Zeiss Conquest HD 10x42

Zeiss Conquest HD 10x42

Obročno odplačevanje Že od 29,08 € na mesec
1 2 3 4 6

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Vaša izbrana lokacija bo shranjena, tudi ko boste brskali po drugih izdelkih. Ob zaključku nakupa boste lahko izbirali med več vrstami plačila.

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Naša izkušena ekipa vam je pripravljena pomagati skozi celoten proces od nakupa do uporabe izdelka. Če imate vprašanja, nas prosimo kontaktirajte.
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Zeiss Conquest HD 10x42 Opis izdelka

This powerful Conquest HD made in Germany by Zeiss is one of the best wildlife companion that provides you with the finest details. Outstanding light gathering ability due to HD lens system and ED glass is quite stunning with the help of Zeiss T* multi-coatings on glass surfaces. This optics also enhances color fidelity and contrast, providing amazing resolution even during the twilight. This all-round companion is ideal for wide range of activities in the great outdoors such as bird watching, hunting, traveling, event watching, astronomy and marine applications. We highly recommend mounting this very powerful Conquest HD to a tripod to get steady images and relieve the weight of using them through longer periods of time. They are still enough lightweight (795 g) and compact, with very durable and appealing modern design. Rubber shell protects them against impacts and makes them really comfortable to hold in hands due to soft armor. This Conquest HD has quite wide field of view (115 m) allowing you to follow small and fast moving targets with ease, very convenient especially for observers of the birds. The housing of these binoculars is filled with nitrogen gas for fog-proofness and tightly sealed to make them withstand water and other moisture. This setting together with hydrophobic, scratch-resistant LotuTech makes this conquest HD extremely durable and prolongs its life.


Short Description of Zeiss Conquest HD

Zeiss Conquest HD made in Germany by Zeiss offers one of the best versatile binoculars on the market. Very bright view-through is a result of HD lens system, extra-low dispersion glass and multi-layer ZEISS T* coatings that provides 90% of light transmission rate. This optics innovations together with phase correction provides amazingly bright and colorful images. Incredible resolution from edge to edge and minimized flaring and chromatic aberration satisfies even the most demanding users. You can choose among seven models, among which are the compacts, all-rounders and nighttime binoculars. When it comes to protection, Conquest HD features nitrogen filled housing tightly sealed for waterproof and fog-proof setting. Very beautiful elegant and modern design of this Conquest HD models is not only very appealing but also protects the inner housing with thick rubber armoring. You can use them without worrying even in the harshest weather conditions and challenging terrain with the help of LotuTec hydrophobic coating. Eyecups are multi-positioned with three click-stops, ideal for adjusting the proper eye-relief. Focusing is very quick and smooth with central focusing knob and right-eye diopter. Conquest HD provides very generous field of view that helps you to follow small and fast moving objects.


Features of Conquest HD Binoculars

  • Multi-coated (T*)
  • Scratch-resistant, Hydrophobic Coatings (LotuTec)
  • Phase Correction
  • Prism Coatings
  • Schmidt-Pechan Prisms
  • Single-bridge Design
  • Aluminum Body
  • Smooth Rubber Armoring
  • Click-Stop Eyecups
  • Central Focus Wheel
  • Right-eye Diopter
  • Waterproof and Fog-proof
  • Submersible


Accessories of Zeiss Conquest HD Binoculars

  • Neoprene Neck Strap
  • Rain-guards
  • Objective Lens Covers
  • Cordura Case
  • Lens Cleaning Cloth

Splošne lastnosti

Proizvajalec Zeiss
Serija daljnogledov Zeiss Conquest HD
Poreklo Nemčija
V proizvodnji od 2012
Garancija 10 let
SKU 524212-0000-000

Optične lastnosti

Vrsta prizme Roof - Schmidt/Pechan
Variabilna povečava Ne
Povečava. 10.00 x
Nastavitev dioptrije +4 / -4 dpt
Premer leče 42.00 mm
Izhodna zenica 4.20 mm
Vidno polje 115.00 m/1000m
Zorni kot (v stop.) 6.59 °
Navidezni zorni kot (v stop.) 66.00 °
Oddaljenost očesa od leče 18.00 mm
Najmanjša razdalja ostrenja 2.00 m
Mračni faktor 20.49
Prepustnost svetlobe 90 %
Relativna svetlost 17.6

Fizične lastnosti

Premazi leč Več slojev - povsod
Dolžina 155.00 mm
Širina 120.00 mm
Višina 50.00 mm
Teža 750.00 g
Območje delovne temperature -30° / +60°C
Polnilo Dušik
Sistem ostrenja Centralno
Nastavitev dioptrije Na desnem okularju
Tip zgradbe Enojni spoj
Barva Črna

Posebne funkcije

Odpornost na vodo Da
Odpornost na rosenje Da
Kompas Ne
Vgrajen daljinomer Ne
Stabilizacija slike Ne
Plovnost Ne

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Uporabniške datoteke

Osebne izkušnje ostalih uporabnikov so lahko nekomu v veliko pomoč. Z deljenjem svojih posnetkov, fotografij in mnenj o izdelkih pripomorete k lažji odločitvi bodočih kupcev.


