Holosun 407C X2

Holosun 407C X2

Tako nizko, kot: 319,00 €
Čas odpreme
Pošiljanje v 1-3 dneh
Možnost vračila
15 dni
Obročno odplačevanje Že od 10,52 € na mesec

Izdelki na zalogi

Barva osvetlitve
Velikost pike
319,00 €
339,00 €
1 2 3 4 6

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Holosun 407C X2 Opis izdelka

About the Holosun 407C

Holosun 407C X2 is a red dot sight from the Reflex series.

The letter 'C' means that the red dot features a solar panel on top of the lens frame – the red dot sight can work without the battery inserted when there is sufficient lighting.

The product features the ShakeAwake function. When left powered on, the red - dot will go from 'active mode' to 'sleep mode' after a while to prevent unnecessary battery drain. Once moved, it will power back on immediately.

This is the third generation of the 407C sights, which replaced the second ‘V2’ generation. The company introduced the button lock mode, now found only on the ‘X2’ models.

The buttons have been reduced to the same size as they were originally, on the first models – Holosun made them smaller again and placed them horizontally.

But as opposed to the first 407C models, the second ‘V2’, and now the third ‘X2’ generation of these Holosun red dot sights have a side battery compartment, as it is no longer positioned on the bottom.

Main features of 407C Holosun red dot

  • red or green illumination dot
  • 2 MOA dot
  • compact, lightweight
  • a solar cell on top of the red dot
  • large buttons for adjusting the illumination intensity
  • perfect for a pistol or a rifle
  • ShakeAwake
  • 12 illumination intensity levels, 2 of them are NVD compatible
  • Parallax free
  • 50.000 hours of battery life
  • Side CR1632 battery compartment

About the Holosun Reflex series

Reflex is one of the red dot sight series made by Holosun. These compact sights are not closed on both sides like the Tube, Infiniti and Paralow series, which is why they are very compact and lightweight (there are some exceptions to this in the Holosun Reflex series – 512T red dot is closed from both sides and thus bigger while 510C is a reflex-type red dot sight of a bigger design). Because of their size, 407C red dot, 507C red dot and 508T red dot are great for mounting on a pistol. But as opposed to the first 407C models, the second V2, and now the third X2 generation of these Holosun red dot sights have a side CR1632 battery compartment (it is no longer positioned on the bottom).. The click value for the elevation and windage adjustments is 0.5 MOA.

These durable red dot sights feature a single-piece housing made out of aluminum. Altogether, there are 12 illumination intensity levels to choose from, 2 of which are NVD compatible. The battery life is 50.000 hours.

About the 407C model family

The 407C red dot sight is one of the model families in the Reflex series. The first number '4' in its name suggests that it features a 2 MOA dot.

Mounting details of 407C MOA red dot

Holosun 407C X2 MOA red dot has a Trijicon RMR footprint for mounting purposes. To get more information on Trijicon RMR mounting standard, read our article Footprints/Mounting Standards on Red Dot Sights.

Warranty on Holosun "407C" red dot sights

The warranty on Holosun's reflex red dot is 3 years on the material and on the electronics.

For more information regarding the Holosun symbols, check our blog post.

Splošne lastnosti

Proizvajalec Holosun
Serija rdečih pik Holosun Reflex
Poreklo Kitajska
V proizvodnji od 2014
Garancija 3 leta

Lastnosti kupol

Korak nastavitve križa 28mm/100m - 1MOA
Pomik križa po smeri 14.53 mrad
Pomik križa po smeri (MOA) 50.00 MOA

Lastnosti križa

Križ Dot
Osvetlitev križa Da
Dnevna osvetlitev križa Da
Avtomatski izklop Da
Velikost pike 2.00 MOA
Nastavljiva jakost Yes, manual
Stikalo za jakost Gumb na potisk
Nastavitev paralakse Parallax-free

Fizične lastnosti

Dolžina 45.00 mm
Širina 29.00 mm
Višina 29.00 mm
Teža 42.00 g
Material Aluminij
Območje delovne temperature -30℃~60℃
Tip baterije CR1632
Čas delovanja 50,000.00 h
Polnilo -
Premazi leč Več slojev
Mounting Standard Trijicon RMR
Integriran tip montaže Brez
Velikost okenca 16x23 mm
Tip rdeče pike Odprti merek

Posebne funkcije

Odpornost na vodo Da
Odpornost na rosenje Da
Odpornost na udarce Da
Posebne lastnosti Odporen na rosenje, Odporen na udarce, Osvetljen križ, Večslojni premaz - povsod, Vodoodporen

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Kateri model holosunov je primeren za polno velikost S&W M&P C.O.R.E performance center 9L? Najraje 6 MOA s piko ali 3MOA z obročem. Hvala

Which holosun model fits the S&W M&P full size C.O.R.E performance center 9L? Prefer a 6 MOA dot or 3MOA with ring. Thanks

od William

Dragi William,

zahvaljujemo se vam, da ste nas kontaktirali.

