Zeiss Victory SF 10x42

Zeiss Victory SF 10x42

(2 ocene)
Čas odpreme
Pošiljanje v 2-4 tednih
Možnost vračila
15 dni
Obročno odplačevanje Že od 68,49 € na mesec
1 2 3 4 6

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Zeiss Victory SF 10x42 Opis izdelka

Victory SF 10x42 made by Zeiss is a model that provides the finest details with 10x magnification and wide field of view (120 m) and it's perfect for bird watching. Due to its power the company provided these binoculars with incredible build technology. The ErgoBalance concept helps you to hold this Victory SF in your hands and still provide enough steady images. The weight distribution leans binoculars more towards the eye with soft tapered and removable eyecups, and thus helps to relieve your arms. Very durable and lightweight construction (780 g) provides very balanced feel with open-bridge wrap-around design and triple-bridge link for comfortable and quick focus adjustments. Optically, this Vicory SF never cease to amaze. Fully multi-coatings on prisms and lenses of this high-quality fluoride SCHOTT glass are just remarkably bright, colorful and rich in contrast, with exceedingly reduced amount of flare and chromatic abberation. Resolution is also out of this world, with field flatteners that reduces the curvature of the field, making razor-sharp overview from edge to edge.

Short description of Zeiss Victory SF Binoculars

The 165 years of experience build the new Victory SF binoculars. Zeiss company implemented new innovations such as ErgoBalance setting, SMART FOCUS concept, LotuTec coating and triple-bridge link design. Fully multi-coated system on Fluoride SCHOTT glass helps to increase light transmission, enhances colors and contrast. Flaring will never be an issue, so you will always have a clear view-through with the help of field flatteners that eliminates curvature of the field, giving razor sharp images from edge to edge. Victory SF binoculars are fully waterproofed and fog-proofed due to nitrogen filling and tight seals and are also submersible. We can’t go past the wider field of view and stunning close focus you can only find in these extremely versatile Victory SF binoculars that can satisfy even the most demanding users. They are available in gray and black colors, with 8x42 and 10x42 concept.

Features of Zeiss Victory SF Binoculars

  • Fully multi-coated Lenses
  • Fluoride SCHOTT Glass
  • Scratch-resistant, Hydrophobic Coatings (LotuTec)
  • Phase Correction
  • Prism Coatings
  • BaK-4 Prisms
  • Open-bridge Design
  • Triple-bridge Link
  • Magnesium Body
  • ErgoBalance
  • Smooth Rubber Armoring
  • Twist-up Eyecup
  • Smart Focus
  • Central Focus Wheel
  • Central Diopter
  • Waterproof and Fog-proof (Nitrogen gas)
  • Submersible

Accessories of Zeiss Victory SF Binoculars

  • Neoprene Neck Strap
  • Rain-guards
  • Objective Lens Covers
  • Cordura Case
  • Lens Cleaning Cloth

Splošne lastnosti

Proizvajalec Zeiss
Serija daljnogledov Zeiss Victory SF
Poreklo Nemčija
V proizvodnji od 2014
Garancija 10 let
SKU 524224-0000-000

Optične lastnosti

Vrsta prizme Roof - Schmidt/Pechan
Variabilna povečava Ne
Povečava. 10.00 x
Nastavitev dioptrije -4 / +4 dpt
Premer leče 42.00 mm
Izhodna zenica 4.20 mm
Vidno polje 120.00 m/1000m
Zorni kot (v stop.) 6.87 °
Navidezni zorni kot (v stop.) 65.00 °
Oddaljenost očesa od leče 18.00 mm
Najmanjša razdalja ostrenja 1.50 m
Mračni faktor 20.49
Prepustnost svetlobe 92%
Relativna svetlost 17.6

Fizične lastnosti

Premazi leč Več slojev - povsod
Dolžina 173.00 mm
Širina 125.00 mm
Višina 53.00 mm
Teža 780.00 g
Območje delovne temperature -30° C / +63° C
Polnilo Dušik
Sistem ostrenja Centralno
Nastavitev dioptrije Centralno
Tip zgradbe Odprti most
Barva Črna

