Holosun 508T X2

Holosun 508T X2

(3 ocene)
Tako nizko, kot: 479,00 €
Čas odpreme
Pošiljanje v 1-3 dneh
Možnost vračila
15 dni
Obročno odplačevanje Že od 12,34 € na mesec

Izdelki na zalogi

Barva osvetlitve
479,00 €
1 2 3 4 6

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Holosun 508T X2 Opis izdelka

About the Holosun 508t red dot sight

Holosun 508T is a red dot sight of the Reflex series.

The letter 'T' means that the dot sight is made of titanium, which makes it stronger and more durable. For this reason, 508T is classified as Elite.

Even though ‘C’ is missing in its name, 508Tdot sight features a solar panel on top of the frame that surrounds the lens.

‘GR’ indicates that this red dot sight comes with illumination in green.

The 508t sight features the ShakeAwake function. When left powered on, the device will go from 'active mode' to 'sleep mode' after a while to prevent unnecessary battery drain. Once moved, it will power back on immediately.

Main features of 508t red dot sight

  • 508T dot sight feature green and red illumination
  • this Holosun open reflex sight is made of titanium
  • 2 MOA dot & 2 MOA dot surrounded by a 32 MOA circle or 32 MOA ring 
  • compact and light weight
  • a solar cell on top of the device
  • Holosun - 508t is perfect for a pistol
  • ShakeAwake function with the last setting recall
  • 12 illumination intensity levels - 2 of them are NV compatible
  • 508T is Parallax free
  • Long battery life - 50.000 hours battery life
  • the battery compartment is on the bottom of the Holosun device
  • This Holosun red dot sight uses the same footprint/mounting standard as Trijicon RMR

About the Holosun Reflex series

Holosun Reflex is one of the red dot sight series made by Holosun. These compact sights are not closed on both sides like the Holosun Tube, Holosun Infiniti and Holosun Paralow series, which is why they are very compact and lightweight (there are some exceptions to this in the Reflex series – Holosun 512T red dot sight is closed from both sides and thus bigger while Holosun 510C is a reflex-type red dot sight of a bigger design).

Because of their size, Holosun 407C, Holosun 507C, and Holosun 508T products are great for mounting on a pistol.

The illumination is powered by a CR2032 battery. The click value for the elevation and windage adjustments is 0.5 MOA. These durable red dot sights feature a single-piece housing made out of aluminum. Altogether, there are 12 illumination intensity levels to choose from, 2 of which are NVD compatible. The battery life is 50.000 hours.

About the Holosun 'Elite' models

The Holosun's Elite Reflex series is distinguished by having at least one of the following features – green illumination, gold illumination, and titanium housing. Offering illumination other in green and gold is a welcome upgrade for shooters who have problems seeing the red colour. Titanium has been gaining in popularity in the red dot sight market because it is strong, light weight and more resistant to corrosion than aluminium.

About the Holosun "508T" family

The Holosun 508t dot sight is one of the model families in the Holosun Reflex sight series. The first number '5' in its name means that the user can switch between a 2 MOA dot; 2 MOA dot surrounded by a 32 MOA circle or a 32 MOA ring only.

Is Holosun 508T footprint the same as RMR?

Holosun 508T has a Trijicon RMR footprint for mounting purposes. For more information about Holosun 508T X2 footprint read our blog post

Warranty of the Holosun's Products

The Holosun - 508t comes with a 3 years warranty on the material and on the electronics.

For more information regarding the symbols, check our blog post.