Če imate model Optics-Ready, morate uporabiti adapter za Trijicon RMR, saj ima Holosun 407C enak vzorec.

Če potrebujete dodatno pomoč, se obrnite neposredno na nas na naslov info@optics-trade.eu

S spoštovanjem,

Dear William,

thank you for contacting us.

If you have an Optics-Ready model you should use the adapter for Trijicon RMR as the Holosun 407C shares its pattern. 

Should you require any additional assistance, please don't hesitate to contact us directly at info@optics-trade.eu

Kind Regards,

od Optics Trade team

Želite namestiti 407c na caniktp9 elite sc. Ali veste, ali bo ploščica, ki je priložena pištoli, delovala? Ali pa kakšna druga, ki bo?

Wanting to mount 407c on a caniktp9 elite sc. Do you know if the plate that comes with the pistol will work? Or one that will ?

od James

Dragi James,

zahvaljujemo se vam, da ste nas kontaktirali.

Točno bi morali vedeti, katero vrsto ploščice ste dobili s pištolo Canik, saj jih je kar nekaj. Upoštevajte, da je pritrdilni odtis ploščice Holosun 407C X2 enak kot pri ploščici Trijicon RMR.

Če imate dodatna vprašanja ali pomisleke, se obrnite neposredno na nas na naslov info@optics-trade.eu. Tu smo, da vam pomagamo.

S spoštovanjem,

Dear James,

thank you for contacting us.

We would exactly need to know what type of plate you got with your Canik handgun as there are a handful. Please note that the mounting footprint of the Holosun 407C X2 is that of Trijicon RMR.

If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us directly at info@optics-trade.eu. We are here to help.

Kind Regards,

od Optics Trade team

Ali se bo zelena pika prilegala na springfield xdm elite osp 3.8 45 kalibra in kakšno montažno ploščo potrebujem za namestitev

Will the green dot fit on a springfield xdm elite osp 3.8 45 caliber and what mount plate I need for installing it

od Dale

Dragi Dale,

zahvaljujemo se vam, da ste nas kontaktirali.

Tole je plošča, ki jo boste potrebovali za namestitev:


Izbrati boste morali tip B plošče.

Če potrebujete dodatne informacije, nas lahko kontaktirate na info@optics-trade.eu

S spoštovanjem.

Dear Dale,

thank you for contacting us.

This is the plate you will need for installing it:


You will need to choose type B of the plate.

Should you require any additional information you can contact us at info@optics-trade.eu

Kind regards.

od Optics Trade team

Spoštovani, imam namen kupiti Holosun HS407C-X2 za moj čisto novi Heckler & Koch VP9 OR. Je mogoče pri vas kupiti tudi adapter za montažo? Za odgovor se vam vnaprej zahvaljujem.

od Egon

Lepo Pozdravljeni,

zahvaljujemo se Vam za Vaše vprašanje.

Rdeča pika Holosun 407C X2 ima podnožje od rdečih pik Trijicon RMR, kar pomeni, da potrebujete RMR adapter za Vašo Optics Ready pištolo. Te adapterje je mogoče dobaviti pri pooblaščenih prodajalcih pištol Heckler&Koch.

V primeru kakršnihkoli dodatnih vprašanj smo Vam kadarkoli na voljo.

Lep Pozdrav,

ekipa Optics Trade.

od Optics Trade team

Kaj je velika pika, ki jo držite pod kotom, in ena velika pika, desno od nje ali pod njo pa je še ena majhna pika?

Why is there a big got and depending what angle you hold it there’s one big dot and either to the right or below the the big dot is another little dot?

od Brian

Dragi Brian,

zahvaljujemo se vam, da ste nas kontaktirali.

Možno je moč osvetlitve premočna.

Prosimo, pošljite nam tudi slike na info@optics-trade.eu.

S spoštovanjem.

Dear Brian,

thank you for contacting us.

Maybe the illumination power is to strong. 

Please also send us pictures at info@optics-trade.eu.

Kind regards.

od Optics Trade team

Zdravljeni, gledam na nakup naprave Holosun HS407c - GR. Ali mi lahko poveste, kateri nastavki so priloženi/potrebni, prosim, imam nastavek picatinny. S spoštovanjem, Bazz

Hello, I"m looking at purchasing a Holosun HS407c - GR. Can you tell me what mountings are supplied / required please I have a picatinny mount. Regards, Bazz

od Bazz

Drage gospod,

Hvala za vaše povpraševanje.