Posebne funkcije

Odpornost na vodo Da
Odpornost na rosenje Da
Kompas Ne
Vgrajen daljinomer Ne
Stabilizacija slike Ne
Plovnost Ne

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Po meri izdelana optika za ptičarje s širokim vidnim poljem - poskrbite, da boste dobili dobro optiko Bespoke Killer Sharp and Light Birder's Optics with Wide Field of View - Ensure You Get a Good One

Že leta 2016 sem spremljal razvoj in dolgo pričakovano izdajo tega novega daljnogleda Victory SF. Komaj sem čakal, da vidim, kaj bo Zeiss prinesel v smislu vrhunske optike, še več, nekaj, kar je bilo od začetka zasnovano posebej za trg opazovanja ptic. <br><br>V preteklih letih sem imel v lasti veliko različnih konfiguracij daljnogledov Zeiss in do trenutka, ko naj bi izšel novi SF, sem uporabljal nekoliko okoren model 12x50 BGAT. To je bil fantastičen kos opreme, vendar težak in nagnjen k propadanju očesnih čašic - s staranjem gume je propadal.<br><br>Z obljubo odlične ergonomije, ravnotežja, majhne teže in resnično širokega zornega polja je bil Victory SF prepričan, da bo nadvladal svoje predhodnike iz linij Victory FL in HT, zato sem si prizadeval, da bi jih čim prej kupil. Želel sem konfiguracijo 10x42, ker je bilo vidno polje tako dobro in ne bi predstavljalo prevelikega kompromisa v primerjavi z modeli z 8-kratno povečavo. Želel sem daljnogled, ki bi mi približal sliko, da bi pri opazovanju videl podrobnosti - beločnice.<br><br> Glede na to, da so bili moji prejšnji daljnogledi na težki strani, in ob dejstvu, da bom novi nakup uporabljal dlje časa, ko bom z njim hodil na pohode na Škotsko in v Pireneje, je razmeroma majhna teža 10-močnega modela pomenila odlično možnost za opazovanje planinskih orlov oziroma supov. Če sem se odpravljal v gore in sem resnično želel zmanjšati razdaljo med mano in pticami (ki so bile večinoma oddaljene več kot 50 metrov), sem moral s seboj vzeti model z večjo povečavo. (Nasvet: priloženega vratnega traku ne nosite ob goli koži v majici, ki je bila 9 ur in pol na pohodu na neposredni sončni svetlobi - odrl vam bo kožo, ne da bi vedeli. Au! Naučili smo se. Neumna jaz). <br><br>Po preizkušanju 8-kratne moči, saj je bila na začetku na voljo le ta, sem vedel, da bo 10-kratna moč presegla moje cilje in želje. Pravzaprav sem bil tako navdušen, da sem preizkusil enega od prvih parov, ki so bili na voljo v Združenem kraljestvu, in bil prodan za velikega brata, ki je bil do takrat najboljši daljnogled, kar sem jih kdaj uporabljal.<br>Ko mi je bilo pri njih všeč? Ne samo, da je ta model lahek, ampak je tudi posebej dobro uravnotežen, saj se okularni del nagiba v očesno jamico, kjer je oporna točka vaših rok rahlo razbremenjena teže. Če imate navado, da so očesne enote udobno nameščene v očesni votlini, je to lahko za vas koristno pri dolgotrajni uporabi. Sam rad držim daljnogled bolj oprijemljivo, ko sledim in se premikam od cilja do cilja, zato je ta funkcija sicer koristna za opazovanje mirujočih divjih živali, ko ga uporabljate stoje, vendar morda ne bo način, kako ga uporabljate večino časa pri panoramskem opazovanju. Zamisel je načeloma odlična in deluje izjemno dobro, vendar morda ne za vsa vaša opazovanja, ki vključujejo pomikanje. Ker je večja teža na očesni strani, je ravnovesje pri uporabi kljub temu odlično in se zdi, da je pravilno, ne glede na to, ali jih naslonite na očesno jamico ali pa se za to ne odločite. Ko dalj časa stojite in opazujete, ta funkcija pride do izraza.<br><br>Ko sem odkril, da je to serijo daljnogledov oblikoval Gerold Dobler, nekdanji inženir oblikovanja optike pri podjetju Swarovski in nato glavni oblikovalec izdelkov pri podjetju Zeiss, sem bil popolnoma navdušen nad tem, da jih je oblikoval izredno izkušen opazovalec ptic in strokovnjak na svojem področju. Bilo je kot osebno poslanstvo, da bi inoviral za ptičarje, ki bodo na terenu uporabljali daljnogled dlje časa, morda od zore do mraka. <br>Katere so še druge prednosti teh daljnogledov za ptičarje in pravzaprav tudi lovce? To je enostavna uporaba. Te daljnoglede lahko zelo enostavno dvignete, postavite in celo izostrite z eno samo roko. Zakaj je to pomembno? Uporaba je veliko manj utrujajoča in naporna. Namesto da bi v glavi začeli odštevati, kdaj jih ne boste mogli več udobno uporabljati, kot da jih morate