Splošne lastnosti

Proizvajalec Holosun
Serija rdečih pik Holosun Reflex
Poreklo Kitajska
V proizvodnji od 2019
Garancija 3 leta

Lastnosti kupol

Korak nastavitve križa 28mm/100m - 1MOA
Pomik križa po smeri 14.53 mrad
Pomik križa po smeri (MOA) 50.00 MOA

Lastnosti križa

Križ 2 MOA Dot & 32 MOA Circle
Osvetlitev križa Da
Dnevna osvetlitev križa Da
Avtomatski izklop Da
Velikost pike 2.00 MOA
Nastavljiva jakost Da
Stikalo za jakost Da
Nastavitev paralakse Free of Parallax

Fizične lastnosti

Dolžina 45.00 mm
Širina 29.00 mm
Višina 29.00 mm
Teža 56.00 g
Material Titanova zlitina
Območje delovne temperature - 22 °C / + 78 °C
Tip baterije CR1632
Čas delovanja 50,000.00 h
Polnilo -
Premazi leč Več slojev - povsod
Montažna površina Trijicon RMR standard
Mounting Standard Trijicon RMR
Integriran tip montaže Brez
Velikost okenca 16 mm x 23 mm
Tip rdeče pike Odprti merek

Posebne funkcije

Odpornost na vodo IPX-8
Odpornost na rosenje Da
Odpornost na udarce >1501 G
Posebne lastnosti Odporen na rosenje, Odporen na udarce, Osvetljen križ, Self illuminated, Večslojni premaz - povsod, Vodoodporen

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3 ocene
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Ocenite izdelek

How do you rate this product?

Odlična rdeča pika. Robusten Excelent red dot. Robust

To rdečo piko uporabljam že 2 leti na svoji prenosni pištoli. Je trden, zelo dober odsevnik. Opravlja svoje delo. Drži ničlo, tudi če pištola pade. Baterija zdrži veliko - res veliko več kot pri drugih blagovnih znamkah, funkcija "prebujanja s tresenjem" pa je zanesljiva. Toplo priporočam, dobro za to ceno!<br><br>PS: Bodite pozorni na zrahljanje vijakov, saj sem moral uporabiti dodatno loctite sredstvo za blokiranje navojev (modro 242).
I've been using this red dot for 2 years on my carry gun. It's solid, very good reflex sight. Does the job. Holds zero even dropping the pistol. The battery lasts much - really MUCH - more than other brands and the "shake awake" feature is reliable. I highly recommend, good for the price!<br><br>PS: Stay tuned about loosen screws, I had to put extra loctite threadlocker (blue 242).

Mnenja po


Holosun Reflex HE508T-RD Holosun Reflex HE508T-RD

Holosun Reflex HE508T-RD, imam 508T 1. generacije, ta izboljšuje prvo generacijo z možnostjo menjave baterij brez odstranitve optike z nosilca. Kombinacija sončne energije in baterije ter vsesplošna kakovost in trdnost optike Holosun Reflex HE508T-RD so odlična izbira za katero koli puško, puško ali celo brzostrelko. Zelo majhna višina.
Holosun Reflex HE508T-RD, i have the gen 1 508T, this one improves on the first gen by making it possible to change batteries without removing the optic from the mount. The solar and battery combo and the all around quality and sturdiness of the Holosun Reflex HE508T-RD make it a great option for any gun, rifle of even shotgun. Very light height.

Mnenja po


Odlično Excellent

To sem uporabljal na ročni pištoli 9 mm (ipsc produkcijska optika) že približno 2000 krogov in deluje brezhibno. Funkcija prebuditve s tresenjem deluje odlično, vse je odlično!<br><br>Predvidevam, da bi kupil še enega, vendar ne vem, na kaj bi ga namestil :)<br><br>Na spletu je še več odličnih mnenj, samo poiščite ga v Googlu.
Have been running this on a 9mm competition hand gun (ipsc production optics) for approx 2000 rounds now, and it performs flawlessly. Shake awake feature works great, everything great!<br><br>Considering getting another one but not sure what to put it on :)<br><br>There are more great reviews online, just do a Google search.

Mnenja po


Uporabniške datoteke

Osebne izkušnje ostalih uporabnikov so lahko nekomu v veliko pomoč. Z deljenjem svojih posnetkov, fotografij in mnenj o izdelkih pripomorete k lažji odločitvi bodočih kupcev.


