Holosun 507C X2

Holosun 507C X2

(3 ocene)
Tako nizko, kot: 399,00 €
Čas odpreme
Pošiljanje v 1-3 dneh
Možnost vračila
15 dni
Obročno odplačevanje Že od 10,28 € na mesec

Izdelki na zalogi

Barva osvetlitve
439,00 €
1 2 3 4 6

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Pomoč uporabnikom

Naša izkušena ekipa vam je pripravljena pomagati skozi celoten proces od nakupa do uporabe izdelka. Če imate vprašanja, nas prosimo kontaktirajte.
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Holosun 507C X2 Opis izdelka

About the Holosun 507C X2

Holosun 507C X2 is a red dot sight from the Reflex series.

The letter 'C' means that the MOA red dot features a solar panel on top of the lens frame – the red dot sight can work without the battery inserted when there is sufficient lighting.

The 507C features the ShakeAwake function. When left powered on, the device will go from 'active mode' to 'sleep mode' after a while to prevent unnecessary battery drain. Once moved, it will power back on immediately.

This is the third generation of the 507C sights, which replaced the second ‘V2’ generation. The company introduced the button lock mode, now found only on the ‘X2’ models.

The buttons have been reduced to the same size as they were originally, on the first models – Holosun made them smaller again and placed them horizontally.

But as opposed to the first 507C models, the second ‘V2’, and now the third ‘X2’ generation of these Holosun red dot sights have a side battery compartment, as it is no longer positioned on the bottom.

Main features of 507C MOA dot

  • 2 MOA dot & 2 MOA dot surrounded by a 32 MOA circle

  • green and red illumination
  • compact and lightweight

  • a Solar Failsafe™ cell on top of the device

  • perfect for a pistol

  • Shake Awake™ function with the last setting recall

  • 12 illumination intensity levels - 2 of them are NV compatible

  • Free of parallax

  • 100.000 hours of battery life

  • Side CR1632 battery compartment

About the Holosun Reflex series

Reflex is one of the red dot sight series made by Holosun. These compact red dot sights are not closed on both sides like the Tube, Infiniti and Paralow series, which is why they are very compact and lightweight (there are some exceptions to this in the Holosun Reflex series – 512T is closed from both sides and thus bigger while 510C is a reflex-type red dot sight of a bigger design).

Because of their size, 407C, 507C, and 508T are great for mounting on a pistol.

But as opposed to the first 507C models, the second V2, and now the third X2 generation of these Holosun red dot sights have a side CR1632 battery compartment (it is no longer positioned on the bottom).. The click value for the elevation and windage adjustments is 0.5 MOA. These durable red dot sights feature a single-piece housing made out of aluminum. Altogether, there are 12 illumination intensity levels to choose from, 2 of which are NVD compatible. The battery life is 50.000 hours.

About the 'Elite' Models

The Holosun's Elite series is distinguished by having at least one of the following features – green illumination, gold illumination, and titanium housing. Offering illumination other in green and gold is a welcome upgrade for shooters who have problems seeing the red colour. Titanium has been gaining in popularity in the red dot sight market because it is strong, lightweight and more resistant to corrosion than aluminium.

About the 507C model family

The 507 is one of the model families in the Reflex series. The first number '5' in its name means that the user can switch between a 2 MOA dot; 2 MOA dot surrounded by a 32 MOA circle or a 32 MOA ring only.

Mounting details of 507C MOA red dot

Holosun 507C has a Trijicon RMR footprint for mounting purposes.

Warranty on Holosun 507C red dot sights

The Holosun warranty is 3 years.

For more information regarding the Holosun's model labels, check our blog post.

Splošne lastnosti

Proizvajalec Holosun
Serija rdečih pik Holosun Reflex
Poreklo Kitajska
V proizvodnji od 2019
Garancija 3 leta

Lastnosti kupol

Korak nastavitve križa 28mm/100m - 1MOA
Pomik križa po smeri 14.53 mrad
Pomik križa po smeri (MOA) 50.00 MOA

Lastnosti križa

Križ 2 MOA Dot & 32 MOA Circle
Osvetlitev križa Da
Dnevna osvetlitev križa Da
Avtomatski izklop Da
Velikost pike 2.00 MOA
Nastavljiva jakost Da
Stikalo za jakost Da
Nastavitev paralakse Free of Parallax

Fizične lastnosti

Dolžina 45.00 mm
Širina 29.00 mm
Višina 29.00 mm
Teža 42.00 g
Material Aluminij
Območje delovne temperature - 12 °C / + 78 °C
Tip baterije CR1632
Čas delovanja 50,000.00 h
Polnilo -
Premazi leč Več slojev - povsod
Mounting Standard Trijicon RMR
Integriran tip montaže Brez
Velikost okenca 16 mm x 23 mm
Tip rdeče pike Odprti merek

Posebne funkcije

Odpornost na vodo IPX-8
Odpornost na rosenje Da
Odpornost na udarce >1501 G
Posebne lastnosti Odporen na rosenje, Odporen na udarce, Osvetljen križ, Self illuminated, Večslojni premaz - povsod, Vodoodporen

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Ocene in priporočila

3 ocene
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Zelo bi bili veseli vaše ocene tega izdelka:
Ocenite izdelek

How do you rate this product?

Lahko je bolje It can be better

Dostava pravočasno. Izdelek je super. Ugodna trošarinska cena izdelka, prijazni prodajalci.<br>Navodila za uporabo na spletni strani so stara, kot tudi to, da aparat uporablja napajanje baterije serije "CR2032"....kar ni res . Res je, da uporablja baterijo serije "CR1632".<br>Na uradni spletni strani "Holosun" piše, da je bila priložena baterija priložena v paketu in je ni bilo v kupljeni embalaži.
Delivery on time. The product is great. Good excise price of the product, kind sellers.<br>The instructions for use on the website are old, as well as the fact that the device uses the power supply of the "CR2032" series battery .... which is not true. It is true that it uses a "CR1632" series battery.<br>The official website of "Holosun" states that the accompanying battery was included in the package, and it was not in the purchased packaging.

