Zeiss Victory SF 10x32

Zeiss Victory SF 10x32

(1 ocene)
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Pošiljanje v 2-4 tednih
Možnost vračila
15 dni
Obročno odplačevanje Že od 62,82 € na mesec
1 2 3 4 6

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Zeiss Victory SF 10x32 Opis izdelka

Zeiss Victory SF 10x32

Splošne lastnosti

Proizvajalec Zeiss
Serija daljnogledov Zeiss Victory SF
Poreklo -
Garancija 10 let
SKU 523225-0000-000

Optične lastnosti

Vrsta prizme Roof - Schmidt/Pechan
Variabilna povečava Ne
Povečava. 10.00 x
Nastavitev dioptrije -4.0 / +4.0
Premer leče 32.00 mm
Izhodna zenica 3.20 mm
Vidno polje 130.00 m/1000m
Zorni kot (v stop.) 7.45 °
Navidezni zorni kot (v stop.) 69.00 °
Oddaljenost očesa od leče 19.00 mm
Najmanjša razdalja ostrenja 1.95 m
Mračni faktor 17.89
Relativna svetlost 10.2

Fizične lastnosti

Premazi leč Več slojev - povsod
Dolžina 150.00 mm
Širina 112.00 mm
Teža 590.00 g
Material Magnezij
Območje delovne temperature - 30°C / +63 °C
Polnilo Dušik
Sistem ostrenja Centralno
Nastavitev dioptrije Centralno
Min. medzenična razdalja 54.00 mm
Max. medzenična razdalja 76.00 mm
Tip zgradbe Odprti most
Barva Črna

Posebne funkcije

Odpornost na vodo Da
Odpornost na rosenje Da
Navoj za stojalo Da
Vgrajen daljinomer Ne
Stabilizacija slike Ne
Plovnost Ne

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Razkošje za ptice - brezkompromisno vidno polje in zelo lahka uporaba - kamor koli Alpha 10x32 Birding Delight - Uncompromising Field of View and Very Light - Go Anywhere Alpha 10x32