Uporabniška vprašanja

Potrebujete pomoč? Niste prepričani, če je izdelek pravi za vas? Ne oklevajte - vprašajte našo skupnost, ki je tukaj, da vam pomaga pri vprašanjih o izdelku.

Zdravljeni, zanima me, ali je ta izdelek primeren za Mossberg MC2c

Hi, I want to know if this item fits to Mossberg MC2c

od Yonatan

Drage gospod,

zahvaljujemo se vam, da ste nas kontaktirali.

Upoštevajte, da če imate nov model Optics-Ready, vas pozivamo, da se obrnete na proizvajalca in pridobite ustrezno adaptersko ploščo. Holosun 508T X2 si deli odtis z rdečimi točkovnimi namerilniki Trijicon RMR.

Če imate model, ki ni Optics-Ready, vas obveščamo, da nimamo rešitve za kombinacijo z namerilnikom Trijicon RMR red dot.

Če boste potrebovali dodatno pomoč, se lahko ponovno obrnete na nas na naslov info@optics-trade.eu

S spoštovanjem,

Dear Sir,

thank you for contacting us.

Please note that if you have a new Optics-Ready model we would urge you to contact the manufacturer to acquire the correct adapter plate. A Holosun 508T X2 shares the footprint of Trijicon RMR red dot sights.

If you have a non-Optics-Ready model we kindly wish to inform you that we have no solution for the combination with a Trijicon RMR red dot sight.

Should you require any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us again at info@optics-trade.eu

Kind Regards,

od Optics Trade team

Vprašam, ali je Holosun 508T X2 opremljen z nastavkom Picatinny?

Wondering does the Holosun 508T X2 come with the picatinny mount?

od Edwin

Drage gospod,

zahvaljujemo se vam, da ste nas kontaktirali.

Holosun 508T X2 žal ni dobavljen z nosilcem.

Osmiljujemo se za nevšečnosti.

Če boste potrebovali nadaljnjo pomoč, se lahko ponovno obrnete na nas.

S prijaznimi pozdravi

Dear Sir, 

thank you for contacting us. 

Holosun 508T X2 is unfortunately not supplied with the mount. 

We apologize for the inconvenience. 

Should you require any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us again. 

Kind regards 

od Optics Trade team

Mam iwi masada 9mm in bi rad namestil 508 T. Ali obstaja razlika v velikosti med 508T v2 in X2? Ali pošiljate v Brazilijo?

I have a iwi masada 9mm, and would like to install the 508 T on that. Is there a size diference between the 508T v2 and X2? Do you ship to Brazil?

od Nicolas

Dragi Nicolas,

zahvaljujemo se vam, da ste nas kontaktirali.

Velikosti so skoraj enake. Glavna razlika je postavitev gumbov. Več o tem si lahko preberete v tem članku:


Če boste potrebovali dodatne informacije, nas lahko kontaktirate na naslovu info@optics-trade.eu

S spoštovanjem,

Dear Nicolas,

thank you for contacting us.

The sizes are almost the same. The main difference is the button placement. You can read more about it in this article:


If you will need any additional information you can contact us at info@optics-trade.eu

Kind regards,

od Optics Trade team

Zanimam se za nakup Holosun 508T X2, vendar moram najprej najti montažno ploščo ali drugo možnost za namestitev na moj Ruger SR45. Ali imate na voljo kaj, kar bo delovalo?Hvala za vaš čas. S spoštovanjem, Bob

I am interested in purchasing a Holosun 508T X2 but first I need to find a mounting plate or another option to install it onto my Ruger SR45. Do you have something available that will work?Thank you for your time. Regards, Bob

od Bob

Drage gospod,

zahvaljujemo se vam, da ste nas kontaktirali.

Primerna montažna plošča: https://www.optics-trade.eu/si/egw-dovetail-mount-for-the-trijicon-rmr-holosun-407c-507c-for-ruger-sr9-sr40-sr45.html

S spoštovanjem

Dear Sir,

thank you for contacting us.