Mnenja po


Dobra prva pištola rds Good first pistol rds

HS 507C V2, nameščen na Glock 17 z RMR rezom, uporabljam že 6 mesecev s približno 2000 izstreljenimi naboji. Po mojih izkušnjah je optika odlična vrednost za vaš denar in večina mnenj na internetu bo povedala enako.<br><br>Možnosti izbire mrežice so prijeten dodatek, še posebej za manj izkušene uporabnike točk. Večina ljudi se sčasoma odloči za uporabo preproste pike.<br><br>Probleme, kot so voda/sneg, ki motijo vidno sliko, je mogoče pripisati bolj odprti zasnovi oddajnika kot le 507. Če pa se želite ves dan valjati po blatu, vam priporočam zaprt sistem emitorjev.<br><br>Moja posebna optika ima emitor krožne pike nekoliko zamaknjen, zaradi česar je vidna slika nagnjena. To ne vpliva na streljanje in je komaj opazno, vendar bi lahko koga z OCD spravilo v norost. Jaz imam<br>
I've used the HS 507C V2 mounted on an RMR cut Glock 17 for 6 months now with about 2000 rounds shot. In my experience the optic is great value for your money and searching the internet the majority of reviews will say the same.<br><br>The reticle options are a nice extra especially for less experienced dot users. Most people do eventually settle on using the simple dot.<br><br>Issues like water/snow disturbing the sight picture can be attributed to the open emitter design more than only the 507. A holster that covers the optic helps, but if you want to roll around in mud all day I'd suggest a closed emitter system.<br><br>My specific optic has the cirle dot emitter ever so slightly offset giving a tilted sight picture. This does not affect shooting in any meaningful way and is barely noticeable, but could drive someone with OCD crazy. I h<br>

Mnenja po


Deluje dobro Works well

Na splošno je dober pogled, vendar ima nekaj manjših težav. Merilo je dobro osredotočeno, zelo jasno, nima nobenih prog, razen če je zelo svetlo pri šibki svetlobi, in je lahko dovolj svetlo tudi proti snegu na sončen dan. Nisem mogel dobiti dobre slike mrežice, zato to, kar vidite na fotografijah, ki sem jih posnel, ne odraža videza tega vidika. Zelo dobrodošla je tudi možnost treh različnih mrežic. Menim, da je ta puškomitraljez vreden svojega denarja in zaenkrat (približno 1000 nabojev 22LR) deluje odlično. Priporočam ga, vendar je tudi tu še veliko prostora za izboljšave.
Overall it's a good sight but has a few minor issues. The reticle is well focused, very clear, lacks any streaking unless run super bright in dim light and it can get bright enough even against snow on a sunny day. I was unable to get a good picture of the reticle, so what you see in the pics I took does not reflect how that aspect looks. The option of 3 different reticles is also very welcome. I think this is well worth the money and it functions great so far (about 1000 rounds of 22LR). I recommend it, but there is room for improvement too.

Mnenja po


Uporabniške datoteke

Osebne izkušnje ostalih uporabnikov so lahko nekomu v veliko pomoč. Z deljenjem svojih posnetkov, fotografij in mnenj o izdelkih pripomorete k lažji odločitvi bodočih kupcev.


Uporabniška vprašanja

Potrebujete pomoč? Niste prepričani, če je izdelek pravi za vas? Ne oklevajte - vprašajte našo skupnost, ki je tukaj, da vam pomaga pri vprašanjih o izdelku.

Imate pa HOLOSUN HE 507K-GR in ustreza. LP in hvala za odgovor. Franks

Ali imate HOLOSUN HE 507K-GR in koliko stane. LP in hvala za odg. Franci

od Franci

Spoštovani Franci,

zahvaljujemo se vam za poslano sporočilo.

Holosun 507K X2 lahko najdete tukaj:

- https://www.optics-trade.eu/si/holosun-507k-x2.html

Če boste imeli še kakšno vprašanje nas prosim kontaktirajte.

Lep pozdrav.

od Optics Trade team

Mam canik mete 9 mc3 , in poskušam dodati holosun he507c gr...kakšno osnovno ploščo potrebujem???

I have a canik mete 9 mc3 , an I’m trying to add the holosun he507c gr…what base plate do I need???

od Marky

Dragi Marky,

hvala za vaše sporočilo.

Na žalost v naši ponudbi še nimamo plošč za to konkretno pištolo.

Prosimo, pošljite nam sliko tulca pištole na naslov info@optics-trade.eu, da bomo lahko poskusili najti rešitev za namestitev.

Za razumevanje se vam zahvaljujemo.

Prijazen pozdrav

Dear Marky,

thank you for your message.

Unfortunately, we do not have any plates for this particular handgun in our offer yet.

Please send us a picture of the pistol's receiver at info@optics-trade.eu. so we can try to find a mounting solution.

Thank you for your understanding.

Kind regards

od Optics Trade team

O nakupu plošče

About purchasing the plate



zahvaljujemo se vam, da ste nas kontaktirali.

Prosimo, sporočite nam, kako vam lahko pomagamo na info@optics-trade.eu.

Veselim se vašega sporočila.

S spoštovanjem.


thank you for contacting us.

Please let us know how we can help you at info@optics-trade.eu.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Kind regards.

od Optics Trade team

Nakup novega Beretta 92XRDO Dobil je Holosun 507C RDO in imam zelo težko čas, ko poskušam kupiti pravilno montažno ploščo, ki jo želim kupiti

Purchased a new Beretta 92XRDO Was given a Holosun 507C RDO and am having a very difficult time trying to purchase the correct mounting plate which I wish to purchase

od Andrew

Dragi Andrew,

zahvaljujemo se vam, da ste nas kontaktirali.

Točno bi morali vedeti, ali imate pištolo, pripravljeno za optiko, ali klasični model z železnimi vzdihi. Prosimo, da nam te informacije posredujete neposredno na naslov info@optics-trade.eu

S spoštovanjem,

Dear Andrew,

thank you for contacting us.

We would exactly need to know whether you have an optics-ready handgun or a classic iron sighs model. Please share this information directly at info@optics-trade.eu

Kind Regards,

od Optics Trade team

Zdravljeni , nameravam rezkati svoj M&P M2.0 slide za Holosun 507c x2. Iščem sprednji polmer odtisa, da bi lahko zanj izdelal program. Najlepša hvala

Hello , I'm going to be milling my M&P M2.0 slide for the Holosun 507c x2 . I am looking for the front radius of the footprint to be able to make a program for it. Thank you very much

od Ryan

Dragi Ryan,

zahvaljujemo se vam, da ste nas kontaktirali.

Na spodnji povezavi najdete odtis 507C.


Za dodatno pomoč nas lahko neposredno kontaktirate na naslovu info@optics-trade.eu

S spoštovanjem,

Dear Ryan,

thank you for contacting us.

Please find the 507C footprint on the link below.


For additional assistance, don't hesitate to get in touch with us directly at info@optics-trade.eu

Kind Regards,

od Optics Trade team

Hi, ali opravljate mednarodno pošiljanje v Buenos Aires, Argentina? kaj o davkih? so vključeni?

Hi, do you do international shipping to Buenos Aires, Argentina? what about taxes? are incluided?

od Pablo

Dragi Pablo,

hvala za vaše sporočilo.

Da, večino naših izdelkov, vključno s Holosunom, lahko pošljemo v Argentino.

Za pošiljanje v države zunaj EU DDV ne bo zaračunan. Za te pakete pa se lahko zaračunajo uvozne ali carinske pristojbine ali lokalni DDV, odvisno od zakonodaje posameznih držav.

Zahvaljujemo se vam za razumevanje.