nekako uporabljati le v odmerjenih časovnih zamikih, si lahko privoščite daljša opazovanja brez tolikšnega napora. <br><br>Za to dejstvo jih je užitek uporabljati že samo s stališča, da jih lahko uporabljate več časa, ko ste zunaj, to pa pomeni, da lahko vidite in opazujete več naravnega sveta, ki bi ga sicer zamudili. To ni nepomembno, če ste za počitnice na safariju ali izlet v džunglo porabili več tisoč funtov. Najmanj, kar lahko storite, je, da si ogledate čim več tistega, kar ste prišli videti. Zaradi tega je zame teža daljnogleda postala eno od najpomembnejših meril, po katerem jih ocenjujem. <br><br>Če jih ne morete dolgo uporabljati, s tem ogrožate svojo izkušnjo opazovanja. S tega vidika je vidno polje skoraj na drugem mestu po pomembnosti, a pri tem modelu niti vidno polje ni ogroženo. Njihovih osupljivih 120 m pri razdalji 1000 m pomeni, da pri tej večji moči ne zamudite dogajanja. Če s seboj ne vzamete daljnogleda, je uporaba teh 10-kratnih daljnogledov skoraj "brezpogojna". Zakaj? Presenetljivo je, da tehtajo enako kot model z močjo 8x, kar je res impresivno. Da, 8x ima neverjetno vidno polje 148 m pri 1000 m, kar je že samo po sebi prijetno doživetje, ki ga je zelo težko preseči in je morda prava izbira, če s seboj vzamete tudi daljnogled. Poiščite cilj in vrtajte navzdol, pri 10x pa iskanje cilja nikoli ni težava, poleg tega pa niso nič težji. Zame je to situacija, v kateri zmagata oba. <br><br>Dodatno je za te daljnoglede koristno zdaj že precej izpopolnjeno in verjetno najbolj spretno upravljanje ostrenja, kar sem jih kdaj uporabljal. Z veseljem jih uporabljam, slike pa niso tako hladne kot pri liniji HT, temveč bolj nevtralne, ne da bi se ogrele kot pri modelih Leica. Lahko bi rekli, da so njihove barve bolj reprezentativne za tisto, kar dejansko vidite z očmi brez pomoči. Barvni kontrast bi lahko bil bolj dinamičen, vendar ga ne pogrešate, temveč je bolj sproščen in naraven. Tudi prst za ostrenje je bolj sproščen, saj je gumb za ostrenje v skladu z naravnim položajem vaše roke - še en pomemben ergonomski bonus pri dolgotrajni uporabi.<br><br>Razočaran sem bil nad sivo različico mark one zaradi težave pri nadzoru kakovosti z različno barvno reprodukcijo in svetlostjo med sodi, kar me je, ko sem ugotovil, da obstaja, zelo motilo. Za to ceno želim doslednost, ne pa kombiniranega učinka med sodi, da se ustvari celotna upodobljena slika. Prvič sem to opazil v slabših svetlobnih pogojih pred sončnim zahodom na Dartmooru. To je bilo po tem, ko sem bil na sejmu Bird Fair in je Zeissova ekipa nadgradila moje očesne čaše v novejšo različico, kot je bila uporabljena v kmalu naslednji črni različici mark 2. Moj fokusator in očesne čašice zame nikoli niso imeli težav, vendar so nekateri uporabniki imeli težave z rumenenjem sivega ohišja in plastičnim zvokom pri vrtenju gumba za ostrenje. Na razstavi so mi zagotovili, da v novejši črni različici ni bilo nobenih optičnih izboljšav in da sta dejansko notranje popolnoma enaka ...<br><br>Moram reči, da me je nekoliko vznemirilo, da je novejša različica izšla tako kmalu po različici mark 1 z zgoraj omenjenimi izboljšavami. To in vprašanje nadzora kakovosti je bilo milo rečeno rahlo vznemirljivo. Ko ga kupiš, hočeš dobrega. Čeprav je vsak daljnogled vsake znamke drugačen, bi morale biti zaznavne razlike pri teh cenah praktično ničelne. Swarovskijev nadzor kakovosti se mi zdi boljši, vendar sem bil navdušen nad Zeissovo pobudo pri nadgradnji očal ... na sejmu Bird Fair. <br><br>To je bilo pred nekaj leti in preizkusil sem novejšo različico ter ugotovil, da je enota, ki sem jo uporabljal, brezhibna. Ergonomija je osupljiva za moje velike roke, slike pa so zaradi odličnih sodobnih premazov in velikih prizem bleščeče z odlično ločljivostjo tudi v mraku. <br><br>Ti objektivi so tudi izjemno zabavni za uporabo pri digi-binningu in lahko izboljšajo vaše digitalne fotografske slike s čudovito globinsko ostrino in bokeh izostrenih poudarkov. <br><br>Če kupite 10, boste še vedno uživali v 8 in obratno. Oba sta tako dobra v svojih taborih. To je malo tako, kot da bi poskušali izbrati med nožem in vilicami. Vendar je 10 nož, ki lahko zelo dobro opravlja tudi delo vilic, medtem ko vilice nikoli ne bodo rezale tako kot nož.<br>