Ker ima Holosun 407C X2 odtis Trijicon RMR, boste potrebovali adaptersko ploščico, ki bo ustrezala tako rdeči piki kot tudi Picatinnyjevi tirnici na vaši pištoli. Zato vam priporočamo to Swampfox Low Profile Picatinny Base mount katera bo primerna za merilo z rdečo piko Holosun 407C X2 .

V primeru, da se vam mudi in je dolgotrajno čakanje na dostavo za Swampfoxov nastavek problem, vas vabimo, da si ogledate naše druge Trijicon RMR Scope Mounts for Picatinny Rail.

Če boste potrebovali dodatno pomoč, nas brez oklevanja ponovno kontaktirajte.

S spoštovanjem,

Dear Sir,

Thank you for your inquiry.

Since Holosun 407C X2 features a Trijicon RMR footprint, you will need an adapter plate that would fit both the red dot and the Picatinny rail on your pistol. This is why we would recommend this Swampfox Low Profile Picatinny Base mount that will be suitable for the Holosun 407C X2 red dot sight.

In case you are in a hurry, though, and the long delivery wait for the Swampfox mount is an issue, then we kindly invite you to take a look at our other Trijicon RMR Scope Mounts for Picatinny Rail.

Should you need any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us again.

Kind regards,

od Optics Trade team

Ali se odtis za 507C prilega modelu S&W Shield plus, ki je tovarniško izrezan za optiko?

Does the footprint for the 507C fit the S&W Shield plus that comes factory milled for an optic?

od Mike

Drage gospod,

Hvala za vaše povpraševanje.

Oboji Holosun 407C X2 in Holosun 507C X2 imajo Trijicon RMR odtis, M&P 9 Shield Plus pa je opremljen s standardno montažo Shield RMS/SMS. Zato na vašo pištolo ne bo ustrezala nobena od zgoraj omenjenih namerilnih naprav Holosun z rdečo piko.

Vljudno vas vabimo, da si ogledate našo ponudbo merilnikov z rdečo piko, ki ustrezajo standardu montaže Shield RMS/SMS.

Če boste potrebovali dodatno pomoč, nas brez oklevanja ponovno kontaktirajte.

S spoštovanjem,

Dear Sir,

Thank you for your inquiry.

Both Holosun 407C X2 and Holosun 507C X2 feature the Trijicon RMR footprint, while the M&P 9 Shield Plus comes with the Shield RMS/SMS mounting standard. Therefore, neither of the aforementioned Holosun red dot sights would fit on your pistol.

We would like to kindly invite you to take a look at our offer of red dot sights that suit the Shield RMS/SMS mounting standard.

Should you require any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us again.

Kind regards,

od Optics Trade team

Hi, želim kupiti Holsun HS407C-X2, ali potrebujete montažo, da ga namestite na ročno pištolo Ruger Mark4 Target. Hvala.

Hi i am looking to buy a Holsun HS407C-X2 do you need a mount to put it on a Ruger Mark4 Target hand gun. Thanks.

od vincent

Dragi Vincent,

zahvaljujemo se vam, da ste nas kontaktirali.

Prosimo, da nam pišete na info@optics-trade.eu in nam sporočite, ali ima vaša pištola Picatinny ali Weaver rail, da vam bomo lahko dodatno pomagali.

Če boste potrebovali dodatne informacije, nas brez oklevanja ponovno kontaktirajte.

S spoštovanjem,

Dear Vincent,

thank you for contacting us.

Please contact us at info@optics-trade.eu and tell us, if your handgun has a picatinny or weaver rail so we can help you further.

If you will need any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us again.

Kind regards,

od Optics Trade team

Zdravljeni, zanima me, ali lahko to pošljete v Brazilijo. Hvala

Hi, I would like to know if you can ship this to Brazil. Thank you

od Fernando

Drage gospod,

zahvaljujem se vam za vaše povpraševanje.

Ta izdelek lahko brez težav pošljemo v Brazilijo.

Če boste potrebovali nadaljnjo pomoč pri nakupu, nas brez oklevanja opet kontaktirajte.

S prijaznimi pozdravi

Dear Sir, 

thank you for your inquiry. 

We can ship this item to Brazil without trouble. 

Should you require any further assistance with your purchase, please do not hesitate to contact us again.