Suitable mounting plate: https://www.optics-trade.eu/si/egw-dovetail-mount-for-the-trijicon-rmr-holosun-407c-507c-for-ruger-sr9-sr40-sr45.html

Kind regards

od Optics Trade team

Zdravljeni, iščem nosilec za prilagoditev rdeče pike na mojo zeleno pištolo CZ TS2. Hvala za vaš odgovor. Hvala.

Bonjour, Je recherche un support pour adapter mon point rouge a mon pistolet CZ TS2 green. Merci pour votre réponse. Cordialement.

od Belmonte

Drage gospod,

zahvaljujemo se vam, da ste nas kontaktirali.

Obžalujemo, da vas moramo obvestiti, vendar v naši trenutni ponudbi nimamo ustrezne montažne plošče za model CZ TS2 do HE508T.

Za razumevanje se vam zahvaljujemo.

Če boste potrebovali dodatne informacije, nas brez oklevanja ponovno kontaktirajte.

S spoštovanjem

Dear Sir,

thank you for contacting us.

We are sorry to inform you but we do not have in our current offer a suitable mounting plate for CZ TS2 to HE508T model.

Thank you for your understanding.

If you will need any additional information please do not hesitate to contact us again.

Kind Regards

od Optics Trade team

Ali se 508T prilega na zasun P320

Will the 508T fit on the P320 slide

od Rodney

Drage gospod,

zahvaljujemo se vam, da ste nas kontaktirali.

Če je vaš model P320 pripravljen za optiko in ste prejeli montažno ploščo za optiko z odtisom Trijicon RMR, potem bi morali brez težav namestiti omenjeni vizir z rdečo piko na svojo pištolo. V nasprotnem primeru morate dobiti montažno ploščo z odtisom Trijicon RMR, ki je združljiva z vašo pištolo. Takšno montažno ploščo lahko najdete tukaj: https://www.optics-trade.eu/en/egw-trijicon-rmr-sight-mount-for-sig-p220-229-320.html

Hvala za razumevanje.

Če boste potrebovali dodatne informacije, nas ponovno kontaktirajte.

S spoštovanjem

Dear Sir,

thank you for contacting us.

If your P320 is optics ready and you received an optics ready mounting plate with Trijicon RMR footprint then you should be able to install the mentioned red dot sight to your pistol with no problem. Otherwise, you have to get a mounting plate with a Trijicon RMR footprint that is compatible with your pistol. You can find such a mount here: https://www.optics-trade.eu/en/egw-trijicon-rmr-sight-mount-for-sig-p220-229-320.html

Thank you for your understanding.

If you will need any additional information please do not hesitate to contact us again.

Kind Regards

od Optics Trade team

Zdravljeni, rad bi naročil Holosun 508T, vendar želim biti prepričan, da se pritrdi na moj Brownells RMR slide gen 2, ker sem včeraj prejel 509T in ne deluje. In kupite, kakšna je cena za Trijicon RMR v 3,25 MOA. Kinds regards PS: Švicarska carina mi ne bo zaračunala dodatnega denarja, upam, da če kupim rdečo piko v vašem podjetju ?

Hello, I would like to order a Holosun 508T but i want to be sure it mounts on my Brownells RMR slide gen 2 because i received yesterday the 509T and doesnt work. And buy the way what is the price for the Trijicon RMR in 3.25 MOA. Kinds regards PS: The Swiss customs will not charge me extra money i hope if purchase a red dot in your compagny ?

od Parrat

Drage gospod,

zahvaljujemo se vam, da ste nas kontaktirali.

Odmernik Holosun 508T z rdečo piko bi moral ustrezati steklu Brownells RMR, saj imata oba enak odtis.

Za razumevanje se vam zahvaljujemo.

Če boste potrebovali dodatne informacije, nas brez oklevanja ponovno kontaktirajte.

S spoštovanjem

Dear Sir,

thank you for contacting us.