I had been following the development and long anticipated release of this new Victory SF range of binoculars back in 2016. I couldn’t wait to see what Zeiss were going to bring to the table in terms of cutting-edge optics, but more than that, something that had been designed from the ground up specifically to cater for the birdwatching market. <br><br>I have owned many different configurations of Zeiss binoculars over the years and up until the point in time when the new SF was due to be released, I was using the somewhat bulky 12x50 BGAT model. It was a fantastic piece of equipment but heavy and prone to eye cup degradation - as the rubber aged it would perish.<br><br>With the promise of great ergonomics, balance, light weight and genuinely wide field of view the Victory SF looked sure to dominate its predecessors of the Victory FL and HT lines so I made a bee line to purchase them as soon as possible. I wanted the 10x42 configuration because the field of view was so good and wouldn’t be too much of a compromise compared with the 8x magnification models. I wanted binoculars to bring the image closer, to see details in my observations – the whites of the eyes.<br><br>Given that my previous binoculars were on the heavy side, coupled with the fact that I would be using my new purchase for prolonged periods of time, hiking in Scotland and the Pyrenees with them meant that the relatively light weight of the 10-power model would be a great option for spotting golden eagles and vultures respectively. If I was heading out for the mountains and really desired to close down the gap between me and the birds (which for the most part would be more than 50 yards away), I had to take the bigger magnification model with me. (Tip: Don’t wear the supplied neck strap next to bare skin wearing a T shirt hiking in direct sunlight for 9 and a half hours – it will rub your skin right off without you knowing. Owch! Lesson learned. Silly me). <br><br>After testing the 8x power, because that was all that was initially available, I knew the 10 would surpass my goals and aspirations. In fact, I was so keen I tested one of the first pairs available in the UK and was sold on the big brother and up until that point in time, they were the best binoculars I had ever used.<br>What did I like about them? Not only is this model light in weight, but it is specifically well balanced, tipping the ocular end into the eye socket where the fulcrum of your hands is then slightly relieved of some of the weight load. If you are in the habit of resting your eye pieces comfortably in your eye socket then this may be advantageous to you for prolonged use. Having said that, I like to hold the binocular with more grip when tracking and moving from target to target, and so although this feature is beneficial for observing stationary wildlife when you are stood up using them, it may not be the way you use them for the majority of the time when panning. The idea is great in principle and it does work exceptionally well, but perhaps not for all your observations which include sweeping movement. With the greater weight being at the ocular end, the balance in use is none-the-less superb and feels reassuringly correct whether you rest them on your eye socket or choose not to. When stood observing for a long time, this is when this feature comes into its own.<br><br>When I discovered that this model range of binoculars had been designed by Gerold Dobler, formerly optics design engineer for Swarovski and then chief product designer for Zeiss, I was totally enamoured with the fact that these had been designed by a super-experienced bird watcher and expert in his field. It was like a personal mission to innovate for birders that would be out in the field using their binoculars for a long time, perhaps dawn until dusk. <br>What are some of the other advantages about these binoculars for birders and in fact hunters too? It has to be their ease of use. You can lift, place and even focus these binoculars very easily with just one hand. Why is this important? It’s just that much less fatiguing and tiring to use. Instead of starting the countdown in your head as to when you are no longer comfortably able to use them, as if in some way you have to only use them in measured shifts of time, you can