Za več informacij nas kontaktirajte na info@optics-trade.eu.

S spoštovanjem

Dear Pablo,

thank you for your message.

Yes, we can ship most of our products, including Holosun, to Argentina.

For dispatch to countries outside of the EU, VAT will not be charged. These packages may however be assessed for import or customs fees or local VAT, depending on the laws of the particular countries.

Thank you for your understanding.

For more information, please contact us at info@optics-trade.eu.

Kind regards

od Optics Trade team

I potrebujem montažno ploščo za namestitev tega Holosuna 507C na pištolo CZ 75 Shadow 2, ki je pripravljena na optiko? Če da, katero?

Do I need a mounting plate to fit this Holosun 507C to a CZ 75 Shadow 2 optics ready pistol? If so, which one?

od Vincent

Dragi Vincent,

zahvaljujemo se vam, da ste nas kontaktirali.

Za uporabo tega daljnogleda boste potrebovali adapterje. Najprej boste potrebovali pretvorbeno ploščo, ki se nahaja na spodnji strani.


Ta bo obstoječi nastavek za namestitev Trijicon RMR na vaš Holosun 507C pretvorila v nastavek Docter/Noblex, nato pa boste potrebovali naslednji nastavek.


Tudi boste morali izbrati tip A za odtis za rdečo piko tipa Docter.

Če potrebujete dodatno pomoč, se obrnite na nas na naslov info@optics-trade.eu

S spoštovanjem,

Dear Vincent,

thank you for contacting us.

You will need to adapters in order to use this red dot sight. First you will need a conversion plate located on the page below.


This will convert the existing Trijicon RMR mounting footprint on your Holosun 507C to a Docter/Noblex footprint, then you will need the following mount.


Here you will need to choose Type A for Docter-type red dot footprints.

If you require any further assistance please do not hesitate to contact us at info@optics-trade.eu

Kind Regards,

od Optics Trade team

Ali se 507C X2 prilega na Sig P320 X Spectre Compact neposredno brez kakršnih koli sprememb.

Will a 507C X2 fit on a Sig P320 X Spectre Compact directly without any modification.

od Harry

Dragi Harry,

zahvaljujemo se vam, da ste nas kontaktirali.

Holosun 507C X2 se prilega neposredno pištoli Sig P320 X-Carry Spectre. Enako velja za rdeče točkovne namerilne naprave Shield RMSc.

Če boste potrebovali nadaljnjo pomoč, nas lahko ponovno kontaktirate na info@optics-trade.eu

S spoštovanjem,

Dear Harry,

thank you for contacting us.

Holosun 507C X2 fits directly to Sig P320 X-Carry Spectre. The same stands for the Shield RMSc red dot sights.

Should you require any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us again at info@optics-trade.eu

Kind Regards,

od Optics Trade team

Mam diapozitiv sig p365 SAS in Holosun HS507C X2, kakšno adaptersko ploščo potrebujem

I have sig p365 SAS slide and Holosun HS507C X2 what adapter plate do I need

od Robert

Dragi Robert,

Za vaše povpraševanje se vam zahvaljujem.

Če ste se že odločili za to kombinacijo Sig P365 SAS + Holosun HS507C X2, vam priporočamo, da se obrnete na proizvajalca pištole, da vam svetuje, kako na pištolo namestiti vizir z rdečo piko.

Vendar pa... Če ste še vedno na trgu za namerilni aparat z rdečo piko in si trenutno ogledujete le model HS507C X2, potem vam svetujemo, da si namesto tega omislite Holosun 507K, ki bi bil primernejši za vašo pištolo Sig P365 SAS.

Če boste potrebovali dodatno pomoč, se lahko ponovno obrnete na nas.

S spoštovanjem

Dear Robert, 

Thank you for your inquiry. 

If you are already set on this Sig P365 SAS + Holosun HS507C X2 combination, then we recommend you to contact the gun manufacturer to advise you how to get your red dot sight on the pistol.

However... If you are still on the market for a red dot sight and you are currently just looking at the HS507C X2, then we would advise you to get Holosun 507K instead, which would be more suitable for your Sig P365 SAS.

Should you need any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us again.

Kind regards

od Optics Trade team

Pripravljate strojno obdelavo stekel in vgradnjo Red Dot namerilnih naprav? Hvala

Do you machine slides and mount Red Dot sights? Thank you

od Edward

Drage gospod,

Za vaše povpraševanje se vam zahvaljujem. Na žalost trenutno ne zagotavljamo tovrstnih storitev. Zahvaljujemo se vam za razumevanje.

S spoštovanjem

Dear Sir,

Thank you for your inquiry. Unfortunately, we do not provide this kind of service at this time. Thank you for understanding.

Kind regards

od Optics Trade team

Ali bo moj holosun 507c x2 ustrezal mojemu sig sauer p320 9mm

Will my holosun 507c x2 fit my sig sauer p320 9mm

od Dale

Drage gospod,

zahvaljujemo se vam, da ste nas kontaktirali.

Za namestitev kamere Holosun 507C X2 boste potrebovali naslednjo adaptersko ploščo:

EGW Trijicon RMR Sight Mount za Sig P220-229, 320 - Optics-Trade

Če boste potrebovali dodatno pomoč, nas ponovno kontaktirajte.

S spoštovanjem

Dear Sir, 

thank you for contacting us. 

In order for the Holosun 507C X2 to fit, you will need the following adapter plate: 

EGW Trijicon RMR Sight Mount for Sig P220-229, 320 - Optics-Trade 

Should you require any further help, please do not hesitate to contact us again. 

Kind regards 

od Optics Trade team

Zdravljeni, dragi turški ladijski tovor ?

Hello dear Turkey ship cargo ?

od Birol

Drage gospod,

zahvaljujemo se vam, da ste nas kontaktirali.

Ta izdelek lahko pošljemo v Turčijo.

Če boste potrebovali nadaljnjo pomoč, nas lahko ponovno kontaktirate na info@optics-trade.eu

S spoštovanjem,

Dear Sir,

thank you for contacting us.

We can ship this product to Turkey.

Should you require any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us again at info@optics-trade.eu

Kind Regards,

od Optics Trade team

Mam nov Walther PDP compact, ki je pripravljen na optiko. Ali obstajajo kakšne optike z rdečo piko, ki jih je mogoče namestiti neposredno brez adapterja/osnovne plošče?

I have a new optics ready Walther PDP compact. Are there any red dot optcis that can be mounted directly without an adaptor/base plate?

od Ted

Zanimam se za nakup Holosun HE507C- GR, vendar potrebujem adaptersko ploščo za svoj Sig P-320 compact (3,5" cev) Ali prodajate tudi adaptersko ploščo? Steve Pearl Memphis, TN

I am interested in buying the Holosun HE507C- GR but I need an adapter plate for my Sig P-320 compact (3.5" barrel) Do you sell the adapter plate too? Steve Pearl Memphis, TN

od Steve

Drage gospod,

zahvaljujemo se vam, da ste nas kontaktirali.