Uporabniška vprašanja

Potrebujete pomoč? Niste prepričani, če je izdelek pravi za vas? Ne oklevajte - vprašajte našo skupnost, ki je tukaj, da vam pomaga pri vprašanjih o izdelku.

Ali imate na voljo videoposnetek Zeiss Conquest HD 10 x 42?

Do you have a video review of the Zeiss Conquest HD 10 x 42?

od Jim

Dragi Jim,

zahvaljujemo se vam, da ste nas kontaktirali.

Na žalost nimamo video pregleda za 10X42, imamo pa ga za 8x42.


Če potrebujete dodatne informacije, nas lahko kontaktirate na info@optics-trade.eu

S spoštovanjem.

Dear Jim,

thank you for contacting us.

Unfortunately, we don't have a video review of the 10X42 but we do have one for the 8x42.


Should you require any additional information you can contact us at info@optics-trade.eu

Kind regards.

od Optics Trade team

Hi, sem birdwatcher, popotnik in bloger in me zanima Zeiss Conquest HD 10x42, rad bi vedel naslednje- 1) datum izdelave tega izdelka 2) kakšna je neto neto stopnja za ta izdelek (mora biti vključena v vse davke vat in vse stroške, kurir in ? 3) prebivam v Indiji, kako dolgo bo trajalo, da dostavite ta izdelek? 4) če je izdelek pokvarjen, ali ga boste zamenjali z novim kosom ? 5) kateri drugi dodatki so priloženi k temu? 6) kakšna je garancija za ta izdelek? 7) ali ga lahko servisiramo v Indiji?

Hi, I am birdwatcher, traveler and blogger and I am interested in Zeiss Conquest HD 10x42, I would like to know the the following- 1) Manufacturing date of this product 2) what is the net net rate for this product (should be inclusive of all taxes vat and all charges, courier and ? 3) I am residing in India, how long will it take to deliver this product? 4) If the product is faulty, will you replace with new piece ? 5) what other Accessories comes along with this? 6) what is the warranty on this product? 7) Can I get it serviced in India?

od vijaya

Dragi Viyaya,

zahvaljujemo se vam, da ste nas kontaktirali.

Za uvozne pristojbine se boste morali oglasiti pri svoji carini. Za prevozne pristojbine je odvisno od tega, katerega kurirja boste izbrali, tukaj je povezava do vseh cen in možnosti pošiljanja (https://www.optics-trade.eu/en/shipping.html). Trenutno tega izdelka nimamo na zalogi, zato bo trajalo približno 7-10 dni, da bo na zalogi, nato pa še 7-10 dni, da bo prišel v Indijo. Če je izdelek pokvarjen, ga bomo zamenjali z novim. Garancija za izdelek je 10 let. Da, v Indiji ga lahko servisirate. Datuma izdelave ne moremo potrditi.

Paket vključuje:

  • Neoprenski trak za vrat
  • Varuje pred dežjem
  • Objektivni pokrovčki za leče
  • Kordura etui
  • Skrinka za čiščenje objektivov

Če boste potrebovali dodatne informacije, nas brez oklevanja ponovno kontaktirajte.

S spoštovanjem,

Dear Viyaya,

thank you for contacting us.

For importing fees you will need to check in with your customs. For transporting fees it depends on what courier you choose, here is the link to all the shipping prices and options (https://www.optics-trade.eu/en/shipping.html). We currently don't have this product in stock so it will take about 7- 10 days to get in stock and then anouther 7-10 days to get to India. If the product is faulty we will replace it with a new one. The warranty of the product is 10 years. Yes you can get it serviced in India. We can't cofirm the manufacturing date.

The package includes:

  • Neoprene Neck Strap
  • Rain-guards
  • Objective Lens Covers
  • Cordura Case
  • Lens Cleaning Cloth

If you will need any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us again.

Kind regards,

od Optics Trade team

Kako jih nastavite?

How do you set them?

od Connie

Drage gospod,

zahvaljujem se vam za vaše vprašanje.

Za več informacij o nastavitvah zgoraj navedenega daljnogleda si oglejte priročnik Zeiss Conquest HD 10x42, ki je na voljo na naslednji povezavi:


Če boste potrebovali nadaljnjo pomoč, nas brez oklevanja opet kontaktirajte.

S spoštovanjem

Dear Sir, 

thank you for your question. 

For more information about setting the abovementioned binoculars, please see the Zeiss Conquest HD 10x42 manual available on the following link: 


Should you require any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us again.

Kind regards 

od Optics Trade team