min. vidno polje 3.30 m/100m
Max. vidno polje 13.00 m/100m
Min. oddaljenost očesa 90.00 mm
Največja oddaljenost očesa 90.00 mm
Prepustnost svetlobe 90%
Hitra nastavitev ostrine Da

Lastnosti kupol

Korak nastavitve križa 10mm/100m - 0.10MIL
Tip kupol Pokrite
Zero Stop Ne
Št. obratov kupole Več obratov
Smer vrtenja kupole Proti urni smeri
Maks. pomik križa po višini 11.60 mrad
Maks. pomik križa po višini (MOA) 39.00 MOA
Pomik križa po smeri 11.60 mrad
Pomik križa po smeri (MOA) 39.00 MOA

Lastnosti križa

Pozicija križa 2. goriščna ravnina
Osvetlitev križa Da
Barva osvetlitve Rdeča
Dnevna osvetlitev križa Ne
Avtomatski izklop -

Lastnosti paralakse

Nastavitev paralakse 100 m
Nastavljiva paralaksa Ne
Območje nastavitve paralakse No

Fizične lastnosti

Dolžina 350.00 mm
Teža 680.00 g
Območje delovne temperature - 25 / + 65°C
Tip baterije CR2032
Polnilo Dušik
Premazi leč Več slojev - povsod
Premer cevi 30 mm
Tip letve Zeiss ZM/VM
Tip montažne letve Ne
Premer objektiva 64 mm
Premer okularja 45.8 mm
Barva Črna

Posebne funkcije

Odpornost na vodo Da
Odpornost na rosenje Da
Odpornost na udarce Da
Posebne lastnosti Hitro ostrenje, Odporen na rosenje, Odporen na udarce, Osvetljen križ, Variabilna povečava, Večslojni premaz - povsod, Vodoodporen
Vgrajen daljinomer Ne


Suitable for Compatibility Above 30 mm, 30 mm with Rail
Suitable for Compatibility Below 30 mm, Zeiss ZM/VM Rail

Zakaj izbrati Optics Trade?

  • Široka izbira izdelkov na zalogi
  • Podpora izkušenih strokovnjakov
  • Vaše zadovoljstvo je na prvem mestu

Ocene in priporočila

3 ocene
Imate morda že izkušnje s tem izdelkom?
Zelo bi bili veseli vaše ocene tega izdelka:
Ocenite izdelek

How do you rate this product?

Steiner Ranger 4 3-12x56 - Lov na jelene - Avstralija Steiner Ranger 4 3-12x56 - Deer Hunting - Australia

Ta daljnogled sem uporabljal za lov na sambarske jelene v slabi svetlobi in podnevi, bodisi za zasede bodisi za zasledovanje jelenov.<br>Nazadnje sem ugotovil, da je daljnogled zelo dober, pogled je jasen in oster, predvsem pa je osvetljena rdeča pika.<br>Ta se lahko prilagodi glede na svetlobne razmere, tako da jo lahko pri lovu v močni svetlobi popolnoma izklopite ali pa povečate rdečo piko. V slabih svetlobnih razmerah lahko osvetlitev povečate, ko svetloba zbledi. Točka je majhna in ostra, nima nobenih zametkov, horizontalna in vertikalna mrežica pa sta lepi in tanki, vendar zelo živahni.<br>Diopter je užitek uporabljati, je čvrst, vendar ne tesen in ostane tam, kjer ga nastavite.<br>Ta daljnogled mi je všeč, ne zato, ker ga imam, ampak zato, ker dobro deluje.<br>Če ste lovec na jelene, ki rad preži na zasede v pojemajoči svetlobi, je ta daljnogled pravi za vas.<br>Slabša stran - nobene.<br>Najboljša lastnost - odlična kakovost optike za slabo svetlobo.<br>Izstopajoča lastnost - osvetljena spremenljiva svetlost rdeče pike.
I've used this scope for hunting Sambar deer in low light and day light conditions, either ambushing or stalking deer.<br>I have found the scope to be very good, the view is clear and crisp but above all is the illuminated red dot reticle.<br>The reticle can be adjusted according to the light conditions so that if you are hunting in bright light you can either turn it off completely or increase the red dot. For low light conditions, you can increase the illumination as the light fades. The dot is small and crisp, it has no fussiness and the horizontal and vertical reticles are nice and thin but very vivid.<br>The diopter is a pleasure to use, it is firm but not tight and it stays where you adjust it to.<br>I love this scope, not because I own one but because it works well.<br>If you are a deer hunter, who likes to ambush in the fading light, this is the scope for you.<br>Down side - none.<br>Best feature - excellent quality optics for low light.<br>Standout feature - Illuminated variable brightness of the red-dot.