Če imate model, ki ni pripravljen za optiko, vam predlagamo model na spodnji strani.


Za dodatne informacije se obrnite neposredno na nas na naslov info@optics-trade.eu

S spoštovanjem,

Dear Sir,

thank you for contacting us.

If you have a non Optics-Ready model we would suggest the model on the page below.


For additional information, please contact us directly at info@optics-trade.eu

Kind Regards,

od Optics Trade team

Ali je temu izdelku priložena montažna plošča z adapterjem? Zahvaljujem se vam in se veselim vašega odgovora.

Does this product come with adaptor mounting plate? Thank you & looking forward to your reply soon.

od Dennis

Dragi Dennis,

zahvaljujemo se vam, da ste nas kontaktirali.

Ne, rdeča pika ne vključuje adapterskih ploščic.

V primeru kakršnih koli informacij, smo vam na voljo na info@optics-trade.eu.

Lep pozdrav.

Dear Dennis,

thank you for contacting us.

No, the red dot doesn't include any adaptor plates.

V primeru kakršnih koli informacij, smo vam na voljo na info@optics-trade.eu.

Lep pozdrav.

od Optics Trade team

Spoštovani, zgolj preverba ali imate ta model na zalogi z ZELENO PIKO? Holosun Reflex HE507C-GR X2 Hvala, Jure

od Jure

Spoštovani Jure,

hvala za vaše sporočilo.

Izdelek je trenutno na zalogi.

V primeru kakršnih koli informacij, smo vam na voljo na info@optics-trade.eu

Lep pozdrav.

od Optics Trade team

Da prodajate montažno ploščo za holosun 507C X2, ki bo nameščena na optično pripravljeno različico pištole CZ P10. Slišal sem, da je enaka plošča za trijicon RMR.

Do you guys sell the mounting plate for holosun 507C X2 that will mount to an optics ready version of the CZ P10 pistol. I hear its the same plate for trijicon RMR.

od Greg

Dragi Greg,

Hvala za vaše povpraševanje.

Tako je, Holosun 507C X2 ima standard za namestitev Trijicon RMR. Teoretično bi moral ta rdeči daljnogled ustrezati vašemu CZ P-10 OR. Vendar vam priporočamo, da se glede tega vprašanja najprej obrnete na proizvajalca pištole, da boste na varni strani.

Če boste potrebovali dodatno pomoč, se lahko ponovno obrnete na nas.

S spoštovanjem

Dear Greg,

Thank you for your inquiry.

It is true, Holosun 507C X2 features the Trijicon RMR mounting standard. In theory, this red dot sight should fit on your CZ P-10 OR. However, we kindly recommend you first contact the pistol manufacturar regarding this question to be on the safe side.

Should you need any further assistance, pelase do not hesitate to contact us again.

Kind regards

od Optics Trade team

Spoštovani, pri vas sem naročil holosun 507c x2 red dot. Zanima me kateri adapter je primeren za montažo na pištolo czp10c ali-lp

Poštovani, naručio sam od vas holosun 507c x2 red dot.Zanima me koji adapter odgovara za postavljanje na pištolj czp10c or- lp

od Marjan


hvala za sporočilo.

Ustrezno montažo za CZ P-10 C OR lahko najdete na naslednji povezavi: https://www.optics-trade.eu/si/toni-system-pistol-mount-for-cz-p10c-p10f.html

Za 507C X2 izberite Type B.

Lep Pozdrav

od Optics Trade team

Ali bo ta stran ustrezala mojemu novemu Waltherju PDP-F serije 9mm

Will this site fit my new Walther PDP-F series 9mm

od Elianne

Drage gospod,

zahvaljujemo se vam, da ste nas kontaktirali.

Prilagoditi je treba adaptersko ploščo. Svetujemo vam, da se obrnete na podjetje Walther, saj imajo posebno spletno stran, ki vam omogoča, da z njimi stopite v stik prav v zvezi s to zadevo. Najdete jo tukaj:

Obrazec za zahtevo za optično ploščico - www.waltherarms.com

Če boste potrebovali kakršno koli dodatno pomoč, se lahko ponovno obrnete na nas .

S prijaznimi pozdravi

Dear Sir, 

thank you for contacting us.

An adapter plate should be used. We kindly advise you to contact Walther as they have a dedicated website that allows you to get in touch with them regarding this very matter. You can find it here: 

Optic Plate Request Form – www.waltherarms.com 

Should you require any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us again. 

Kind regards

od Optics Trade team

Mate 507C X2 Red dot pripravljen za pošiljanje?

Do you have 507C X2 Red dot ready to ship ?

od Harri

Dragi Harri,

zahvaljujemo se vam, da ste nas kontaktirali.

Ano, izdelek je pripravljen za odpremo.

Če boste potrebovali dodatne informacije, nas lahko kontaktirate na info@optics-trade.eu

S spoštovanjem,

Dear Harri,

thank you for contacting us.

Yes, the product is ready to ship.

If you will need any additional information you can contact us at info@optics-trade.eu

Kind regards,

od Optics Trade team

Zgubil sem eno od montažnih vijakov, ki pritrjujejo 507c 2x na montažno ploščo. kje jih lahko dobim?

I lost one of the mounting skrews that mounts the 507c 2x to a mounting plate. where can i obtain a few?

od Thomas

Dragi Thomas,

zahvaljujemo se vam, da ste nas kontaktirali.

Predlagamo, da se obrnete neposredno na podjetje holosun.

Če boste potrebovali dodatne informacije, nas lahko kontaktirate na info@optics-trade.eu

S spoštovanjem,

Dear Thomas,

thank you for contacting us.

We suggest you contact holosun directly.

If you will need any additional information you can contact us at info@optics-trade.eu

Kind regards,

od Optics Trade team

Čim se razlikuje od 407c?

What differents from 407c?

od Giorgos

Drage gospod,

zahvaljujemo se vam, da ste nas kontaktirali.

Holosun 507C je zasnovan s piko 2 MOA in piko 2 MOA, obdano s krogom 32 MOA, medtem ko je model 407C na voljo samo z velikostjo pike 2 MOA. Holosun 507C je tudi nekoliko večji od 407C.

Če boste potrebovali dodatno pomoč, nas lahko ponovno kontaktirate na info@optics-trade.eu

S spoštovanjem,

Dear Sir,

thank you for contacting us.

Holosun 507C is designed with a 2 MOA dot & 2 MOA dot surrounded by a 32 MOA circle while the 407C comes only with a 2 MOA dot size. Holosun 507C is also slightly bigger than 407C.

Should you require any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us again at info@optics-trade.eu

Kind Regards,

od Optics Trade team

Mam ta pogled, vendar ima moja nova opengun drugačen odtis (c-more rts2) na montaži. Ali obstaja adapter iz c-more rts2 ord, podoben odtisu rmr?

