Swarovski Z8i 3.5-28x50 P

Swarovski Z8i 3.5-28x50 P

(1 ocene)
Tako nizko, kot: 3.549,00 €
Čas odpreme
Pošiljanje v 2-4 tednih
Možnost vračila
15 dni
1 2 3 4 6

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Swarovski Z8i 3.5-28x50 P Opis izdelka

  • The wide magnification range of this model makes for an unmatchable versatility
  • The users of this riflescope will benefit from extreme precision and detail recognition when shooting at longer distances thanks to the maximum 28x magnification
  • Z8i riflescopes are known for brilliant image clarity edge to edge and 3.5–28x50 P is no exception
  • Engineered and manufactured in Austria
  • At 665 grams, the riflescope is extremely light and a welcome companion during longer, excruciating hunts


Swarovski Optik is one of the most renowned companies in the field of sports optics. The company, headquartered in the region of Tyrol, Austria, opened its doors in 1949. It was established by Wilhelm Swarovski, a man who produced his first binoculars back in 1935. Today, Swarovski boasts a rich tradition in the field of optics. Their products are a synonym for indisputable quality, providing superb optical quality and a meticulously crafted exterior.

About the series

The Z8i series was introduced at IWA 2016 in Germany. Since then, the series has comprised the top-of-the-line Swarovski riflescopes with an 8x zoom factor, 30mm tube and illuminated dot in the centre of the reticle. These riflescopes are built to last, enduring the recoil of even some of the strongest calibers out there. All have the reticle in the second focal plane and boast a 93% light transmission rate. The illumination control is located on the top of the eyepiece. Z8i riflescopes are equipped with the SWAROLIGHT function which automatically powers off the illumination whenever the riflescope is either tilted to the side or pointed upwards/downwards.

About the model (3.5–28x50 P)

Swarovski Z8i 3.5–28x50 P was introduced in 2019. With it, Swarovski filled the gap between the all-round 1.7–13.3x42 and twilight specialist 2.3–18x56. The 3.5–28x50 is a true long-range specialist, ideal for hunting situations where detail recognition is a must-have. This model excels at mountain hunts – on top of offering a maximum 28x magnification the riflescope is incredibly light (665 grams). In the mountains where every gram of surplus matters, the 3.5–28x50 is an indispensable piece of equipment.

The riflescope can be ordered with or without the Swarovski SR rail. There are three reticles to choose from – 4A-I, 4W-I, and BRX-I, all illuminated. It comes with capped turrets as standard which move the point of impact for 0.1 MIL per click (1 cm at 100 m). 3.5–28x50 can be ordered with one or two BTF-turrets (ballistic turret flex). ‘P’ in the name of this riflescope stands for the parallax turret, which provides parallax error correction from 50 meters to infinity. If rotated, the turret slows down at the 100-meter mark. Buyers also have the option of upgrading their 3.5–28x50 with a PBR (personalized ballistic ring) with individually engraved data.

On the exterior of the lenses, the SWAROCLEAN coating is applied. It repels dirt, dust, and water from the lens. The SWAROLIGHT function automatically powers off the illumination if the riflescope is tilted to the side or pointed upwards/downwards.

Swarovski 3.5–28x50 P is manufactured in Austria.

  • 30 mm tube
  • A great choice for long-range hunting
  • Illuminated dot
  • Adjustable parallax (side focus)
  • Can be ordered with a Swarovski SR rail underneath
  • Clicks in milliradians (0.1 MIL)
  • Three reticles to choose from
  • Reliable mechanics, shockproof
  • 8x zoom factor
  • Compatible with Swarovski BTF (ballistic turret flex)
  • 93% light transmission rate


The product comes with 10 years of warranty. You can read more about the warranty policy here.

Splošne lastnosti

Proizvajalec Swarovski
Serija strelnih daljnogledov Swarovski Z8i
Poreklo Avstrija
V proizvodnji od 2019
Garancija 10 let
SKU z8i3.5-28x50c

Optične lastnosti

Variabilna povečava Da
Najmanjša povečava. 3.50 x
Največja povečava 28.00 x
Nastavitev dioptrije -3 / +2 Dpt
Premer leče 50.00 mm
Min. izhodna zenica 1.80 mm
Max. premer izhodne zenice 8.10 mm
Min. vidno polje 1.50 m/100m
Max. vidno polje 12.10 m/100m
Min. oddaljenost očesa 95.00 mm
Največja oddaljenost očesa 95.00 mm
Mračni faktor 9.9 - 37.4
Prepustnost svetlobe 93 %
Hitra nastavitev ostrine Da

Lastnosti kupol

Korak nastavitve križa 10mm/100m - 0.10MIL
Tip kupol BDC z zaklepanjem
Zero Stop Da
Št. obratov kupole Več obratov
Smer vrtenja kupole Proti urni smeri
Maks. pomik križa po višini 14.00 mrad
Maks. pomik križa po višini (MOA) 50.00 MOA
Pomik križa po smeri 7.00 mrad
Pomik križa po smeri (MOA) 25.00 MOA
Pomik na obrat 70 cm/100 m

Lastnosti križa

Pozicija križa 2. goriščna ravnina
Osvetlitev križa Da
Barva osvetlitve Rdeča
Dnevna osvetlitev križa Da
Avtomatski izklop Da