Mnenja po


Zelo dober vsestranski lovski daljnogled z izjemnimi poprodajnimi storitvami. Very good all-round hunting scope backed exceptional after-sale service.

Pet let sem uporabljal Steiner Ranger prve generacije. V težkih razmerah v Južni Afriki in Namibiji je deloval brezhibno. Vendar se je pojavila majhna tehnična težava, zato sem ga poslal na servis in odpravo k Steinerju v Nemčijo. Steiner je naredil izjemen korak in zamenjal daljnogled z novo generacijo Ranger 4; v treh tednih po oddaji!! Novi daljnogled sem uporabljal na svojem modelu 270 Win za obsežen lov in izločanje, pogosto v neugodnih razmerah. V zadnjih mesecih sem s kombinacijo Steiner/Sako270 (vsi streli na glavo) uplenil približno 150 živali (večinoma jarice, modre gnuje in gemsboka). Objektivno lahko trdim, da je novi model v vseh pogledih enakovreden trem dražjim znamkam, ki jih prav tako uporabljam. Zame je mrežica novega modela (osvetljena "plavajoča" pika) skoraj popolna za streljanje v vseh razmerah, vključno z gostim grmičevjem Vzhodnega Capea v Južni Afriki in prostranimi odprtimi planjavami Namibije. Steiner Ranger 4 brezpogojno priporočam.
I used a 1st generation Steiner Ranger for five years. It performed flawlessly under harsh conditions in South Africa and Namibia. It however developed a small technical problem and was sent to Steiner in Germany for a service and rectification. Steiner took the extraordinary step to replace the scope with a new generation Ranger 4; within three weeks after submission !! I have been using the new scope on my 270 Win for extensive hunting and culling often under adverse conditions. I have taken in the order of 150 animals (mainly springbok, blue wildebeest and gemsbok) with the Steiner/Sako270 combo over the past months (all head-shots). I can objectively state that the new model is in all respects on par with the three more expensive brands which I also use. For me, the new model’s reticle (illuminated ‘floating’ dot) is near perfect for shooting in the all conditions, including the dense thickets of the Eastern Cape of South Africa and the vast open plains of Namibia. I unconditionally recommend the Steiner Ranger 4.

Mnenja po


Jasnost pri šibki svetlobi Clarity in low light

Ta puškogled sem uporabljal en mesec in z njim so padli trije divji prašiči. Kontrast in uporaba pri šibki svetlobi sta navdušujoča, za primerjavo pa sem uporabil več vrhunskih blagovnih znamk. Globina ostrine je nenavadno velika, ostrina robov pa res dobra. Ta daljnogled zagotovo ostane na mojem Sako 338wm.
I have used this riflescope during a month and three wildboars have fallen using it. Contrast and use in low light are impressing and I have used several premium brands to compare with. Depth of focus is unusually long, edge sharpness really good. This scope definitely stays on my Sako 338wm.

Mnenja po


Uporabniške datoteke

Osebne izkušnje ostalih uporabnikov so lahko nekomu v veliko pomoč. Z deljenjem svojih posnetkov, fotografij in mnenj o izdelkih pripomorete k lažji odločitvi bodočih kupcev.


Uporabniška vprašanja

Potrebujete pomoč? Niste prepričani, če je izdelek pravi za vas? Ne oklevajte - vprašajte našo skupnost, ki je tukaj, da vam pomaga pri vprašanjih o izdelku.

Ne najdem načina, kako odvijačiti pokrov gumba za osvetlitev, da bi lahko namestil novo baterijo.To je prvič, ko ga uporabljam.Vnaprej se vam zahvaljujem za pomoč.



Dragi gospod/panja,

zahvaljujemo se vam, da ste nas kontaktirali.

Svetujemo vam, da za odstranitev gumba baterije uporabite krpo, s katero ga boste bolje prijeli, ali pa preprosto uporabite rokavico iz lateksa.

Za dodatne informacije o zadevi se obrnite neposredno na nas na naslov

S spoštovanjem,

Dear Sir/Madam,

thank you for contacting us.