Kind regards 

od Optics Trade team

Dober večer. Upam, da mi lahko pomagate pri tem. Z družbo Beretta se že od oktobra dogovarjam glede plošče za optiko RDO, ki naj bi jo poslali za mojo pištolo M9A4. Moj M9A4 je torej pripravljen za optiko, vendar potrebujem ploščo, da lahko namestim Holosun HE407C-GR X2 . Prosim, prosim, prosim, prosim, pomagajte mi najti pravo montažno ploščo. Hvala

Good evening. I hope you can help me with this. I have been dealing with Beretta since Oct regarding the RDO optics plate which they are supposed to send out for my M9A4. So my M9A4 is optic ready but I’m needing the plate so I can mount my Holosun HE407C-GR X2 . Please, please, please help me find the correct mounting plate . Thank you

od Billy

Dragi gospod/panja,

Hvala, da ste nas kontaktirali.

Ta pritrditev je primerna za vaš pištolo Beretta M9A4 is (TYBE B). https://www.optics-trade.eu/uk/toni-system-pistol-mount-for-beretta-92x-defensive.html

Če boste potrebovali nadaljnjo pomoč, nas ponovno kontaktirajte.

Veselim se vašega sporočila.

S prijaznimi pozdravi,

Dear Sir/Madam,

Thank you for contacting us.

This mount is suitable for your Beretta M9A4 is (TYBE B). https://www.optics-trade.eu/uk/toni-system-pistol-mount-for-beretta-92x-defensive.html

Should you require any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us again.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Kind regards,

od Optics Trade team

Hi fantje, kako ste Kakšno idejo, kaj je ocena kalibra na teh rdečih točkah, ki iščejo namestitev na .458 kalibra Veliko hvala

Hi guys how are you Any idea what calibre rating is on these red dots looking to mount on .458 calibre Many thanks

od Keith

Drage gospod,

zahvaljujemo se vam, da ste nas kontaktirali.

Na žalost bo Holosun HS407C verjetno odpovedal, če bo nameščen na puško kalibra .458. Za druge možnosti vas prosimo, da se obrnete na nas na naslov info@optics-trade.eu

Za razumevanje se vam zahvaljujemo.

Če boste potrebovali kakršne koli dodatne informacije, nas brez oklevanja ponovno kontaktirajte.

S spoštovanjem

Dear Sir,

thank you for contacting us.

Unfortunately, the Holosun HS407C will probably fail if mounted on a .458 caliber. For other alternatives, we kindly ask you to contact us at info@optics-trade.eu

Thank you for your understanding.

If you will need any additional information please do not hesitate to contact us again.

Kind Regards

od Optics Trade team

Ali Holosun izdeluje držalo za Smith & Wesson Mode 629? Če ne, ali bo ustrezal montažni ploščici Trijicon RMR.

Does Holosun make a mount for the Smith & Wesson Mode 629? If not, will it fit the Trijicon RMR mount plate.

od Richard

Drage gospod,

zahvaljujemo se vam, da ste nas kontaktirali.

Na žalost ne. Vendar bi morali imeti možnost namestiti Holosun HS407C neposredno na montažno ploščo Trijicon RMR, saj imata oba enak standardni odtis.

Za razumevanje se vam zahvaljujemo.

Če boste potrebovali dodatne informacije, se lahko ponovno obrnete na nas.

S spoštovanjem

Dear Sir,

thank you for contacting us.

Unfortunately, they do not. However, you should be able to mount Holosun HS407C directly on your Trijicon RMR mount plate since they both share the same footprint standard.

Thank you for your understanding.

If you will need any additional information please do not hesitate to contact us again.

Kind Regards

od Optics Trade team

Ali montažna plošča, priložena temu namerilniku, ustreza Coltu Delta Elite z rezom LPA?

Does the mounting plate supplied with this sight fit a Colt Delta Elite with an LPA cut?

od Jim

Priloženi nosilec je primeren za picatinnyjevo tirnico. Če želite montirati Holosun Reflex HS407C-RD X2 na pištolo, morate kupiti dodatni adapter. Lahko nas kontaktirate na info@optics-trade.eu in pomagali vam bomo pri izbiri ustreznega adapterja.

The included mount is suitable for picatinny rail. If you tend to mount the Holosun Reflex HS407C-RD X2 on your pistol you need to buy an additional adapter. You can contact us at info@optics-trade.eu and we will help you with choosing the correct adapter.

od Optics Trade team

Zanimalo bi me, vendar bi želel različico 8 moa. Ali je na voljo?

Sarei interessato, ma vorrei la versione 8 moa. È disponibile?

od Lorenzo

Na žalost je velikost pike tega namerilnika le 2 MOA.