Izdaja tega modela v seriji Victory SF je bila zelo pričakovana, tako kot pri njegovih predhodnikih v večji objektivni velikosti 42 mm. Ta vrsta optike je že postala sinonim za to, da ponuja prelomno vidno polje v primerjavi s trenutno konkurenco, hkrati pa ohranja konkurenčno nizko fizično težo. Čeprav sem lastnik težkih daljnogledov, imam in dejansko uporabljam lahke modele vsak dan, ko hodim na več kilometrov dolge pohode, kar je povsem drugačna in manj obremenjujoča uporabniška izkušnja. Zato sem ob predstavitvi kompaktne različice SF upal, da bo to odgovor na iskanje optike, ki bo glede teže in vidnega polja pri posamezni povečavi ponudila absolutno najboljše iz obeh svetov. Bi se te sanje lahko uresničile ali pa bi se izkazalo, da gre le za goreč zrak in marketinško navlako?<br><br>Za vsekakor drži trditev, da noben binokular ne bo opravil vseh nalog v vseh možnih okoliščinah. Na primer, namenski daljnogled za šibko svetlobo s 56 mm objektivom bo zbral veliko več razpoložljive svetlobe kot ta kompaktni Zeissov daljnogled z 32 mm objektivom. Prav tako bo težji. Želel sem si nekaj, kar bi bilo podobno švicarskemu vojaškemu nožu. Majhen in kompakten ter pravo orodje za večino opravil, ki bi bilo funkcionalno, a hkrati prijetno sredstvo za opravljanje dela. V prejšnjih pregledih 42x SF sem primerjal 8x kot vilice in 10x kot nož. Vilice bi zelo dobro služile za večino namenov, če pa bi želeli čim več podrobnosti, ki bi "zarezale" globoko v pogled, bi izbrali nož. Vsak posebej ima svoje prednosti, toda ali lahko imate oboje? Kaj bi se lahko zgodilo, če bi ju nekako združili v znano orodje? Hibrid med nožem in vilicami? Nastopi Knork...<br><br>Zeiss je s tem daljnogledom resnično dosegel zelo poseben model. Poleg tega, da zaradi sodobnih večplastnih premazov v celotnem ohišju ni "prava" izbira za lov pri šibki svetlobi, je prepustnost svetlobe vseeno izjemna. Izhodna zenica daljnogleda 10x32 je morda le 3,2 mm, vendar bo na svetel (sončen) dan vaše oko na splošno dobro poskrbljeno za približno 2 do 3 mm, zaradi uporabe najnovejše tehnologije stekla in premazov pa je ta mali daljnogled odličen do jutranjih ur! Izostri tudi na manj kot 2 m in je odličen za botaniko in sledenje metuljev.<br><br>Ko sem prvič pogledal skozi ta daljnogled, je bilo sredi popoldneva na svetel in sončen dan, in takoj me je presenetilo, kako široka je slika pri tej povečavi. Pogled je bil tako širok in visok ter tako podroben, da sem imel občutek, da nisem izgubil ničesar pri kakovosti slike v primerjavi z večjim SF 10x42, ki sem ga prej uporabljal kot svojo vsakodnevno optiko. Resnično se je zdelo, da bi lahko bil ta binokularni daljnogled "vse na enem mestu". <br><br>Preden sem ugriznil v to, sem se moral prepričati, da nisem prezrl ponudbe konkurence v tem razredu. Takrat je bil še vedno na voljo Swarovski EL 10x32 in cenejši Kowa Genesis XD 10x33, ki z manj kot polovico nižjo maloprodajno ceno ni bil pravična neposredna primerjava, a ker je bila razlika v teži zanemarljiva, sem se odločil, da ju preizkusim. Če bi se izkazalo, da je Kowa dovolj blizu, bi mi glava govorila, da bi se moral odločiti zanj, ker predstavlja tako visoko vrednost glede na ceno, vendar sem v srcu že vedel, da je Zeiss SF v drugi ligi in predstavlja pravi preskok v zaznavni razliki v kakovosti celotne uporabniške izkušnje. <br><br>Pri primerjavi je Zeiss pokazal ostrejšo sliko na robovih, udobnejši ergonomski občutek v obeh rokah in nekako se je zdelo, da je celo nekoliko lažji. Ta očitna razlika v teži je verjetno posledica inovativne in dobro premišljene konstrukcije točke ravnotežja pri Zeissu. Tako kot pri večjih bratih modelih x42 je imel okularni del enote večjo težo kot objektivni del. Poleg tega je z majhno obliko 8x32 tudi lažji instrument za premikanje, medtem ko okularji počivajo na očesni odprtini. Pri modelu x42 sem ugotovil, da je bilo enako početje v redu, vendar je bilo najbolj koristno, ko sem stal na mestu. Namesto tega je bilo zdaj še bolj osvobajajoče, da sem se lahko sprehajal in to hitro. Kowa preprosto ni imela več konja v dirki, vendar še vedno predstavlja zelo konkurenčno razmerje med kakovostjo in ceno in je optimalna izbira, če pazite na svoj proračun.