Steiner Ranger 8 1-8x24
Na zalogi

Steiner Ranger 8 1-8x24

Tako nizko, kot: 1.809,00 €
Čas odpreme
Pošiljanje v 1-3 dneh
Možnost vračila
15 dni
Obročno odplačevanje Že od 46,59 € na mesec

Izdelki na zalogi

Tip kupole
Letev za montažo
Pokrite kupole - visoke
1.809,00 €
1 2 3 4 6

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Steiner Ranger 8 1-8x24 Opis izdelka

  • The 8x zoom of Steiner Ranger 8 1-8x24 scope is a great feature, and the 11-step optical fiber illumination is extremely precise and bright.
  • The hard zero stop on single-turn windage and elevation turrets helps ensure accuracy.
  • Steiner Ranger 8 1-8x24 reticle 4Ai is in the 2nd focal plane.
  • All Steiner Ranger scopes are made in the United States of America.

Steiner Ranger 8 Series

Steiner Ranger 8 is the latest edition of Ranger scopes, with 4 models in the series. Each Ranger 8 offers its own set of features and benefits, making thise riflescopes a perfect choice for any shooter or hunter.

Steiner Ranger 8 Models

All models in the Ranger 8 series are available with a ballistic turret (BT). The only exception is the wide-angle model 1-8x24 for obvious reasons.

Physical Properties

The exact length of this 1-8x24 scope is 290 millimeters. It is 510 grams heavy. The main tube is made of aluminum and measures 30mm. The parallax adjustment is fixed at 100 meters.

The scope is water- and shock-resistant. The internal surfaces are charged with dry Nitrogen gas. Steiner Ranger 8 1-8x24 works from minus 25 to plus 65 degrees Celsius.

Single-turn windage and elevation turrets have a hard zero stop, which is a rarely seen feature. These hunting turrets are low and capped. Although it is simple, setting the zero on Steiner Ranger 8 1-8x24 requires tools. The two screws on the top of the turret must be loosened with a hex key that's included in the product box.

Optical Properties

The magnification range is 1-8x, which makes this a wide-angle model. The scope sports a 24-millimeter objective lens, like the majority of scopes of this type. 

The eye relief is 95 millimeters. This 1-8x24 scope for driven hunts can be easily utilized with both eyes open. On base magnification (without image enlargement), the Steiner Ranger 8 1-8x24's field of view is 37.8 meters at 100 meters.

The Steiner Ranger 8 1-8x24 reticle is in the second focal plane. The only design available is the remodeled German #4, called 4Ai. This reticle is designed for short to medium-range shots. The 4Ai reticle on Ranger 8 models is outlined with optical fiber. The illumination is super-precise and intensely bright. The 0.1 MIL center dot is completely daytime bright.

This Steiner wide-angle riflescope has 11 levels of illumination. Up to level 6, the dot is suitable for lowlight conditions. From levels 7 to 11, the dot can be used during the day. There's an off switch located between each level of intensity.

What's in the Box?

  1. Steiner Ranger 8 1-8x24 scope
  2. plastic flip-up cap
  3. hex key for turrets
  4. lens cleaning cloth
  5. Ranger 8 user guide

Steiner Ranger 8 1-8x24 Warranty

This scope is made in the USA since the Beretta group that Steiner is a part of also owns Burris. Steiner Ranger 8 1-8x24 comes with a 10-year warranty. The warranty on electronic parts is 2 years. Unlike the bulk of Steiner Optik production, the post-sales service and repairs are done in Bayreuth, Germany.

Splošne lastnosti

Proizvajalec Steiner
Serija strelnih daljnogledov Steiner Ranger
Poreklo ZDA
V proizvodnji od 2022
Garancija 10 let
SKU 3001900204c

Optične lastnosti

Variabilna povečava Da
Najmanjša povečava. 1.00 x
Največja povečava 8.00 x
Nastavitev dioptrije -3/+2
Premer leče 24.00 mm
Min. izhodna zenica 3.00 mm
Max. premer izhodne zenice 8.50 mm
Min. vidno polje 4.73 m/100m
Max. vidno polje 37.80 m/100m
Min. oddaljenost očesa 95.00 mm
Največja oddaljenost očesa 95.00 mm
Prepustnost svetlobe 92%
Hitra nastavitev ostrine Da

Lastnosti kupol

Korak nastavitve križa 10mm/100m - 0.10MIL
Tip kupol Pokrite
Zaklepanje kupol Ne
Zero Stop Da
Št. obratov kupole 1. obrat
Maks. pomik križa po višini 20.00 mrad
Maks. pomik križa po višini (MOA) 69.00 MOA
Pomik križa po smeri 20.00 mrad
Pomik križa po smeri (MOA) 69.00 MOA

Lastnosti križa

Pozicija križa 2. goriščna ravnina
Osvetlitev križa Da
Barva osvetlitve Rdeča
Dnevna osvetlitev križa Da
Avtomatski izklop Da
Velikost pike 2.00 MOA

Lastnosti paralakse

Nastavitev paralakse 100 m
Nastavljiva paralaksa Ne
Območje nastavitve paralakse No

Fizične lastnosti

Dolžina 290.00 mm
Teža 510.00 g
Območje delovne temperature -25/+63°C
Tip baterije CR2032
Polnilo Dušik
Premazi leč Več slojev - povsod
Premer cevi 30 mm
Tip montažne letve Brez
Premer objektiva 30
Mounting Standard 30mm Red Dot Sight Tube
Barva Črna

Posebne funkcije

Odpornost na vodo Da
Odpornost na rosenje Da
Odpornost na udarce Da
Posebne lastnosti Hitro ostrenje, Odporen na rosenje, Odporen na udarce, Osvetljen križ, Variabilna povečava, Vodoodporen
Vgrajen daljinomer Ne


Suitable for Compatibility Above 30 mm
Suitable for Compatibility Below 30 mm

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