I have this sight but i my new opengun has a diffrent footprint (c-more rts2) on the mount. Is there a adapter from c-more rts2 ord similar to rmr footprint?

od Daniel

Drage gospod,

zahvaljujemo se vam, da ste nas kontaktirali.

Na žalost v naši ponudbi nimamo adapterja iz C-More za Trijicon.

Če boste potrebovali nadaljnjo pomoč, se lahko ponovno obrnete na nas na info@optics-trade.eu

S spoštovanjem,

Dear Sir,

thank you for contacting us.

Unfortunately, we don't have an adapter from C-More to Trijicon in our offer.

Should you require any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us again at info@optics-trade.eu

Kind Regards,

od Optics Trade team

Ali bo to ustrezalo springfield ed-m elite 10mm, je izvrtano in nastavljeno za HEX DrGONFLY OPTIC.

will this fit a springfield ed-m elite 10mm it is drilled and set up for a HEX DrGONFLY OPTIC.

od nick

Drage gospod,

zahvaljujemo se vam, da ste nas kontaktirali.

Vljudno vas prosimo, da navedete, kateri adapter uporabljate s pištolo XDM. Upoštevajte, da si namerilnik Holosun 507C z rdečo piko deli odtis z namerilnikom Trijicon RMR z rdečo piko.

Če boste potrebovali dodatno pomoč, se lahko ponovno obrnete na nas.

S spoštovanjem,

Dear Sir,

thank you for contacting us.

We would kindly ask you to specify which adapter do you use with your XDM handgun. Please note that the Holosun 507C red dot sight shares a footprint of Trijicon RMR red dot sights.

Should you require any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us again.

Kind Regards,

od Optics Trade team

Potrebujem samo nastavek za namestitev HS507C X2 na moj FN 5.7. Ali mi lahko pomagate dobiti pravi mojnt?

Only need the mount to mount the HS507C X2 on my FN 5.7. Can you help me get the correct mojnt?

od Doug

Drage gospod,

zahvaljujemo se vam, da ste nas kontaktirali.

Prosimo, upoštevajte, da ima Holosun 507C enak odtis kot namerilne naprave Trijicon RMR z rdečo piko, vendar upoštevajte, da trenutno v naši ponudbi nimamo ustreznega nastavka za pištolo FN 5.7.

Če boste potrebovali dodatno pomoč, se lahko ponovno obrnete na nas.

S spoštovanjem,

Dear Sir,

thank you for contacting us.

Please note that the Holosun 507C shares the footprint of Trijicon RMR red dot sights, however, please note that we currently don't have a suitable mount for the FN 5.7 handgun in our offer.

Should you require any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us again.

Kind Regards,

od Optics Trade team

Ali bo Holosun HE 507c -GR X2 ustrezal Canik Mete SFX IN SFT? Če ne, na katere pištole Canik bo ustrezal? Hvala, Michael

Will the Holosun HE 507c -GR X2 Fit a Canik Mete SFX AND SFT? If not which Canik pistols will that fit? Thank you, Michael

od Michael

Drage gospod,

zahvaljujemo se vam, da ste nas kontaktirali.

Upoštevajte, da ima Holosun 507C enak standard za montažo kot daljnogled Trijicon RMR. Primerno montažo si lahko ogledate na spodnji strani.


Če boste potrebovali dodatno pomoč, se lahko ponovno obrnete na nas.

S spoštovanjem,

Dear Sir,

thank you for contacting us.

Please note that the Holosun 507C shares a mounting standard of Trijicon RMR red dot sights. You can take a look at the suitable mount on the page below. 


Should you require any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us again.

Kind Regards,

od Optics Trade team

Mam Glock 17 gen 4 , pravkar sem kupil Zev slide in Holoson HS507C X2 in iščem montažno ploščo. Potrebujem priporočila ?

I have a Glock 17 gen 4 , I just purchased a Zev slide and a Holoson HS507C X2 and I am looking for a mounting plate . Need recommendations ?

od David

Drage gospod,

zahvaljujemo se vam, da ste nas kontaktirali.

Upoštevajte, da ima Holosun HS507C standardni odtis odtisa Trijicon RMR, kar pomeni, da mora imeti montažna plošča enak odtis. Na žalost nimamo veliko informacij o Zevovem steklu, zato vas prosimo, da nam posredujete dodatne fotografije montažne površine na vaši pištoli, da bi vam lahko svetovali ustrezno montažo

Za razumevanje se vam zahvaljujemo.

Če boste potrebovali dodatne informacije, nas brez oklevanja ponovno kontaktirajte.

S spoštovanjem

Dear Sir,

thank you for contacting us.

Please note that the Holosun HS507C has a Trijicon RMR footprint standard meaning the mounting plate should have the same footprint. Unfortunately, we do not have a lot of information on the Zev slide and we would kindly ask you to provide us with additional photos of the mounting surface on your pistol in order to advise the suitable mount

Thank you for your understanding.

If you will need any additional information please do not hesitate to contact us again.

Kind Regards

od Optics Trade team

Holosun Reflex HE507C GR X2. Kolikšna je celotna cena namerilne naprave in pošiljanja v Avstralijo. Kako dolgo traja pošiljanje?

Holosun Reflex HE507C GR X2. What is the full cost of the sight and shipping to Australia. How long does shipping take?

od Peter

Dragi gospod,

zahvaljujemo se vam, da ste nas kontaktirali.

Cena je AU$525,62 brez vključenega DDV.

Dobavni čas je odvisen od načina dostave, ki ga izberete. Vse načine pošiljanja lahko preverite tukaj: https://www.optics-trade.eu/au/shipping.html

Za razumevanje se vam zahvaljujemo in vas prosimo, da nas ponovno kontaktirate, če vam lahko pomagamo na kakršen koli drug način.

S spoštovanjem

Dear Sir,

thank you for contacting us.

The price is AU$525.62 without VAT included.

The shipping time depends on which shipping method you choose. You can check all the shipping methods here: https://www.optics-trade.eu/au/shipping.html

Thank you for your understanding and please do not hesitate to contact us again if we can assist you in any other way.

Kind Regards

od Optics Trade team

Zdravljeni, zanima me "Holosun 507C Reflex Red Dot X2" in ali prihaja z vključeno osnovo picatinny mount, ki ni prikazana na nobeni od slik. In kakšna je različica samega namerilnika.

Hello, I am interested in "Holosun 507C Reflex Red Dot X2" and does it come with picatinny mount base included, it does not show in any of the pictures. And what version is the sight it self.

od Anvaras

Drage gospod,

zahvaljujemo se vam, da ste nas kontaktirali.

Obveščamo vas, da samostrelu Holosun 507C X2 ni priložena montaža, primerna za picatinny. Lahko nas kontaktirate na info@optics-trade.eu in priporočili vam bomo primerno držalo picatinny za Holosun 507C reflex X2.