The Holosun 508T red dot sight should fit the Brownells RMR slide since they both share the same footprint.

Thank you for your understanding.

If you will need any additional information please do not hesitate to contact us again.

Kind Regards

od Optics Trade team

Želim kupiti holosun rdečo piko, potrebujem cene za 508t, 507c 509t. In kontakt za prodajo v Avstraliji. Najlepša hvala.

I am wanting to purchase holosun red dot, I need prices for 508t, 507c 509t. And sales contact in Australia. Many thanks.

od Les

Cene teh izdelkov so naslednje.

HS507C-RD X2 > AU$501,92

HS507C-GR X2 > AU$532,89

HS508T-RD Elite X2 > AU$580,05

HS509T-RD Elite > AU$674,99

Na žalost v Avstraliji nimamo prodajnih kontaktov.

The prices of these products are as follows. 

HS507C-RD X2 > AU$501.92

HS507C-GR X2 > AU$532.89

HS508T-RD Elite X2 > AU$580.05

HS509T-RD Elite  > AU$674.99

Unfortunately, we don't have sales contact in Australia. 

od Optics Trade team

Cene teh izdelkov so naslednje.

HS507C-RD X2 > AU$501,92

HS507C-GR X2 > AU$532,89

HS508T-RD Elite X2 > AU$580,05

HS509T-RD Elite > AU$674,99

Na žalost v Avstraliji nimamo prodajnih kontaktov.

The prices of these products are as follows. 

HS507C-RD X2 > AU$501.92

HS507C-GR X2 > AU$532.89

HS508T-RD Elite X2 > AU$580.05

HS509T-RD Elite  > AU$674.99

Unfortunately, we don't have sales contact in Australia. 

od Optics Trade team

Zdravljeni, pred kratkim sem pri vas kupil Holosun HE508T-RD X2 na podlagi računa številka OPT-304-513. UPS je danes dostavil paket in na hitro sem si ogledal rdečo piko. Opazil sem, da se zdi, da ima mrežica rahel nagib nekaj stopinj v smeri urinega kazalca, kar se mi zdi nekoliko moteče, saj menim, da to ni poceni optika. Mislim, da sem pričakoval, da bo popolnoma poravnana. Zanima me, ali je to pogosta težava in ali bi jo bilo mogoče zamenjati za enoto z normalno poravnano mrežico, in če je, kaj bi bilo potrebno storiti, da bi jo vrnili na mednarodni ravni? Najlepša hvala za vašo pomoč. Lep pozdrav.

Hi, I recently bought a Holosun HE508T-RD X2 from you, on invoice number OPT-304-513. UPS delivered the package today, and I had a quick look at the red dot. I have noticed that the reticle seems to have a slight clockwise tilt of a few degrees, which I find to be a bit annoying since I consider this not to be a cheap optic. I guess I was expecting to see it perfectly aligned. I was wanting to know, is this a common issue, and if it would be possible for this to be replaced for a unit with a normally aligned reticle, and if so, what would be involved in returning it internationally? Thank you very much for your assistance. Kind Regards.

od Edward

Če je merilnik res nagnjen (moral bi biti v sredini, vendar upoštevajte, da se merilnik premika zaradi pomanjkanja paralakse), nam ga lahko pošljete nazaj, da ga pregledamo in po možnosti zamenjamo za novega.

If the reticle indeed is tilted (it should be in the center, however, please note that the reticle is moving due to the lack of parallax) you can send it back to us so we can examine and possibly exchange it for a new one.

od Optics Trade team

Pred nekaj leti sem pri vas kupil brivnik vortex gen 2 in všeč mi je storitev! Zanima me, ali še vedno dobite odbitek davka, če pošiljate iz Evrope? Zanima me tudi, ali bi dobil popust, če bi kupil dve brizgalki?