have prolonged observational stretches without as much effort. <br><br>This fact alone makes them a joy to use, simply from the point of view that you can use them more of the time to you are out and this in turn translates into seeing and observing more of the natural world you may otherwise miss. This is not insignificant if you have spent thousands of pounds on your safari holiday or trip into the jungle. The least you can do is see as much of what you came to see as possible. For me, the weight of the binocular has become one of the most significant criteria by which to assess them by for this reason. <br><br>If you can’t use them for long, you are compromising your observation experience. From this perspective, field of view almost takes second place in importance, and yet with this model, even the field of view is not compromised. Their stunning 120m at 1000m means you don’t miss out on the action at this higher power. If you are not taking a spotting scope with you, taking these 10x is almost a ‘no-brainer’. Why? Amazingly they weight the same as the 8x power model, which is really impressive. Yes, the 8x have an incredible field of view of 148m at 1000m, which of itself is an indulgent experience and very hard to beat and perhaps the way to go if you are also taking your scope with you. Find your target and drill down, but with the 10x, finding your target is never a problem and they are no heavier. For me it’s a win-win situation. <br><br>Additionally, these binoculars benefit from what is now a much refined and is arguably the slickest focusing control I have ever used. They are a joy to use and the images are not as cool as the HT line but more neutral without being warmed up like in the Leica models. You could say their colours are more representative of what you are actually seeing with the unaided eye. Colour contrast could be more dynamic but it isn’t missed, instead it’s more relaxed and natural. You focusing finger also is more relaxed as the focusing knob is in line with your hand’s natural position – another major ergonomic bonus for prolonged use.<br><br>I was disappointed with the grey mark one version due to a quality control issue with differing colour rendition and brightness between barrels, which when I realized was there, really bugged me. I want consistency at this price, not a combinative effect between barrels to produce and overall rendered image. I first noticed it in lower light conditions before sunset on Dartmoor. This was after I had been to Bird Fair and the Zeiss team upgraded my eye cups to a newer version as employed in the soon following black version mark 2. My focuser and eye cups for that matter had never manifest any issues for me, but some users had suffered yellowing of they grey body armour and plasticky sound rotation of the focus knob. I was assured at the show that no optical upgrades had been made in the newer black version and that they were in fact internally exactly the same…<br><br>I have to say I was somewhat perturbed that the newer version came out so soon after the mark 1 with the aforementioned improvements. That and the quality control issue was mildly upsetting to say the least. When you buy one, you want a good one. Although every binocular is different from each brand, the perceptible differences should be virtually zero at these prices. Swarovski’s quality control I have found to be better, but I was impressed with Zeiss’ initiative in upgrading my eye cups…at the Bird Fair show. <br><br>That was a few years ago now and I have tried the newer version and found the unit I used to be flawless. The ergonomics are stunning for my large size hands and the images are scintillating with great definition even at dusk thanks to superb modern coatings and big prisms. <br><br>They are also immense fun to use for digi-binning and can enhance your digital photographic images with beautiful depth of field and bokeh of out of focus highlights. <br><br>If you buy the 10 you will still enjoy the 8 and vice-vesa. They are both so good in their respective camps. It’s a bit like trying to choose between a knife and fork. The 10 though is the knife which can also do the job of the fork very well, whereas the fork will never cut quite like a knife.<br>