We advise you to use a cloth to get a better grip on the battery knob in order to remove it or simply use a latex glove.

For additional information on the matter, please contact us directly at

Kind Regards,

od Optics Trade team

Ali se bo ta obseg s tirnico neposredno povezal s starimi razdeljenimi bazami weaver.

Will this scope with rail connect directly with old split weaver bases.

od Eric

Drage gospod,

zahvaljujemo se vam, da ste se obrnili na nas.

Upoštevajte, da ima ta puškogled z vodilom standard za montažo ZM/VM.

Zahvaljujemo se vam za razumevanje in vas prosimo, da nas ponovno kontaktirate, če vam lahko pomagamo na kakršen koli drug način.

S spoštovanjem

Dear Sir,

thank you for reaching out to us.

Please note that this riflescope with the rail has a ZM/VM mounting standard.

Thank you for your understanding and please do not hesitate to contact us again if we can assist you in any other way.

Kind regards

od Optics Trade team

Hi, tudi jaz si ogledujem to področje, kakšne so možnosti montaže? Oba moja trenutna daljnogleda sta 25-milimetrska, eden z Leupoldovo osnovo in vrtljivim obročem spredaj in navijalnim zadaj. Drugi ima razdeljene osnove in nastavke Weaver. Hvala.

Hi, I am also looking at this scope, what are the mounting options? BOTH my current scopes are 25mmtubes, one with Leupold base and twist ring front and windage back. Other split weaver bases and mounts. Thanks.

od Eric

Drage gospod,

zahvaljujemo se vam, da ste se obrnili na nas.

Ta puškogled je na voljo s 30 mm cevjo ali integrirano tirnico ZM/VM.

S spoštovanjem

Dear Sir,

thank you for reaching out to us.

This riflescopes comes either with a 30mm tube or an integrated ZM/VM rail.

Kind regards

od Optics Trade team

Morem kupiti strelni daljnogled Steiner 2x8 - 42 mm ranger. Optics Trade je bil na zalogi. Razumem, da je izdelan v ZDA - želim ga kupiti, živim v Indiani v ZDA..

Can I purchase the Steiner 2x8 - 42mm ranger rifle scope. Found listing Optics Trade was on backorder. Understand its made in US-Want to purchase I live in Indiana USA..

od Mark

Dragi Mark,

zahvaljujemo se vam, da ste nas kontaktirali.

Na žalost imamo nekatere omejitve glede izvoza izdelkov Steiner, zato jih ne moremo pošiljati v Ameriko ali Kanado.

Iskreno se vam opravičujemo za morebitne nevšečnosti, ki smo vam jih povzročili.

Če boste potrebovali kakršne koli dodatne informacije, se lahko ponovno obrnete na nas.

S spoštovanjem,

Dear Mark,

thank you for contacting us.

Unfortunately, we have some restrictions regarding the export of Steiner products and we are unable to ship them to America or Canada.

We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience we may have caused.

If you will need any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us again.

Kind regards,

od Optics Trade team

Cena za strelni daljnogled Steiner ranger 4 3-12x56

Price for a Steiner ranger 4 3-12x56 rifle scope

od Alfred

Dragi Alfred,

zahvaljujemo se vam, da ste nas kontaktirali.

Cena tega izdelka je 949,00 EUR.

Če boste potrebovali dodatne informacije, nas ponovno kontaktirajte.

S spoštovanjem,

Dear Alfred,

thank you for contacting us.

The price for this product is 949.00 EUR.

If you will need any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us again.

Kind regards,

od Optics Trade team

Zdravljeni, ali vam je potekla dostava v Argentino? Naša carinska služba je res težavna, saj prepoveduje vse, kar je povezano z orožjem

Hi, do you have expirence Shipping to argentina? Our custom servixe is really dificult, it tends to ban everithing relationed with guns

od Federico

Drage gospod,

zahvaljujemo se vam, da ste nas kontaktirali.

Izdelke Steiner lahko pošljemo v Argentino, vendar vam svetujemo, da se za več informacij obrnete na carinski urad.

S spoštovanjem

Dear Sir,

thank you for contacting us.

We can ship Steiner products to Argentina, although we kindly advise you to contact the customs office for more information.