Lastnosti paralakse

Nastavitev paralakse Adjustable
Nastavljiva paralaksa Da - stranska kupola
Območje nastavitve paralakse 50 m to infinity

Fizične lastnosti

Dolžina 381.00 mm
Teža 665.00 g
Območje delovne temperature -30 ° / + 70° C
Polnilo Dušik
Premazi leč Več slojev - povsod
Premer cevi 30 mm
Letev za montažo Da
Tip letve Swarovski SR
Dolžina za montažo 178.00 mm
Premer objektiva 56 mm
Premer okularja 45.5 mm
Barva Črna

Posebne funkcije

Odpornost na vodo Da
Odpornost na rosenje Da
Odpornost na udarce Da
Posebne lastnosti Hitro ostrenje, Montažne sani, Nastavljiva paralaksa, Odporen na rosenje, Odporen na udarce, Osvetljen križ, Variabilna povečava, Večslojni premaz - povsod, Vodoodporen
Vgrajen daljinomer Ne


Suitable for Compatibility Above 30 mm, 30 mm with Rail
Suitable for Compatibility Below 30 mm, Swarovski SR Rail

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How do you rate this product?

Najboljša optika zame Best optic for me

Doslej je to najboljša optika, ki sem jo imel za blaser r8
So far thisif the best optic ive had for the blaser r8

Mnenja po


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Osebne izkušnje ostalih uporabnikov so lahko nekomu v veliko pomoč. Z deljenjem svojih posnetkov, fotografij in mnenj o izdelkih pripomorete k lažji odločitvi bodočih kupcev.


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Spoštovanje. Imate to optiko na zalogi? Ali lahko dobim oceno?

Poštovanje. Imate li ovu optiku na stanju? Mogu dobiti predračun? 

od Elizabet


zahvaljujemo se vam za povpraševanje. 

Žal omenjena optika trenutno ni na zalogi. V kolikor ima proizvajalec izdelek na zalogi, je dobavni rok običajno med 7-10 dni od dne naročila.

V večini primerov je rok dobave odvisen tudi od konfiguracije optike zato vas prosimo, da nas kontaktirate na naslov info@optics-trade.eu ter nam zaupate želeno konfiguracijo.

Lep pozdrav 

od Optics Trade team

Zdravljeni Ta obseg je na voljo

Hi This scope is available

od Qasim

Drage gospod,

zahvaljujemo se vam, da ste nas kontaktirali.

Puškogled Swarovski Z8i 3,5-28x50P je trenutno na zalogi v različnih konfiguracijah. Vse morajo biti prikazane pod gumbom "dodaj v košarico".

Za razumevanje se vam zahvaljujemo.

Če boste potrebovali dodatne informacije, nas ponovno kontaktirajte.

S spoštovanjem

Dear Sir,

thank you for contacting us.

The Swarovski Z8i 3.5-28x50P riflescope is currently in stock in various configurations. They should all be displayed under the "add to cart"button.

Thank you for your understanding.

If you will need any additional information please do not hesitate to contact us again.

Kind Regards

od Optics Trade team

Hi, kako dolgo traja dostava?

Hi how long you take for delivery?

od Qasim

Drage gospod,

zahvaljujemo se vam, da ste nas kontaktirali.

Predvideni čas dostave se lahko razlikuje glede na konfiguracijo puškogleda. Upoštevajte, da jih je nekaj trenutno tudi na zalogi in jih lahko po naročilu pošljemo takoj. Vsi časi in stroški dostave so na voljo tukaj: https://www.optics-trade.eu/en/shipping.html

Hvala za razumevanje.

Če boste potrebovali kakršne koli dodatne informacije, nas ponovno kontaktirajte.

S spoštovanjem

Dear Sir,

thank you for contacting us.

The estimated delivery time can vary depending on the configuration of the riflescope. Please note that a few of them are also currently in stock and can be shipped immediately if ordered. All shipping times and costs can be seen here: https://www.optics-trade.eu/en/shipping.html

Thank you for your understanding.

If you will need any additional information please do not hesitate to contact us again.

Kind Regards

od Optics Trade team

Drage gospod Zeiss Victory V8 2.8-20x56 T*: za kaj je T*?

Dear sir Zeiss Victory V8 2.8-20x56 T*: what is T*for?

od michele

Prosim, pokličite me za ta predmet.

Please call me for this item.

od Sajid

Prijavite se nam neposredno na info@optics-trade.eu ali nas pokličite na +386 31 770 520

You can contact us directly at info@optics-trade.eu or call us on +386 31 770 520

od Optics Trade team

Hej, če pogledamo na spletu v Googlu, je za z8i 3,5-28x50 prikazana cena 2589 €. Ko tapnem na članek, te cene ne najdem več. Ali je še vedno na voljo po tej ceni? Lep pozdrav Billy

Hey, Looking online in Google a price of 2589€ is being shown for the z8i 3,5-28x50. Tapping on the article I can’t find that price anymore. Is it still available for that price? Best regards billy

od Billy

Cena, na katero se sklicujete, je cena brez DDV.

The price which you are referring to is the price with the VAT excluded.

od Optics Trade team