Steiner Ranger Xtreme 8x32
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Steiner Ranger Xtreme 8x32

(1 ocene)
Čas odpreme
Pošiljanje v 1-3 dneh
Možnost vračila
15 dni
Obročno odplačevanje Že od 12,85 € na mesec
1 2 3 4 6

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Steiner Ranger Xtreme 8x32 Opis izdelka

Made in Germany to a high specification using excellent quality components, optical glass and coatings these rugged, but reasonably compact binoculars are aimed at the mobile hunter wanting a high performance, but easy to carry instrument.

Whilst the Steiner Ranger Xtreme series as a whole is designed with hunting in mind, there is no reason why these binoculars cannot also be used for many other uses as well. This 8x32 model, in particular, has a number of features that make it the perfect instrument in a wide range of scenarios.

Firstly, it has a wide field of view (133 m @ 1000m), which is important for hunting but is something that most general wildlife observes and in particular bird watchers really appreciate as it makes it easier to quickly locate your subject in your view and then in the case of small, fast-moving and erratic subjects, it makes it much easier to follow them at closer ranges. This can be especially important when observing birds or other small wildlife species in a forest for example.

Steiner’s Fast-Close-Focus system also adds to this capability as the easy to reach central focusing wheel requires fewer turns than most and thus helps enable you to lock on and get a pin sharp view as quickly as possible before missing out on anything.

What is more, their wide view in combination with the instruments more compact size also makes this binocular a great option to take along to most outdoor sporting events as they are easy to pack into your daysack and the wide view allows you to observe far more of the on-field action without having to pan about.

Next, these Steiner Ranger Xtreme 8x32 binoculars have an excellent minimum close focus distance of only 1.9 meters. At this extremely close range, it is possible to get excellent views of things like butterflies and flowers. This great close focus capability, as well as their smaller dimensions and lower weight, makes them an ideal companion to keep in your bag the next time you visit your local museum or art gallery.

Where these and indeed most 8x32 binoculars are not ideal is in extremely low light situations. This is because their smaller lenses and resulting reduced exit pupil size means that they are unable to supply your eyes with as much light as binoculars with larger lenses.

Splošne lastnosti

Proizvajalec Steiner
Serija daljnogledov Steiner Ranger Xtreme
Poreklo Nemčija
V proizvodnji od 2013
Garancija 30 let
SKU 51190900

Optične lastnosti

Vrsta prizme Roof - Schmidt/Pechan
Variabilna povečava Ne
Povečava. 8.00 x
Premer leče 32.00 mm
Izhodna zenica 4.00 mm
Vidno polje 133.00 m/1000m
Zorni kot (v stop.) 7.62 °
Mračni faktor 16
Relativna svetlost 16

Fizične lastnosti

Premazi leč Več slojev - povsod
Dolžina 128.00 mm
Širina 124.00 mm
Višina 60.00 mm
Teža 620.00 g
Območje delovne temperature -20 to +80 °C
Polnilo Dušik
Sistem ostrenja Centralno
Nastavitev dioptrije Na levem okularju
Tip zgradbe Enojni spoj
Barva Modra

Posebne funkcije

Odpornost na vodo Da
Odpornost na rosenje Da
Kompas Da
Vgrajen daljinomer Ne
Stabilizacija slike Ne
Plovnost Ne

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How do you rate this product?

Odličen robusten in dobro uravnotežen daljnogled. Dobro se obnese v slabem vremenu in pri delu v rokavicah. Excellent rugged and well balanced binoculars. Works well in adverse weather and gloved operations.

Daljnogledi Steiner so običajno odlični za delo v rokavicah in na prostem, ti majhni in srednje veliki daljnogledi 8x32 pa niso izjema. V zadnjem času sem si ogledoval nadgradnjo, da bi videl znatno nadgradnjo pri izravnavi polja, prenosu svetlobe ter enostavnosti uporabe in držanja; moral bi končati s stvarmi, kot je Swaro SLC HD.<br><br>V preteklosti sem uporabljal več optik, za splošno uravnoteženje cene in lastnosti je ta Ranger Xtreme 8x32 ena najboljših, ki bi jo priporočil. Ta 8x32 ima manj kromatične aberacije (CA) in širše vidno polje kot njegov brat 8x42. CA tega 8x32 je prav tako manjša kot pri ekvivalentih Minox BV/BF ali Zeiss Terra ED 10x42, podaljšano zastekljevanje pa je bilo razmeroma udobno. Gumijasti oklep je odličen za oprijem, sprednji pokrov objektiva pa se nikoli ne izgubi. Steinerjev sistem Clickloc je zelo priročen za snemanje traku in sprednjih pokrovov pri uporabi na stativu, da se zmanjša tresenje zaradi vetra. Očesna razbremenitev dobro deluje z očali, tu ni težav. Na splošno je to zelo uravnotežen daljnogled. Za to ceno nimam drugih priporočil, ki bi bili tako vzdržljivi za grobo uporabo v neugodnih vremenskih razmerah in hkrati uravnoteženi v več vidikih.
Steiner binoculars are usually great for gloved operations and the rugged outdoors, these small-mid size 8x32 binoculars are no exception. Lately I have been looking at an upgrade, to see a significant upgrade in field flattening, light transmission, and ease of use and hold; I would have to end up with things like the Swaro SLC HD.<br><br>In the past I have used several optics, for an overall balanced of price and features, this Ranger Xtreme 8x32 is one of the top ones I would recommend. This 8x32 has less Chromatic Aberration (CA) and a wider field of view than its 8x42 brother. This 8x32’s CA is also less than the Minox BV/BF or Zeiss Terra ED 10x42 equivalents and extended glassing was relatively comfortable. The rubber armor is great to grip and the front objective covers never gets lost. The Steiner’s Clickloc system is very convenient for removing the strap & front covers when using on tripod to reduce wind shake. Eye relieve works well with glasses, zero issues here. Overall it is a very balanced binocular. For this price I have no other recommendations which are as durable for rough use under adverse weather and yet balanced in multiple aspects

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