<br><br>Kaj bi torej morali kupiti Zeiss in ne Kowa? Če boste daljnogled uporabljali za večurno pregledovanje širokega terena, preden boste postopek ponovili na dolgem pohodu, pri analiziranju nebesnih poti ali celo gora, potem morate res preizkusiti Zeiss SF 8x32. Zakaj? <br>Zorno polje je vredno že samo zaradi impresivne razdalje 130 m na 1000 m. Čeprav ti objektivi niso tako lahki kot prejšnji objektivi Zeiss Victory FL 10x32, ki tehtajo le 560 g in imajo zorno polje 120 m, pa je ta SF blizu, saj tehta 590 g. Za dodatnih 30 gramov dobite deset metrov več vidnega polja - zelo sprejemljiva "kazen". Izboljšanje živahnosti slike, svetlosti in vidnega polja je dejansko boljše. Ta daljnogled bo v največjem delu dneva za večino ljubiteljev ptic izpolnil skoraj vse vaše potrebe ter vas navdušil z jasnostjo vida in živahnimi barvami. <br><br>Kaj bi še morali poseči po tem daljnogledu v primerjavi z nečim bolj primerljivim v tem razredu, kot je Swarovski EL (katerega ta konfiguracija je bila žal ukinjena)? Te daljnoglede lahko uporabljate tudi v gozdu, kot da bi šlo za par 8x, poleg tega pa imajo zelo razumno globino ostrenja, kar vam omogoča, da v lovu za izmuzljivim "malim rjavim delom" razmaknete drevesne veje. Ne pozabite, da jih je zasnoval isti inženir kot EL, DR. Gerold Dobler, in predstavljajo bolj njegovo sodobno vizijo, kaj je najboljši kompaktni in zato bolj stabilen 10x daljnogled za opazovanje ptic. <br><br>A kaj pa Swarovski NL Pure 10x32, slišim, da sprašujete? Zeissov daljnogled je za 50 g lažji, ima hitrejši mehanizem za ostrenje, ki ga je prijetno in enostavno obračati, ko nosite rokavice, v času pisanja tega članka je cenejši za približno 200 GBP in ima bolj prepoznaven občutek v roki. Ekipa Swaro ima za 2 m večje vidno polje in boljši ugled storitev za stranke ter strožji nadzor kakovosti. Vendar so Purejevi izdelani trdno, zato se je morda dobro vprašati, kje natančno je za vas meja sprejemljive teže pri prenašanju, ko se odločate za te kompaktne instrumente. Prav tako nimajo učinka črnega "ledvičnega fižola" pri gledanju skozi.<br><br>Po tej sodobni in konkurenčni ceni so objektivi Zeiss Victory SF 10x32 prikazujejo nekaj najboljšega, kar lahko ponudi izhodna zenica 3,2, so svetlejši in bolj ploščati kot zgodovinski predhodnik Zeiss FL in kompaktnejši kot objektivi Swarovski NL Pure 10x32. Kromatska aberacija ni zaskrbljujoč dejavnik, saj je bila dobro odpravljena, barve pa so bolj naravne in manj izboljšane kot pri NL, vendar nikakor ne manjka zadostnega barvnega kontrasta in živahnosti. Morda je Simon King najbolje povedal, ko je dejal, da Zeiss SF resnično "poje". Ko si jih boste ogledali, boste razumeli, kaj pomeni ta pesem in ples. Ti daljnogledi pokrivajo približno toliko možnosti, kolikor si jih lahko želite v enem samem lahkem paketu. Ali lahko dobite torto in jo pojeste? S temi lahko.<br>
The release of this model in the Victory SF range was very highly anticipated, much like its forerunners in the larger objective 42mm size. This range of optics had already become synonymous with offering ground-breaking field of view compared with the current competition while retaining a competitively low physical weight. Although I own heavy binoculars, owning and actually using light-weight models day to day when out hiking for miles makes for a very different and less taxing user experience. So, when the day arrived that a compact version of SF was to be launched, I had super-high hopes that this could be the answer to finding optics that would offer the absolute best of both worlds in terms of weight and field of view at each respective magnification. Could this dream be realized or would it prove to be a lot of hot air and marketing hype?<br><br>It’s definitely true to say that not any one single binocular will do every job for all possible circumstances. For example, a dedicated low-light binocular with 56mm objective lenses will gather much more available light than this compact 32mm range by Zeiss. It will also be heavier. I was after something that would be like a Swiss Army knife. Small and compact and a real tool for most tasks that would provide a functional yet enjoyable means of getting the job done. In previous reviews about the 42x SF I have made the comparison of the 8x being like a fork and the 10x like a knife. The fork would serve very well for most purposes, but if you wanted maximum details that ‘cut’ deep into the view, you would go for the knife. Individually they have their respective strengths but can you have both? What could happen if they were somehow combined into a knew tool? A knife and fork hybrid? Enter the Knork…<br><br>Zeiss have really achieved a very special model with this binocular. Apart from the fact that it isn’t the ‘go-to’ choice for low light hunting, thanks to its modern multi-layered coatings throughout, the light transmission is none-the-less exceptional. A 10x32 may only yield an exit pupil of just 3.2mm but during a bright (sunny) day, your eye will be generally well catered for with around 2 to 3mm anyway and in utilizing the very latest technology in glass and coatings combined, this little pair of binoculars are a knock out until the small hours! They also focus to less than 2m and are excellent for botany and tracking butterflies.