Kind regards

od Optics Trade team

Spoštovani, dvomim o Steiner Ranger 4 3-12x56 in Zeiss V4 3-12x56, mi lahko iz svojih izkušenj poveste katera optika je boljša za lov v mraku in podnevi, hvala.

Postovani, imam dvojbu oko Steiner Ranger 4 3-12x56 i Zeiss V4 3-12x56, jel mi mozete iz iskustva reci koja je optika bolja za lov u sumraku i po danu,hvala.

od Alan  15:53


zahvaljujemo se vam za vaše sporočilo.

Med omenjenima strelnima daljnogledoma bi za lov v mraku dali prednost Steiner Ranger 4 3-12x56. Prav tako si lahko ogledate naša priporočila v tem cenovnem razredu tukaj: Za takojšno informacijo preskočite posnetek na 15:53.

Hvala za vaše razumevanje.

V primeru kakršnihkoli dodatnih informacij smo vam kadarkoli na voljo.

Lep Pozdrav

od Optics Trade team

Dobro jutro, zanima me ta optika Steiner 4 3-12x56, kakšna je končna cena in ali jo je mogoče poslati v Švico? Morebitno, če imate balistične vežice in koliko stanejo? Čakam na vaš odgovor z lepimi pozdravi.

Buongiorno, sono interessato a questa ottica Steiner 4 3-12x56 quale e il prezzo definitivo e se si po mandare in Svizzera? Eventualmente se li avete le torrette balistiche e quanto costano? In attesa della vostra risposta i migliori salutti.

od Murat

Drage gospod,

zahvaljujemo se vam, da ste nas kontaktirali.

Obveščamo vas, da lahko daljnogled Steiner Ranger 4 3-12x56 brez težav pošljemo v Švico. V naši ponudbi imamo tudi balistične pokrovčke Steiner 4, njihova trenutna cena pa je 199 €.

Za razumevanje se vam zahvaljujemo.

Če boste potrebovali dodatne informacije, nas brez oklevanja ponovno kontaktirajte.

S spoštovanjem

Dear Sir,

thank you for contacting us.

We would like to inform you that we can ship Steiner Ranger 4 3-12x56 to Switzerland with no problem. Also, we have Steiner 4 ballistic caps in our offer and their current price is 199€.

Thank you for your understanding.

If you will need any additional information please do not hesitate to contact us again.

Kind Regards

od Optics Trade team

Do ste poslali na Islandijo takoj upoštevati

Do you sent to Iceland immediately regard

od Ricard

Drage gospod,

zahvaljujemo se vam, da ste nas kontaktirali.

Ta izdelek lahko brez težav pošljemo na Islandijo.

Če boste potrebovali nadaljnjo pomoč, se lahko ponovno obrnete na nas.

S spoštovanjem,

Dear Sir,

thank you for contacting us.

We can ship this product to Iceland without a problem.

Should you require any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us again.

Kind Regards,

od Optics Trade team

Rabim gumo za daljnogled 6x42

od Upokojenec

Vljudno Vas prosimo, da natančno napišete model Vašega strelnega daljnogleda in njegovo serijsko številko. Prosimo Vas za potrditev, da gre za gumico na okularju.

od Optics Trade team

Pozdravljeni zanima me kakšne montažne obročke imate za dalnogled steiner Ranger 3-12×56 in kolikšna je cena.Kolikšna bi bila cena z dalnogledom in obročki.Puško imam browning 308Win. LpLeon

od Leon

Vljudno vas prosimo, da nam sporočite točen model vaše puške po možnosti tudi sliko montažne površine. Za ponudbo o strelnem daljnogledu in montaži pa vas prosimo da nas kontaktirate na ali pa na telefonsko številko 031 770 520.

od Optics Trade team

Lp. Zanima ne c se da dobit laico magnus brez osvetlitve. Pa kaksna bi bila cena. Brez osvetlitve pomeni brez osvetljene pike ce dobro zastopim. Hvala

od Mitja

Modeli Leica Magnus so na voljo zgolj z osvetlitvijo. Proizvajalec jih je že pred časom prenehal izdelovati. 

od Optics Trade team

Prijazno - ali je mogoče to področje poslati v Združene države Amerike? Vem, da nekaterih Kahlov itd. ni mogoče. Ta me zelo zanima. Hvala!

Greetings- Can this scope be sent to the United States? I know that some Kahles, etc. can not. I am very interested in this one. Thank you!

od Romans