I bought a vortex razor gen 2 from you guys a few years back and love the service! I was wondering is you still get the tax deducted if you ship out of Europe? I was also wondering if I bought 2 of these would I get a discount?

od Mark

Naročilo, ki je oproščeno plačila DDV, lahko brez težav izvedete v oknu blagajne. Žal pa za ta izdelek ne moremo ponuditi dodatnega popusta.

You can perform the VAT exempt order in the checkout window without a problem. Unfortunately, we are unable to offer an additional discount on this product.

od Optics Trade team

Mate kakšne aktivne kode za brezplačno dostavo ali % off?

Do you have any active codes for free shipping or % off?

od Bill

Na žalost v tem trenutku nimamo na voljo nobenih kod za brezplačno dostavo.

Unfortunately, we don't have any free shipping codes available at this particular time.

od Optics Trade team

Gledam za nakup Holosun Reflex HE508T-RD Elite X2. Preden oddam naročilo, se želim prepričati, da so na zalogi.

I am looking to purchase the Holosun Reflex HE508T-RD Elite X2. Before I place an order I want to be sure they are in stock.

od Bill

Ano, lahko potrdimo, da je izdelek trenutno na zalogi.

Yes, we can confirm that the product is currently in stock.

od Optics Trade team


Laugo alien ima optično tirnico za C-More rts2.

Kako lahko namestim Holosun Reflex HE508T-RD Elite X2

slide 3 od 2


Laugo alien has optic rail for C-More rts2.

How im able to mount Holosun Reflex HE508T-RD Elite X2

slide 3 of 2

od Ilkka

Če ima vaša pištola Laugo Alien picatinny rail, boste nanjo lahko brez težav namestili Holosun Reflex HE508T-RD Elite X, saj je nastavek za to konfiguracijo že vključen v rdečo piko. Če temu ni tako, vas prosimo, da nam sporočite točen model vaše pištole in nam po možnosti pošljete sliko montažne površine na naslov info@optics-trade.si, da vam bomo lahko priporočili ustrezen nastavek za rdečo piko, ki je primeren za vašo pištolo.

If your Laugo Alien handgun has a picatinny rail then you will be able to mount the Holosun Reflex HE508T-RD Elite X to it with no problem because the mount for this configuration is already included with the red dot. If that is not the case then we would kindly ask you if you could tell us the exact model of your handgun and possibly send us a picture of the mounting surface at info@optics-trade.si so we can recommend you the correct red dot sight mount that is suitable for your handgun.

od Optics Trade team


Močno me zanima nakup Holosun HE508T-RD, da bi ga namestil na svoj cz 75B omega, vendar nisem prepričan, kateri nastavek naj vzamem za nastavek v obliki repa.
Ali imate kakšno, ki bi ustrezala?


I am very interested in buying an Holosun HE508T-RD to mount it on my cz 75B omega but I am not sure which mount I should take for the dovetail mount.
Do you have any that would fit ?

od Thomas

Holosun 508T ima enak tloris kot Trijicon RMR rdeči daljnogled. Predlagamo, da uporabite naslednjo montažo na spodnji strani.


Holosun 508T shares the same footprint as the Trijicon RMR red dot sight. We would suggest using the following mount on the page below. 


od Optics Trade team

Kaka je skupna cena, ki jo plačam za Holosun 508T, vključno s pošiljko v Švico, davki in carinskimi dajatvami? Hvala in lep dan

How much is the total price I pay for the Holosun 508T including shipment to switzerland, taxes and custom dutys? Thanks and have a nice day

od Kilian

Cena izdelka brez DDV je 369 €. Pošiljka v Švico znaša 14,99 € z UPS Standard, za druge kurirje pa preverite stran izdelka.

Ker imamo sedež v Sloveniji (Evropska unija), se lahko soočite z nekaterimi pristojbinami za carinske postopke, vendar upoštevajte, da pri dostavi zunaj Evropske unije Optics Trade ni odgovoren za morebitne carinske stroške v državi stranke. Morebitne pristojbine za nakup preverite pri lokalnem carinskem uradu.