Za razumevanje se vam zahvaljujemo.

Če boste potrebovali dodatne informacije, nas brez oklevanja ponovno kontaktirajte.

Prijeten dan vam želim.

Dear Sir,

thank you for contacting us.

We would like to inform you that Holosun 507C reflex sight X2 does not come with a mount suitable for picatinny. You can contact us at info@optics-trade.eu and we will recommend you a suitable picatinny mount for the Holosun 507C reflex X2.

Thank you for your understanding.

If you will need any additional information please do not hesitate to contact us again.

Have a nice day ahead.

od Optics Trade team

Zdravljeni, zelo težko najdem rešitev za zeleno piko, ki bo delovala z revolverji S&W. Po urah iskanja sem ugotovil, da Holosun Reflex HE507C-GR X2 morda sledi isti osnovni predlogi kot Trijiconovi nosilci RMR/SRO. To pomeni, da se lahko nastavek EGW Trijicon RMR za S&W Revolver in Holosun Reflex HE507C-GR ujemata! Ali lahko preverite, ali je moja raziskava pravilna?! Če se ujemata, ju bom naročil čim prej! Najlepša hvala in lep pozdrav.

Hello there, I am really struggling finding a green dot solution that will work with S&W revolvers. After hours of searching I have found that the Holosun Reflex HE507C-GR X2 may follow the same base template as Trijicon RMR/SRO mounts. This means that the EGW Trijicon RMR Sight Mount for S&W Revolver and the Holosun Reflex HE507C-GR may be a match! Would you please verify if my research is correct?! If it is a match then I will place the order ASAP! Thanks heaps and best regards.

od Arne

Drage gospod,

zahvaljujemo se vam, da ste nas kontaktirali.

Vljudno se vam opravičujemo za pozen odgovor, ki je posledica povečanega povpraševanja po naših storitvah.

Vaša domneva je pravilna, saj si Holosun 507C-GR X2 res deli montažno platformo z rdečimi točkovnimi namerilniki Trijicon RMR. Nosilec, ki ga omenjate pri podjetju EGW, je primeren za revolverje Smith&Wesson z okvirji X, N, K in L. Upoštevajte, da je za ta nastavek treba vašo pištolo navrtati in izvrtati.

Če boste potrebovali dodatno pomoč, se lahko ponovno obrnete na nas.

S spoštovanjem,

Dear Sir,

thank you for contacting us.

We kindly apologize for the late reply, which is a result of the increased demand for our services.

You are correct in your assumption as Holosun 507C-GR X2 indeed shares the mounting platform of Trijicon RMR red dot sights. The mount that you are referring to from EGW is suitable for Smith&Wesson revolvers with X, N, K, and L frames. Please note that this mount requires your handgun drilled and tapped.

Should you require any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us again.

Kind Regards,

od Optics Trade team

Hi Zakaj ne navajate več Holosun 507C-X2 ACSS VULAN? Rad bi kupil to možnost. Ali jo boste ponovno dobili ali jo moram naročiti v ZDA? Hvala za vaše komentarje.

Hi Why you do not list the Holosun 507C-X2 ACSS VULAN anymore? I would like to buy this option. Will you get this again or do I have to order it in USA? Thanks for your comments.

od Dietrich

Drage gospod,

zahvaljujemo se vam, da ste nas kontaktirali.

Na žalost izdelek trenutno ni na voljo in ga ne moremo dobaviti.

Za razumevanje se vam zahvaljujemo.

Če boste potrebovali dodatne informacije, nas ponovno kontaktirajte.

S spoštovanjem

Dear Sir,

thank you for contacting us.

Unfortunately, the product is currently unavailable and it can not be supplied.

Thank you for your understanding.

If you will need any additional information please do not hesitate to contact us again.

Kind Regards

od Optics Trade team

Holosun he507C-GR X2 Ali ima adapter Picatinny?

Holosun he507C-GR X2 Does it come with picatinny adaptor?

od Michael

Drage gospod,

zahvaljujemo se vam, da ste nas kontaktirali.

Na žalost Holosun Reflex HE507C-GR X2 ni opremljen z adapterjem Picatinny.

Za razumevanje se vam zahvaljujemo.

Če boste potrebovali dodatne informacije, nas brez oklevanja ponovno kontaktirajte.

S spoštovanjem

Dear Sir,

thank you for contacting us.

Unfortunately, the Holosun Reflex HE507C-GR X2 does not come with a picatinny adapter.

Thank you for your understanding.

If you will need any additional information please do not hesitate to contact us again.

Kind Regards

od Optics Trade team

Vijak prostora za baterije in sam prostor sta se iztaknila iz mesta. Ali imate nadomestni del in koliko stane?

The battery compartment bolt and compartment itself came out of the site.. Do you have a replacement andhow much?

od Alva

Drage gospod,

zahvaljujemo se vam, da ste nas kontaktirali.

Predalček za baterije Holosun z 2 vključenima vijakoma lahko najdete tukaj: https://www.optics-trade.eu/si/holosun-battery-compartment.html

Za razumevanje se vam zahvaljujemo.

Če boste potrebovali dodatne informacije, nas ponovno kontaktirajte.

S spoštovanjem

Dear Sir,

thank you for contacting us.

You can find the Holosun Battery Compartment with 2 screws included here: https://www.optics-trade.eu/si/holosun-battery-compartment.html

Thank you for your understanding.

If you will need any additional information please do not hesitate to contact us again.

Kind Regards

od Optics Trade team

Prosim, obvestite me, kdaj bo Holosun 507C Reflex Red Dot X2 with ACSS Vulcan Reticle ponovno na zalogi. Ne želim naročiti nazaj. Hvala

Please inform me when the Holosun 507C Reflex Red Dot X2 with ACSS Vulcan Reticle is back in Stock. I do not want to Backorder. Thank you

od Jonas

Drage gospod,

zahvaljujemo se vam, da ste nas kontaktirali.

Kot ste omenili, trenutno teh izdelkov ni na zalogi. Novo pošiljko izdelkov Holosun pričakujemo v približno 4-6 tednih. Upamo, da bomo takrat imeli pozitivno zalogo modelov Vulcan.

Če boste potrebovali kakršno koli dodatno pomoč, se lahko ponovno obrnete na nas.

S spoštovanjem,

Dear Sir,

thank you for contacting us.

Currently, these are out of stock as you have mentioned. We expect a new shipment of Holosun products in approximately 4-6 weeks. Hopefully, at that time we will have a positive stock on the Vulcan models.

Should you require any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us again.

Kind Regards,

od Optics Trade team

Drage osebje Optics-trade, Kdaj bo ta izdelek na voljo na zalogi? https://www.optics-trade.eu/en/holosun-hs507c.html S spoštovanjem

Dear Optics-trade staff, When will be this product available in stock? https://www.optics-trade.eu/en/holosun-hs507c.html Regards

od Nevelits

Drage gospod,

zahvaljujemo se vam, da ste nas kontaktirali.