Mnenja po


Najboljši par biinojev, kar sem jih videl The best pair of biinos I have seen

V preteklosti sem uporabljal veliko različnih daljnogledov in lani sem se enkrat za vselej odločil za nakup. Preveril sem Swarovski, Zeiss, Leico in Nikon. Te daljnoglede Viictory SF imam raje kot vse druge.
I have used many different binoculars in the past and last year I decided to buy once and for all. I checked Swarovski, Zeiss, Leica and Nikon. I prefer these Viictory SF binoculars over all others.

Mnenja po


Uporabniške datoteke

Osebne izkušnje ostalih uporabnikov so lahko nekomu v veliko pomoč. Z deljenjem svojih posnetkov, fotografij in mnenj o izdelkih pripomorete k lažji odločitvi bodočih kupcev.


Uporabniška vprašanja

Potrebujete pomoč? Niste prepričani, če je izdelek pravi za vas? Ne oklevajte - vprašajte našo skupnost, ki je tukaj, da vam pomaga pri vprašanjih o izdelku.

Zdravljeni, zanima me nakup daljnogleda Zeiss Victory SF 10x42 in potrebujem dostavo v Antibes v Franciji pred ponedeljkom, 21. Ali bi to lahko storili? Lep pozdrav.

Hi I am interested in purchasing some Zeiss Victory SF 10x42 binoculars and would need delivery to Antibes in France before Monday the 21st. Would you be able to do this? Kind regards.

od James

Na žalost upoštevajte, da to ni mogoče, saj daljnogleda takrat nismo imeli na zalogi.

Unfortunately, please note that this would not be possible as we didn't have the binocular in stock at that time.

od Optics Trade team


Prosim, sporočite mi, kakšna je cena za daljnogled Zeiss Victory SF 10x42, poslan v Toronto, Kanada.



Please let me know what is the price for a Zeiss Victory SF 10x42 binoculars, shipped to Toronto Canada.


od lazu@sympatico.ca

Cena tega izdelka je 2339 € z vključenim DDV, vendar ga zaradi proizvajalčeve politike omejitev ne moremo poslati v Kanado ali ZDA.

The price of this product is 2339€ with the VAT included, however, we are unable to ship it to Canada or the USA due to the manufacturer's restriction policy.

od Optics Trade team

Prosim, sporočite mi, kolikšna je cena (vključno s poštnino v Toronto, Kanada) za daljnogled Zeiss Victory SF 10x42.

Please let me know what is the price (including shipping to Toronto , Canada) for the Zeiss Victory SF 10x42 binocular.

od Dorin

Na žalost tega izdelka ne moremo poslati v Kanado zaradi proizvajalčeve politike omejitev.

Unfortunately, we are unable to ship this product to Canada due to the manufacturer's restriction policy.

od Optics Trade team