The price of the product with the VAT excluded is 369€. The shipping to Switzerland is 14.99€ with UPS Standard, for other couriers please check the product page. 

Since we are based in Slovenia (European Union) you could face some Customs procedures fees, however. please note that when delivering outside the European Union Optics Trade is not responsible for any Customs charges of the customer’s country. Please check the potential fees of your purchase with your local Customs office.

od Optics Trade team

Ali imate to na zalogi? 508t v2

Do you have this in stock? The 508t v2

od Edward

Upoštevajte, da imamo trenutno na zalogi najnovejšo različico "X2", ki je pripravljena za odpremo. V2" ni več na voljo za nakup.

Please note that we currently have the latest "X2" version in stock and ready for shipping. The "V2" is no longer available for purchase.

od Optics Trade team

Želel bi si omiliti svoj glockov drsnik. Ta holosun 508t se ne prikaže v možnostih za montažo. Ali je montaža enaka kot pri kateri koli drugi rdeči piki.

I want to get my glock slide mild. This holosun 508t doesn't show up in mounting options. Is the mounting the same as any other red dot.

od Mike Suit

Ta model je zasnovan z odtisom Trijicon RMR. V vsakem primeru pa Holosun dobavlja ta vizir z rdečo piko z nastavkom za Picatinny rail.

This model is designed with the Trijicon RMR footprint. In any case, Holosun supplies this red dot sight with a mount for a Picatinny rail.

od Optics Trade team

Hej, fantje Nekaj je narobe. Gre za napačno vrsto / ime ali napačne slike. Model V2 ni okrogel in prostor za baterijo je na strani. Na slikah očitno ni V2. Lep pozdrav

Hey Guys Something is wrong there. It's the wrong Type / name or the wrong images. The V2 isn't round and the battery compartement is on the side. On the pictures, its clearly not the V2. Greetings

od Mario

To je pravilno. Upoštevajte, da slike še niso bile posodobljene. Dejanski izdelek, ki ga prodajamo, je različica V2 z navpično nameščenimi gumbi za osvetlitev.

That is correct. Please note that the images have not been updated yet. The actual product which we are selling indeed is the V2 version with vertically positioned illumination buttons.

od Optics Trade team

Urgentno, kot želim kupiti, če je to pravi V2 na tej cenovni točki!!

Ali je to res različica 2, kot piše v besedilu?

Slike prikazujejo izvirno različico 1 (okroglo) različica 2 je bolj kvadratne oblike.

Urgent as I want to purchase if that's the real V2 at that price point!!

Is this really a Version 2 as the text says?

The pictures shows the original version 1 (round) version 2 is a more square formfactor.

od Henrik

To je najnovejša različica V2 modela 508T-RD Elite podjetja Holosun, ki ga imamo trenutno na zalogi.

This is the latest V2 version of the 508T-RD Elite model from Holosun which we have in stock currently.

od Optics Trade team

Ali imate na zalogi nov model HE508T-GR V2?

Are you bringing the new HE508T-GR V2 model in stock?

od Lucian

Tako, vendar ga trenutno nimamo na zalogi.

Yes, but we currently don't have it in stock.

od Optics Trade team

Hej, fantje, ali je to 508T V2? Na slikah je prikazana stara različica, morda je to V2 in slike niso pravilne? Če to ni 508T v2, ali ste ponudili v2? Na vaši spletni strani nisem našel ničesar drugega, ko sem iskal 508T (ali je prišel na zalogo?) Thx

Hey Guys, is this the 508T V2? The Pictures show the old version, maybe it´s the V2 and the pictures are not correct? If it´s not the 508T v2, did you offer the v2? I found nothing else searching 508T on your site (or did it come in stock?) Thx

od Henk

Izdelek, ki ga imamo trenutno na zalogi, je dejansko izdelek V2, na katerega se sklicujete.

The product which we currently have in stock is actually the V2 which you are referring to.

od Optics Trade team