Potrjujemo, da je izdelek trenutno na zalogi, kar pomeni, da ga lahko takoj pošljemo, če ga naročite.

Za razumevanje se vam zahvaljujemo.

Če boste potrebovali dodatne informacije, nas lahko ponovno kontaktirate na info@optics-trade.eu.

S spoštovanjem,

Dear Sir,

thank you for contacting us.

We can confirm that the product is currently in stock meaning it can be shipped immediately if ordered.

Thank you for your understanding.

If you will need any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us again at info@optics-trade.eu.

Kind Regards,

od Optics Trade team

https://ctcsupplies.ca/holosun-primary-arms-hs507c-x2-pistol-red-dot-sight-acss-vulcan-reticle/#gallery-3 Ali ima ta namerilnik velik 100 moa obroč okoli namerilnika? Vem, da je to mrežica acss vulcan, vendar ni navedeno, ali ima velik obroč okoli objektiva. upam, da razumete, kaj mislim. V 35 sekundah tega posnetka na youtubu lahko vidite, kaj mislim. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Feul-x24Y4c&ab_channel=Iraqveteran8888 Lep dan!

https://ctcsupplies.ca/holosun-primary-arms-hs507c-x2-pistol-red-dot-sight-acss-vulcan-reticle/#gallery-3 Does this sight have the large 100 moa ring around the sight ? I know this is the acss vulcan reticle but it doesent say if it has the large refrence ring around the lens. hope you understand what i mean. 35 seconds in to this youtube clip you can kinda see what i mean https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Feul-x24Y4c&ab_channel=Iraqveteran8888 Have a great day!

od Mathias

Zdravljeni iz Nemčije, ali imate kakšne nove informacije o dobavnem roku za Holosun 507 ACSS Vulcan? Najlepša hvala za vašo pomoč. Lep pozdrav.

Hello and greetings from Germany, have you any new information about the delivery date for the Holosun 507 ACSS Vulcan? Thank you very much for your help. Kind regards.

od Patrick

Prosimo, upoštevajte, da so prve enote že prispele v naše skladišče, novo pošiljko pričakujemo v približno 4-6 tednih.

Please note that the first units already arrived at our warehouse, we expect a new shipment in around 4-6 weeks. 

od Optics Trade team

Katera je dolžina, širina in višina tega pogleda?

What is length, width, and height of this sight?

od Gary

Točne mere namerilnika Holosun Reflex HE507C-GR z rdečo piko so:

- Širina: 28,7 mm

-Dolžina: 45,2 mm

-Višina: 29 mm

The exact dimensions of the Holosun Reflex HE507C-GR red dot sight are:

 -Width: 28.7mm

 -Length: 45.2mm

 -Height: 29mm

od Optics Trade team


Želel bi kupiti HE507C-GR-X2 ali HE508T-GR-X2 in ga namestiti na svoj Glock 17 gen 5, vendar nimam različice MOS. kakšen nastavek za nastavek priporočate in ali ga tudi prodajate?

Vnaprej se vam zahvaljujem.


I would like to buy the HE507C-GR-X2 or the HE508T-GR-X2 and mount it on my Glock 17 gen 5 but I do NOT have the MOS version. what dovetail mount do you recommend and do you also sell it?

Thank you in advance.

od Mathias

Upoštevajte, da imata Holosun HE507C-GR-X2 in HE508T-GR-X2 enak odtis kot Trijicon RMR. Če imate model, ki ni opremljen z MOS in ni pripravljen na optiko, vam svetujemo, da si ogledate nastavek na spodnji strani.


Za odtis Trijicon RMR boste morali izbrati tip B.

Please note that both Holosun HE507C-GR-X2 and HE508T-GR-X2 share the Trijicon RMR footprint. If you have the non-MOS and non-Optics Ready model we would advise you to take a look at the mount on the page below.


For a Trijicon RMR footprint, you will need to choose the type B.

od Optics Trade team

Zdravljeni, rad bi kupil HE507C-GR-X2 ali HE508T-GR-X2 in ga namestil na svoj Glock 17 gen 5, vendar nimam različice MOS. kakšen nosilec priporočate in ali ga tudi prodajate? Vnaprej se vam zahvaljujem.

Hi, I would like to buy the HE507C-GR-X2 or the HE508T-GR-X2 and mount it on my Glock 17 gen 5 but I do NOT have the MOS version. what dovetail mount do you recommend and do you also sell it? Thank you in advance.

od Mathias

Ano, prodajamo nastavek za rdečo piko, ki je primeren za vas glede na vaše podatke. Vljudno vas prosimo, da nas v zvezi s tem kontaktirate na info@optics-trade.eu.

Yes, we are selling the red dot sight mount that is suitable for you according to your information. We would kindly like to ask you to contact us at info@optics-trade.eu regarding this matter.

od Optics Trade team

Ali mi lahko poveste, kdaj bo datum izdaje Holosun Reflex HS507C-RD X2 z mrežico ACSS? Hvala,

Can you tell me when will be the release date of the Holosun Reflex HS507C-RD X2 with ACSS reticle? Thanks, 

od Richard

Datum izdaje še ni določen, saj je podjetje Primary Arms, ki je lastnik patenta za mrežice ACSS, v postopku pridobivanja patenta za mrežico ACSS Vulcan.

The release date is not yet specified as Primary Arms which own the patent of the ACSS reticles were in the procedure of procuring one for the ACSS Vulcan reticle.

od Optics Trade team

Ali imate popuste za veterane ali le-te?

do you guys have le or veteran discounts?

od James

Na žalost za ta izdelek ne moremo ponuditi dodatnega popusta.

Unfortunately, we are unable to offer an additional discount on this product. 

od Optics Trade team

Havé you this un stock? ans do you ship un France ?

od Belhaffaf

Holosun Reflex HE507C-GR X2 je na zalogi in pripravljen za odpremo v 1-3 dneh.

Tudi v Francijo ga je mogoče poslati brez težav.

Holosun Reflex HE507C-GR X2 is on stock and ready to be shipped in 1-3 days.

it also can be shipped to France without any problem.

od Optics Trade team

Zdravljeni, malo sem zmeden glede točne vrste izdelka... V naslovu piše, da gre za različico X2 modela 507C. V opisu pa X2 ni več omenjen. Tukaj govorite samo o modelu 507C V2. Tudi na sliki izdelka je prikazan model V2 in ne X2. Pravzaprav me zanima različica V2. Če v spustnem meniju različnih tipov izberem Dot/Circle, ali je to različica V2? Hvala vnaprej

Hi guys, I´m a bit confused about the exact product type... In the heading it says it is the X2 Version of the 507C. In the description the X2 is not mentioned anymore. Here you are only talking about the 507C V2. The product picture also shows the V2 and not the X2. Im actually interested in the V2 version. If I choose Dot/Circle in the dropdwon menu of the different types, is this the V2 Version? Thanks in advance

od Kevin

Različica X2 in različica V2 sta popolnoma enaki, razlika je le v tem, kako so gumbi za nastavitev intenzivnosti nameščeni na napravi. Na različici X2 so gumbi majhni in nameščeni vodoravno, na različici V2 pa so gumbi veliki in nameščeni navpično. To je različica X2 naprave Holosun reflex HS507C RD.