Unfortunately, the size of these sight's dot is only 2 MOA.

od Optics Trade team

Ali je ta izdelek res poslan v 2-4 tednih? Večina mest ga nima na zalogi?

Does this item really ship in 2-4 weeks? Most places don’t have it in stock?

od Cody

Približni dobavni rok za ta izdelek je približno 4 tedne, če izdelek ni na zalogi.

The estimated delivery time for this product is approximately 4 weeks if the product is not in stock.

od Optics Trade team

Mate na zalogi 407c-gr ali v2 ali x2in?

Do you have 407c-gr or v2 or x2in stock?

od Raymond

Na žalost tega izdelka trenutno nimamo na zalogi. Dobavni rok je približno 6 tednov.

Unfortunately, we don't have this product in stock at this moment. The delivery time is approximately 6 weeks. 

od Optics Trade team

2 do 4 tedne ladijski promet je to pravilno, lahko prosim, da mi popust, kot je bilo obljubljeno lani 15 e pripravljen plačati 289 evrov, naj me obvesti ali se premaknem na druge spletne strani hvala John

2 to 4 weeks shipping is that correct can you please give me discount as promised last year 15 e willing to pay 289 euros let me know or I move on to other websites thanks John

od John

Približni dobavni rok za ta izdelek je 4 tedne, če je na zalogi pri proizvajalcu. Poleg tega lahko še vedno izkoristite obljubljeni popust v višini 15 € za kateri koli izdelek, samo pišite nam na info@optics-trade.si

The estimated delivery time for this product is 4 weeks if it's in stock by the manufacturer. Also, you can still use the 15€ promised discount on any product just contact us at info@optics-trade.si

od Optics Trade team

Zdravljeni, ali ste prejeli e-pošto, ki sem vam jo včeraj poslal v zvezi s holosun refleksnim pogledom zelene pike 306 evrov

Hello did you receive the email I sent to you yesterday regarding holosun reflex sight green dot 306 euros 

od John

Cena tega izdelka je dejansko 306 €.

The price of this product indeed is 306€.

od Optics Trade team

Pozdravljeni, poslal sem vam e-pošto, preden sem pripravljen kupiti in plačati za element holosun refleksni pogled vprašanje, ali bi to ustrezalo za hk walther Mp5 22lr, ali ni majhno na videu izgleda dovolj veliko. Prav tako sem v stiku s holosunom EU, ki prodaja isti model 289 evrov brezplačna pošta, tako da ali se lahko strinjate s ceno 289e vem, da ste zadnjič ponudili 15e nižjo ceno, če mi pošljete račun za 289e kupim od vas samo mi sporočite ali je primeren za Mp5 22lr dovolj velik in prihaja z picatinny rail

Hello I e mailed you before I am ready to buy and pay for item holosun reflex sight question would this suit for a hk walther Mp5 22lr is it not to small on video looks big enough. I am also in contact with holosun EU selling same model 289 euros free post so can you meet price of 289e I know last time you offered 15e off price if you sent me invoice of 289e I buy from you just let me know if its suitable for Mp5 22lr big enough and comes with picatinny rail

od John

Ta izdelek trenutno ni na zalogi. Če imate na puški Picatinnyjevo tirnico, se bo ta enota dobro prilegala. To je samostrelec, ki meri v dolžino približno 45 mm. Za dodatne informacije vas prosimo, da nas neposredno kontaktirate na info@optics-trade.eu

This product is currently out of stock. If you have a Picatinny rail on your rifle, this unit will fit nicely. This is a reflex sight that measures approximately 45 mm in length. For further information, we would kindly ask you to contact us directly at info@optics-trade.eu

od Optics Trade team

Ali se ta optika prilega Springfield Hellcatu brez kakršnih koli sprememb?

Does this optic fit the Springfield Hellcat without any modifications?

od Tim

Holosun HS407C je zasnovan z odtisom Trijicon RMR, medtem ko je vaša pištola zasnovana tako, da lahko sprejme namerilne naprave Shield Sights z rdečo piko.

Holosun HS407C is designed with a Trijicon RMR Footprint, while your handgun is designed to accept Shield Sights red dot sights.

od Optics Trade team

Ali je pri tem modelu mogoče zamenjati baterijo s strani ali je treba s pištole sneti vizir kot pri starejših modelih?

Can the battery be changed from the side on this model or is necesary to take the sight off the gun like the older models?

od chemab

Z novim modelom lahko zamenjate baterijo, ne da bi morali odstraniti nastavek na puški.

With this new model, you can exchange the battery without the need of removing the mount of your rifle.

od Optics Trade team