<br><br>When I first looked through these, it was mid-afternoon on a bright and sunny day and what struck me immediately was how wide the image was at this magnification. There was so much width and height in my view with such detail that I was left feeling like there was nothing lost in image quality compared to the larger SF 10x42 I had previously used as my daily optic of choice. These really seemed like they could be the one-stop-shop of all binoculars. <br><br>Before biting the bullet, I had to make sure that I wasn’t ignoring what the competition was offering in this class. At the time the Swarovski EL 10x32 was still available along with the less expensive Kowa Genesis XD 10x33, which, at less than half the retail price was not a fair direct comparison, but because the weight difference was negligible, I thought would try them out. If the Kowa would transpire to be close enough, my head was saying that I should go for them because they represented such a high value for the price, but already, in my heart I knew the Zeiss SF was in another league and importantly represented a real leap forward in perceivable difference in quality of overall user experience. <br><br>Comparing them, the Zeiss revealed a sharper image at the edges, a more comfortable ergonomic feel in both hands and somehow it even felt like it was a little lighter. This apparent weight difference is likely down to the innovative and well-thought-out engineering of the balance point of the Zeiss. Just like in the bigger brother x42 models, the ocular end of the unit had more weight to it than the objective end. Additionally, with this small form factor, the 8x32 also makes for an easier instrument to pan around with whilst resting the oculars on the eye socket. With the x42 I found that this was OK to do the same but was most beneficial when stood still. Instead, now it was even more liberating to sweep about and quickly too. The Kowa just didn’t have a horse in the race any more, but still represents arguably fiercely competitive value for money and is an optimal choice if you are watching your budget.<br><br>Why should you buy the Zeiss over the Kowa then? If you are going to be using your binoculars for many hours of scouring of wide terrain, before moving on to repeat the process on a long hike, analysing the skyways, or even the mountains, then you really should try out the Zeiss SF 8x32. Why? <br>The field of view is worth it alone at an impressive 130m at 1000m. Although these are not quite as light as the Zeiss earlier Victory FL 10x32 which only weigh 560g with a field of view of 120m, this SF is close weighing 590g. You get ten more metres field of view for your extra 30 grams – a very acceptable ‘penalty’. The improvement of image vibrancy, brightness and expanse of view is actually superior. During the biggest stretch of day time for the majority of birders, this binocular will fill nearly all your needs and impress you with its visual clarity and vivid colours. <br><br>Why else should you spring for these binoculars when compared to something more in its class such as the Swarovski EL (of which this configuration has sadly been phased out)? You can even use these in the woodland as if they were like a pair of 8x and they also have a very reasonable depth to the focus allowing you to delayer tree branches in pursuit of the elusive ‘little brown jobs’. Remember too that they have been designed by the same engineer as the EL, DR. Gerold Dobler, and represent more of his modern vision for what makes for the ultimate compact and therefore more stable 10x birding binoculars. <br><br>But what about the Swarovski NL Pure 10x32 I hear you ask? The Zeiss travel lighter by 50g, have a faster focusing mechanism which is nice and easy to turn when wearing gloves, are less expensive by about £200 at the time of writing and have a more recognizable feel in the hand. The Swaro team does have 2m more field of view and a better customer service reputation along with more stringent quality control. The Pure’s are however built with solidity, so perhaps it’s good to ask yourself exactly where your cut off point in acceptable carrying weight is for you personally when deciding on these compact instruments. They also have no black ‘kidney bean’ effect when looking through.<br><br>At this modern and competitive price, the Zeiss Victory SF 10x32 showcases some of the best of what a 3.2 exit pupil can offer, are brighter and flatter than the historical Zeiss FL forebear and more compact than the Swarovski NL Pure 10x32. Chromatic aberration is not a worrying factor because it has been corrected for so well and the colours are more natural and less enhanced looking than the NL but not in anyway wanting for sufficient colour contrast and pop. Perhaps Simon king said it best when he said that the Zeiss SF really “sing”. When you look through these, you will understand what the song and dance is all about. These binoculars cover about as many bases as you could hope for in a singular light package. Can you have your cake and eat it? You can with these.<br>

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