The X2 version and the V2 version are exactly the same the only difference is how are the adjustable intensity buttons placed on the device. On X2 version the buttons are small and placed horizontally and on the V2 version, the buttons are big and placed vertically. This is a X2 version of Holosun reflex HS507C RD.

od Optics Trade team

Hej, ali obstaja razlika med HS507C ACSS Vulcan in ACSS Cyclops? Hvala, Ivan

Hey, is there a difference between HS507C ACSS Vulcan and ACSS Cyclops? Thank you Ivan

od Ivan

Mrežice ACSS so zasnovane in patentirane pri podjetju Primary Arms. ACSS Vulcan se je uradno imenoval Cyclops (patent je v postopku).

ACSS reticles are designed and patented by the Primary Arms. ACSS Vulcan was formally called Cyclops (the patent is pending).

od Optics Trade team

Zdravljeni, ali Holosun Reflex HS507C-RD X2 ustreza Glocku 17 Gen 5 MOS FS? Prepričan sem, da se prilega, vendar se želim prepričati pred naročilom. Hvala, spoštovani

Hi, Does the Holosun Reflex HS507C-RD X2 fit on a Glock 17 Gen 5 MOS FS? I quite sure it does, but I want to be sure before ordering. Thanks, Regards

od Chris

Holosun 507C-RD X2 ima enak odtis kot Trijicon RMR rdeče pike. Če imate adapter Trijicon RMR za pištolo Glock, bi se moral pravilno prilegati.

Holosun 507C-RD X2 shares the footprint of Trijicon RMR red dot sights. If you have a Trijicon RMR adapter with your Glock handgun, it should fit properly.

od Optics Trade team

Sir, Ali lahko pričakujem čas prihoda za HS507CX2 ACSS VULCAN? Hvala

Sir, May i ve an ETA for an HS507CX2 ACSS VULCAN ? Thanks

od alex

Predvideni dobavni rok za ta izdelek je 6-8 tednov.

The estimated delivery time for this product is 6-8 weeks.

od Optics Trade team

zdravo, sem v neredu glede Holosun Reflex HS507C-RD X2

Piše, fiksni nosilec, vendar je na sliki odstranljiv picatin nosilec...
Če torej kupim ta holosun, bom imel fiksni ali odstranljivi nosilec?


hello I'm in the mess about the Holosun Reflex HS507C-RD X2

It's write, fixed mount, but there is a removable picatiny mount on the picture...
So if i buy this holosun will i have a fixed or a removable mount ?


od jf

To je napaka na našem spletnem mestu, ki bo takoj odpravljena. Nastavek na tem daljnogledu je fiksne vrste in ni snemljiv.

This is a fault on our website which will be fixed momentarily. The mount on this red dot sight is of a fixed type not detachable.

od Optics Trade team

Kje lahko vindtiram to vrsto, vendar s chevronom in v zeleni barvi?

Where can I vindt this type but with the chevron and in green color?

od Lenny

Dostavni rok za ta izdelek trenutno ni znan. Prosimo vas, da nas ponovno kontaktirate čez nekaj tednov.

The delivery time for this product is currently not known. We would kindly ask you to contact us again in a few weeks.

od Optics Trade team

Hi, ali je to različica X2 ACSS z rdečim šivankom ali običajna različica V2 z rdečo piko?

Hi is this the X2 ACSS version with the red chevron reticle or the regular V2 version with the red dot reticle?

od Sean

X2 je točka 2 MOA + krožna mrežica 32 MOA. X2 je podobna različica kot modeli V2, razen postavitve gumbov za osvetlitev.

The X2 is the 2 MOA Dot + 32 MOA circle reticle. The X2 is a similar version to V2 models except for the illumination buttons placement.

od Optics Trade team

Gledam 507c X2 Ali je to rdeča pika z zelenim ozadjem? Imam pištolo CZ Shadow 2 9 mm, ali se bo ta dobro prilegala, ali imate potrebno osnovno ploščo?

Looking to get the 507c X2 Is this a red dot with green background ? I have a CZ Shadow 2 9mm pistol, will this fit well, do you have the base plate needed?

od Todd

Upoštevajte, da ima ta izdelek rdečo osvetlitev. Prosimo vas, da navedete, ali imate pištolo Optics Ready (OR) ali klasično pištolo.

Please note that this product has red illumination. We would kindly ask you to specify if you have an Optics Ready (OR) handgun or a classic one.

od Optics Trade team


Na strani za Holosun HS507-RD V2 lahko izberete nekaj, kar se imenuje Dot size NAV (glej priloženo sliko).

Kakšna je razlika med možnostmi?



On the page for the Holosun HS507-RD V2 you can choose something called Dot size NAV (see attached image).

What's the difference between the options?


od Jim

Prva možnost 2 MOA Dot + 32 MOA Circle je V2 ali druga različica 507C. Ima večje gumbe za navpično osvetlitev. Možnost 2 MOA Dot + 32 MOA Circle - X2 je tretja in najnovejša različica modela 507C. Ima večje gumbe za osvetlitev v vodoravnem položaju. Tretja možnost je ACSS Cyclops HG dot size, ki je posebna različica tega modela z mrežnicama 10 MOA Chevron in 250 MOA Circle. To mrežico poganjajo mrežice ACSS podjetja Primary Arms.

The first option 2 MOA Dot + 32 MOA Circle is the V2 or the second version of the 507C. It features larger vertical illumination buttons. The 2 MOA Dot + 32 MOA Circle - X2 is the third and the latest version of the 507C model. It features larger illumination buttons placed in a horizontal position. The third option is the ACSS Cyclops HG dot size which is a special version of this model with 10 MOA Chevron and 250 MOA Circle reticles. This reticle is powered by the Primary Arms ACSS reticles.

od Optics Trade team

Zdravljeni, Iščem ta artikel: Holosun Reflex HE507C-GR V2 Ali ste prepričani, da boste lahko imeli med 2-4 tedni ? Hvala, Arnaud

Hi, I am looking for this Item: Holosun Reflex HE507C-GR V2 Are you sure to be able to have between 2-4 weeks ? Thanks, Arnaud

od Arnaud

Prosimo, upoštevajte, da je trenutni dobavni rok po naročilu približno 6-8 tednov.

Please note that the current delivery time is approximately 6-8 weeks once ordered.

od Optics Trade team